"Heroes" Chapter Six 'The Line' (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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The Line was only a fairly good episode of "Heroes"
tavm1 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Peter and Kate vow to go to Montreal, Canada, with Kate especially wanting to "kill the bitch" who killed her brother, Ricky. Sylar, Maya, and Alejandro are crossing the U.S. border. The border patrol hold them up. Sylar tells Maya to go ahead and kill them. She does. Her twin brother tries to kill Sylar but Maya stops him and tells him he's going to take them to Mohinder. Alejandro agrees to let Sylar to stay but he tells Maya if she kills again he won't hold her hand. Noah and the Haitian are in Odessa, Ukraine, to meet with Noah's mentor in the Company to get info about where the rest of Issac's paintings are. Every time this mentor refuses, the Haitian removes a precious memory of his. He finally relents after Noah threatens to remove one of his late daughter. Noah then trashes the place and shoots him. Claire had called during this time to ask to borrow the car. Noah gives his permission and tells her to keep the door closed this time. Claire is having trouble getting on the cheerleading squad because the captain, Debbie, doesn't like her. So later at night while Debbie is drinking, Claire and West play a kidnapping scheme that frightens Debbie and brings the cops who discover her bottle which forces her resignation. Claire is now in! After treating Monica, Mohinder is told by boss Bob to inject her with something that would take her new found powers away. Since Monica seems to enjoy what she had just discovered on herself, Mohinder eventually refuses and threatens to quit taking Molly with him. Since Bob really likes Mohinder and wants him to stay, he apologizes and gives Monica all the aid she needs when he takes her home. Mohinder is given a new partner in Niki. The way Niki speaks, she sounds like Jessica. Don't know about this one...As Ando and a scientist read about Hiro's adventures in 17th century Japan, we find out that after rescuing Tekzeo's girlfriend's father, Hiro's than teleports that girlfriend away from the battle scene to a forest space where despite knowing about the space/time continuum, Hiro and the girlfriend kiss after she realizes that Hiro did all the things she thought was Tekzeo when she was rescued. Tekzeo sees the kiss and betrays Hiro to the enemies as the girlfriend watches. Ando only knows up to when Hiro kissed the girl and wonder where he can be. Peter and Kate are now in Montreal at the door depicted in the painting Peter did last week. As they briefly hug, Peter is now teleported in New York which is barren. A flyer is then found on the ground with an evacuation notice and the date, June 14, 2008, the following year...Man, what is going on here? I've tolerated some of the slowness of some of these episodes because I thought they might lead up to something big but this one seemed even more slow that usual. At least Noah is back in his tough-guy mode! That was such a shock when he had to shoot his mentor! I really hope Hiro goes back to present time real soon since his use in the 17th century has mostly been fulfilled. Oh, well, it does bring back David Anders back in Sark (from "Alias") mode so that should provide a little more interest here. Now that the Wonder Twins, Maya and Alejandro, are in the U.S. their story should pick up considerably. Certainly with Sylar still around. Peter and Kate, well, maybe theirs will also pick up next week. Can't wait to get back to Matt and his father. So, in summation, this was pretty fair but please, let's up the excitement come next Monday!
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getting BORED!!!!
Al_Sutton31 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Getting really RALLY hacked off that this season isn't going anywhere... nothing is happening.. and some of the plots are pointless... OR aren't coming together properly.

1.Hiro in Japan is just getting silly.

2. Claire's Dad should have told her about the painting (did season 1 not happen??)

3. The Woman who cries black stuff, brilliantly unusual power BUT GET ON WITH IT!!! DOOOOO Something!!!!!!

4. Peter in Irland... awful awful story..

Don't try and be LOST... that would be irritating beyond words, and Heroes is essentially a comic book story.. not some existential 1960's Beckett ... Thing

oh.. Don't think i haven't seen Stephen Berkhoff in that picture of Hiros dad and the Pitrelli's Mother... Where is he? We're six episodes in and nothing has happened..

Do something quick please producer people. please...
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