"Bones" The Truth in the Lye (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Whats hidden under
Necara13 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I read the first review posted here before I saw the episode I was a little wary of actually watching it. I finally broke down this morning and turned it on.

I agree that Booth was a little out of character here, and the final scene was . . . a little off. But I see a deeper message in the episode as well. First, we see Bones take a real leap in understanding of her Partner, showing a different side that we don't see very often when she talks to Rebecca. Near the end of the episode Booth and Bones are talking and Booth is telling her why he can't sleep with Rebecca anymore, he looks up at her and says something to the tune of, there are some people you cant just sleep with, because there is too much to lose. Basically that it matters too much and you can damage what you already have that is good.

The next scene shows Booth in bed with Cam. At first thought it *does* seem to go against the grain of the story, but when I stopped to think about it I realized that its sort of a tell tale that Cam and Booths relationship will never be 'meaningful' and gives a glimpse as to why Booth and Bones don't give into their . . . tension, because their relationship means too much to risk for 'biological' reasons.

:) All in all I wasn't nearly as disappointed with the episode as I thought I would be, not my favorite, but still very much worth watching.
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mitchrmp14 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The story itself is the age-old story of a man with too many wives. the killer isn't really shocking - another age-old story.

But one thing that I didn't like is that fact Booth slept with two different women in what appears to be one day. A man who is totally in love with Bones (though it's not played on for several seasons) will act out his sexual frustration (like one reviewer said, they don't want to risk losing what they have) on other women. But this just makes me cringe. I'm not a fan of Cam, so seeing them in bed together makes me sick to my stomach! He's acting all sexual here when really I don't see him that way at all...

I'm torn. There are two previous reviews of this story and I see this both ways. I'm leaning more to screaming "stop doing this to Booth now - this is not him!" But with the look Booth and Brennan shared at the end, I can see why Booth ran into the arms of another past-lover...Perhaps to keep from doing what he really, really wants to do?

I also found it interesting that in all eleven seasons (so far) you never see Booth and Bones having sex. I think that's a big - and good - thing for this series. their relationship wasn't built on that act - their love goes much deeper. (the only sexual act we see is in an alternate reality episode).

So, like I said...I'm torn on this turn of events.
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Hey Bones Booth!
queen_of_drama-3458621 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its the obligatory I have two families episode that most shows have but still interestingly done. I guess we know Booth is a tighty whities man. Wow the tub of liquefied human is a bit much for Bones too. I know your annoyed with her Booth but do you really think it's a good idea to send Bones out to talk to families alone. Cam's line in regards to Zack "We'll pin our number to his shirt " was hilarious. Ugh Hodgins don't lay in the tub gross. Sode note: David Borneaz and Jessica Capshaw (Rebecca) were in a horror/thriller movie together called Valentine from 2001. I haven't seen it in forever but I remember it being worth the watch.
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Godiva 3000 Warning: Spoilers
Let's talk about s*x ba-by. Let's talk about you and me (and her and her). This episode dealt with a lot of interpersonal and intimate relationships and I ate the drama UP. While it is absolutely awful that someone would lead two lives like that, I thought the episode and crime of the episode were very entertaining.

That said, Booth and his ex "rendezvousing" felt off. I mean, nothing says sexual tension like threatening to not let someone see their son literally a few episodes ago? And nothing says let's "cha cha slide" like someone gossiping to everyone at work that you are back with your ex (looking at you Cam).

There were a lot of other great moments such as: A: "What make foolish man think I speak Chinese" and Z: "I'm going on police business" H: "I'm so proud"

Things to note: not gonna lye, I thought the emulsified wallet was pretty cool! Turns out that those women were actually great actresses in cahoots. I kept saying to myself "living like Larry" throughout the episode. Learned a new word this episode: frangible

A line I loved: "Could they kill a man?" "I think our Vice President disproved that possibility".

Hi the Bones Booth :)
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Lythas_8511 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
People were discussing booth banging his ex and then cam at the end.. but dude, it's a show and the logic usully goes outta the window when convenient.

The interesting part is the sexist remarks from usually the female members of the team. Hodgins asking what the Chinese letters mean and Angela answering "why do foolish MEN think I know Chinese?" during first and second season I think Angela made like 2 or 3 sexist remarks like this. She doesn't ask why PEOPLE think she speaks chinese.. she always emphasize she's talking about men.
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Not a Throwaway But.....
Hitchcoc18 January 2023
This is a take on an oft used plot of a man who has two families in different places. He has children by each wife and spends equal amounts of time. The thing is, he is found at a construction site, in a bathtub, being decomposed with chemicals. There are a couple issues. The first is finding evidence when the body has pretty much been turned to liquid. So the tiniest bits of solid matter come into play, as well as things like pieces of copper. On a separate note, we find out immediately that Booth is sleeping with his Ex (not really--they were never married despite having a son). Booth must ride the wave of his Catholicism, despite not following the dictates of his religion. We also get to know that both he and Brennan leave the episode free to see what comes next.
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Worst episode ever...Booth was completely out of character
markkayliw28 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I have seen every single episode that has aired so far, and we have had a very hard time picking which ones are our favorite episodes and which are our least favorite episodes...This one makes the latter very easy to decide. This was, by far, the worst episode aired thus far.

Booth sleeps with both Rebecca and Cam...the former is understandable, I guess (though, even then, we are never given the impression that either of them even likes the other at all anymore...further, she was in a very serious relationship with another man last we saw, yet she is now sleeping with Booth?), but with Cam it is completely inexcusable and nonsensical. He was just about to go yell at her about telling everyone he was back with his ex, and next thing we see is them sleeping together?! Absolutely absurd. We aren't given any idea of Booth being interested in Cam, yet here he is, just after realizing the mistake he made by sleeping with Rebecca, making the same mistake all over again with another woman.

The other comments I have seen around here are totally right. He is a total man whore in this episode. Sure, he has his faults, but being a slutty man whore was not one of them. After all, he's a "good Catholic" guy.

Completely out of character...this was totally a publicity stunt to get all the David Boreanaz sex-crazed female fans an excuse to stare at his chest. If they want to show him scarcely dressed, fine...have a scene where he's coming out of the shower and Brennan walks in on him after he's got a towel around him. But to make him completely out of character is just asking for trouble (such as disgusting the Bones' addicts like my wife and me). Bones' is still our favorite show, by far, but we are very displeased with this episode.
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Not really memorable
woldemilie28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Booth is not really himself in this episode, not a good look on him. I really liked the conversation between Brennan and Rebecca and gives us a little bit more insight into their relationship. As always Zack is adorable, and i can really imagine him walking around with Hodgins and Cams number on him. The murder in this episode is really forgettable. Before i rewatched this episode i could only remember that the victim had multiple wife's and nothing more. I really think they handled the multiple wife's plot better in another episode.
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