"Monk" Mr. Monk and the Bad Girlfriend (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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I Did Like Her Character
Hitchcoc8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's always sad when a character like Stottlemeyer must make his way through life lonely and alone. Along comes Linda and relieves much of that (to the point of a Hawaiian wedding. But what this turns out to be is a situation where we have a creature whose life pivots on power. It is sad that she turns out to be the murderer. Some struggle with her motivation, but it would seem that her partner of many years was about to take a client base with him and cross her. Is this a reason to murder? Apparently so. She is at the top of her profession and flying high, and now she must backtrack. I don't think it had anything to do with Leland (as some have speculated). But more to do with a sense of betrayal and powerlessness.
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Great episode but something was missing
michaelchikliscares29 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok what was the motivation behind Linda being a murderer ? Did she do it because she was jealous that of the other realtor was more successful than her ? or she wanted more attention from Stottle. As in previous episodes we seen Stottlemeyer still busy at work and that being an annoyance to her ? So what were her motivations , episode was not quite clear on that ?
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Linda a murderer?
TheLittleSongbird1 September 2017
'Monk' has always been one of my most watched shows when needing comfort, to relax after a hard day, a good laugh or a way to spend a lazy weekend.

Season 6 up to this point in the season was very much mixed. Didn't care for "Mr Monk and the Rapper", which is one of my least favourite 'Monk' episodes, but "Mr Monk and His Biggest Fan" and "Mr Monk and the Naked Man" despite having their faults were entertaining. "Mr Monk and the Bad Girlfriend" is the best of the four episodes up to this point in Season 6 and even one of the better faring 'Monk' episodes since Season 4. It's a great episode and almost a classic, though Monk's baseless conclusion jumping too quickly is still a problem and the ending is not that much of a surprise and the "how" aspect, while not as guessable as the "who" (one is convinced to begin with it's the opposite but putting things together it becomes more obvious despite wanting to be wrong) and "why" aspects, was somewhat improbable.

What "Mr Monk and the Bad Girlfriend" does have and excels most in is the character development, which is the best it's been in a while. Monk is much closer to his old self, his obsessiveness more believable, a better balance and it's only the conclusion jumping actually that doesn't satisfy. Natalie is sassy and sympathetic and her chemistry with Monk here is some of the strongest it's been so far since she first joined.

Disher is also closer to his old self, his comic relief actually being funny and he also is sympathetic here, rather than the face-palmingly stupid and childish goofball he was starting to become. The revelation is Stottlemeyer, he is not the underused and stock stereotype reduced to barely memorable background, this is the old Stottlemeyer with the great seesaw chemistry and the mix of loyal, gruff and amusing while showing a darker and softer side. Linda adds a lot to the episode.

Loved the character moments. Completely understood Stottlemeyer's reactions to Monk's accusations, hardly a surprise seeing as whenever Stottlemeyer shows a darker and softer side the viewer can totally see why he's feeling that way and how, and Disher contributes nicely. The best Monk moments are when he pretends to be an FBI agent and the scene with the motorcycle, two of the best moments of Season 6.

As said many times, one of the best things about 'Monk' has always been the acting of Tony Shalhoub in the title role. It was essential for him to work and be the glue of the show, and Shalhoub not only is that but also at his very best he IS the show. Have always loved the balance of the humour, which is often hilarious, and pathos, which is sincere and touching.

Traylor Howard is solid, as is Jason Gray-Stanford. Sharon Lawrence is very good guest support, doing well in making one unsure as to whether she is guilty or not. Ted Levine has his meatiest material since perhaps "Mr Monk and the Captain's Marriage" and he brings so many nuances to what he's given and makes Stottlemeyer very relatable, have not been able to (despite always loving the character) say that about him in a while.

Writing-wise, the mix of wry humour, lovable quirkiness and tender easy-to-relate-to drama is delicately done, particularly the last one. The quirks are sympathetically done and never exploited or overdone.

The music is both understated and quirky. While there is a preference for the theme music for Season 1, Randy Newman's "It's a Jungle Out There" has grown on me overtime, found it annoying at first but appreciate its meaning and what it's trying to say much more now. Oh and a good job is done with the different opening credits sequence to accommodate the changes made. The episode is made with a lot of slickness and style as always.

Overall, great but could have been a classic. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Stottlemeyer becomes the new Andy Sipowicz...
AlsExGal7 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
... though not so tragic a figure as that character in NYPD Blue.

Stottlemeyer is planning his first vacation in ten years with his girlfriend, high-power realtor Linda Fusco. One night when her long time realty partner is showing a house to a couple, a figure dressed in black like a ninja appears from the bathroom and shoots the partner dead with one blast of a shotgun to the chest. The couple there to see the house flees in terror. The assassin does not pursue them.

Monk is called in to help out on the investigation, and it appears to him the assailant had a key to the house and made it look like he broke in. One of the witnesses to the attack says she thinks the assailant was a woman because she recognized the brand of lipstick she was wearing - she's a buyer for a cosmetics company. Plus Monk notices a picture of Linda Fusco hunting with her grandfather. Then he finds out that the dead partner was going to start his own company and take more than half of their joint clients with him. And Linda Fusco uses the brand of lipstick described by the witness. Linda sure looks like she's "the guy".

But how did she do it? The night of the murder she was at home having an internet video date with the captain. Monk and Natalie saw it themselves. The date lasted until 7PM. The realty partner was killed twenty minutes later 30 miles away with heavy San Francisco traffic in between.

But the worst of his problems is the captain. When Monk tells him his suspicions, Stottlemeyer throws his anger management techniques out the window and almost gets violent with Monk. And from that point forward he is not so passive aggressive with him when working on this case.

The reason I have a spoiler warning on this is that Linda does turn out to be the murderer. Stottlemeyer does not need to wait for the big reveal to figure that out though. Linda Fusco has planned so carefully. She has been the great actress, seeming to mourn her partner so sincerely. But she makes a mistake. Feeling that Monk is closing in on her, she tells the captain that Monk came to her house, accused her of the murder, and tried to sleep with her. Stottlemeyer says nothing. But the look on his face says it all. This is Adrian Monk she's talking about. He is, true to his name, practically a monk. The only woman in his life is his dead wife, Trudy. He would never do this, so why would she lie unless she is trying to discredit him, trying to cover up something, and what else would that be but her murdering her business partner, as Monk is sure that she did. In the big reveal Monk shows how Linda committed the murder and covered the 30 mile distance, and it was not with jet packs as Disher proposed.

The end is sad, with Stottlemeyer going to Hawaii after all, but with Disher. Lounging on the beach, he wonders aloud if the relationship with Linda was ever real, or if it was a set-up from the beginning. He takes out an engagement ring and throws it in the ocean. The test of the good writing of this episode is that we don't know Linda's motivation for getting with Stottlemeyer. We don't know if she really loved him and the murder plan came later or if she thought from the beginning that having a cop for a boyfriend would deflect attention from her as far as being a suspect.

This is really good acting from all concerned, but especially Ted Levine as Stottlemeyer.
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Funny and still very dramatic
dmcreif15 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Here, the producers of Monk have decided to take a little turn on things and make murder strike closer to home for the main characters, figuratively. In this case, a realtor has been shot dead in Marin County. When Adrian Monk and Natalie Teeger inspect the crime scene, Monk figures that the killer had to have had a key to the house. Quickly, he and Natalie begin to suspect that Captain Stottlemeyer's own girlfriend Linda Fusco is the killer. Imagine that! And yes, Stottlemeyer thinks they are jealous about the fact that he has what Monk doesn't have. But even with Stottlemeyer and Disher looking into other suspects, Monk and Natalie continue to suspect Linda.

One thing that makes the episode so great is the fact that Monk and Natalie actually have some chemistry between each other. Natalie's little diversions and traps that she handles herself so that Monk can find evidence are really brilliantly done. Especially at the end when Monk uses Natalie and a webcam communication to lure the going away party to Linda's alibi. All in all, one of the best episodes in season 6.

This episode features some of my favorite Monk moments:

1. Monk comments that one could not be naked when talking on a webcam.

2. The entire scene where Stottlemeyer tells Linda about her dead tree and how he's called a buddy of his to cut it down, and also has had the rental truck across the street towed for blocking her fire hydrant, making him a "full service boyfriend".

3. Monk and Natalie arrive at the police station to give news to Randy. Natalie says that the information she is about to give is confidential. Randy thinks she means to say she is in love with him, which annoys her to the point that she brings it up a few moments later when Monk asks Randy for theories on how to beat Linda's alibi.

4. Monk falls off a motorcycle when Natalie floors it, because he refuses to hold on by grabbing her shoulders.

5. Two moments in the motorcycle ride: one is when while stopped at a red light, Monk attempts to reach over and wipe the dirty window of a van that says "WASH ME". Later, he gives the thumbs down to a motorcycle who is pacing them on the highway.

6. Monk sabotages Stottlemeyer's interrogation by claiming to be an FBI agent and also picking apart Helen Hubbert's personal life.

7. Linda shows Natalie an apartment, and Linda asks her about where Monk is. Natalie says he does something every Wednesday, but Linda points out that it's Thursday.

8. Linda tells Stottlemeyer about Monk wanting to sleep with her.

9. Monk crashes the party by talking to them on the webcam from the impounded truck.
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Doesn't make any sense
cbalducc23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! SPOILERS FOLLOW In previous "Monk" episodes, Captain Stottlemeyer's girlfriend Linda Fusco, was a charming and successful real estate broker. Now she's suddenly so jealous and insecure of her position that she would murder her partner who was going to start his own business? And attempt to make Stottlemeyer believe Monk propositioned her, which only convinced him Monk was right to suspect her? And turn into a quivering mess and plead with Stottlemeyer for them to flee the country when she realizes that Monk figured out how she committed the crime? This was arguably the weakest episode in the series and a waste of the actors' talent and time.
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Bad Lieutenant Stottlemeyer could have bitten off Monk's tongue
safenoe11 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Lieutenant Stottlemeyer was very angry at Monk's alleged intrusion into the bad girlfriend big time. I was kind of expecting Stottlemeyer to bite off Monk's tongue to make a point, as Ted Levine (who plays Stottlemeyer) was Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. Kind of an in-joke I guess. Still, it was heartbreaking for Monk to get to the truth behind the Bad Lieutenant's bad girlfriend.
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Something Wrong
chadwick-869557 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Something is wrong with this episode.

Technically, a 12 gauge shotgun recoils considerably more, and would probably be loaded with buckshot with multiple "pellets" leaving multiple wounds, not one wound ,,, like from a slug. Forgetting the errors with firearms. Oh, Monk says "she knows how to use a shotgun". I don't want to break the secret world of shotgun shooting ... it is much easier to shoot a shotgun and hit your target at close range. However the recoil must be dealt with, and there wasn't any :-) .

It is a disappointing episode when the Captain's g/f is a lying/killing B. Poor Stottlemeyer. Really feel bad for him. Breaks his heart.

The illogic is why Fusco, the g/f, would do it. Except to break Stottlemeyer. Fusco's character is a wonderful lying B. What else is new? I would have preferred if the two should have developed ... a relationship ... boo to the writers.

Very interesting alibi.
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"Trivia" section is wrong: not Steppenwolf
peacefrog-358224 June 2021
The song "Born to be Wild" is played but it's not the original song by Steppenwolf, it's a cover version by some anonymous band.
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Mr monk and bad gf
richardtroiano12 August 2018
This episode should have been longer (such as a two parter) or not done at all Monk's conclusion that it was Linda based on the flower was too contrived Great idea though If it was a two part story the dynamics could have been played out better Nice work by Captain Stottlemeyer
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