Plan Bee (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Amazingly disturbing!
alenskariah7 February 2021
If for any genuine reason you think this movie is good then i would highly recommend you visit the nearest Psychiatrist for a check up.
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Nightmare version of Bee Movie
kobekaigler29 August 2021
Sparkplug Entertainment is the ally of Vídeo Brinquedo, this is terrible than Little Bee (by Vídeo Brinquedo), don't watch it, it's a horror-animated kids movie. Watch only Bee Movie or any movies based on Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, etc., But by all means do not watch Little Bee nor Plan Bee, or any of Vídeo Brinquedo or Sparkplug Entertainment's videos at all, you will know that once you watch any of Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, etc., You will find Vídeo Brinquedo and Sparkplug Entertainment's videos known to be ripoffs.
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I'm so scared
julownatalie28 April 2020
The acting is so bad and the animation is so bad and everything is so bad and oh my god.
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best movie i've ever seen
jmatott-8377216 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
JUST KIDDING!!!! This is so bad, I had to take a break from watching this. Why did they make this? Here´s what´s wrong with this movie. 1, the gremlin. There´s this one character that makes my ears bleed. Their voice was made to be as painful as posible. 2, the queen. Why? Why is she so scary? 3, LITERALY EVERYTHING. The animation is horable. The desing is horable. EVerTHINg is HORABLLEE.

And thats my review.
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I can't beelive how much I need to dip my eyeballs in hand sanitizer
melonbeekk3 April 2021
When browsing the web for a terrible film, we came across this- and for good reason too. My family and I gave up 8 minutes into this, screaming and in pain and agony. I need to wash my eyes out with acid and even then I'm still traumatized and I won't bee able to unsee it.

Honestly, I don't know why this thing is in existence- did no one involved in this production stop to think that I don't know, maybe this wasn't a good idea??
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Even Little Bee was better than this!
TheLittleSongbird1 March 2014
The good news is that as far as Spark Plug Entertainment goes Plan Bee is not quite as bad as Spiders Web: A Pig's Tale and A Car's Life. But when I say that it is the least bad of the three that's hardly a compliment. In fact Plan Bee is still a dreadful movie and like the other two down there with the worst animations there is. It is even worse than Little Bee, the second of the rip-offs of Bee Movie(which is one of Dreamworks' weakest but is more an uneven film rather than a bad one), and just as badly written and animated- as well as intelligence-insulting- as this. Except Little Bee's characters weren't quite as strangulation-worthy annoying and the voice acting not quite as painful. The animation never rises above below-average with flat colours, sloppily put-together backgrounds and just everything looking stiff. The worst of the animation could be described actually as hideous, especially in the character designs, some of the worst of anything animated. At best, the music is unmemorable, and the story is as thin as paper. The pacing is often tedious, with the odd rushed moment, with the story as thin as it is Plan Bee is a chore to watch. Like A Car's Life, there is the sense that Plan Bee doesn't seem to know which audience it's aiming at, children will find the writing far too crass and far from easy to understand while adults will find the humour and such incredibly juvenile and mean-spirited and they'll feel stupid too, that's how downgrading to the intelligence the writing in Plan Bee. None of the characters engage, admittedly none of them are as grating as Speedy in A Car's Life but they all behave like wimps and idiots who learn nothing about any mistakes they make. The voice acting is incredibly obnoxious with Denise Finelli taking the cake as the worst offender, if any of them had any acting lessons they sure forgot them here. Overall, a dreadful movie, as bad as Little Bee from Video Brinquedo was if anybody forced me to choose between that and this to watch again it would almost certainly not be this, in an ideal situation though you'd want to forget they ever existed. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Mhm yes this is a master piece
c-22407-m21 December 2019
Plan Bee is better than any Oscar winner and displays some of the greatest character development of all time.
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Barry B. Benson Would NEVER!!!
LivingHumanPerson27 March 2019
Monstrosity. Wrong. Vile. Unacceptable. Icky. Unsatisfactory. Criminal. Godawful. Crummy. Awful. Incorrect. Iniquitous. Sinful. Wicked. Cheap. Dreadful. Lousy. Poor. Sad. Garbage. Gross. Imperfect. Inferior. Abominable. Amiss. Careless. Crappy. Cruddy. Defective. Deficient. Dissatisfactory. Erroneous. Grody. Grungy. Inadequate. Not good. Off. Substandard. Grim. Unfavorable. Unfortunate. Unpleasant. Melancholy. Adverse. Disagreeable. Discouraging. Displeasing. Distressed. Gloomy. Troubling.

Its was an all around okay movie other than that.
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Sickeningly horrible animation.
worldsworstwryter31 December 2021
Sickeningly horrible animation. Also the story is bizarre, but also mind numbingly boring. There is only one entertaining scene in the whole film, when the main bee loses his senses and starts yelling at the queen. She kicks him out and he starts softly singing his own name as he flies away.

Apart from that one funny-bad scene though, this was just pure rubbish.
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A real rip off
verymemer15 June 2022
When first i found this movie it was familiar to the classic bee movie so i watched it and it was horrible and it was also nightmare fuel so after i was done watching it i could not get the movie out of my head but then i did a little studying about this movie the results was a rip off so then i watched the bee movie it is better because of the graphics and the voices are a blessing but for this movie the graphics were bad the voices were bad and so was the bees so i recommend watching the real movie instead of this rip off.
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Harry_dv24 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this film can only be described as agony of the worst kind. And yet I so deeply enjoy it, like a depressicpve maniac cutting myself, over and over again I dipped back into this film, because for me the pain was real nothing was as gripping as hard or as terrifyingly real as plan bee and once I'd seen it I couldn't go back. Yes I watch this film daily, yes it hurts like a knife twisting through my ribs, but no I'll never stop loving the pain.
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A true masterpiece
drummerzac-137-4226519 October 2014
Once in a lifetime you'll come across a film that truly captures the history and cultural distinctions of the modern world the way a person can subjectively perceive it through our guided field of perspective. I have to admit, I had my doubts when I first learned of the movie. After all, Plan Bee? Will this movie even be good? How ignorant was I to even have these thoughts. Little did I know I was about to indulge in what may have been the best 2 hours and 21 minutes of my life. The movie started out strong. The opening scenes enticed the audience with a captivating enigma. I was so taken aback from the next-generation animation that I almost didn't even realize the underlying symbolism in the ongoing scenes. It wasn't until my twenty sixth viewing of the movie where I finally got my bearings together and was able to focus on the gripping and labyrinthine stratagem. The underlying analogy for 19th century distopianism and the evangelical deviation of typical orthodoxy was enlightening to say the least. Just when I thought the movie could not get any better, the increasing conflict before the climax began. I could not believe the complexity of the story as the main bee protagonist, Bellza, struggled with the everyday endeavors for a quintessential bee such as the consistent up- hill altercation of the fight against misogyny and the fiscal synergy of opposing interplanetary dynamisms. There I was, gripping to my chair as the conflict of the movie began. I was so enticed by the movie that I felt as if I was both practically and relatively apart of the movie. This is a special kind of high that not even the strongest of drugs can give you. Was I part of the movie? Am I inside the movie right now? This movie will leave you questioning existential nihilism and the objective skepticism of our perceived valuation of anthropological existence. At this point in the film, I was fully intoxicated by the avant-garde animated art style. That's when the plot finally aggrandized and I was completely stupefied. You could have lived a thousand years of isolation trying to predict the plot twist and you would never even scratch the surface of what actually transpires in the movie. I was so bewildered that I actually had to pause the movie so that my existential crisis didn't dive too deep inside of myself. Even pausing the movie was surreal. It's almost as if life paused with the movie. I felt as though I had actually become a cinematic tangent quantum. The effects are still wearing off and I haven't been able to watch the movie in several years. I spent the following seven years afraid of what outside of my house actually looks like. Every single day and night I live in misery because I became fully aware that happiness is never achievable. I realized that human life has absolutely no meaning and that no matter what I ever do, it is of complete unimportance and in years from now, no recollection of my existence will prevail, meaning that if I died years ago, died now, or die sometime in the future it will not matter whatsoever to anyone. But, then again, the fact that I'm living doesn't matter either so I might as well stick around for awhile, living in complete isolation, condemned to a life of traumatic memories and a completely corrupted sub-conscience. Plan Bee literally ruined my life. 10/10
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You could not pay me to watch it
RemusAPolmanski15 November 2021
Plan Bee is a film(?) that takes the idea of 2007's Bee Movie and makes it about as endearing as an unanesthetized lobotomy. To call this a film is an insult to anyone who has held a camera for more then 30 minutes, to call it art is a crime punishable by the electric chair, as is the theme with Michael Schelp's work.

The animation is reminiscent of the sleep paralysis demons at the end of my bed. The dead eyes of the bees along with their overly expensive mouths gives the impression that one might eat you whole, which would be significantly more entertaining and wholesome then watching this movie(?). The movements are jagged and sudden. They remind me of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which I would be much more willing to show my hypothetical children then Plan Bee.

The voice acting is dodgy at best and nightmare inducing at worst. Bees shout utter nonsense with shrill voices like nails on a chalkboard. It's as if the voice actors were asked to scream bloody murder in the microphone, then were told that its would be "fixed in post". The characters Pistol and The Queen were the worst perpetrators of this, making me and my friend that I was watching this with (so sorry) want to make like Van Gogh. Certain phrases said sound off putting and strangely enough, sexually charged "Gag me" "Drain every last drop of fluid" Things that would make me blush if I watched this with any adult, much less a young child.

Overall, the film is a piece of bottom feeding garbage that should swiftly be set aflame by anyone unfortunate enough to have bought it for almost $10 (yes, this thing costs real money).
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Denise Finelli
Tonya201920 January 2019
Do not recommend. Denise likes to find peoples workplace and leave negative comments because she has an internet fight over facebook. #sad.
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its just a knockoff of bee movie???
sophiahippolite1 July 2021
Its just a knockoff bee movie why should people watch it????
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This movie was BBoring
movieboysreviews12 May 2021
This was the worst knockoff movie I've ever seen. Do not watch this movie. Watch ratatoing instead. How is it possible for a movie to bee this movie. Not a Michelle Gabriel movie. Do not recommend.
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Nightmare Version of Bee Movie
kobekaigler29 August 2021
Sparkplug Entertainment is the ally of Vídeo Brinquedo, they like to rip off all our favorite movies, based on Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks etc., Don't watch it, it's horror-animated, has terrible voice acting, the bees have gruesome faces, and the plot is just pointless, I give this a 0 on rotten tomatoes, this is worst as Little Bee (by Vídeo Brinquedo). Only watch Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks animated etc. Movies, but by all means, do not watch Vídeo Brinquedo nor Sparkplug Entertainment's videos or any other movie mockbusters, because once you watch Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks animated etc. Movies, then you come up realizing that they have been ripped off by mockbusters.
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Oh my god my eyes are bleeding
bigbenelder9 February 2021
Where can I start? Everything is wrong with this movie, The Writing, The Animation, The Voice acting. Just listening to the characters speaking makes me want to slit my wrists and painfully bleed out in my bath, even that would be better than watching this movie. If you're planning to try this movie out as a joke? Don't. You'll regret it. THANKFULLY The movie only spans 50 Minutes long, although it can feel like it's 50 hours long just because of how utterly awful, mundane and garbage it is. This movie makes Michael Schelp's other movies look like masterpieces. Don't watch it. Don't.
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Plan bee is the worst movie I saw
henryh-0330511 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bee movie rip off and it literally ruined my life. I feel like washing my eyes out with soap and the bees have really demonic eyes I am starting to have nightmares after watching this and if you enjoy this you'll have sleep paralysis and see wild hallucinations of painful to look at bees so watch bee movie instead I saw this on Be Amazed and I am writing these reviews from the ones Be Amazed mentioned in Hilarious Ripoffs of the Popular Cartoons so watch that on YouTube and see for yourself I really love Be Amazed and their content this movie could've done without the bees so don't watch this.
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It's pretty awkward animated film
shipelka1 March 2024
This animated Movie Same year as Dreamworks Animated Bee Movie in 2007 but there's no human-bee Relationship that's kinda okay and unlike Bee Movie which there have humans in this movie plan bee has no humans and Bees Only so There have Uncanny Valley Animation Terrible Voice Actors in all Spark Plug Entertainment and I hate all Sound Effect on Sound Effect wiki worst Wiki Website, And So terrible Background and I Hate Mel Blanc Voice Actor, Bad Character Designs, Awful Directors, and Pretty Awfully Distinct Details of characters, And Please Try make a Good Story and Not The Bee Movie although it Badly.
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HONEY is the best meme of our generation
oliverwantstoplaybt25 November 2023
Man i love HONEY HONEY fixed my marriage and HONEY is great but HONEY actually did my wife so i have to give 1 star.

In fact, let me go into detail about HONEY's pros and cons. Pro 1: HONEY is so yummy! It is very good although it did my wife Con 1: it did my wife.

Con 2: it did my wife Con 3: it did my wife.

Con 4: it did my wife Con 5: it did my wife.

Pro 2: bees are a pretty epic animal and what i have to say about HONEY from bees is that it is made of nectar and then gets turned into HONEY Pro 3: every single time i type HONEY it has to be in all caps otherwise i will die within 3 - 5 business days.

And i typed all of this hot steamy garbage just for a meme i can't believe this my life is down the drain also one more thing

H O N E Y.
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A Wonderful Film
audacioussupernatural22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. The stupendous character development makes me question every director for not following this directors methods. I cry myself to sleep thinking about how amazing this film was. The film really made you question what really is life. What have we been doing as humans, not as bees. It gives a really accurate depiction of a bee life, and how a bee feels. The ending, which featured the universe enveloping in on itself, really tells how much our survival relies on bees. The dramatic scene between the two main bees made me question my existence. The actor's passionate delivery of every single line made me shiver with excitement. This film has changed my life for the better. Please take time out of your life to enjoy this cinematic masterpiece.
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Creepy but an average Bee Movie Ripoff
RatingBadMovies19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is half bad, half good and somewhat gets creepy with the term of character design.

Plot: So this movie is about scary-looking bees who live(d) in Washington DC. They had a good time until they notice that their Original Queen, Beeatrice was banished and replaced by her own daughter, Akif. Akif is a VILE, Honey-hungry Sociopath who commands the Bees to drill the flowers and wreck them literally. Bing, the Protagonist & his friends slack of and try to do it the way a normal bee would do. Later, Queen Akif's evil Companion ends up with more honey than Bing. So the Queen puts up a Competition where the bees have to collect as much honey as possible. The team that loses will be forever banished.

Character Design: The design is downright creepy. I know it can be a hard time making characters of the same species different and this movie tried to do so. With Ratatoing, the character features are Copy & Paste but not with Plan Bee. With Plan Bee, the characters look different but not in a good way. In this movie, the features of the model the designers found were stretched to horrific lengths. With Bing he looks totally normal and he's the model that the Designers could find, his eyes look creepy but that's a constant throughout the characters. With Joey, his entire body is stretched to an obese length. The Bees also have spiky torsos in which are poorly colored. With Akif, her chin is stretched and she has very disturbing features.
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A Work Of Art, A Moving, Disturbing Masterpiece Of Storytelling
garliccam12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This might be the best movie I've ever seen. It's a character study about a bee named Bing and it is a beautifully disturbing physiological thriller. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I loved the characters, they were all so fleshed our and human and everyone here deserves to be nominated for an Oscar and win The scary scenes made me horrified and the violence was used very effectively. The nudity was a bit much and so was the substance usage but it wasn't but too bad. This is also a gorgeous looking movie with top notch effects and fantastic camerawork. I was moved by the ending and found myself a changed man afterward. My views on life were more mature and I now see a humanity in people I had never seen before. In 50 minutes his movie horrified me, shocked me, moved me, made me laugh, made me cry, and made me scream. This was a deeply powerful and chilling work that deserves exposer than it gets. I loved Plan Bee with all of my heart. Watch it now so you too, can be enlightened.
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jaketheflake1148920 May 2021
It was okay. Could've done without the bees, but still a pretty good movie.
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