After Last Season (2009) Poster

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A bad movie - bad in every way
lantern44444 September 2015
This is the movie that high school students watch to see all the dreadfully horrendous things that could happen in their drama videos. Extremely bad lighting which casts deep shadows everywhere, there is no concept of back lighting. The audio is poor with the sound being echoed and blurred making it very difficult to hear the actors. White paper is constantly used in props to make extremely unrealistic MRI Scanners, computers, half formed bedrooms and offices. Real bedrooms with fancy ceiling lights are used as clinic rooms. Industrial basements used in the film are half covered showing drain pipes, dirty brick walls and filthy floors with office furniture consisting of 2 deck chairs. The acting is so static you would think that they were talking statues. I expected the actors to move rather than be glued in place. The editing of this film is so bad that every edit makes you believe you are in a different scene. The editing makes you feel that you are randomly jumping about in time in 5 second intervals. In conclusion this film is absolute garbage and the rating has definitely been rigged.
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cardboard hell.
allan-overeng27 September 2016
i hate this movie. lighting is terrible, sets are terrible, the acting is terrible, everything is terrible.

this movie had a budget of 5 million dollars, with that money a decent director could have made a good low budget, instead this guy has spent all the money on cardboard and terrible animation.

the actors look like someone is pointing a live firearm at them off set. the production design is terrible, you can see the seams of the set. the editing jumps around not really doing anything to further the. a plot by the way i still to this day i don't understand. if i could give it something it looks like the maker of this film tried, and sort of cared about this film, but it doesn't look like he knows anything about filmmaking

don't see this movie.
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Not worth your time.. You're better off watching "The Room"
vinhn-nguyen3318 August 2017
This is movie is the worse movie I have ever seen my whole life. Even 12 year old can make a film more compelling than this. Thousands of YouTube videos has more entertainment value than this atrocity AND THOSE VIDEOS ARE BUDGET FREE.

The entire premise is about two students trying to solve a murder of their fellow colleague.

It has the worst acting I have ever seen. I don't even know why this movie has a 6/10 on IMDb. The movie tries so hard to be artsy. with its terrible editing.

The music makes my ears bleeds. It has a generic piano tune that is so generic, it makes my wheat bread taste spicier than cayenne peppers.

The sets are made out of cardboard. There is one particular scene that involves a poor imitation of a CT Scan. Why couldn't the director rent out and actual hospital?

Do not watch this movie its not even entertaining in the least bit. Instead, watch Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" and you'll come out more satisfied and complete than this atrocity.
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If only there was a 0 option...
Max_Murray13 November 2016
In this review I am not going to talk about the film at all really but rather the pathetic attempts by the team to cover up this frankly sh1t film.

Now before anyone complains, let it be known that I love film as an art-form and even when I think the film is 'bad', if the team has at least worked hard and clearly tried their hardest I can normally respect them. However, writing fake reviews to trick people into watching is NOT ACCEPTABLE! I'm not going to pretend I can see inside the directors head but all I know is that something is wrong with these scores...

Votes Percentage Rating 5833 89.1% 10 45 0.7% 9 22 0.3% 8 18 0.3% 7 12 0.2% 6 8 0.1% 5 7 0.1% 4 10 0.2% 3 53 0.8% 2 537 8.2% 1

WOW!Over 89% on 10 / 10, must be a masterpiece right, seriously guys just watch the trailer and see if you can spot a problem in this. The other problem that should be immediately clear is how the next highest percentage is 8.2 at 1... pretty big split no, I don't think I've ever seen one that large in fact like EVER!

I'm sick of even thinking about this sh1t right now. I know you might be thinking "but Max what sucked about the film" so i'll answer...

Everying!!! Nuff said. If you want to know the specific problems please read someone else's review, except filter by worst first as then you wont get Mr. Reigon and his crew attempting to glorify this crock of sh1t

One final bit of trivia for you, did you know that the budget of this film was $5,000,000 and that only $30,000 of it was actually spent on the film, with the other $4,970,000 all going into CGI. Huh interesting but one thing Mr. Reigon...

3D modeling software does not attribute to $4,970,000! 'Blender' alone is free and while I'm sure the software you use is better than that, it may interest you to know that the software Disney uses is but a fraction of that (e.g. Autodesk Maya = little over $1,400 for industry level animation).

Please play this clip of $4,000,000+ animation After last season funniest scene {sorry for bad quality, best I could find quickly}

I'm sorry Mr. Reigon could you attempt to I don't know, try, in the future. To everyone else, stop watching this film it is probably an embezzlement scam and you are giving this... 'individual' money.
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How was this even made?
Java_Joe26 September 2017
In the pantheon of bad movies there are some that stand out due to notoriety like "Plan 9 From Outer Space", cult favorites like "The Room" or just plain WTF like "Actium Maximus: War of the Alien Dinosaurs". These, or "Grade Z" movies are typically considered "so bad they're good" meaning you can enjoy them unironically because they transcend badness and come out the other end as something you need to see.

Make no mistake, this is not one of those movies. After Last Season is bad. Really bad. The acting is bad. The dialogue is bad. The sets are bad. The sound is bad. There is literally nothing good about it. And how this cost $5 million I will never know.

The story makes no sense. I've watched it twice now and I'm still not getting the whole point of... anything. Things just happen. People speak like aliens who know English but can't speak it properly to save their lives.

The sets are half the time just cardboard and sheets of paper. I'm not kidding. The MRI at the start? A bunch of cardboard boxes and paper. The MRI pictures on the wall? Just a bunch of printouts taped up. Doors are covered in paper for unknown reasons. Signs that are obviously just taped to the wall indicate business names. This was obviously shot in a house and in some warehouse somewhere but there are ways make this not quite so obvious.

It's not even enjoyable as a bad movie because it's just so inept without the putrid charm that "The Room" or "Birdemic: Shock and Horror" has.

Give this one a pass. You'll thank me later.
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Mark Region = Pretentious Douchebag
convenientandshort11 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so awful the director had to create 2 fake accounts to boost the IMDb score of this movie. The acting (if you can call it that) is absolutely horrendous it's not even like Birdemic or The Room where it's funny bad. Almost every 'set' is made out of cardboard they even made a cardboard MRI machine. This movie had a budget of 5,000,000 Birdemic was made with 10,000 and it looks 100x better than this. The fake reviews Mark Region wrote (Marvin-x and interfect are the users) both give 10 stars and both try justify the film looking like crap as a 'unique style'. The dialogue in this movie consists of awkward silences and completely bland and boring subjects. I think this movie is supposed to be a drama but i wouldn't know as i fell asleep less than halfway through. This seriously might be the worst movie of all time.
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This"movie" is the worst thing ever
slvrlucas14 October 2016
This "movie" is the worst thing ever. And the only reason I put the word movie in quotation marks is because I barely consider it a movie. I honestly think it's just a slideshow of random clips with "characters" on a cheap set.

I've only seen the movie once and I don't remember anything, which shows how boring and unoriginal this must really be. It's also known that the creator of this movie created a LOT of IMDb accounts to write good reviews and give it 10 stars, just look at the ratings! 88% of people gave it a perfect 10/10. Every time someone gives it a 1 - 2 star rating, the creator makes another 25 accounts to give it a 10 star rating.
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This is the worst movie I've ever seen
seandmillz5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's a certain ambition to some low budget films that make up for the lack of studio backing with a creative vision. Directors like Dan Trachtenberg started their careers with low budget shorts, and have proved to actually have some talent. That's what makes this movie even more reprehensible. It had a $5,000,000 budget, and it failed to even assemble one coherent scene. There are talented directors, actors, and composers out there that struggle to get even 1% of that funding, and this piece of garbage "film" exists as an affront to all of them. It's not just an affront to those rising stars, it's an affront to the art form, dating all the way back to the first film ever made. This is an embarrassment, a film not fit for viewing, and hopefully the last film that Mark Region will ever touch.

Its incoherent plot is marred with sloppy, lazy mistakes. The sets are mostly cardboard and look like they were assembled by an unimaginative child. The soundtrack is awful and sounds like it was made by an untalented imbecile that found a keyboard at a pawn shop for $20 and scammed the director into letting him onto the team. The acting is largely undirected and reminiscent of the type of acting you'd expect from a 90's adult film. There are several moments where people making noise off-screen distract the actors. The editing is sporadic, which is not an adjective one should use when referring to the art of editing a film. Scenes linger for way too long, there are strange cuts to pieces of paper on the wall (which are mostly out of focus.) There's even a few moments where text was added to walls in post, but everything except the text is out of focus and blurry. It's truly pathetic.

If that wasn't enough, the director made hundreds of accounts to rank this movie up. There used to be dozens of 10-star reviews on this very website. This is undoubtedly one of the worst movies ever made. It makes Neil Breen's work seem like Scorsese, makes Tommy Wiseau's work look like Spielberg, and it makes the films I made as a child with a handy-cam look like Citizen Kane. If you enjoy the worst movies made, I recommend this to you wholeheartedly. It's a chore to sit through, but with a friend that also has the dark problem of enjoying terrible film... there is no finer undertaking. The best part? The movie is so forgettable that you'll instantly recover once it's over.

The actual worst movie ever made, 1/10, thanks for reading.
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This was honestly horrible
jacobdjames10 October 2016
Just... HORRIBLE! Why was this made? Where did the 5,000,000 dollar budget go? Why did the creator make thousands of fake IMDb accounts and give it 10 stars? He should be punished. Punished for falsely voting, and punished for making such a shitty movie. I do not know how to describe this movie. I went to a random word generator for that. (No joke) This film was horrible. The sound design, the sets, the music, the camera-work. It's all just horrible! How was this shot on 35 millimeter film? It looks horrible. It is a disgrace to films! Why was it made is the last question I have, and it is also my last argument. This film was literally burned by cinemas, because it was cheaper than sending it back to the creators. The only known evidence is the DVDs of this monstrosity. Destroy the DVDs if you have them. Please. For me and for the world.
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Burn After Watching
thesar-217 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I found this on YouTube for free, I've been fighting hard for a refund.

One of the real YouTube channels I watch called this the worst movie ever made. I stopped his video 1-2 minutes in for me to see it for myself before he had a chance to spoil anything. I just adore bad movies, such as Birdemic, The Room and Troll 2. A lot of times an incredibly bad movie can be just as entertaining as a 5 star classic.

But, I respectfully disagree. To call this "the worst movie ever made" would to acknowledge this as a "MOVIE." This is NOT a movie. That would be an insult to cinema.

This is an experiment gone bad. It's a waste of time for the crew, cast and definitely, the audience. And it's literally broken down to one- third random shots, one-third 1998 bad screensaver cuts and the final third is a wreckage of a plot involving electronic mind melds, a haphazard killer and medical students you pray to God will never operate on you in real life.

If this was a student film, that student shouldn't just be expelled, but arrested. If this was someone's idea of making it big, they need an intervention. And if this was a joke, no one would ever get it.

I've seen some fake reviews and likes on this site, but some of the reviews already listed here and the number of high ratings aren't just hilariously suspicious, anyone who is caught promoting this trash, should be banned from this site…along with any other movie site on the net. Further, and I've had this happen to me before, fake accounts, or the makers of this atrocity, will go in and dislike my review. For that review, the almost as equally bad The Legend of the Titanic, I received 4 LIKES and 35 DISLIKES. Basically, that boils down to 4 sane people and the rest idiots who worked on that project. I suspect the same will happen here.

Nothing makes sense, the editing is awful, the sets are outrageously stupid, the acting sad, the direction obsolete, the dialogue, sound, special effects, music and continuity are laughably pathetic and the story is non-existent. Once again, this isn't a movie, so I can't count this as the worst I've ever seen. It's not even fun to watch like Birdemic or The Room. At least those people tried to make a film.

I wasted my time. Please, PLEASE don't waste yours. It's not even so- bad, it's good. It's just an absolute disarray of terrible concepts.


Final thoughts: While I laughed here and there about how bad things got, the funniest thing about this was a thought I had: You could leave this playing while you took a break in another room and come back comprehending the same as if you never left. I unintentionally did just that. I left for about six minutes and when I came back, I saw it was still running. I was right: it was just as incomprehensible as when I left the room. Plus, bonus, I was six minutes closer to the end without enduring any more '98 screensavers.
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Painfully boring, stupid, pretentious, and incompetent. Plus, the cardboard sets.
RockoDaFoxxo15 November 2017
This movie feels like watching a train wreck in slow-motion. Where do I even begin.

First, I'll try to list the positives. Um... there were a few moments that I burst out laughing (the random editing, the animations, the killer). Um... the camera is sometimes focused. And... I think that's it. I'm trying to be fair, but it really is as bad as people made it out to be.

Going into full-detail of everything WRONG with this film would take too long, so I'll try to keep it short and simple. First off, the editing is choppy as f***. There are sooo many shots of chairs, windows, papers taped on walls, and signs that add absolutely nothing to the story. There's no rhythm to anything. The sets are literally built out of cardboard and paper, all in unorganized order around empty rooms with pink walls. It's that bad. The lighting is overexposed and you can see shadows of objects multiple times. The acting is nonexistent and as stiff as a metal pole. The dialogue is awkward and drawn-out with butt-loads of meaningless talk that's not even half-interesting (no one gives a f*** about someone seeing a coyote). The music sounds like a 7-year- old improvising on a piano. The cinematography is ugly, and the colors are bland. The story makes no sense. It's poorly-paced, unfocused, laughable, confusing, and painfully stupid. The CG- animations aren't impressive even by 1970's standards. The sound is broken and you can barely hear the actors.

I know I'm scratching the surface with these criticisms, but I can't muster the energy to delve deep in the sheer awfulness of After Last Season. I've never seen a film so technically inept, so meaningless, and so pathetic in my life! Every base level of filmmaking gets completely screwed up in this pretentious dribble. Don't make the mistake of watching this long compilation of porn clips without the sex. This s**t makes The Room look like Star Wars. I'm tired. I need to go to bed.

My writing is aimless, but I have no other excuse to write all this junk down. If you want a better review, just search them up on YouTube. Just take this as a warning. When you finish ALS, you'll feel the same way. 0/10 would torture myself again.
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rhonacameron-6395425 January 2019
Literally the worst thing I've ever seen I love it
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An Interesting Watch
calebsiler26 March 2018
There is no doubt about it, this movie was very poorly made. Aside from its awful technical aspects, it may appear to be flat out boring. Watch this movie. It is so terrible it's actual brilliant, bringing a Sixth Sense kind of vibe to any audience it can find. The plot of After Last Season is so strange that it's easy to get lost in it. It's unnerving, mysterious, and unique in its own special way. I found myself hooked after about 30 minutes, and couldn't wait to see how it ended. I doubt if anyone could decipher the film's true meaning, but nonetheless it was a fun watch. In a way, the bad set pieces and poorly lit shots keep you interested, and the ending is so strange that you almost want to watch it again. I'm not joking. Watch After Last Season and you'll never forget it.
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This film wasn't released, it escaped.
JJChandler2 January 2018
This thing makes The Room look like Kenneth Branagh's Henry V by comparison. It looks like it was made by a blind director working with a blind cinematographer and a blind lighting man filming people who never read a script and are just improvising their parts without being told what the other people are doing in the film, scored by a deaf composer. Set design by a crew of kindergartners using the construction paper, tape, glue, and markers left over from recess.

I have no idea how they knew enough about film making to turn the camera on, but that appears to have been the extent of their knowledge.
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Don't let your self watch it!
techguy-6036815 March 2017
Okay so I just watched this movie and I don't think reality is real anymore. This is not a movie is good. I mean this is not a good movie. I mean this is not a movie. Does this count as a movie? I have no idea. what is even happening anymore

I struggled to find the movie in this movie. By the end of watching it I was begging for mercy and got none. It's a mess and will always be a mess no matter how you watch it. It's not even funny ironically. I can't watch this again. Never. Again.

I'd rather eat a mountain of rocks while being bombarded with pirate beavers while trying to beat all of the Dark Souls games than to watch another minute of this horrible excuse for a movie. I'm done. If I ever have to lay a finger on this movie again then I'm gonna delete the internet.

Well, I guess it's time for me to do what I always do and list everything I think about the movie (if I can)

Plot: "None" NA/NA

Acting: "Hobo-level" 2/10

Audio: "Underground cave" 4/10 4/10 4/10

Music: "Fell asleep on keyboard" Kazoo/Orchestra

Sets: "Trip to the recycle center" Cardboard/10

Animation: "First time on a computer" 2/10

Editing: "Windows movie maker" 10/100-,000,000,000,000

Overall: "Atrocity to end all atrocities" Torture session/10

Recommended price: -1,247,639,452,946,393,649,236,492,649 dollars

Do not buy After Last Season. Do quote me on that.
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terrible just terrible
eddierhodes7 December 2016
I bought this film after seeing the fake reviews from the director biggest mistake of my life. I paid money to see this pile of drek thinking I was going to see a good movie or at least a passable one but no what I got was the nightmare hell spawn known as after last season. Where to start with this "film" and I use that term lightly. So the lighting and editing are terrible,the acting is abysmal, and the sets are all made out of cardboard. I'd be OK with this if it had a small budget or if this movie was old but none of those are true it was released in 2009, and it has a budget of five million dollars, just think about it someone paid five million dollars to make this pile of drek that's more then ill ever own in my life and it was used to make a crappy film that looks worse then than films I made with my friends when I was ten unacceptable. So if you see a positive review on this film it's just the director trying to make his crap film look good.
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Worst Mocie of All Time. Period.
frank-makhlouf3 November 2016
Do you realize all the reviews except the bad ones are fake? This movie is a must watch because of how bad it is. The production is bad. The music is bad. The maker of the movie made 20 fake accounts to raise its score. The actors are amateur and cannot act. Everything about it is wrong and just feels like a high school movie project. It is so confusing how this costs 5 million to produce. Everything is made of cardboard. Even an MRI machine. Most actors are very bright or dark and editing is horrible. The plot goes nowhere and effect are very bad. Must watch for how bad it is. Trust. Me. Watch first 10 minutes and you will understand just how bad this movie is.
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If a 4-year-old made a movie
benjaminburt8 October 2017
If a 4-year-old made a movie, it would probably still be better than this terrible waste of time and effort. This movie's current rating is also evidence that IMDb's rating system is shoddy. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears could tell this 'movie' is absolutely incompetent. I think very few films deserve a 1, considering most put in heart and effort and create something watchable. This feels like a home movie shot with the director's cousins on some weekend, edited in Windows Movie Maker, with animation by Rubber Fruit's less-talented red-haired step-brother. It's really, really bad, people.
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After Last Season More Torture than movie
ragpap9310 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not kidding. For those of you who make a habit of watching terrible movies this is in fact the worst movie ever if it could even be called a movie. You do not need to watch it in other words don't be a hero. I watched it for seven minutes on youtube before calling it quits but then I tried again the next day.

Luckily I found a version where Spoony was riffing on it. At first his riffs were hilarious. Then about halfway through the movie all I could hear was the tortured voice of Spoony's soul. This movie may have broken him as at one point he said he might go on a killing spree because of said excuse of a movie(EOM). It is a low budget EOM most of it spent on the cardboard box make believe MRI machine. They even saved money on the lighting.

No actors were hired as most of them had bland acting skills and wooden dialogue delivery. So maybe the director's family and friends were used instead who lacked the patience to try try again. No editing was done whatsoever as we could see people forgetting their lines, excess footage of doors between scenes, odd angles and a guy playing statue for no reason. I think the filming took place at most in two places, an abandoned warehouse and the director's own home.

It is so extremely plot less that other movies claimed by critics to be plot less suddenly seem to have more of a plot. This piece of garbage is probably the director's excuse to show us his screen-saver or his skills or lack thereof in 3D design. It is not even worthy of the MST3K treatment especially since the guys may not be able to refrain from swearing.
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Where to start
vmleoyankee14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So first off the reviews were done by the director who created 6,000 fake accounts and used them to do one review for this movie and then never used the accounts again. I was honestly confused of how the movie had a 7.1, until you look at the evidence. They were all created in the same week and have one review, what a surprise they all gave this top ratings. I mean Im not a detective but I watch enough SVU and criminal minds to piece that together. .At least movies like the room or birdemic know they were terrible and accept it but this director could not let it go. Like damn he must really love the movie. Also, how many emails did he use to create the accounts, do you know how much time that takes? This man is committed, 6,000 accounts, that's more people than have seen the movie. If you are wondering how I got to watching such an awful film, I was trying to find the worst films ever. I did not even have to watch past the 15 minute mark to figure out this was in the top 3, no contest.
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Unreviewable, Due to Incompetence
mjoelson-8265929 January 2017
This movie, is so terrible, it is outside the ability to review it. There is not one single thing done right, or well, in the motion picture. In fact, calling it a motion picture is probably not even the correct term considering the only time the camera exhibits any motion, it is from the horrendous shaky hand-held camera work which luckily doesn't make many appearances. The plot is not existent, the trailer does a better job summing up the plot than the actual movie does itself. Any person with any inkling of an idea of what entertainment is will be barraging themselves many questions while watching this film. "Who are these people, what are they doing and what the is going on" will be essentially looped in the viewer's head for the entire run time of the film. However, the question that should be asked about this entire film (and the one I found myself asking the most) is, "Who the hell cares?" The characters in this movie are so hollow, so dry, so shallow; why does it even matter. 80% of the dialogue in this movie is absolutely meaningless, and adds nothing to the movie. Normally, terrible script-writing and mundane dialogue are used as a device for amateurs writers to maneuver their way out of a scene or a plot difficulty, but the mundane and trash dialogue in this film isn't even capable of advancing the plot. I apologize for my sporadic thoughts, but this film has me beyond irritated, and as someone who wants to make movies, makes me terrified that I could make something this terrible. This isn't even like an amateur movie like Birdemic, which was accomplished by buying a camcorder; this got a cinematic release. This movie isn't enjoyable ironically, i.e. Birdemic or The Room, it is the worst movie in the history of humanity (pornography included). I sincerely hope, whoever made this is dead.

P.S. The only reason why this movie has such a high score on IMDb is because the director made a bunch of fake accounts and reviews and gave it good ratings. Again, I hope he is dead.
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What The Hell Did I Watch?!
velverdolls15 December 2017
When I watched Ralph Sepe's review, I was very interested on this film and I thought maybe it wasn't that bad. Until I watched it. I swear everything looked bad. This would pass if it was made by a film student, but no it was released to 4 theaters. The only good thing is that it actually has a story. How in the hell that this film was made for $5,000,000, it looks as if it was made for $7,000.
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I hate that I love this
jacklitten27 December 2017
This is the worst movie ever made. I honestly hope that rumor is true that the director used this as a money laundering scheme to get 5 million dollars into his bank account because the alternative of him actually being so inept that he made this piece of utter garbage, this affront to God, is too much to bear. The dialogue is horrible, the sound design is horrible, there is no semblance of plot, they don't know how to make a movie a movie. The most egregious part was the inclusion of 5 minute, dialogue and music free animation sequences, seemingly made by a baby Orangutan with severe down syndrome (obviously that is a joke, but, seriously, they are unfathomably horrible that I couldn't think of a more apt analogy). However, based upon all of this, I had the most fun watching this movie than I have ever had watching anything in my life. The shear ineptitude was nauseatingly bad, yet so entertaining to watch. I love this movie for all the reasons that I should absolutely hate it, because my animalistic nature makes me want to love a train wreck. EDIT: I got my rating wrong, this film does not deserve a 10/10, which I had as a joke, but seriously the fact that this has a 6 on IMDBrein is completely ridiculous, it is 1.9 points away from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, think about that.
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This movie is not just bad, its also very boring...and that even worse.
neilgabreilbernabe15 July 2018
I have certain questions and rules when it comes to these so called "Bad-movies". Was it entertaining? What was the intent? Why was it made?

To the movie's credit, the answers were made clear within the first ten minutes. No. To stroke the director's fragile and inflated ego. To win a bet about making a 5 million dollar movie look like a 5 thousand dollar film.

This was one of the most mentally and emotionally draining experiences I have ever subjected myself too. I know I'm just beating a dead horse by talking about the quality of the movie. But I just really need to remind people who may want to view this-I don't want to call it a movie...let's just call it a "visual piece", that its NOT WORTH IT. Don't waste your time, if you want to watch a fun bad movie, go watch Birdemic or The Room.

This is a boring low effort example of visual media made by and for a dubious insecure individual's need to protect his own ego.

One out of Ten stars.

I short its a bad and boring movie, don't watch it.
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Why can't I give this a zero rating?
axeman-920 January 2018
This is the first movie that has literally nothing going for it. Completely incompetent in every aspect. Completely. The actors can't act. The lighting appears to be a single shop light blasted directly into the actors faces. The sets are thrown together in a warehouse or the directors dining room with props made from discarded office furniture and printer paper. The script is mind numbing and the story impenetrable. The editing is spastic and confusing.

The direction is completely flat, motionless and downright stupid. The director is so stupid he created clearly fake IMDB accounts and wrote pretentious nonsense reviews trying to justify the end product. I bet even the food at lunch sucked. This isn't just bad, it is a perfect storm of terrible that goes clean though bad and out the other side still accelerating.

People wonder how Tommy Wiseau got the money together to make The Room. Whether it was money laundering for the Russian Mob or him saving all his pennies you can at least see some of that money on the screen. Tommy got people with at least a bit of acting experience or who took a class or two. The lighting is ok, the CGI is competent and the whole thing is in focus. What the hell did Mark Region do with the $5 million budget for this piece of dross? He didn't waste it on the movie, that's for sure. This is not even funny bad, just bad in every way.
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