"Severance" Good News About Hell (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Offbeat and interesting!
Joshumms18 February 2022
I really like the offbeat unsettlingly feeling that the show constantly gives off, you never feel like things are how they should be. It always feels like some thorn mysterious and sinister is going on and it keeps you interested. The details that they show you only raise more questions and it makes me very interested in what comes next.
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I'm intrigued.
ellenr-8639529 March 2022
When I first came to check reviews, back when the show first dropped, it was mostly people that said nothing happens, 60 minutes of nothing, boring, etc. So I waited and didn't expect much. But finally I decided to give it a go, and I heartily disagree with those reviews.

There is an underlying...something. There are nuances. I suppose someone who needs everything spelled out might miss out, but if you enjoy creepy and weird, and you can be patient... this is worth a watch. It has elements that remind me of films like Joe vs the Volcano, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Being John Malkovich.

It's not nearly as brilliant as Dispatches from Elsewhere, but I am looking forward to learning more.

By the way, anyone who says it's just people walking back and forth in white hallways...or that "literally nothing happened"...didn't watch the whole episode.

To be fair, I'm only one episode in. But I'll definitely be back for the next.
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You're good people
slak96u3 March 2022
Beautifully shot, the cinematography, the colors, all convey a muted tone. That tone is in harmony with the writing and dialog, then acted out incredibly well by the cast. Excellent production, writing, direction, and score. It all just really works, it's very compelling, and a bit mysterious.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes, absolutely no clue at this point, and that's a good thing.
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I'm impressed
mkayseryan18 February 2022
I didn't expect it to start the way it did, the first minute it I felt the show was going to be a different level show nothing like a ted lasso. The direction is simple but the writing is extraordinary for a first episode. The music the camera all feel natural to what's going on. Ben stiller ! This is going to be a great show.
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Going out there
craigwilkie20 February 2022
Really enjoyed the first 2 episodes, although the pacing feels a bit slow and methodical but I think it's intentional. Keeps the monotony feeling uneasy for a reason. I can't wait to see what they do next. Visually well crafted, acting is great.
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I'm Impressed
Adam Scott is fantastic! I only previously knew him from his role in Parks and Recreation. I love that more comedy actors are stepping into the drama genre (Bill Hader, Adam Sandler) He has a great dynamic with his sister and is captivating to watch.

Beautifully shot and cleverly written, this is a very solid opener to a show I can't wait to watch more off!!
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Fantastic idea. Well-executed.
fuqshytup19 February 2022
This is just a fantastic concept. Concept alone is a big factor here. But then the way it was introduced and how it all unfolded to give you the info to grasp how it all works was expertly done.

Adam Scott gives a tremendous performance.

Ben Stiller's direction is impeccable.

It's so good that I'm afraid it can only get worse.

But it has the potential to be a great show. I hope it is.
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Slow but alluring
braininacat22 February 2022
This show starts out slow (much slower then you would think) but the cinematography draws you in as you are introduced to the world and it's characters. Sort of reminds me of a Wes Anderson film in a lot of way. So if you enjoy those then you will probably want to at least check out the first episode of this.
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aarongallagher111 April 2022
1st episode down.

Avoided spoilers. Love watching a new show where I have no idea where it's going.

By end of episone one I have zero clue and eagerly moving onto next episode.

Can't wait to see where this is going, hope it doesn't disappoint.
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An Intriguing Start
tanstorck25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This first episode was an intriguing start to the series. The premise is very interesting and original. When I saw the trailer, it seemed to have the same vibe as "Homecoming". The first half of the episode makes it seem like Adam Scott's character knows what's going on. In the second half, when he leaves the office, it becomes clear that he doesn't know what's going on and the mystery begins. The cinematography, production design and score was excellent. Some of the acting was weird and I couldn't quite tell what was meant to be funny. I'm looking forward to watching this mystery unfold.
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Very Intriguing
Mesina0226 September 2022
A very strong start to this show. It knows how to pull you in, and it sort of becomes like an addiction because of how invested I was already. It's an interesting concept that will obviously be further explored and also, I liked how they presented this idea.

They didn't just dump exposition just for the sake of it but it told us in a way that felt natural without having it feel forced. It's a mystery that already has me hooked and I'm glad it did because most pilot episodes are grand, but they don't have any merit to them. It's like they wanted to go big without having any substance to go along with it.

But here it's subdued and they don't do anything large scale yet which is good and hopefully they'll be able to maintain this level of quality because I am really liking it so far.
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Elements of interest but overall an underwhelming start
Beamerman27 February 2022
There were certainly elements or this world that were interesting - and certainly very quirky with the retro computers. The two takes on the opening scenes were well done. Overall though it was fairly boring and didn't sustain my interest over the course of the first episode. Similar to Tales from the Loop and Homecoming. Not sure whether I'm going to stick with this. I'll try one more episode though.
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Just couldn't do it.
coolkenny200221 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was intrigued by the first scenes mystery, direction, and general dystopian sense. Then it went downhill fast into what feels like a 10 minute straight shot of the main character walking through hallways at work with no one in them, and clearing his throat. I've never wanted to rip my tv a off the wall and stomp on it more while imagining it was the writers and Ben Stiller. I waited until the hallway walking was over, and once he makes it to his psycho cubicle, there's one other guy working with him, and then John Turturro walks in, which peaked my interest for one last half second. Then the 3 of them started talking. It was in English, but what they were saying was so pointless I don't know how anyone in their right mind could even consider wanting to find out the "mystery" of this dumpster fire show. I'm so glad I walked away at that point and i wand Ben stiller to give me my 20 min back. I'll take a gas card.
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Solid start to an intriguing concept
snoozejonc16 July 2024
All you need for an opening episode is a good enough hook that makes you want to know more about what is going on or what will happen next. Good News About Hell artistically presents some eery weirdness that possibly even has familiarity for people who work for faceless corporate entities. It makes me want to watch the next episode so I would say job done to the writers and filmmakers.

Visually it showcases strong cinematography and excellent art direction. I love the use of colour and symmetry. Lumon feels like a dystopian nightmare that George Orwell or Phillip K. Dick would appreciate thanks to the set design.

The plot of the first episode introduces the characters and premise will as little clunky exposition as possible. Certain little twists work very well and draws you into the more mysterious aspects. All actors do a solid job with the material.
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Can you erase this from my memory?
dusadomovine18 February 2022
The concept sounds interesting but the first episode is soooooo sloooooow and boring. It seems like they are stretching 15 minutes of story into 60 minutes of show.
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bfd195319 February 2022
Is it just me, or is the general feel of this episode reminiscent of Joe vs the Volcano? I'm talking about the general feeling of absolute hopelessness.
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Another great Apple TV plus show
moviesfilmsreviewsinc8 April 2022
It's safe to say that the ordinary office worker's perspective on work has shifted dramatically in the last two years. With the advent of remote work, the custom of working from 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. In an office building is becoming less popular. Now, imagine logging in at your workplace and then being done with your day at once and all ready to go home. Isn't it fantastic? What person wouldn't desire that? That's the intriguing, though strangely menacing, concept of Severance, a new series that premiered today on Apple TV. If you're looking for a dismal workplace comedy that's also a frightening, paranoid thriller with a dash of body horror, you should certainly check out this clever puzzle box of a brilliant show from writer/creator Dan Erickson and executive producer Ben Stiller. A Kafkaesque nightmare, Severance takes place in a future where a firm named Lumon uses a process that implants a microchip into its workers' brains. Those employees, known as Innies, then have no recollection of what occurred during their workday, but their counterparts, known as Outies, have no knowledge of what they do for a living. With the odd circumstances only starting to unveil the terrible reality, this office is not your typical workplace. If you're anything like me, you'll conclude the first episode with a lot of thoughts and many more questions. However, Severance will make you evaluate your own work-life balance and will have you on the edge of your seat until the very final scene.

(Half Loop, Episode 2) When it comes to the new Apple TV+ series Severance, work-life balance isn't really the right term for what is going on with Mark and the rest of his coworkers. A work-life balance in Severance means that people don't remember anything about their personal life when they are at work. They also don't remember anything about their work when they are outside the building. This severing of memories from work and home is part of a procedure that the employees of Lumon Industries do of their own free will. Once they go through this process, their personalities are basically split into two, the Innies and the Outties. The Innies are the work personalities, who feel as if they never actually leave work, because their memories end once they leave certain work spaces. The Outties are the personalities when they are away from work. One of the things that makes Severance, so good right at the offset is that the viewer never really feels very comfortable inside the world of this Apple TV+ series. Director Ben Stiller has made it clear that there is nothing normal about the Severance procedure or a company that is asking its employees to undergo something like this. Even before things take a turn, it becomes quite clear that things just aren't right. While Mark's coworkers seem like nice enough people, his bosses are sketchy and shady right from the beginning. That certainly helps to set the tone. One big question that does arrive from the first two episodes of Severance is whether the show can continue the same tone throughout the season. The show relies quite a bit on being weird. That can become a bit grating if it's done over and over again, especially if it's done just to be weird. If Ben Stiller and the rest can continue the level of chemistry throughout the series, it will be one of the best on any streaming service this year.
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Perspective from non-office worker
sfbetts10 May 2022
I've never worked in an office (retired contractor) and wonder if I will miss some important aspects or intended messages. Does this show reference any specific or familiar issues specific to office work?
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Hell's Labyrinth
Hitchcoc22 September 2024
In addition to the dual roles, based on the Severance process, we are slowly worked into the fabric of this show. It's the first one, so we need to know what the premise is. It is creative in that there are questions from the get go. Apparently, people choose to go to this mega-corp and once there, they traverse a huge building full of endless hallways. They sit at computer terminals but what are they working on? It would seem that their choosing this life has something to do with trauma, at least in Mark's case. Mark, without a by your leave, moves into a new role, which is to bring new people into the firm. He can't think of what to ask them, but he has a multi-page handbook he reads from. Of course, there are people on the outside who are at work without memories. It's a mind bender and for now they've hooked me.
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Episode 1
bobcobb30124 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is an intriguing premise, but the writing for the show just feels a bit off. Adam Scott also seems like the wrong choice to lead this program.

I will keep watching, but we need bigger twists. The revel at the end of Patricia Arquette's character also living next a regular life was not much of a shock.
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[6.6] The trip in January 1980
cjonesas17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 1: 'Legion' like feel. Very slow. Too boringly slow. The acting is good, the vibe, flow and atmosphere horrible, the weather, well icy (that doesn't help), the acting though good feels weak and artificial, and the whole concept of memory here, memory there is too sci-fi for me.

Of course, I'll continue watching till the end, but if it doesn't improve, I'll keep "complaining-praising" and giving "high" ratings.

By the way, those rating this 8 to 10, have probably something acid under their tongue.
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These good reviews have to be fake
stevenleegreene12 April 2022
This is the worst garbage I have watched. There is no way I can get back the time lost trying to see if this show would get better, it gets worse. Whoever gave good reviews for this crap should be ashamed for taking up oxygen others in life could use.
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Holy Cow
bensloughrin-787-33226519 February 2022
The OED will point to this show from this point forward as the definition of "Time Waste." Why would I pay someone to pipe this into my home?

Time to rethink, guess I won't give Apple any more money to waste on such drivel.
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