Supercroc (2007) Poster


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What did they say?
kaijueguy25 August 2007
Fist off, I love movies of this ilk. I can handle stilted acting, cheesy special effects and extreme close-up to hide the fact that there isn't a cast of thousands in the crowd. The reason for really low rating is because of the sound mix.

Budget limitations might be an excuse for seeing matte lines or transparent effects. Budget limitations might be an excuse for a lot of reasons but there is no excuse for the sound mix on this movie. Most of the time the dialog is completely inaudible. That might not matter to some, but it's a major distraction. Often the music cues simply stop before the cue is finished. In one sequence near the end of the film where the two principals are obviously having a key discussion, the overdub of machine gun fire is so loud that you can't hear a word that they say.

I was prepared to like this movie. I expected a low-budget film and with that comes the expectations of less than stellar performances and effects. The camera work was fine, the acting okay (from what I could tell from facial expressions), everything that you would expect but somewhere in post production this film was totally destroyed by somebody who thought loud music and gunfire was more important than anything else in the film. At least they could have supplied a subtitle track or a close caption option so the viewer would at least have some way of knowing what the actors are supposed to be saying.

Maybe the scifi channel can pick this up and give it a remix. The people at Asylum productions should be ashamed of themselves.
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Shameful cruelty to humans who might accidentally watch this
yonhope29 April 2017
The sound is dreadful. The background music drowns out much of the dialog. Gunfire sounds added to the soundtrack leaves the audience wondering if one of the very dumb characters might have said something that could be quoted later. The female star shouts her lines and she manages to irritate the audience when she cries or argues or even when she says nothing. It is the director's fault. The dailies would show that the cast needed to be changed. Keep the fake croc or fake helicopter or fake gunfire but lose the cast. The guy lead is OK but his character is wimpy. He should have been the girl. I generously give this two stars because I think something worse is waiting for me to watch that I could give a one star rating. The CGI monster is adequate. These people will make a movie again if we don't stop them in Oxnard or Point Magu, they could reach Los Angeles and lay eggs.
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artemiswantsprey3 December 2009
Let me start by saying I usually like films of this caliber due to the often unintentional comedy. However this film is just boring, plain and simple.

No decent kill scenes, bland and boring score, Shaquile O Neal type acting, large amount of stock footage, horrific CGI croc and several moments of complete silence due to improper sound mixing (a lot of the time you can hear gunshots, but no-one is firing). Most of the time you can't hear the dialogue, except for the Wilhelm screams. This film is as entertaining as colon cancer. If you're suffering from insomnia, I would recommend this film. All others, avoid this cinematic blandness if possible.
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A very boring killer Crocodile movie. Warning: Spoilers
Are crocodiles really easy villains for Low Budget, Straight to video, Horror movies? I mean seriously how many have we gotten in the past decade? Well anyways, on to the review. Let's start with the positive elements.........................I got nothing. How sad.

Now onto the negative elements. The characters in this movie are shockingly, horrifyingly, unbelievably forgettable, bricks are more interesting. The story itself is contrived, poorly written, poorly acted, and just down right boring. The special effects are bad, though to be fair I'd be lying if I said I thought that wouldn't be so.

Overall, this is a very boring movie. It's poorly written and poorly executed. So stay away.
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Could have been slightly worse
scootb734 April 2007
Supercroc is one of those movies that doesn't quite motivate you enough to get up of the couch and turn and it off.

The acting wasn't too bad I guess,but the CGI and the storyline were rotten!!!!

Remember lake placid? That movie had humour,decent effects,decent acting and although the storyline was unbelievable,it was enjoyable.Supercroc on the other hand left me feeling like I had wasted around 90mns of my life!

The movie wasn't quite bad enough to motivate me to turn it off,I say not quite,but very,very close to it. I just wanted it to finish so I could go to bed.

If you love low budget,bad acting,terrible story lines etc.. then this movie is a must!!! If not,I'd avoid it like the plague!
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I haven't seen crap like this in a looong time...
nyx906 April 2007
I found myself cheering every time the giant lizard ate another one of these crappy actors.

Every line is a cliché, the effects are made on decade old computers, and the actors must have been friends of the director. All in all I get the expression that they collected some guys, gave them some gun replicas and gave them a couple of lines each. It really feels like a cheap TV-show on sci-fi channel or something, with special effects substandard to even high school media students. Who on earth gave these guys funds for this. I bet someone is having rich parents.

This film made me angry. For wasting my time, as well as others.
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Complete waste of time
joris_vanschaik8 April 2007
Well well...

my first 'review' on IMDb. Until now I've mostly read others opinions and reviews, usually ignoring well-meant and sincere advises to NOT watch certain movies. Let me just say: I hope I can spare some people 90 minutes of utter misery by saying DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! I'm quite a fan of this type of movies, where usually some kind of animal or creature, created by some chemical waste or awakened from a centuries long slumber, is threatening a crew or city and killing/destroying everything in it's wake. I'm used to such movies not rating too high on IMDb as well. But this one definitely beats everything when it comes to being complete crap.

The storyline... I'm not really sure there was one. The special effects... imagine a 100foot crocodile making it's way into the water, without even the slightest ripple in the water surface; amazing? Not as amazing as how it stampedes around noisy like a herd of mammoths in one scene, yet manages to sneak up on our brave heroes without a sound in the next.

One other annoying thing was the sound; I don't know if my sound system was mucking up on me, but 3/4 of the dialogs were impossible to hear if you don't want to actively raise and lower your volume continuously. Especially when a 'background' music or tune is playing (which is most of the time), it becomes impossible to hear what is being said. Learn to read lips or make sure you have the subtitles on.

Ah to cut it short, this really is a miserable attempt at a movie. Feel absolutely free to watch it, but don't say you weren't warned.
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Huge crocodile baffles the military.
michaelRokeefe2 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
SUPERCROC is a crock full. The Asylum presents a film so bad it is not even fun to laugh at. Even if shot in black & white, this thing could not compare to the worst 1950's B horror flick. Obvious low budget, lame script and bad over-acting. A 50-foot-long crocodile emerges from a river near Los Angeles. A so-called elite squad of five or so soldiers are 'hiking', while two are jabbering back and forth about their up coming wedding; the mission being what? Before all but one(Cynthia Rose Hall) is gobbled up by the Supercroc, three-foot-long eggs are found in open view. The military is totally baffled on how to stop this giant menace before it reaches Oxnard. Of course, there just happens to be a "croc" expert(Kim Little)right there at command center to advise the military. This movie insults even the intelligence challenged.
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One of the worst movies I've spent my time on..
HighFlyer_154 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This might not be a really good review, but a movie this bad shouldn't get one..

Worst and slowest start EVER.. It's so slow, you listen to a military girl and man, who obviously SHOULDN'T have been in the military.. They are talking under a mission, where they clearly should shut up.. This goes on for 6-7 minutes and you're almost sleeping, right up until the crappy special effects kicks in and the sergeant freezes up and screams the name of the first dead guy, instead of shooting the damn croc.. I'm talking about really crappy effects, the discovery channel When Dinosaurs Walked, they were better made than this.. It's really bad.. And blurring out the croc, when it's in the frame doesn't make it more believable.. You don't get any storyline in it.. You start off with those soldiers and that's it.. And the Serge. who's supposed to be the toughest of all, gets in contact with the croc, he doesn't even shoot.. He sees it, falls back, CUT scene, let the audience think of some gruesome death in their heads.. The amount of shots fired in this movie is also incredible.. They could kill every animal in the world with that many shots.. The smalltalk and problems between soldiers are also low-standard.. You never feel for any of the characters, at all, when someone's about to die it's not like "no, she's shouldn't die!" it's more like "noo, don't show me more of the croc!" You don't even see the croc die.. :'(

I even suspect the movie of using some game voices.. Death cries and screams..

Don't even rent this movie..
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Superfluous croc
Chase_Witherspoon30 December 2012
The acting is competent, with Kim Little (sort of resembles a Faith Ford and Elisabeth Shue hybrid which is kind of cool), playing her cards close to her chest as Government palaeontologist called in to advise on a giant crocodile that's been unearthed by an earthquake, threatening coastal towns en route to LA. Soldiers in the field (Hall & Blashaw) are being pursued by the indestructible behemoth with General (Novak), Little's character and other assorted advisors frantically co-ordinating efforts to control the beast's path of destruction from HQ.

It's all digital camcorder, CGI, synthesiser-sound, cheap home movie stuff, and while the performances are probably better than average for this type of production, the overall result is lacklustre. A raft of audio-visual tricks that don't paper over the budget holes, no realistic interaction between actors and the title antagonist, MTV-style light, sound and editing techniques, masses of stock footage but most disappointing of all, precious little horror or suspense.

It's the kind of movie that looks conceived and executed by visual artists instead of storytellers, all smoke & mirrors sans substance.
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Great budget movie!
cdarca3 April 2007
I just saw this movie. It reminds me of those "B" sci-fi movies that were produced in the 1950's about giant ants, and grasshoppers and things. I loved watching them as a kid and its good that somebody is bringing them back. Not a lot of graphic gore, just good, fun entertainment. Anyway, Supercroc is a budget film by Asylum pictures starring Cynthia Rose Hall and Matt Blashaw. Two outstanding up and coming young actors. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them in the future. For an indie film it has some great photography and sound. All the actors in my opinion did a great job. The special effects were pretty good too considering that these are "low budget" films put out by Asylum. I just wish that it could have been a little bit longer than 85 minutes. The writing wasn't bad either but I got the feeling that maybe some of this movie was left on the cutting room floor which is too bad because it would have helped the continuity of the story if left in. In my opinion, if you enjoy watching these kinds of movies then you'll like this one too!
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But i LIKE bad movies.....
reach4xtc11 April 2007
OK, i understand it's a bad movie, but is it a truly BAD movie? Because there is true genius to be found in good BAD movies. Different standards have to be applied to BAD movies. Roger Corman made an entire career out of cranking out schlocky B monster movies that entertain a generation of film geeks. It is amazing what he accomplished with the budget that they had back then.

Supercroc is not a Hollywood blockbuster, it was never meant to be. It's cheap and there's hardly any Croc at all. It never aspires to be more then what it really is, a monster movie made for pennies on the dollar purely for the sake of killing the people off one by one. You KNOW the drill, you KNOW what to expect. Grab the bucket of popcorn, sit back and start the lottery going on who it is to get knocked off first. Will it be the plucky but timid girl out for her first adventure?? The token minority?? The mom who is going thru a tough divorce? Mr Hooper... oops, he's already dead. The guy in the red shirt....... well, you get the drift.
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Worst CGI ever
banksiv29 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the "Robot Monster" of the 20th century, except not as funny. The special effects in the scene where the crocodile jumps up and attacks the helicopter are absolutely the worst CGI I have ever seen! The crocodile's first scene makes it look like a giant floating turd or a piece of cardboard.

Also, the movie has the traditional bad-B-movie "scientist" who knows nothing about her field. In this one, the "scientist" lady makes a bunch of totally incorrect comments. She keeps referring to the croc as an "archosaur" as if that was a specific kind of prehistoric crocodile. It's really the group that includes all crocodiles, dinosaurs, and probably birds. She also says that its plating is so thick that it can't be hurt by "modern bullets". Have these paleontologists actually tested prehistoric species for bullet-proof-ness? Also, just HOW does a 100-foot crocodile weigh "ten thousand tons?" A 100-foot Blue Whale is a little under 200 tons!

Even worse, the only reason the crocodile doesn't get bombed from the air is that it keeps disappearing. The military can't find a 100-foot crocodile in the area around Los Angeles? I didn't know there were that many vast wildernesses there, or that a whale-sized crocodile was so good at hiding (on land, no less!)

Finally, for a monster movie, there isn't nearly enough action. I like mindless action movies, but this is kind of boring. All the inaccuracies and dumbnesses, maybe even the horrid special effects, could be forgiven if it was at least exciting - but no! It isn't even a good "mindless action movie". The only real "action" scene is right at the end when the croc gets blown up.
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2nd worst B movie of the past seven years.
tom9211720029 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Turned it off after 20 minutes. I watch all types of movies and the only other one I turned off was "Grand Opening." Truly horrible viewing. Low budget. Bad acting. The first scene in the command center shows that the crew must have had only one microphone to share among them. The audio was horrible. The opening segment was too long showing a group of army folks just walking through the woods with no apparent purpose in mind. The viewer has no clue what's going on except for remembering what the title of the movie is. Then the beastie finally pops-up and that's when the movie should end. It did for me about five minutes later. Do not spend your time or money on this movie. I think a root canal or having dinner with an IRS auditor would be more fun.
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Get the Australian DVD!
GSeditor21 July 2012
The cover of the Australian DVD sports the tag line "Original Uncut Version" and it is rated "M" (presumably for mature audiences) for "coarse language". I haven't watched any other version, just this Australian DVD, so I cannot say what, if anything, has been cut from other versions. Yet, this so-called "uncut" version itself is pretty lame anyway... The sole reason I recommend this Australian DVD is the great art on the cover! While the US DVD, whose covers scans I have seen on the net, features a crocodile eye over a cityscape, the Australian DVD features a giant crocodile jumping out of the sea to swallow a helicopter. There is nothing else to recommend about this movie, just DVD cover art, and only the Australian DVD at that...
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Should be re-named to: 'Superbad Movie'
redhead989828 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is boring, bad audio, effects, cgi, acting, plot, storyline, and music. The music is copied from other 'asylum' films. i only watched it for the crocodile eating up the people. I kept having to fast-forward ten minutes of the movie every five minutes. Thus, making it only 40-50 minutes to watch it. I didn't think this should have ever been made. it deserves to be in garbage cans. The tag line should be 'Now available in other peoples garbage cans because this movie is idiotic and a complete waste of time.' because that is absolutely true in every way imagined. 2/10 stars. It is a very great way to waste 90 minutes of your life!!! Do not watch this no matter what the circumstances may be!
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Terrible, just terrible...
paul_haakonsen1 June 2024
Granted, I wasn't really harboring much of any grand expectations to this 2007 movie titled "Supercroc". I mean, the title alone was enough to make shrug. And then those three dreaded words appeared on the screen as the movie started; The Asylum presents...

Yup, "Supercroc" is a movie from The Asylum, but thankfully not a mockbuster. But that doesn't make it a good movie. Far from it, in fact.

Writers Steve Bevilacqua and David Michael Latt put together a bland and generic script. I am sure that you could watch the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes and still be up to speed with what happened throughout the course of the prolonged 85 minutes that the movie ran for.

I even dozed off not even halfway through the ordeal. Indeed, the movie was that sluggish and boring.

The acting performances in the movie were rather wooden. In fact, you could say that the acting were every bit as realistic and convincing as the CGI animated crocodile itself. I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. And that is usually something I really enjoy when I watch a movie. But the acting performances in "Supercroc" were just horrible, especially the one from leading actress Cynthia Rose Hall.

Visually, then "Supercroc" is worth watching for a laugh or two. The CGI animated crocodile looks insanely poor. There was nothing that looked realistic about it, and that just took away from the overall enjoyment of a creature feature such as this was supposed to be.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste 85 minutes on watching "Supercroc". Some of us suffered through this movie, so you don't have to. You're very welcome.

My rating of director Scott Harper's 2007 movie "Supercroc" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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"a tank with an appetite"
hwg1957-102-2657042 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps the poorest film I've seen from The Asylum. Poor in plot (predictable) and acting (amateurish) and CGI effects (juvenile) and particularly in cinematography. It looks shot through a yellowish filter that gives the movie a sickly and garish look that is most unattractive. If it was a style choice it was totally unwise. It makes the whole film look like a flashback sequence even though it isn't. The ending hinted at a sequel! Am not one to automatically have a downer on The Asylum just because they are low budget and opportunist film makers but 'Supercroc' lacks any kind of bite.
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TAKES a bite out of boredom !
guestar5722 December 2009
SUPERCROC ( ) Starring; Kim Little & Marat Glaser. The best of SC is the title and poster, WOW ! The acting is quite good whoever thought of making the bosse's wife the bad-guy was VERY comfortable with his job,LOL. We thought the dialogue made sense and seemed what people would do in a similar situation. Cynthia Rose Hall has a lot of acting skill, Seemed to carry the film along at times. Matthew Blashaw has that Gi-Joe jaw,That fans depend on for their heroes.A missed opportunity is Marat Glaser(Who stole the scenes in 9/11 Commission report) as a government desk jockey,He deserves more to do .
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Best Comedy Monster Movie That I Have Seen!
locoowl22 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
********** Warning!!!! Here Be Spoilers!!!!! *****************

My wife and I really are into Creature movies like SuperCroc. When we also saw that this one was from Asylum films, we knew we were in for a treat! We were not disappointed. This film was so horrid it wound up being entertaining. Let's analyze this to see just how it succeeds so well in its badness.

Camera work: I swear this thing must have been filmed using a cheap video camera and the sound must have been recorded that way as well. There was the usual bouncy, jerky movement to try to stimulate some kind of excitement. When will Asylum give up that technique? It's really old.

Sound Mix/Subtitles: Asylum is one of those chintzy companies that never does subtitles. It's too bad, because the sound recording is so terrible you really need subtitles to pick up any dialogue. Just to insure that the dialogue is inaudible, the background score just blasts away as if it is being played back on a Boom Box and recorded along with everything else. Fortunately, most Creature Features don't rely on the dialogue to move the story along. That's just as well, because this flick had no dialogue worth mentioning, mainly because there was not a lot of plot to explain.

Plot: Plot, what plot? We open up with a squad of soldiers in a national park area. What are they doing there? We are never really told. The dialogue consists of plans for the upcoming wedding of two of them. This is before our Feature Creature makes her debut in one of the most badly done mixing of CGI with film that I have ever seen. Instead of rising gradually out of the water, the Croc just appears in the background as if the background is a scrim and it is being ripped open to reveal --- Crocodile!!!! Back at the Command Post, there is a character who is some kind of expert on crocodiles (although most of the factoids she blurts out are full of inaccuracies and distortions) - the real croc expert seems to be the female private introduced in the first scene. The advisor's character also seems to have an ulterior motive regarding the eggs, but it was never really explained and somehow the President seems to be involved, but that was never explained either. Fortunately she gets her just rewards. The Creature's origins are never explained it just gets killed after chewing up a lot of people, scenery and equipment. The only person with any sense, it seems, is the lowly female private, introduced in the opening shots. Somehow, she knows a lot about crocodiles from growing up wherever she grew up. She manages to help kill the critter at the end and lives to tell about it.

Acting: mostly bad, but campy.

Directing: this thing had a director? Who knew?

CGI: pretty lame. None of it blended very well with the rest of the film. Quite a bit was blurry and the effects were not very realistic.

Editing: stock footage obtained from the military was obviously used, but to little effect because it really added nothing to the story. I normally do not comment on film editing, but this was so amateurish, I could not help but notice. This added to the overall comedic effect.

All in all, such an incredibly dreadful combination that it was hilarious to watch. Definitely a must for those Rotten Movie Connoisseurs out there!
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Exciting and enjoyable cheesy creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder29 September 2015
When a gigantic crocodile begins heading toward the city of Los Angeles to recover a batch of stolen eggs, a military group must head into action to keep the creature at bay before it causes untold destruction.

This one ended up being a massive disappointment as a horror film though there's some good stuff overall here. One of the biggest positives here is the absolutely fun and cheesy creature attacks here that make this much more fun than expected. It's presented pretty much as one long action sequence here from the start, with the opening encounters in the forest where the opening ambush and later discovery of the eggs in the secret cavern are great at introducing the creature's size and habitat out in the woods as well as the military attacks that result in the discovery of the creature which goes deep into the forest for some really fun action to start this off. That follows into the film's best parts and what really fuels the film in that it turns into a giant monster movie with a cheesy bent as there's a lot of fun here in the continued military attacks from ground troops firing off at it through the forest to the exciting attacks that take place in the march to the city as there's an air-strike, a series of helicopter assaults and a final attack during the full-on city destruction scene which allows this one to get plenty of fun in the cheesy destruction moments of the panicked crowed fleeing that the film becomes enjoyable because of this extended kind of scene. While it's the film's best part, it's also one of the most damaging in that that the kind of giant monster film that it becomes, there's just very little horror elements present since the croc is so much bigger than it should be and it doesn't really attack anyone. Instead, it's pretty much attacked all the way through with the kind of extended, drawn-out scenes here of the military brass meeting to discuss what to do with it and determining what kind of creature this is that the pace is built away even from a horror film that it drops down a lot from these issues. That brings the film along with nice monster movie action but not as much works here as a horror film with a croc so big it can't attack anyone in the city destruction scenes since there's no one around and the rest of the plot tends to revolve around the same scenes of military tactical decision making. The last part that lowers this one is the rather lame and embarrassing-styled CGI here for the croc as it doesn't really look all that great with the usual amount of flaws here in the failure to interact with the surroundings, the complete inability to blend together to the action presented and generally coming across with the same level of detail as decades-old video games which have long been a staple of such films and continues on in here. These here manage to keep this one down from what it could've been.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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Great B Movie
mr_pivac19855 April 2011
I just saw this movie. It reminds me of those "B" sci-fi movies that were produced in the 1950's about giant ants, and grasshoppers and things. I loved watching them as a kid and its good that somebody is bringing them back. Not a lot of graphic gore, just good, fun entertainment. Anyway, Supercroc is a budget film by Asylum pictures starring Cynthia Rose Hall and Matt Blashaw. Two outstanding up and coming young actors. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them in the future. For an indie film it has some great photography and sound. All the actors in my opinion did a great job. The special effects were pretty good too considering that these are "low budget" films put out by Asylum. I just wish that it could have been a little bit longer than 85 minutes. The writing wasn't bad either but I got the feeling that maybe some of this movie was left on the cutting room floor which is too bad because it would have helped the continuity of the story if left in. In my opinion, if you enjoy watching these kinds of movies then you'll like this one too!
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the one person on earth who has heard of crocodiles vs a super big crocodile
warehousereviews26 August 2020
Very informative movie about crocodiles. I had never heard of these majestic prehistoric beasts before, much like the entire US military, and now I have learned a lot of useful Croco Facts that I can use at bars to impress ladies..

I wonder how they trained the Crocodile ( Her name was Crocodelilah I looked it up) to be in the city with out causing any damage. Great work by the Handlers.

I also thought the inclusion of the Blind Computer Girl was very progressive, You could tell she was blind because she could type away at whatever her job of typing was, without even needing the screen of her computer turned on.

And the last scene... a spine tingling teaser for a SuperCroc 2..
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SuperCroc (2007)
seckinlergafri22 September 2018
Berkisah tentang buaya raksasa yang meneror kota los Angeles, para tentara harus menghentikan mahluk buas itu, mampukah mereka melumpuhkan buaya itu ???

Film ini merupakan film berbiaya rendah, akting yang sangat mengerikan dari para pemain, CGI yang sangat buruk, dialog dialog murahan.... Namun film ini masih menghibur.
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