"ER" Heart of the Matter (TV Episode 2006) Poster

(TV Series)


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Heart of the Matter (#13.6)
ComedyFan201021 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprise how the jury decided on Luka's court. I thought they will punish him for being "part of the system". And while one feels good for Luka, it is hard to be completely happy since the life of Curtis was ruined. The scene with him coming to er was heartbreaking, just as his conversation with Luka. I kind of hope that Luka will be able to do something for this man so he can move on and keep on living.

That teenager hitting on Tony was pretty funny story. Including him introducing her to birth control for it. Pretty interesting situation. And now I am a bit confused about who this woman he lives with is, now it seems they are not in a relationship.
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Neela is the worst
ann30331 August 2022
I have been increasingly disliking Neela the past couple of seasons. She may be book smart but she is emotionally inept, self-righteous and whiny. It's annoying how practically every man in the ER is in love with her. It was highly satisfying watching Dr. Dubenko chew her out for blatantly disobeying Dr. Crenshaw, her direct authority, especially after he gave her very clear orders as to what she should be doing.

I'm re-watching this series years after it originally aired, and I've come to appreciate many characters who I originally didn't particularly like, such as Nurse Taggart and Drs. Morris and Pratt. But I still haven't managed to like Neela.
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