D-Day: Battle of Omaha Beach (2019) Poster

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Amateurish film making
byron-1166 December 2019
I love WWII films and have watched most all ever made - some excellent, some good, some not so good - but I have NEVER EVER watched as an amateurish a film as D-Day! Terrible CGs, bad acting, bad script, bad scenery, bad everything. Hoo-rah!

Many WWII Suckers like me will watch this film, and the movie will eventually make some $$$$$....
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Not sure where to begin on this one...
azanti00298 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having recently seen some decent output from the much maligned label of Asylum I did think that a little more care might have been taken on this obvious attempt to cash in on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. However any such hopes were dashed pretty quickly upon viewing this movie.

Taking place during the Allied invasion of France in WW2, the story covers the assault on the headland of Pointe Du Hoc, a tactical fortified German held outpost which was said to house a battery of six 155mm guns which could threaten both Omaha and Utah beaches of the Allied landings. Two battalions of American Rangers were charged with assaulting the cliff face, destroying the guns and then holding the headland until relieved from the beaches. The scene of the initial assault is depicted in the excellent 1962 film, The Longest Day and had the advantage of being filmed at the actual location. This is an incredible recreation of this incident which I urge you to watch if you haven't seen it.

D-Day Dog Company has the more complex obstacle of being filmed in the USA with a budget that is so tight than even some of the insignia on the uniforms have not been sown on properly. On a low budget such as this, some minor mistakes can be forgiven but here the writer laughs in our faces by having the Rangers give the 'Ooorah' war cry, when its historically known that this did not come about until the 1950's. German warplanes attack the American fleet, where as no German fighters got anywhere near the ships with the notable exception of Pips Priller who briefly attacked Sword beach. I'm not sure but I think we also have Omar Bradley personally handling an anti-aircraft gun and shooting down said German plane into the sea. I'll also need to add a few other obvious things, like there's no PALM TREES anywhere in Normandy, yet we get to see several on screen here. Pointe Du Hoc was also heavily bombed by the Allies prior to D-Day and the top of it resembled a moonscape (And still does today) The rest of the terrain depicted in the film fairs no better, the bottom line really being if you want somewhere to look like France, you have to film there, rustic red American farm buildings don't really cut it when Norman farms and villages are all grey high stone walls and blue shutters. It's a known fact the radios didn't work and the men had no comms with the US fleet for most of the first day but they seem to be able to chat at will here. Uniforms have errors all over the place and not every German wore and swasticker arm band, in fact almost none did during combat but they all seem to here. The dialogue is okay in places but just trite and awful elsewhere. I mean didn't anyone feel responsible for the fact they were depicting the lives and actions of real people here? I will say on the plus side it's obvious some of the younger cast took this seriously and did their best with what they had. A couple of stand outs are Jesse Kove (Son of Martin who briefly appears as a Pole and disappears just as fast) Mike C Manning, Issac J Cruz, and Sam Gipson do well with their roles and do far better than other cameo appearances but they alone cannot salvage this movie. The Rangers who did the assault and destroyed the guns fought their hardest battle in the forty hours after the initial assault while waiting for their relief from the beaches but there is no budget to depict such events in this movie.

There is a great film to be made about this heroic event in history, sadly, this isn't it.
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Should be negative 10 stars
mikski127014 October 2019
This was by far the worst made movie about world war 2 I have ever seen. I barely made it about 30 minutes into the movie and stopped watching. What a waste of time and money. Poor acting some actors overweight . And it seems as though the producers and production crew from the very top didn't even try for accurately portraying the soldiers of ww2. Very poorly equipped and outfitted actors. Poorly made movie . Looks as if someone bought cheap military surplus not to mention modern civilian attire such as footwear green jeans etc and decided to make a backyard home movie playing ww2 like you would see children do. Don't waste your time and money
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Wow horrible.
john_wilkinson28 September 2019
Not sure what's worse the acting, special effects or the acting. Don't waste your time or money on this one.
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How is this getting a 6.7 rating???
dberg-522 November 2019
Second worst movie I have ever seen. Had to stop 4 times. NO military advisor which is evident. Colonel wears a Majors insignia throughout movie. "HooRaa" was NEVER said in WWII. Grenade blows bunker, kills all inside but no damage to the room. Looks to have about 5 Sargents in a 12 man company??? Only "sergeants" aparently get stripes. Patches are improperly placed and half falling off. BAR not shooting 30-06. "Colonel"s 1911 and a B AR has plugged barrels. Some times guns eject casings, other times nothing.>?? One more "HooRaah" and I was going to turn it off. ....and ... there it was. In between bunkers the "Colonel" is screaming orders to everyone. He would give orders to the multitude of Sargents and THEY would pass on the orders. Then they go and send a couple Sgtss off as a team. No, no, NO! Sgts. LEAD the lower ranks. Oh, they only have one Pvt. and one Cprl. I believe. Watch this movie only if you have absolutely NO idea what the military is. Otherwise, it will drive you nuts. Ugh!!
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waste of time
hants-9867224 September 2019
They spent most of the budget on snacks for the crew, low budget pitiful movie
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More Fake reviews
garyamedee6 December 2019
They needs to take some kind of measure against these fake reviews. The site can no longer be trusted. The people who made this film should be ashamed of themselves as much for the film as for the fake reviews they paid for. It is atrocious.
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Worst movie ever. Complete waste of time. Not even 1 star worth
aliensexgod6 December 2019
Terrible acting, pathetic script, terrible sets and costumes, stupid encounters that are totally inauthentic and bad. It's the worst movie ever. Never forget that the rest of the world fought the Nazis and the Nips for years before Americans came in at the last minute after years of time to build up. This movie is so bad it's unbelievable!
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This was not good.
ecmuhs15 September 2019
When an army colonel starts giving orders aboard a Navy ship, AND manning anti aircraft guns, AND shooting down Luftwaffe planes, AND shooting 5 inch guns for pinpoint accurate fire support WITHOUT aiming...well there's no.point in nitpicking inaccurate historical details, is there? I also liked the scene where the 2 sergeants are having a smoke while standing over the body of their dead buddy, and the conversation turns toward comparing their fathers, and their grades in school. This while the rest of the platoon is still searching the rest of the farm for the big guns they're supposed to destroy. This movie was like a cake that never rose.
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A Disgrace to Those Who Served and Sacrificed
buchanancate14 June 2021
This is a bad movie. I won't even go into how bad it is, that's been done in plenty of the previous reviews. Let's just say it's no "Saving Private Ryan". But more than just a bad movie, it is a disgrace to the men of Operation Overlord, and our military in general. If you have any appreciation for the sacrifices made in this war, just watching this should make you feel like a traitor/deserter.
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First film from Asylum that can be taken seriously
hilaaronian19 July 2019
This film was based on a true story. I have forgiven some of the bells and whistles of your big budget war films as this was very low budget in comparison. In light of this, I was moved by seeing the acting of the young actors. This was a first for actor Weston Cage Coppola in a lead role, portraying real life war hero, Lieutenant Colonel James Earl Rudder. Weston's performance held the film's story and mood in place. It was a true to life depiction of of Rudder based on the historic footage of him. I give a 10 for casting, these young actors gave it their all!
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Worth it!
hanzko4 April 2020
I wonder why the ratings was very low, just base on what i have seen, the movie was informative. It shows heroism and patriotism, but something was lacking, they need to make it more realistic by adding more breath taking scenes (about WWII). The structure of the story wasn't that solid at all but overall it's worth to watch.
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Like watching a village drama group. Total rubbish
mdderry6 July 2019
If you can sit through 30 minutes of this film you are a hero in yourown right. It is total tripe and looks more like a village drama group got the roles in it. It the opening credits they show Marines landing on a sandy beach, it is actully one of the Islands Japan held.
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Another Inmate of the Asylum
mehfre24 March 2020
Whenever you see Asylum as the production company, run, don't walk, to the EXIT button of your remote. I actually watched long enough to hear a lot of the ridiculous opening narration, but gave up seconds later when they showed GIs coming ashore with black stripes on their faces warpaint-style. It looked as ridiculous as it was ahistorical. That was enough. Another God-awful Asylum movie. EXIT button!
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Worst movie Ever..!
frank-7719328 December 2019
As a veteran it's a horrible movie to watch.. Read other People's review..
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Move along, nothing to see here!
aim-5177217 August 2019
There are truly great films, there are average films, there are bad films, there are films that are so bad they become classics (cf Plan 9 from Outer Space), and then there are films that are so bad you can't watch them all the way through (cf Black Panther).

This waste of celluloid is most definitely in the last group. I lasted for 15 minutes and I've now deleted it - it's so bad I won't give it hard drive space.

From the little I could stand to watch:-

"Acting" that is so wooden you could make garden furniture out of the performers.

Southwick House (Allied HQ) is about 5 miles north of Portsmouth. It is NOT on the coast.

An UNSHAVEN Lt. Colonel reporting to a Lt. General, AND not saluting either when reporting or on being dismissed.

Said Lt. Colonel being briefed on his objective only 24 hours before the attack! Let's ignore the fact that D-Day was originally scheduled for the 5th of June.

"Operation Overlord planned by General Eisenhower", when he was appointed Supreme Allied Commander well after planning had got under way.

A (drunk) Major refusing his assignment immediately before the attack and arguing with his Commanding Officer in front of a junior officer.

After relieving the Major, the Lt. Colonel then asks a LIEUTENANT if he was correct!

Why were the Americans "blacking up" for a daytime assault.

As someone else commented, one of the opening scenes is of American troops assaulting a beach in the Pacific.

The Allied armada consisting of NINE ships!

All the Assault troops coming out of ONE Landing Craft.

All the Germans wear Swastika armbands.

MG42's had a much higher rate of fire than shown, and crews were told to fire only short bursts to maintain accuracy.

What helmets are some of the Americans wearing - because they certainly aren't the M1 Helmet?

Three soldiers being lifted bodily into the air by one German hand grenade, but they all remain in one piece.

On D-Day (and for a long time afterwards) Americans would being wearing the 1941 Parson's jacket, not the post-WW2 jackets from an Army Surplus store that these people are wearing.

Insignia would be fully sewed on to uniforms

A medic on the beach firing a pistol. Let's ignore the fact that any pistol would be useless firing upwards to a 100ft high cliff.

I gave up at this point. This travesty is clearly just a very cheap attempt to cash in on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Do yourself a favour and give this a very wide berth, or it's 1hour 25minutes of your life you won't get back.
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skycop156 December 2019
This was a terrible movie and I am glad I spent nothing on it. Do not waste your time.
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Worse than Istar
harlanhu282 January 2020
This was probably the WORST movie I have had the joy of watching!
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Worse than Asylum movies!
Max_Lucas16 July 2019
Need I say more? Unfortunately I do need to say more, if I want to be able to post this review....
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It hurts to give it one star
titanium-2129227 February 2020
I watched this because of better movies like Saving Private Ryan and Fury. Harsh disappointment. I watched until they had walked up an easy slope just to the side of the 100 foot cliff they were meant to scale. By this point the one landing craft worth of Allied forces had sustained approximately 80 percent casualties from copy/paste grenade scenes. Everything in this movie, from costumes to dialogue to special effects, are totally unconvincing. Usually I can watch bad movies, as I am autistic and cannot see or hear bad acting, but this was so bad I was certain the guy was thinking about lunch in 10 minutes when he tells his friend, "I'm scared." Supposedly he is in for almost certain death.
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An Inspiring World War II War Movie From Asylum Studios!!!
zardoz-131 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The most unusual thing about the Asylum Studios' low-budget, World War II movie "D-Day" is its homage to Steven Spielberg's landmark epic "Saving Private Ryan." Mind you, Asylum's generically entitled "D-Day" doesn't depict the horrors of war on the same scale of carnage as Spielberg's memorable masterpiece. Nevertheless, "D-Day" is unlike the typical Asylum Studios home video releases. This somber-minded saga shares similarities with "Ardennes Fury" (2014), an Asylum Studios' knockoff of the big-budget World War combat extravaganza "Fury" (2014) starring Brad Pitt & Shia LaBeouf. For the record, Asylum makes mockbuster movies, like the hopelessly hysterical "Sharknado" franchise. Happily, you don't see any savage six-headed sharks splash through a time warp to interrupt the Nazis as they are blasting away at the Allies storming the Normandy beaches! "Operation Dunkirk" director Nick Lyon and scenarist Terry Mead focus on U.S. Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel James Earl Rudder and his intrepid U.S. Rangers of the 2nd Battalion. At dawn on D-Day, June 6, 1944, they embarked on a suicidal mission to take an enemy artillery post at Pointe du Hoc as part of the greatest amphibious offensive in history. Lyon's ode to gallantry doesn't attempt to be 100 percent authentic reenactment, but it does capture the intrinsic 'mission impossible' glory of this courageous cliffhanger gambit.

Historically, Rudder's Rangers scrambled ashore and ascended Pointe Du Hoc's 100-foot cliffs looming over Utah and Omaha Beaches. According to historian Megan Johnson, in her on-line article at "National Army Museum," Army Brass ranked the guns at "Pointe du Hoc one of the most dangerous German defensive positions on the Norman coast." When German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel designed Hitler's Atlantic Wall, he had erected six 155mm guns atop the strategically situated cliffs. The trajectory of those guns threatened the Allied landings. According to Douglas Brinkley's book "The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc," those guns could lob shells a distance of fourteen miles! Brinkley adds, the German confiscated this World War I era artillery from the French in 1940, and the guns could launch "four rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 735 millimeters per second." Ironically, as both authors point out, the Germans never thought that Eisenhower's deploy troops to climb the cliffs. Brinkley revealed that the Rangers suffered "a horrific 70 percent casualty rate. A decade after D-Day, Colonel Rudder revisited Pointe Du Hoc and told Collier Magazine reporter W.C. Heinz: "Anybody would be a fool to do this. It was crazy then and it's crazy now."

Director Nick Lyon begins "D-Day" with the chief protagonist, Lieutenant Colonel Rudder (Nic Cage's son Weston Cage Coppola), reprimanding a fellow officer, Major Cleveland Lytle (Randy Couture 0f "The Expendables"), when he complains that the mission is suicidal. Rudder relieves Lytle of command. Later, he assembles his men and informs them that he will lead them. When they land on the beach, withering German gunfire greets them and takes its toll. Although it isn't quite as graphic as "Saving Private Ryan," the violence surpasses the usual shlock of lightweight Asylum movies. A pusillanimous Army medic, Wiley (Sam Gipson of "Playing with Fire"), experiences his baptism under fire as he rushes to help a mortally wounded G.I. Wiley typifies the kind of guy who is forged in the crucible of combat. Initially, he starts out as an unarmed medic, bandaging wounds and dispensing morphine. Before the day ends, however, he is armed and ready to shoot Germans when he isn't caring for the wounded.

Weston Cage Coppola portrays Colonel Rudder as a gung-ho. Charging up the beach with his men and haling them on despite the Nazi resistance, Rudder exchanges shots with the enemy. Gunfire galore greets Rudder's troops as they stumble up the beach. The Germans atop Pointe du Hoc either drop 'potato masher' hand grenades down on the Americans or poise themselves on the ledge of the promontory and shoot down at the Rangers as if they were fish in a barrel. In truth, a cliff-top ascension was the last thing the Germans expected from the invading Americans. Against incredible odds, the 2nd Battalion Rangers scaled the cliffs valiantly on water-sodden ropes, while their brother-in-arms below aimed upwards and swapped shots with Hitler's henchmen. Eventually, the Rangers took the heights. Rejoining his troops topside, Rudder is hit in the leg, but he refuses to evacuate himself. Instead, he shrugs off his wound as a nuisance and rallies Dog Company inland by his own example of leading from the front. Our guys discover telephone poles rather than artillery pieces where Allied planners had assured them they would find their objective. Later, they surprise several German troops, take them as prisoners of war, and question them for the whereabouts of the artillery. Earlier, the Germans had dismantled the guns to prevent Allied bombers from pulverizing them. Two of Rudder's noncoms--Sergeants Jack Kuhn and Len Lomell-ferret out where the Germans have concealed five artillery pieces. As the movie shows, they sabotaged both the aiming and sighting mechanisms of each artillery piece with thermite grenades.

Lyons may have omitted one death-defying 'Rambo' incident since it must have struck him as utterly unbelievable despite several eyewitness accounts. U.S. Army Staff Sergeant William Stivison perched himself atop an extension fire ladder and raked the plateau of the cliff with bullets. Ironically, the same winds which battered Stivison and spoiled his aim probably enabled him to dodge the fusillade of enemy shells swarming around him! Lieutenant General Omar N. Bradley summarized his sentiments about Rudder's audacious leadership in his memoirs "A Soldier's Story": "No soldier in my command has ever been wished a more difficult task than that which befell the thirty-four-year-old Commander of this Provisional Ranger Force." As World War II movies rank, "D-Day" qualifies as an entertaining, above-average Asylum outing. Like the seriously minded "Ardennes Fury," Lyon's film salutes the battlefield heroism of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and singles out not only Rudder's leadership but also the initiative of Kuhn and Lomell.
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That was really bad
mjdk211 December 2019
Wow! This movie sucks. Where do I start, bad acting - no, make that abysmal acting by really bad actors. Awful script, poor dialogue. To sum it up, without a doubt the worst military/war movie I have ever seen.
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michaero28 December 2019
Absolutely awful - don't bother to watch - poorly researched and equally so poorly produced - full of stereotypical cliches - dialogue artifical and stilted

Items that really irritated: Nazi flags everywhere just like Castle Wolfenstein the computer game Every German soldier wearing a Nazi armband - entirely inaccurate Actors behaved as civilians in uniform - no tactical awareness Overweight US Colonel Vehicles sustaining zero damage in the midst of a firefight
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Utter rubbish
truppe4 September 2019
Well, I can see why there are no credits for the costume department or historical advisors.....there obviously weren't any. Even if there were, there is no way you'd put your name on this hokey piece of rubbish. I'm astounded anyone could call this anything LIKE a true story.....it's an embarrassing piece of junk.

Next time, do everyone a favour....don't do non fiction....because it's an insult to everyone's intelligence. Very sorry to say. One star for being in focus.
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jannecojanen25 December 2019
Ther is not a thing good in this movie! The script is horrible, the costumes are total crap, sound effects is amateurish, sfx is at best poor! Don´t waste time on this one
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