Magic Mountains (2020) Poster

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rob-broekhof-120 May 2020
Pretty predictable and kinda pointless. There were five characters in this movie. The one that made the most impression on me was the mother of Voytek. She played the most convincing. The fifth character, nature, could have had much more attention.
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All women need to watch this film
jlebowski-8734825 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good film not great or classic by any means but Magic Mountains is definitely worth watching. Hannah never should have agreed to go on the climbing trip with her ex Alix. The way he stranded her on that mountain in a dangerous situation was cowardly but I'm glad he didn't have the evil in himself too kill Hannah with his bare hands. He left her in fates hands and she made it out. I was pulling for her. We never got an explanation on why the Polish guide Vortek never came to Hannah's rescue every time she blew her whistle? I gotta tip my hat to Alix on his method of suicide though. Although he was arrogant enough to probably believe he could free climb that mountain and live. Also, I can't find anywhere on the Internet where this film was shot. I can't find which mountains they were climbing.
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Just when you think things are about to get real...
Graigslist22 May 2021
You've reached the end of the movie and you are left wonder-struck realising this movie doesn't really comprise anything.

The movie builds up some tension yet it never really achieves a climax.

There are series where 1 short episode has more story and thrill than this movie.

A lot of potential left in this movie.
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Don't waste your time
anaissiller20 May 2021
This is long and boring. The jealous ex husband character makes no sense, the ex wife is too naive, the hired mountain guy is useless.
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rotini-5258621 May 2021
I agree with the previous review....long and boring. Nice scenery...Maybe if your a climbing might hold some merit...but I was still waiting for something to happen. Only reason I gave it a 2...was the acting by Hannah. Is he gonna jump ? He just can't live without her ? Time to move on son. Plenty of fish in the sea. It was meant to be a tragic love story...but instead....the movie was just that....tragic.
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Waste of a good scenery location
pipo-22 May 2021
Worst movie I have seen in awhile (considering the list of bad movies this year, this really says something).,

The last 10 minutes the scenery was nice, though virtually no dialog through the last part of the movie (wtf?) and boring nonsensical dialog in the first half that serves no plot, for example in the beginning he asks her to go on the trip and she walks out snobish saying thanks for the book, she didn't even agree to go.

The acting was terrible, and characters were extremely dumb - if she couldn't pick up on the vibes and no dialog then she is pretty lame, the signs were all there I mean even if she has a slight clue it would of been better too play along until out of the situation but no she acts like a cold fish the whole time, not to mention going to a very remote dangerous location but they are amateur climbers and no survival gear no satellite radio no backup plan to be rescued gps .etc?....right it didn't even look like they were carrying water lol

The editing was terrible, in one scene she is in a white jacket the next in some dance club type outfit, cut back to the white jacket , gloves, next scene no gloves lol.

Bleh whatever watch this movie at your own risk, fast forward to the end unless you want to watch 10 minute segments of no dialog and actors slow moving through the scene and suspense music, then do it again for another scene

2/10 for the magic mountain, while watching the last part of the movie I was being creative how I could of made this movie 10000000 times better ....
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Waste of my time
donpablocars27 August 2021
I'm so happy I watched this in 2x speed, it is a really slow and boring movie. The acting is bad, the guy is creepy the girl looks very innocent and weird, she has the signals about the ex is weird and she keeps following him. Only the mother is a good actress who at least she sings good. Landscapes are nice, the Tatra Mountains, part of the Carpathian chain looks good in this movie, but the plot is a waste of time, if is Sunday and you are really tired and bored in home because you didn't hike today and you don't have any other movie or serie more interesting than this... watch this, otherwise, don't waste your time mate! :) 2/10 just for the mother and the mountains.
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Enjoyed it
Darkazmdubz3 June 2021
Very symbolic of breakup and lost love. Great movie. Very stressful moments where things get tense and palms are left sweaty especially if you are afraid of heights. Loved it.
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Dark Psycho Drama
jsmallshaw15 July 2023
We really enjoyed this film, but we mainly watch Polish and European movies. I would guess the people that did not like this film probably prefer American films where everything is neat and tidy with a happy ending. We didn't know what to expect in this film, and were surprised by the ending. The cinematography is amazing, I can't even imagine how difficult it was to shoot. So if you like cinema noir, you might enjoy this film as we did. But if you prefer Hollywood productions with movie stars and a tidy ending this is not the film for you. We would recommend it to anyone who has a taste for the slowing, more dramatic European films.
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Magic Mountains (2020)
wlnekh11 March 2022
Very enjoyed, good and full stressed, I even just kept quiet while watching cuz it, really made me like "oh god I'm grateful I don't have an ex so that bad thing doesn't happen to me".

*Sorry for bad English.
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gawebb224 September 2021
Slow buildup, but the three main actors are quite good. Moody and interesting.
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Stunningly bad acting, stilted laughable dialogue, predictable lowbrow junk
random-7077810 April 2022
Wow one of the worse films of the year. Awful embarrassingly bad acting, cringeworthily poor dialogue throughout, and the storyline is lifetime channel soap opera only lower quality.

Forget mountain climbing, no one who even knows basic rock climbing was consulted for this film. No handheld GPS? Nor handheld radios? The latter are like $22 to buy and the GPS are cheap to rent. Lack of proper outerwear, footware meant for walking to Starbucks.

Story comes off like an urban fool's idea of going into the wilderness.

And when professional reviewers and reviewers here say it is too long even at 81 minutes, what they mean -- and correctly so --is that this story pacing is just lifedraining and is draaaaaawn out and interminable for what it is.

I am all for low budget films. But low budget is no excuse for terrible acting or a script that goes nowhere.

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