Greek Fire - Demon Spirit (2021) Poster

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Misses the bar, but there's still value here
Cr0wgrrl2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The best parts of this film are the ones where they explore the mystery - the interviews with various townsfolk. It works the most as an earnest horror movie about ghost hunters that aren't charlatans. I'd give these segments 7 stars on their own.

The worst parts of this film are the denouement - the tension felt forced, the urgency felt artificial, and the acting really took a turn for the rushed and unbelievable. The main characters, who have been more than acceptable up to now, somehow lose the ability to act.

The film seems to forget about all of the other people besides the original inhabitants that were somehow lured there. There's no explanation for them, and no resolution, either. The movie would have been better off excluding them from the mystery altogether.

Moreover, the death of post-death dialogue of one of the main characters is so incredibly anticlimactic and off-screen that the movie would have been better off leaving it out, or letting the guy survive - it would have been better to see him fight off the guy, die to the smoke inhalation and then get CPRed back into existence.

We were promised a terrifying ultimate evil and it did not deliver. The filmmakers would have been better off recognizing the limitations of their budget and talent and revising the ending to do what they can do well, rather than doing what they can't do terribly.
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The lowest of low budget
sooperkewl22 February 2022
I have watched plenty of low and no budget movies in my time, but the easiest way to summarize this movie is: "How the hell does it have a >7 star review? JUST HOW???"

I can forgive the plot holes in the story, most likely written by one person or a very small group of writers. The story can be easily forgiven as long as it has some interesting concepts to hold interest: this is maybe sort of there if you look REALLY REALLY hard?

The acting is pretty bad, which is expected of low/no budget movies. This is easily overlookable for anyone that isn't expecting someone thats not A-tier talent to have good, consistent acting. The acting isn't the worst I've seen but its far from good.

The video editing is probably the best part of the movie, shots that seem like they should make sense although they are maybe not quite where they should be. It feels like a young editor trying their best with what they have to work with and honestly i can say that they did the best they probably could with it.

All of this leads to the absolute worst part of the whole movie: The audio.

The volume levels and gain are totally inconsistent even from one shot in the same scene to the next. There are plenty of high priced audio equipment and i understand the budget probably wasn't there, but there are cheaper alternatives that could have worked better. Parts of this movie (like every scene when they're in the car) sound like they were recorded by one of the actor's phones placed at the bottom of a pringles can.

I wouldn't just give this a low rating, i would rate it as utterly unwatchable and say that anyone looking at these reviews before watching the movie has already wasted more time than they should for this movie.
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How this has a 7.4 rating I'll never know.
FreakyDarling13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I understand this film to be a low budget indie film. However the story itself is not that amazing to give it the supposed 7.4 rating it has.

The story of the haunted house is fairly interesting with the interviews done like a ghost hunting TV series. An evil ghost keeping other ghosts trapped and somehow adding to the collection. But that is where it stops.

The acting by the team was very amateur, again I understand it is indie. That doesn't explain how it got worse at the last quarter of the film.

The ending itself its just badly done with the "Greek fire" being a ritual and not actual items like in proper text of Greek fire. The evil spirit battle was just rushed in earnest.

This film is just not what it makes it out to be in the preview prime has set up and the disingenuous ratings it has been given.

Would not recommend to anyone.
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Watch it, if you need help sleeping.
shaynkevin12217 February 2022
Do not waste your time with this. It was drawn out and boring. They tried and I commend them for it, but it was just so bad.the acting, the sound, all of it. I swear the tree frog audio was making me want to stab a ice pick through my ear!
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Must-see for ghost-hunting enthusiasts
gacsogergely23 December 2021
I like this. There's a certain roughness and dichotomy between its elements which creates this low-budget charm.

I like the jumping-around narrative, and the chemistry between the characters.

I get it: this is very much like those ghost-hunter serieses on History Channel and such. Perfect! Also, a somewhat coherent narrative plus any effect is better than 1 hour footage of empty corridors in those shows.

They also used the Psychic Girl well. She used her powers in useful ways, which felt natural to the universe.

On the sidenote, the filter for the Old Lady Interviews gave me an Amytiville-vibe.

I also don't have problem with pacinig. They spend pretty equal time on a traditional strucure: establishing the threat, expanding on what the threat is, finaly fighting the threat. And they do a pretty good job showing instead of telling, what is the most common problem with low budget projects.

My only complaint is kinda nitpicky, and it is the Greek Fire. Kinda strange they didn't use the actual substance, but went for some kinda ritual, which wasn't even greek but judeo-christian (in name only at least).

I'd've also consider cutting any footage with the crew after the explosion for an even stronger ending.
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Absolutely a waste of time..
sunshinesierra21 February 2022
I'm not sure how some of these movies get rated. I'm an avid watcher of movies of this genre and the rating this movie received was out of line... Not only was it the most generic of all horror movies but the transitions were disjointed, the story did not line up in a fluid way and information was dumped at irregular intervals that were slower paced than any viewer would pick up on what would happen next. The acting was poor and there were so many holes in the way the characters reacted to the story it was annoying to watch. I understand it's a low budget movie, but I've seen low budget movies that were written better and had less attempts at cgi that were more enjoyable to watch.
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A diamond in the paranormal rough.
vizmofilms25 February 2022
Using a mix a textures and style the film takes us on journey revealing spirits trapped by a powerful demonic force. Shot as a narrative but also using found footage and flashbacks the story is revealed as the ghost investigators discover that domestic violence transcends the spirit world. Worth a view or two.
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A Recipe for Success... NOT...
tmccull523 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1.) Take one tired, hackneyed, overused, cliche-riddled plot;

2.) Add poor acting;

3.) Toss in a smidgen of unconvincing special effects.

4.) Stir.

5.) Bake.

6.) Serve.

There is virtually nothing in this movie that I hadn't seen presented in other movies a few hundred times over, and that were done better in those other films. It got to the point of aggravation, particularly with the interviews with the sheriff, who States eight gazillion times over that he knew that something was wrong, but legally, he had no grounds to act or intercede.

The earth-mother/hippy/guru/psychic medium/white witch/whatever main character was about as corny as a tub of the heavily buttered snack that comes in a tub at the local cinema. The older woman, another supposed psychic medium, who issues warnings through a series of interviews is a very poor man's pastiche of the Tangina Baron character from "Poltergeist".

By the end of this turd, I really didn't care who lived, who died, or who "crossed over". By the time of the final act, this movie had become embarrassingly bad.
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Let's see... I could use another 137 establishing shots...
selfdestructo24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A 6.2 with over 2000 votes?! On what planet?

Ah, the triple threat of Dan T. Hall. He wrote this monstrosity, directed it, AND edited it. AND TOOK CREDIT! (assuming this person is not using a pseudonym). These are the three particular areas where this movie fails most miserably at.

The Last Ghosthunters (aka Greek Fire) was created by someone without one inkling as to how to tell a story, how to edit a story, how to generate tension, or how to generate fear. Or how to film a low budget movie! It is supposed to be a horror movie. This is such a cluster-F, that I was disappointed in the lack of DVD extras. I was dying to hear Hall's thoughts and theories behind this movie, as well as filmmaking in general.

The way this film was made, it breaks A LOT of tradition. I am all for someone trying something new (actually, I live for it), but the choices made in the structure of this movie make no sense. There is no momentum. Any form of momentum is something that is endlessly disrupted.

Assuming they were going for a Blair Witch-esque (yes, in this day and age) faux documentary? This film brilliantly sprinkles all the documentary content (interviews, testimonials, history, and re-enactments) throughout its ENTIRE 76-minute running time. And a lot of this info is redundant. Ok, there IS a story, as paper-thin as it is, but man oh man, is this movie padded to the hilt. I defy you to keep track of the number of times there are establishing shots of the house, and this starts WAY before the investigators even get there.

Apparently what Hall defines as "scary" are incessant (and incredibly intrusive) random slow-motion shots of the interior of the house. How many times do we need to go down the stairs, through the hallways, or look at various debris? All this establishes, to me, is the writer's lack of content. And it only gives us so much time for the medium of the paranormal trio to spout exposition, desperately trying to create a scenario in the haunted house (while the three of them stand around in front of a green screen... did they burn down the house too soon, and forget to film half the script?), and to ATTEMPT to have it all make sense. In the end, Total Nonsense!

Pretty much nothing happens til the last 10 minutes (a "wonderful slow burn" ...says Film Threat?!), when the videographer very transparently seals his own fate, what, three times? In case you missed it the first two. So, somehow the medium causes an explosion, burns the house down in a ritual, kills her friend, and manages to reunite the ghost mother and daughter team. Oh, that's a good one!
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InsaneMadster9 May 2022
I have no idea how anyone could rate this movie higher than a one star. The acting is so bad, it is painful. The last half of the movie is clearly shot on a green screen because the actors have a halo of light around them and it's the same room picture as the background. They used up all their money in the beginning obviously and the special effects suffered.

Please don't waste your time watching, my forehead hurts from all the facepalms that occurred while I suffered through.
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Only watch is you REALLY love green screen
jimbobwe-748776 May 2022
This movie... there are no redeeming qualities. I very much so enjoy indie horror films, as some of them turn out to be pretty good. Even some of the bad ones at least have a good story. This one has nothing. And I mean that in the most sincere way possible. I watched this on Prime where it isn't even called the same title as it is listed here.

Anyway, as stated, if you love green screen, you will love this movie. There is pointless green screen EVERYWHERE. Most movies try to shoot at actual locations, but this movie just seemed to look for a bunch of stock photos online and went, "Meh. Good enough." There are times where they are supposed to be in the house in the past and it's in no way the same house. There are structures in it that don't exist in the dilapidated house they are in. And none of the ghosts are scary. They threw a gas mask onto the big scary guy, trying to make him seem intimidating, but it's just goofy.

The story is really lacking too. They vaguely reference that the "male" energy seems to get more power each time someone dies... and that means nothing. There is no reason for it and no reason given. Then the big secret weapon is just stupid. She just lights some vague "herbs" on fire in a tin and that somehow causes the entire house to explode and go up in flames. When all she said is that it was supposed to release all the energy in the house, good and bad. She never mentioned it would explode.

Really I just recommend that you find something better to watch. I've watched about bad movies to know that this one is truly bad.
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You light up my life
nogodnomasters26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A rural farmhouse in Peru, Indiana is haunted with multiple missing persons. Three ghost hunters go there to film and free the spirit from a prepper/hoarder. Faith (Moli Hall) has a powerful spell called Greek Fire she can use to free all the spirits that are trapped. It is a dangerous spell that you must wait for the climax as expected. No sense using it as they walk in the door.

Not much buildup to the ghosts or haunting. They practically greet them at the door. There is no twist. I has hoping that the little girl was the evil spirit holding everyone there and not the dad as suspected. Would have added a star for that twist.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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A waste of time
jaykrayjay22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie used so much green screen, you could see it in most of the scenes. This documentary style horror was piss poor, lacked a good script, and had worse acting than an elementary school play. There was hardly a back story as to why the paranormal investigators where going to the house. Not to mention the fact that the entire investigation focused on what the "witch" of the group was feeling instead of actual facts about the house and what supposedly happened to the family inside. Definitely not worth the time. SPOILER: No "witch" would call upon the Archangel Micheal to help thier spell.
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