"Mike Hammer" Accentuate the Negative (TV Episode 1959) Poster

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kapelusznik1814 November 2014
****SPOILERS*** Private eye Mike Hammer, Darren McGavin, is hired by out of work fashion model Mary Otto, Patricia Huston, to defend her fugitive from the law brother Frank, Chuck Ross,in a murder that she claims he didn't commit. It was the hot headed Frank who crashed into fashion photographer Henry Polle's, Ben Morris, office and worked him over for stinging his sister Mary along in claiming to make her a star in the fashion world and soaking her for some $200.00, That's $1,500 in 2014 US currency, in the process. It's when Frank left, without the cash, that someone came in Polle's office and finished the guy off thus making Frank, in being the last person to see him alive, the #1 suspect in Polle's murder.

With Hammer checking out the talent agency that Polle worked for he gets no help from it's owner Dora Church, Barbara Bain, who claims that Mary had no talent yet the mostly cheesecake photos of herself that she paid for were locked away, with those of dozens of other aspiring models, for safe keeping in case any one of them made it big in the world of show business. It soon dawns on Hammer that Polle was secretly running a blackmail racket, in blacking the women that he photographed, that backfired on him. It's when Hammer was worked over by a couple of hired goons,, or former associates of the late Henry Polle, that he realized that he was on the right track.

***SPOILERS***Getting policewoman and martial arts expert Sgt,. Maureen Hurley, Bek Nelson, to set a trap for Polle's killer it's the two goons and later together with Polle's killer who show up catching Hammer & Hurley by surprise. But just before they were about to finish the two off the lights suddenly went out with the weaker of the sex, woman, Sgt. Hurley saving the day as well as her partner Mike Hammer's behind. That by, excuse the pun, Sgt. Hurley violently manhandling and hammering the trio into submission before they could do any more damage.
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