Dead Mary (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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So what happened to Ted, anyway?
JoeB1312 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, they kept expecting him to show up, and he never did, and they really never gave an explanation for it. Maybe he shows up in the next installment.

I could imagine the sequel. "Dead Mary 2- What the Bleep did you do to my aunt's cabin?"

Okay, the plot line is this. A bunch of slackers go to a get-together at Ted's Aunt's cabin. After going on with their personal melodramas for the first half hour of the film, they decide to play a game of Dead Mary. No, not "Bloody Mary". Someone else already used that title. This is the cool version, Dead Mary. (Can't stop thinking of that South Park episode where the boys summoned Biggy Smalls.) Except what happens is that on of the friends is possessed by a spirit that lets her turn the others into ghouls who spout out hurtful personal information on the others. The only way to keep them from regenerating is to burn them.

Okay, typical clichés abound in this movie. Cars that won't start. Isolated cabin, slacker friends getting picked off one at a time. People responding by doing the most illogical things. "Hey, maybe we should cut people's hands off and see if they regenerate". Uh, yeah, but a slight cut would probably accomplish the same thing.

This film has nothing original about it, in fact, the Evil Dead kind of did the same thing with a lot more class. Still, not a horrible movie. I've seen worse this week.
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The cover art for the DVD was the highlight of this light frothy fright movie.
Aaron13757 March 2007
Yes, what the DVD cover depicts and the title of the movie are not very accurate as to what this movie is about. Still it did keep me guessing until the end where I just said to myself "what"? The movie has a reunion of a bunch of idiot waste of spacers, the people who in high school and college thought they were all that because they drank lots and lots of booze and cheat on their "loved" ones repeatedly. Ah yes, how I wanted them all dead right from the get go. This feeling of wanting them dead only increased as they talked and talked and talked, if Leatherface had shown up with his chainsaw I would have been pulling for him...the only character I liked was the younger girlfriend of one of the aforementioned losers who did not want to be there at the extremely boring yet tense reunion and I don't blame her a bit. Well the wild weekend turns really cool when they decide to play a game of Dead Mary, I am guessing because there was already a movie called bloody Mary. Well they play and from the rest of the movie on I am wondering if there was a point to the game dead Mary and if there was a reason to name the movie this. I don't know what happened after that as there was no rules established, no plot established and whatever was killing people was not established. Not that it was all bad, there was a lot of paranoia horror to go around and some good kills as well...along with that, however, there were also a lot of conjecture scenes and pointless plot points too (hey where is that Ted guy anyway?). So all in all this just was not to good of a movie, however not all bad either. At least it was well made and stuff, I have seen a couple of movies recently where you couldn't even say that. So watch out for Dead Mary!!! Though she isn't in this film much.
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Boring Mediocrity
claudio_carvalho6 November 2007
Kim (Dominique Swain) and her boyfriend Matt (Jefferson Brown) have just broken up, but they travel together to a cottage nearby a lake to spend the weekend with their friends Eve (Marie-Josée Colburn), Dash (Michael Majeski) and his wife Amber (Reagan Pasternak) and Baker (Steve McCarthy) and his new girlfriend Lily (Maggie Castle). The atmosphere becomes heavy with the situation between Kim and Matt, and one of them suggests them to play "Dead Mary". Matt, Eve and Dash summon the evil witch repeating her name three times in front of a mirror with a candle. Along the night, Matt hears weird noises, is killed and returns to life, while part of the group is possessed by the fiend. Without knowing who is possessed, the rest of the group fights to survive.

"Dead Mary" is a mediocre movie. The urban legend of Bloody Mary that was brilliantly explored in "Candyman" in the 90's, now is used in a rip-off of "Evil Dead". There are many movies with "a group of friends that goes to a cabin in the woods and faces evil", like for example "Cabin Fever", which works. But "Dead Mary" is awful, with a boring beginning, a messy story where "Dead Mary" never shows up, and a ridiculous conclusion. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Dead Mary – A Possessão" ("Dead Mary – The Possession")
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A word of advice to those trying to emulate The Evil Dead...
mentalcritic22 September 2007
When you are trying to tread the same ground as a well-made classic that has all of its best elements in place, there are really only two possible outcomes. You can either do a good job and be compared to the original in somewhat flattering terms, or you can do a bad job and end up the joke of the industry. The latter is what happened to director Robert Wilson and his writers when Dead Mary rolled out onto home video. A big part of the problem is their inability to provide a proper undercurrent for the story, with no credible explanation for the film's events in sight. It does not matter how preposterous your story is on the surface. If you do not provide it with at least a small anchor in reality, you will lose your audience. For a good example of a preposterous story going to glory because its makers took the time to anchor it in some turf of reality, one need only look at such pieces as RoboCop, Ghostbusters, or Desperado. Dead Mary proposes a preposterous idea and does nothing to anchor its audience in its reality.

That would have been forgiven, or even mended, if the film had taken just a little bit of time to introduce the cast of characters and give them a hint of a personality. For a good example of this done right, one can simply go back to The Evil Dead again. Within the first half-hour, we are given subtle yet strong hints of who each character is and what they are like as people. Dead Mary's writers attempted to cheat this by grafting soap opera archetypes into the characters, and it unfortunately backfires. By the time the film goes into the gory payoff, all we know about these characters is who is married to whom, who is cheating on whom, who is upset with whom, and who failed to arrive. Outside of the parameters of this semi-outdoor trip that was done far better in The Evil Dead, we know so little about the cast of characters that caring about them is next to impossible. Half of the time, we do not even know their names. The other half of the time, their names have so little weight it would have been more effective to simply call them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Making it even worse is that the central premise is so vague and ill-defined that it ends up making less sense as time goes on. In The Evil Dead, our heroes wind up fighting one another because they have stumbled upon the results of an archaeological expedition that turned up secrets they could barely grasp the implications of. In Dead Mary, the heroes play a stupid game that was quite obviously culled from Candyman and given no mechanism of actuation. Quite literally, one moment our characters are having a dispute on what was meant to be an idyllic vacation, then the next they are regenerating destroyed flesh and doing bad David Vincent impersonations. It becomes such a non-sequitor that all of the impact is lost. Another comparison to The Evil Dead that Dead Mary cannot stand up to is the moment when we learn that Cheryl has been taken by something the group resurrected by accident. The dramatic buildup and payoff of The Evil Dead was arresting. Dead Mary is by comparison poorly-written and shot even worse.

Does this make the entire project a waste? Well, no, there are moments when the film does look like breaking out of its amateurish writing and becoming something more substantial. Dominique Swain and Maggie Castle do the best they can with a screenplay that gives them absolutely nothing to work with. One can see the frustration crossing Dominique's face as she struggles with staggeringly inept screen writing. When the film gets confused as to what it is trying to emulate and even attempts to borrow from The Thing, Dominique and Maggie slot into the important roles of that particular story nicely. Marie-Josée Colburn also does well trying to give her character a haunting or threatening vibe, but is undone by the fact that the screenplay tips its hand way too early, and makes the revelations to the rest of the cast so perfunctory that the audience is a solid hour ahead of the heroes. People despair of the constant-rewrite culture that pervades Hollywood, but films like Dead Mary demonstrate why most screenplays should be revised at least five times.

Another problem Dead Mary falls into is that it constantly needs to fade to black in order to jump from one character to another. For a film that supposedly takes place over the course of a night, this is not only unnecessary but serves to deflate the dramatic tension. Another area where The Evil Dead excelled was that with the exception of some very seamless cutaways, the entire thing achieves the feeling of taking place in real-time. The result is that by the time the hero emerges into a dismal morning sunrise, the viewer feels gobsmacked that all this mayhem and death took place over the course of one night. The final death scenes of the possessed characters left the audience in awe. In Dead Mary, the perfunctory execution of the one character we know to be possessed is edited so poorly and executed in such a who-cares fashion that it ultimately robs the film of any memory of dramatic tension. There is a reason why I keep comparing Dead Mary to other, better films. Namely, Dead Mary is so obsessed with what not to do that it ends up not doing anything at all, and the result feels more like a collection of unused footage than an actual film.

Dead Mary is very much a two out of ten film. It is so pedestrian in style that it ends up being neither good nor bad. It is simply boring.
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'Dead' is right
loomis78-815-9890347 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A group of late twenty-something friends meet at a cabin for a long weekend of reliving old times. These boring friends talk and talk for hours about their personal baggage and who slept with whom almost to the point you forget you're watching a horror film, or are supposed to be. Eventually they play the "say Dead Mary in the mirror" game with a candle with the idea that the spirit of the dead witch will appear. Instead the spirit possesses one of them but no one including the audience who it is. Borrowing heavily from John Carpenter's "The Thing", minus the style and suspense, the characters start to distrust one another. This movie had potential to be a minor success but the lack of any action for such a long period of time sinks it fast. There is a few nice moments, like when the thing…I mean a character, reveals herself to another character in a shack in the woods. There isn't much gore to speak of and what little there is unconvincing. The unknown cast is good but the movie needed to shift gears and actually get scary for it to work and it just doesn't.
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Ummm, yeah, that was dead lame.
trippinskip24 June 2007
Let me start by saying that I understand the premise of the movie, and where they where trying to go with it. But they did a horrible job with it. There was so much wrong with the movie, it over shadows any good that there was, making it slim pickings. The story idea, was a rehash of the same old 'bunch of young adults at a camp ground for the weekend'. But they did put in some originality with the whole dead Mary thing. Yeah, it's the same as bloody Mary, and has been done, but still. And doing in the form of a dark psychological thriller rather than the normal monster or gore hound flick was a great idea. But that is the end of it.

The acting was OK at best, but none of the characters had any sort of personality that actually stood out, or made you remember them. They where all the same with different names.

And there are just so many questions, and inconsistencies that it completely ruined the movie, forcing you into a totally confused viewer. We went from a very long and drawn out beginning, that was more like a show of General Hospital than a movie, to people chanting Dead Mary in the mirror, to zombies, then possession (I think?). And they kept babbling about being infected when they where alone...?? Huh? The biggest pet peeve I had was the filming. Like I said, I understand what they where trying to do, with a dark psychological thriller, but the film lighting was absolutely horrible. It looks like somebody took their hand held camcorder outside in the woods, with nothing but moonlight, and filmed the movie. 85% of the time your pausing the movie trying to figure out what character is on the screen. Finally you just give up, hoping that they will do or say something so you know what is going on. I even turned all the lights off in the house wondering if maybe that would help, and I still could barely tell what was going on. And the only way you could really tell the characters apart was what they looked like, considering the lack of personality. So needless to say, who's talking, who's tied up, and who's running around in the rain is totally lost.

So, what or who is Dead Mary? What is the deal with the drops of blood in the bathroom? Or the guy sleeping on the couch who is the first killed. Why are the killed characters coming back as Zombies, and why does that other guy beat the crap out of, and hack up the zombie looking for answers. Answers to what? And why is it, after he beats the crap out of the zombie, and tears it's face apart, it is totally healed and back to normal moments later when it's wife comes to see it. I assume she died in the fire? Where did the bearded guy and the two ladies go off into the woods, leaving the other two at the house? Where did they go? What is up with the ending, and what happened to the girl, who was apparently possessed by dead Mary? Oh yeah, and where is everybody else in the town to begin with? And who the hell is Ted, and where is he? Uggg, it was just way to rushed. If they took the time to actually lay down the story, and filmed it better, maybe the questions above could actually be answered. You can always assume the answers though, and fill in the blanks yourself if that helps. Otherwise it all adds up to one huge and very boring movie.
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Dead Mary - where aaare youuu?!
modesty5115 March 2007
A group of old mates from school spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods (original huh?!), and kills time by yapping on and on about relationships and who's screwing who. After a few drinks one of them remembers an old game - Dead Mary - and the suspense begins.

This could have been a rather entertaining horror flick, but leaves you disappointed. The characters were okay and the story line had potential, but: no blood to talk about, no really scary scenes, no sitting on the edge of your seat and especially no Dead Mary! Trying hard to stay awake for an ending that could possibly have saved the movie from sucking totally turned out to have been in vain, 'cause the ending was the biggest disappointment of them all. Not only are you clueless of what it means, but also frustrated to bits 'cause you've wasted almost one and a half hours on this crap! Considering myself to be quite a genre knower I believe this is one of the worst, or should I say BORING, horror flicks I've seen. It didn't even make me laugh...
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Evil Dead meets The Big Chill
terrible220 December 2007
Dead Mary is a decent film if you're looking for Drama/Horror, with a heavy emphasis on the drama. I believe where the movie fails, is in it's attempt to sell the audience a touching story about adult relationships, then trying to execute horror. The film begins well, and sets up what could be a creepy tale about messing with the dead, yet by the time they switch gears into scare tactics, it falls on it's face. It is not even remotely scary, in fact we see very little of what the (Monster) is supposed to be... On the bright side, it is very well acted by a group of no-name actors. The cinematography looks great, and could have easily made this an awesome horror film, but in the end, we are left empty and a bit confused. If you're on a date with someone who is grossed out by blood and gore, yet they want to watch a horror movie, this might work out for you. If you are a hardcore horror nut, keep away and go watch The Evil Dead again...
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Chilling and compelling...
paul_haakonsen18 May 2012
First of all I must say that depending on which version (or region) of the movie you get, then the cover may or may not actually be properly depicting the contents of the movie. The DVD I got have a shot of the cabin with a hand sticking out of the ground on the cover, now that was proper to the movie. However, the cover that is used here on IMDb is the one that sort of sets up the movie for something more than it actually is.

Regardless, then "Dead Mary" was actually a rather alright horror movie, sort of think a mixture between "Evil Dead", "The Exorcist" and any of the number teenage horror movies out there, then you have a basic idea of what you are in for in "Dead Mary".

The story is about a group of young people coming together in the woods, in an old cabin, for the weekend. A weekend that is supposed to be about reunion, fun and partying. But fun and partying turns to dread and fear when the people start on playing the 'dead Mary' game, where they have to go alone into the bathroom, call out 'dead Mary' three times (can anyone say "Candyman" here?) and then apparently the spirit of a witch will appear. Something do shows up and the lives of the group are now in danger. One by one people start dying under strange circumstances, and people are not whom they used to be or appear to be. Who can they trust? But more importantly, will they survive the weekend?

I found the story to actually be alright, despite it borrowing heavily from other horror movies. Still, the movie turned out to be interesting enough and provide good entertainment. The mood and setting of the movie was really good, and you had a sense of isolation and dread in the movie, which was nice, because it helped build up the tension.

Personally, I found "Dead Mary" to be a step up from the usual teenage horror/slasher movies that have been flooding the horror scene for quite some years already. It was nice to see something aside from someone wronged coming back to wreck havoc and vengeance on the late teenagers who wronged him.

"Dead Mary" has a couple of great scare moments, but nothing that will make you jump out of the chair. What this movie is running on is the suspense and the way that it keeps you wondering whom is possessed and who isn't, who is telling the truth and who is lying. For that aspect, then the director, Robert Wilson, really did a great job.

There was actually a decent amount of blood in the movie, which I found great. But this wasn't really a slasher or gore movie, so it was just an added bonus.

The people they had on the cast list were great actors and actresses, and the people did great jobs with their characters. However, the ones that were carrying the movie were Jefferson Brown (playing Matt), Dominique Swain (playing Kim) and Steven McCarthy (playing Baker). They really put on great performances and made the movie come to life.

"Dead Mary" is a good horror movie that stays true to the old-school horror movies of the late 80's and early 90's, just with a pinch of "Evil Dead" thrown into the formula. If you enjoy horror movies and like to be kept in suspense where you are not fully sure about what is going on around you, then you should definitely check out "Dead Mary". Just remember to leave the lights on in your bathroom...
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Movie couldn't follow through on any point
katrine13134 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a disappointment on several different levels. As we first start in it's obviously going to be yet another horror movie about beastly and possibly a couple of decent young people heading out to do stupid things in the woods and on that note it played through.

Secondly, the title made us believe that it was somehow going to be yet another urban legend movie, this time based on the "Bloody Mary" theme. It did get to that as the young people went into the bathroom one by one and tried to invoke "Dead Mary". What I didn't understand was the commentary by other characters that they had done this before, seen her and it was ten shades of awful. Of course, that didn't stop them from mocking it and doing it again. However, this is never really revisited. No one goes back to say what happened before, what "Mary" does or how to stop her. Nor do we really even see "Mary" again.

This event and the subsequent "horror" plots that follow have taken us 40 minutes into the movie. This is where the movie leaves the urban legend theme and starts trying, very badly, to emulate "The Living Dead" with evil demons now possessing (or maybe already possessing) various characters who get killed and come to life and taunt the others until they get wise and just burn the zombie/demons.

It's hard to get the idea that these possessions are the result of Mary's invocation due to the fact that there are hints that the events were starting to happen before the film's events take place. Where is Ted for crying out loud? They asked it through 3/4 of the movie. He never shows up leading us to believe he met his demise before the opening credits but we never find out. The gas station and the woods are deserted of any other vacation goers which seems strange to the folk about 1/2 through the film. This also leads the audience to think that the events started before the youngsters did their "Mary" invocation.

Forty minutes into the film, the horror action starts but it's disorganized, more gore than horror and doesn't follow any connected idea. There are too many ideas that aren't followed through, too many plots with no beginning and no end and the character development doesn't really lead anyone to care whether any of them live or not. Although it's my opinion, I wouldn't recommend this film.
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Loved This Movie!
lionheartj15 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I see people complaining about this movie being lame because its about a stupid game and they're wrong...

The Demons were already at the cabin before they ever played the game! Ted was missing the whole movie (Guessing dead), Gas station was empty in the very beginning (all probably dead), No other vacationers in the area (Also probably dead)... and what eve said at the end, "What would you do if you two were the only ones left?" (or something like that) which hinted at the demons attacks not being an isolated incident and perhaps global.

So yeah, the demons would have been there even if they never played the Dead mary game.
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Oh lighten up!
onosideboard18 January 2008
This is no classic, but it's a perfectly entertaining way to spend 103 minutes. It's definitely the best Canadian horror flick I've ever seen (actually, it might be the only one).

Seriously though, while the acting might not be Oscar caliber, it ranges from not offensively bad (Eve) to actually pretty good (Baker). And while a lot of movies in this sub-genre are full of characters you can't wait to see die (I'm looking at you, "The Breed"), I found myself rooting for the survival of a few in this one.

Sure, the premise of a group of young people stuck in a remote area battling evil has been done a million times, but that's because it's a fun horror sub-genre, and this is a decent entry. I really don't understand the confusion over the plot that many reviewers have mentioned--this is not a thinking man's movie and requires only a very basic level of consciousness to get it.

One last thing... I liked the ending! As I said before, if you're looking for a cinematic masterpiece, you'll be disappointed in "Dead Mary," but what are you doing in the horror section in the first place? If you're looking for a bit of mindless entertainment, "Dead Mary" will do the job.
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If u want to watch a horror movie.plz avoid this one.
rajiv_master14 January 2014
The attempt of the director to make a horror movie lies flat on the ground.The ghost or horror element appears only for 2 very short instant,in fact the poster is more horrifying than the movie.

The central premise is so vague and ill-defined that it ends up making less sense as time goes on.In the movie it constantly needs to fade to black in order to jump from one character to another. For a film that supposedly takes place over the course of a night, this is not only unnecessary but serves to deflate the dramatic tension.

"Dead Mary" is a below mediocre movie. The urban legend of Bloody Mary that was brilliantly explored in "Candyman" in the 90's, now is used in a rip-off of "Evil Dead". There are many movies with "a group of friends that goes to a cabin in the woods and faces evil", like for example "Cabin Fever", which works. But "Dead Mary" is awful, with a boring beginning, a messy story where "Dead Mary" never shows up, and a ridiculous conclusion.

This movie was a disappointment on several different levels. As we first start in it's obviously going to be yet another horror movie about beastly and possibly a couple of decent young people heading out to do stupid things in the woods and on that note it played through.
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An amateur job at best
sandginner11 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Beginning with the ritual of reciting " dead Mary " , then the idea of the cars stalling and the realization that they are trapped in a cabin in the woods and finally the first guy getting killed turns into a zombie , all that made me feel like the idea of the movie draws heavily from the Evil Dead series . Why did the friends feel like they had to go through the "dead Mary ritual" one after the other ? It began as a challenge to one person , but then they all do the same thing as if they agreed to make a contest out of it ,which was not made clear from the characters' comments . The story is full of incoherence , like how the teenager gets locked up in spite of the fact that the first victim turns out to be alive , not killed by Eve like she testified , and the one who kills him is his wife , yet the teenager girl is treated as the suspect . Only later it is revealed and explained that the woman jumped on her wounded ex because he started 'turning' and coming back to life . One would wonder how she came so quickly to understand how the zombie thing works , it's as if they have been living with zombies all their lives and how to prevent a dead person from coming back to life as a zombie

is common knowledge . Why did the girl burn herself with her zombie husband ? It's not even clear if she did die in there or not , she is just shown to dowse the cabin with gas and throw a lit match , then cut to a view of the cabin from outside showing the flames . One only understands that she died with the zombie from the fact that she doesn't appear anymore after that . How did they know that the effective way to deal with the zombie reanimation issue was to burn them ? The movie did not show any development of experience on the matter , again it's as if they came ready to deal with zombies or any other supernatural creatures . The interrogation scene where the zombie husband is tied by the cheating friend does not make a lot of sense , he keeps hitting the zombie asking "What do you want ?" , I would like to know what HE hoped to accomplish , he was satisfied when the zombie replied : "We want YOU", we want you to die ? we want you to become one of us ? we want to eat you ? Who is dead Mary ? Is it the character Eve ? I think it would have been better to show why dead Mary appears after repeating the name , what is dead Mary and what does she do to make people become zombies ? Is it a form of possession ? The ending scene is the most stupid , why couldn't they at least show the evil characters dying ?

I must admit however , there were some instances where they succeeded in creating suspense , it was almost scary beginning with the "dead Mary" contest up to the discovery and burning of the first "zombie" , after that the story went downhill .
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Far to slow movie
atinder5 June 2014
For me this took a really long time to getting going, it's until about 45 minutes before, it actually get going.

A couple who seemed have broken before going Cabin in woods with friends

So place it going will awkward for all their Friends, which to talk about 92 % of the movie, Which was very boring.

They even wasted time of showing us, how bored they were, soon they play the Dead Mary game, well instead of the Bloody Mary , which was about hour into the movie.

There one decent thing happen in this movie, I we don't even get to see the first attack.

We only get the aftermath of the Friends dead who was killed in woods at night and then he has been turned into something.

Soon the rest of the friend, wondering, who else as changed or hiding under the human skin.

It's Wasn't really made clear what was stalking them, or hunting, sit here friends turn on one and other.

It's trying to Evil dead wannabe with Bloody Mary twist , It didn't work at all.

2 out of 10
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A film of two halves? (Neither of which are very good)
poolandrews14 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Dead Mary is set at an isolated log cabin situated deep in the woods. Couples Kim (Dominique Swain) & Matt (Jefferson Brown), Lilly (Maggie Castle) & Bryce (Steven McCarthy), Amber (Reagan Pasternak) & Dash (Michael Majeski) plus odd one out Eve (Marie-Josée Colburn) who is on her own have all been invited to the cabin for the weekend by their friend Ted. There they hang out &, well not much else really. Suddenly someone comes up with the bright idea of playing Dead Mary, a campfire tale that states if you say 'Dead Mary' three times into a mirror said deceased female named Mary, who was a Witch when she could be described as Alive Mary, will come back from the dead & kill everyone. No-one really takes it seriously but do it anyway, then by the nights end they begin to wish they hadn't as Matt turns up mutilated in the woods possessed by something evil...

This American Canadian co-production was directed by Robert Wilson & one has to say I though Dead Mary is a rather odd little teen horror film & a not particularly good one either. The script for Dead Mary is credited to Peter Sheldrick & Christopher Warre Smets although according to the IMDb while it started out as a typical teen slasher with a ghostly Dead Mary zombie rising from the lake to kill various teens director Wilson decided to change everything & have some unseen unknown & unexplained evil force possess the teens one-by-one & thus turn it into some sort of modern teens in peril in the woods in a log cabin mix between The Evil Dead (1981) & the body-snatching plot of The Thing (1982) as the second half of Dead Mary plays out exactly the same as John Carpenter's masterpiece with it trying to create a real sense of paranoia & mistrust. To be brutally honest Dead Mary is a mess, the first thirty minutes are so boring it's untrue, after ten minutes & absolutely nothing had happened I was becoming bored, after fifteen minutes I was past bored, after twenty minutes of nothing happening I was praying for some sort of dramatic incident & by the twenty five minute mark & still literally nothing of any significance had happened I had all but given up on it. Upto this point the entire film has been nothing but really dull dialogue between really dull character's, nothing that happens has any relevance to later on anyway which makes it even worse. Eventually the film kicks into gear & the body stealing plot starts to develop, to be fair this part of the film is alright but with such a small cast of character's there's not much the makers could do with the idea, they also reveal who is an evil clone far too easily & it's annoying to see people keep splitting up all the time. Also anyone possessed by whatever is possessing them seems intent on upsetting people by telling them that their boy/girlfriend is cheating on them! It's just odd to see a mutilated Matt for instance just sit there & tell everyone that their lover is cheating on them for no apparent reason. The plot is a bit of a mess, there is no solid or reasonable explanation for anything that happens, the ending is one of those frustrating ones which just cuts to black at a really annoying moment & leaves everything up in the air & whatever happened to Ted anyway?

Director Wilson does alright here actually, the film has a very laid back & lazy feel to it with slow camera moves, lingering shots & a pace that at times if it was any slower the film would be going backwards. The gore levels are none existent, there's a couple of dead bodies, a burnt arm & some blood splatter but this isn't much off a PG. I don't remember any nudity either. The film is well shot with a fair bit of style & I did like the atmosphere of the final twenty odd minutes with the dark woods & pouring rain.

Technically the film is pretty impressive with nice cinematography, there's no quick 'blink & you'll miss it' editing or shaky hand held camcorder shots either. Dead Mary certainly looks nice, it's just a shame the script is a total mess from start to finish. Apparently shot in Ontario in Canada. The acting is pretty good, while not Oscar worthy no-one stands out as being particularly bad & the girls look rather nice which helps.

Dead Mary is a really odd film, the first thirty minutes will put most into a coma while the rest of it is some odd mix of Candyman (1992) with the whole urban myth surrounding saying someone's name three times The Evil Dead & The Thing but doesn't come close to being as good as any of those. I can't really see who would get anything out of Dead Mary I really don't.
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Dead Mary: killer of two hours of your life
vipers2221 March 2008
Dead Mary seems to be a horror movie that misses at every attempt that a horror movie shoots for. First it is very formulaic: a bunch of young people go to a remote cabin where something supernatural will start hunting them. Dead Mary actually spends time in the beginning trying to give you the back stories on these individuals that are meeting for the weekend. The purpose of this you would suspect is so that you get some intrigue on the characters actions, add to the paranoia, advance a plot, or perhaps simply gain some empathy for the characters. By the end of the movie you will realize none of these things happened and thus it was a pointless waste of time. So you might say: "So what, it is a schlocky horror movie. Who cares about plot, character development,etc…?" To that I say I can enjoy a silly B-movie horror movie as much as the next guy. But what is it that fans of, let's say, Friday the 13th want in a movie? I would break it down to things such as: Good special effects, creative kills, scares, maybe a few laughs, and if all else fails some T&A. Dead Mary fails to provide any of these things.

I gave Dead Mary 2 out of 10. In hind sight this might be a little low because the acting wasn't particularly bad and the technical aspects of the film were OK. I guess I rate it so low because there is nothing to speak for in its favor. Often there are bad movies where you say: "The movie really stunk, but there is this one scene..." Not true of Dead Mary. You can go through your whole life without seeing the movie and not have missed anything.
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Bland, boring and features very little good moments
slayrrr6666 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Dead Mary" is a thoroughly unimpressive supernatural thriller.


Driving up for a weekend, Kim, (Dominique Swain) and Matt, (Jefferson Brown) meet up with friends Eve, (Marie-Jose'e Colburn) Baker, (Steven McCarthy) Lily, (Maggie Castle) Dash, (Michael Majeski) and Amber, (Reagan Pasternak) at a cabin in the woods for a get together. As they've all had time away, tensions among them immediately begin to break out and threaten the trip. Attempting to get over it, they try to get along and decide to play a game known as Dead Mary, which they believe is just an urban legend. When they all try it, nothing happens and they go about the rest of the trip. When they awake one morning to find that something is terribly wrong with the situation. Acting almost as though they are possessed, they find that by playing the game, they have indeed allowed the spirit of Dead Mary to possess them all, and they try to escape the cabin before they become victims.

The Good News: There wasn't a whole lot to like about it, but what was there was pretty good. One of the best features is it's really clever way of dealing with the possession. Rather than having the exorcism of the creature result in that possessed victim's death, this one decides to keep them alive. That allows for some fun from the fact that the recently-possessed still have coherence into the situation, and that can be really good if done in the right manner, which for the most part this one does. A few instances here and there don't mean much, and in the end it works. There is some reasonable suspense attempts spread throughout, including a great one after the game was first played where a series of unsettling off-screen noises play havoc on a victim. The not knowing of who's the possessed victim or not does work to some extinct. Due to the non-death factor, there's some really nice scenes here. It does feature one of the most brutal torture scenes ever, where one is strapped into a chair and repeatedly whacked with a hammer until they confess, which leaves a whole strain of impact marks all over the body. These here are all the film has for it.

The Bad News: This one here suffers from several really big problems. The first of which is the incredibly boring and nearly impossible-to-get-through beginning. The entire first act there's nothing to suggest that anything sinister is happening. There's no build-up, no sense of impending doom, just bored young adults and their problems. The guys and girls break off into their own separate groups and moan about their love lives, later gathering for a long evening of joyless banter. This is just way too dull for most of the film to take up with. There's even a whole slew of clichés in here, despite it trying to feel like it isn't one. We have the overused cabin-in-the-woods effect, occupied by a group of mopey, depressed couples who spend the weekend reconnecting with their old chums. As it turns out, the big game is the exact same game as an older game, just with a word switch. This is one of the oldest campfire tales in the book: repeat the name of a witch three times in a mirror and she appears. So one by one our bored characters enter and exit a bathroom having uttered the most cursed of all names into the mirror. This is just a small sampling of the kind of creativity on display here. There's also the really big flaw of the characters acting completely out of realistic touches that are so obvious it's hard to really feel for them. The biggest tell-tale one is during the first reanimation sequence. When your dead friend's bloodied corpse suddenly springs back to life and tells you your girlfriend is cheating on you, is your reaction to freak out at your girlfriend, or is it to freak out because your dead friend's bloodied corpse is talking to you?! That is simply an example, and really shows just how bad the film can be at times.

The Final Verdict: With some really bad flaws and a few moments of watchability, this one comes off as wholly underwhelming and quite bland. This is really only for those who enjoy the straight-to-DVD releases, while those who aren't that into those or who find the mentioned flaws deal-breakers would be advised to skip this one.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and drug use
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Dead Mary. Dead Mary. ...............Dead Mary.
Mister-Creeper23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so lots of people didn't enjoy this movie and have complained and complained about there being NO DEAD MARY in it. Well, if any of those people actually sat through the movie and paid attention to it, they would realize that Dead Mary IS the reason these young adults are killing each other. She may not make an appearance in the movie, but she is what is possessing these people. How many people actually complain about "THE EVIL DEAD" not having any evil dead ghouls appearing in the film? The point is, and this applies to both films, that these people are being possessed by the evil spirits or demons. Speaking of The Evil Dead, this film reminded me a lot of it and I enjoyed it very much. There hasn't been very many really good horror movies released lately and I found this one to be highly overlooked and unappreciated. It is well worth viewing.

A group of friends get together for a weekend reunion at a small place in the woods. After catching up on each others lives (which mostly involves conversations about each others' love affairs), they all sit around a living room area drinking and talking. Then one of them says, "let's play Dead Mary." "Dead Mary? I thought it was 'Bloody Mary'?" another replies. So then the storyline is set as one by one they take a candle into the bathroom, close the door and lock it, turn out the lights, and look into the mirror and say aloud...Dead Mary three times.

Sometime in the middle of the night, one of them becomes possessed and the killings begin. You don't always know who is possessed and who isn't, but neither do they. They begin to accuse each other and fight amongst themselves. This goes on throughout the movie as one by one the group becomes smaller and smaller. There is a genuinely creepy feel to the film, like I said, much like The Evil Dead. The actors are better than expected and play out their roles very nicely.

Dead Mary is a horror film worth the rental and possibly worth buying, depending on how well you like it. Don't believe all the negative remarks about this film. I think people just didn't pay much attention when no Dead Mary didn't appear in the film and some of them act like they didn't understand that these people were being possessed by Dead Mary. Keep an open mind when viewing this film and pay attention to details. I think you will really appreciate the effort and enjoy this movie for what it is. It's about possession, not a ghoulish creature. I give it a 7 out of 10. Give it a shot!
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stupid movie....what a waste of time.
bernythefly25 December 2007
I just saw this movie so i'm entitled to say: this movie really sucks. bad acting...stupid or no storyline....stupid must be coordinated by a drunk guy. I rented this movie after a friend tipped me. Watched and then phoned him back to ask him a thing or two. He laugh at me saying...dude don't be mad...i was trying not to be the only idiot that wasted 1h and 45 min of his life. was a prank dude... get over it. yeah... i got wanna get it..steal it. You want to be smart and live 1 hour and 45 min anything else in the world. damn it... i just realized...i wasted money on electricity too. bye...must cut back.
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I actually like the ambiguity!
hnt_dnl7 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
DEAD MARY (2007) is a very uniquely interesting horror film. It plays mind games with both it's characters and the moviegoer. The 7 characters Kim (Dominique Swain), Eve (Marie-Josee Colburn), Baker (Steve McCarthy), Lily (Maggie Castle), Dash (Michael Majeski), Amber (Reagan Pasternak), and Matt (Jefferson Brown) all find themselves in over their heads big time! The initial vibe is that it's just a friendly get-together in a remote cabin amongst friends, then it takes an oddly eerie turn into horror.

There is an air of isolation that permeates throughout DEAD MARY once the horror starts and the opening sequence personifies this with Kim and Matt seemingly in the middle of nowhere on the roadside on their way to meet their old college friends Ted, Eve, Baker, and Dash (along with Baker's younger girlfriend Lily) at Ted's cabin. Ted himself is nowhere to be found after they all arrive and I think never showing us what happened to Ted adds to the film's isolated tone. A lingering question that I have is that I wonder if Ted was attacked/possessed before the others arrived and is he the one that initiated all this? And perhaps the Dead Mary game they played that night is just a coincidence/MacGuffin to throw both the characters and the viewers off. It's never really explained in the film.

Now just in terms of what's going on with the characters we see, the viewer actually knows who is responsible, but not how it all started, or even how (or if) it all ends! The most interesting aspect of DEAD MARY is that instead of settling for being just a mindless horror flick with stupid puns where a literal monster is killing off the characters, it uses the device of tying the possessions into the personal lives of the characters, but in a very tongue-in-cheek, all too honest way. Before the possessions, you could tell these old friends were kind of jaded and uneasy with each other and with life in general, then the possession releases brings all their mistrust, secrets, inhibitions, and shortcomings to the forefront.

The real success of DEAD MARY lies in it's utter ambiguity about what is really happening. Is it a simple possession by Dead Mary (spurred by the game they played that first night) that is causing all this? Is it some other demon or spirit and the Dead Mary game was coincidence? Is it the actual apocalypse, which would explain the lack of other people around?!

I thought the ensemble acting was very good amongst the cast, with standout characters being Baker, Eve, and the scenery-chewing Dash. The actors were very convincing playing longtime friends with secrets. DEAD MARY is a solid horror yarn with an ambiguity and storyline that I think warrants repeated viewing.
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Dead Mary my review.
jeffreyc-3256727 October 2019
Well right on here we go. First off i have noticed a lot of people are slating this film 📼 as rubbish. No spoilers here just my honest opinion, I paid three pounds for this film. As a film 📼 buff and now retired four years ago I love watching horror films. And also have a massive collection of horror films and genres, so this,movie 🎦 was awesome. So all in all. My score is seven, cheers and thank you, jacey says peace out.
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An UNBELIEVABLE train wreck of a movie
Sam_Movie_Buff7 February 2008
If you're on this page it means you're probably sick of the big "Hollywood" releases and want a low budget but entertaining B horror movie. I understand, there are some great B horror's out there. But please know. THIS IS NOT ONE.

I kind of don't know where to start with Dead Mary. It's that bad.

I'm watching the movie as I type (this is the first time watching) - It's never a good sign when you're watching a movie and then you start doing other things. I just can't sit and pay attention any longer. What the hell is this movie? Why was it made? Why did these even D rate actors show up to film this tripe? ...So many questions. The first 35 minutes of the movie is the most bored I've ever been watching a movie (In my life). All the start consists of is all the "friends" talking about old times, where their life's are headed, blah, blah, blah - once half an hour passes, you're really confused. You will be asking yourself, I thought this was a horror movie - not a bad American soap.

Then the so called "horror" hits. Only by this time, (me, right now) you couldn't care less. You just want the credits to roll. The thing that really confused me is, the effects aren't all that bad. Not bad at all in fact, the movie! It's as though there isn't even a script, it's like they're just making it up as they go along - ridiculous.

This IS NOT a horror. To be honest I don't even know what it is. All I know is, it's bad - very bad. DO NOT BUY OR RENT THIS MOVIE. Has anyone seen the movie Pulse? you know, they suck the life out of you. That's is exactly how you'll feel after watching this.
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Dead. Rubbish
caitlinyates9526 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It was on netflix so i didn't expect perfection (netflix being infamous for scraping the barrel of the film world) but my god i just didn't understand what was even happening it was like they had two ideas "dead mary" and "zombie apocalypse" and did a mashup so i didn't know it was vague all the characters where horrible it was boring not scary and it might just be me but the blood in the bathroom after that guy who got his face chewed played dead mary what was the necessity it will bore you if you see this film and think i'll just give it a go Don't not worth it !!!!! A good point hmmmm it leaves the ending open for theories on what happened might keep you interested but it just annoyed me !
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Dead Mary's zombies
mario_c15 January 2008
DEAD MARY is a movie that is full of clichés, but at the same time tries to be something different.

The plot is about a group of teenagers that decide to spend a weekend in an isolated cabin in the woods. The weekend is to be for fun, but it ends being a terrible massacre… where did you see it before? It's really a cliché, right?! Though, this film mixes some different kind of horror types, from the supernatural (zombies, witches' stories, etc) to the slasher type, not being specifically any of those.

The plot ends in a very open way, what almost makes you think there's a DEAD MARY 2 coming right there! I use to appreciate open stories, but in this particular case I guess I would prefer a more closed ending, because I think it would fit better in the story.

As I said before DEAD MARY is not a zombie's movie, is not a slasher, is not a witching story… it's just a bit of everything and nothing special at the same time! However, the acting was not bad.

I'll score it 5/10.
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