"Deadwater Fell" Episode #1.3 (TV Episode 2020) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Episode 3
bobcobb3019 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a shock that they had to have Steve be a little bad here.

An unnecessary turn and yet a mistake most of these crime shows make. I just don't think police go rogue and bad as often as they do on TV.
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hazangel-8991021 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This a a quick watch if you are bored on a Sunday afternoon. It is an interesting story and unfolds at the right pace. Even though it is believed that the husband did it and he sure is menacing looking I think in the end there will be a twist.

It's amazing how people can so easily fool others. From the outside the family looked very happy and "normal" but in truth they were everything but. With such an abusive husband its no wonder Kate was so depressed.

Also, the best friend Jess can protest all she wants, I dont think she was completely forced or manipulated. That's just my opinion.

Also Steve was pretty dirty for what he did. Gives cops an even worse name.
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Sensitive and compelling drama
CrimeTimeOG31 January 2020
This drama becomes more compelling by the episode and I'm desperate for tonight's conclusion. The characters are utterly engaging, the mystery plot well told and the difficult material handled sensitively. Some lovely writing, wonderful direction and a story that feel relevant and original. Bravo C4.
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A total monster.
Sleepin_Dragon6 March 2020
Tom is sent down based on the evidence on hand, but it's not long before cracks appear in Steve's evidence.

The best yet, I thought this was excellent, gripping and intriguing, they delivered a real course correction, with Tom at the centre of it. Tennant has always been a class act, he has always done the hero role so well, here though he is so wonderfully nasty, we learn more about his relationship with Kate, and his mum.

It moved along very quickly, more than a sense of intrigue, Tom's guilt seems too obvious, but we'll find out all in the next.
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Episode 3
Prismark1030 January 2020
There is little doubt that the viewer is being directed to think that Tom is a nasty piece of work, even his own mother is afraid of him.

The flashbacks show that Tom was deliberately looking to have sex with his wife's friends. He would then boast to Anna about it knowing it would upset her. Tom was a cruel abusive husband who fed his wife pills.

No wonder his neighbour Steve wants to see Tom locked up but he has coerced a witness. He also has other motives to see the back of Tom, he knows of the affair he had with Jess and also he could had prevented Anna's death as she told Steve about Tom.

I do wonder if this is all misdirection and we might get another angle in the finale.

I was glad that the police interrogation scenes were kept short with Tom. The main reason being that I saw Tennant have a lengthy interrogation scene in the Netflix drama Criminal: UK a few months earlier and it felt like deja vu. Maybe he should have a word with his agent about playing criminal suspects. Oops I see he will be playing serial killer Dennis Nilsen next.
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No Option
mattycampbell-2668430 September 2021
It's terrible. From the start we essentially have a whodunnit with some crossover family situations. We are presented with only two options- wife or husband and my goodness it was embarrassing. Suggest the writers and producers watch more Agatha Christie movies. Not the actors fault- they have to get paid.
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