"The Adventures of Tintin" Tintin in America (TV Episode 1992) Poster

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Tintin at the speed of light
Leofwine_draca30 November 2016
Tintin in America is the last episode in the ADVENTURES OF TINTIN TV series. This was an early 1990s TV show that aimed to be closer to the spirit of the original comics than earlier adaptations of the work. Most of the episodes were two-parters whereas Tintin in America condenses the tale down to just one which means that it's an incredibly fast-paced story that barely pauses for breath.

Tintin fans will love it, of course. There's no supporting cast here, just Tintin and Snowy in Chicago and battling with 1930s-era hoodlums. The action jumps from one scene to the next with incredible speed, tons of plot twists, and lots of adventure and derring do. I lost count of how many times Tintin escapes death here. Although I would have preferred to watch a subtitled version, the English dubbing is okay and the story is pleasingly old-fashioned.
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Tintin tackles America's crime kingpins.
lost-in-limbo23 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The highly regarded young newspaper reporter Tintin heads to America, Chicago to write a story on how the underworld crime figures run the city. When they hear that he's coming, they plan some devilish surprises to stop him in his tracks, but Tintin won't let anything come between him and good story.

Belgian writer and illustrator Herge's "Tintin In America" is one of his earlier comic book adventures and this cartoon mostly stays true to its sources. ALthough there's some stuff missing which was included in the comic strip. Mainly those periods involving the unfair plight towards the native Indians. What translates on this cartoon feature is an richly coloured and naturally spirited foray, which never lets up on the excitement. These are how cartoons should be made and this one stills stands up well today. The concept for this episode throws around tight and thrilling situations (basically one after another in an convincing fashion) of Tintin dodging the traps set out for him with his usual disguises. This is done in a astutely laid out structure with some welcoming humour added in. The script is resourcefully engaging, and sprucely told. Tintin makes for an superbly idol hero, with intelligence and energy to come up with the goods. His fellow crime counterparts for this occasion, are some lively and fun mobsters. While, it might not be one of the best. It's definitely one the more exciting entries, as it totally draws you into the strip from the get-go.
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bevo-1367816 December 2020
I like the bit where he got wood from the pole and flicked it at people
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Tintin in America
TV-Reviews4 May 2022
Tintin visits 1930's Chicago to write an expose on organised crime. Doing so, some very exaggerated and over the top gangsters take a disliking to the nosy reporter and assign an under-boss named 'Smiles' to 'take care of him'.

I remember watching this one when I was younger thinking that I wish all of the story took place in Chicago. I now understand that some sections of the story must have been cut because this was a one-part episode rather than the usual two-part episodes.

This isn't a bad episode, it's fun to see our characters in some real world history of 20th century America. This episode lacked any sort of mystery or intrigue, something that the best Tintin stories are full of. Which is why I can only give it a 5/10 If somebody wanted to watch a Tintin story, I definitely wouldn't recommend starting with this one

This was my first review of the Tintin series, and I hope to do more. Writing the review I felt like Tintin at the start of this episode... when he was writing and re-writing his headline!

Thank you for reading.
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