"Heroes" Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap'
Prismark1024 September 2020
By episode three. It is Hiro that is stealing the scenes.

I felt more vested by history and him trying to persuade his work colleague Ando of his abilities.

Everything they get up to is already been set down in the comic book.

It is Mohinder's story that seems to be weak link. Even his narration is cod pretentious stuff out of a fortune cookie. It is clear that the characters displaying superpowers are more interesting.

Poor Claire Bennet, not only could she be in danger from her father. She should had taken his advice. Go out with a nerd and not the quarterback.
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The One Where Claire Almost Gets Raped....
taylorkingston15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy this episode. There are a lot of elements to the episode, as with any Heroes episode. I think it's a good, enjoyable episode.

In this episode, Claire almost gets raped by the quarterback, at an after party. But whilst the attack happened, Claire got stabbed in the head by a tree branch. Meanwhile, Hiro convinces Ando to come on his heroic journey with him. Nathan uses Peter's accident for his own game. I hate Nathan. Everyone's on the hunt for Sylar. And we learn that Niki's husband is wanted for murder.

Best part of the episode: When we meet Niki's husband.

Worst part of the episode: Nathan.

Overall, I give this episode a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.
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wow, good show on TV.
lanaileila25 October 2006
i don't think that i ever watched a show religiously. now, i make sure to be home on time before this show starts. for the last couple of years, most of the shows we got were either reality shows or shows based on real life (i.e. "how i met your mother" < i really don't care) or "make a deal" sort of thing, and that did absolutely nothing for me. TV has lacked pure fantasy in the last couple of years, and this show has hit the spot. And, yes, it does follow that idea from superman "with power comes responsibility". so the characters are not just do-all-good-all-the-time, they have depth and issues like we all do, so that lets us relate to them. one problem though, is that it takes a while to get to the point, and the build up is getting so big, that after this season, i'm afraid that this show will not be returning, or the second season will not live up to this one. but otherwise, this show makes up for what others are lacking - fantasy, adventure, fun.
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Heroes: One Giant Leap is indeed that
tavm20 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of last week's episode, Hiro had been arrested after stumbling into the apartment of the dead artist who had a comic book that predicted Hiro's adventures to the letter. Hiro had teleported himself five weeks into the future just as he was witnessing a bombing in New York! Now we find him back in Tokyo five weeks before with his officemate Ando as he shows him the comic book he brought back from the U.S. He convinces Ando to come with him to help save a schoolgirl from getting killed by a truck during school hours. At the schoolyard, Hiro manages to stop time just as the girl was about to be hit as Ando witnesses the event and is convinced of Hiro's powers. Meanwhile, Claire the cheerleader tries to just have a normal life and is charmed when the school quarterback expresses an interest in her. That ends after he attempts to rape her and hits her head on a dismembered tree branch leaving her for dead. While Claire is indestructible, the branch in her head makes her stay unconscious until it is pulled out and she wakes up in the morgue with her body cut open! Matt the cop uses telekinesis to save the life of the woman who arrested him and comes home to a wife who no longer speaks to him. He comes to a bar and notices one man he couldn't read the mind of. Peter comes to his brother's press conference and gets angry when he hears himself mentioned as "attempting to commit suicide" in public. And Mohinder finds pictures of various people in his late father's apartment that later disappear when he brings the cops in and he finds this written on the wall in blood: Forgive Me...Things get curiouser and curiouser as the episode unravels and I am still intrigued. Heroes is one of the best new shows on the air right now and I am so glad NBC has ordered a full season. Well worth the acclaim and fandom it is getting right now.
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