Assassin's Vow (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Not much here
supermellowcali23 July 2021
I had to stop this at 25 minutes in. The story was nothing unique that far in: un-unique character archetypes whose motives and reactions seemed way off; cgi was odd and seemed out of place; and there was a lot of telling and very little showing, character development or foreshadowing.

For me the action was very awkward and unrealistic, and the acting and production overall is average to very poor with the exception of the priest, who had a very tough role with no one to react with. While it may have gotten better, it completely lost my interest in the first quarter. Sorry!
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slatebook26 July 2021
After 15mn I thought 1 hour has passed. This movie is a spatio-temporal flaw. Anyways, in brief: Nice chicks with a bit of nudity, bad playing (very bad), lots of close-ups and VHS quality. Amazing, in 2020, was it 342p ? Well, who cares at this point, everything is blurry. Still, I make it 'till the end and did not feel bad about it. This flick deserves a solid 3 stars. One for the chicks, One for the effort (lots of efforts) and one because you can consider the all thing as an example of what not to do when you try to make a movie or any type of filmed content for that matter.
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This is how you repay me?
nogodnomasters30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene Jacqueline Bombay (Arlene Tur ) kills much of her wedding party especially the groom and then we get the back story while she is in a confessional. Jacqueline is the daughter of crime boss Jimmy Bombay (Greg Schroeder) of Miami. In a deal, she has agreed to marry coke dealer Dante Caliavri (Mike Maria) of the Russian mafia as his VISA is expiring. She has a change of heart.

The film could have used some better editing. At times the sound is hollow. They use animation to tell some of the story. Jack Black (John Trapani ) was the best developed character and the only actor who really cared as the rest phoned it in.

Guide: F-word. Brief sex. Off screen rape. Nudity (Playmate Anka Romensky)
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Awful movie
hollingb18 February 2009
This movie must have been made on a thin budget. It's genre s "Action" but the players seem to drag themselves through the scenes without any conviction. The cinematography is OK but there are no interesting vistas and the plot is pointless.

Most of the storyline is carried by narrative rather than dialog. In repeated flashbacks to events twenty years earlier, there is no visible attempt to make the actors look any younger.

The worst part of this movie is the script. A fifth grader could have done better. It is replete with trite attempts at profundity such as Jack Black musing, "In life there are games of luck and there games of skill. But the greatest skill of all is having a lifetime supply of luck." I want a refund of my money and my time.
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