Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG for action violence and peril, some scary images and suggestive material, and mild language

Sex & Nudity

  • Grover is presented to be a "playboy" of sorts
  • Hades's wife is inferred of wanting to have intercourse with a much younger kid
  • A scene with a lot of girls in bikinis and a scene where a statue has revealing nipples all scenes are very brief
  • There are a couple references to gods coming down to earth to "hook up" with humans.
  • A scene in a casino where you can see a few cleavages.

Violence & Gore

  • Miss. Dodds turns into a fury lifting Percy up saying something like, "if you don't give me the lightning, I'll tear your heart out!"
  • A teen boy with a sword fights several others and they are each dispatched; he then holds his sword to the throat of a teen girl.
  • A teen girl with a sword threatens a teen boy, who also has a sword, and they fight: she slashes him on the hand and the cheek (we see blood), he is cut twice more (we see blood on his arm), and she slashes him on the leg and kicks him to the ground where he lays motionless for a moment.
  • A minotaur grabs a woman and holds her in the air and she turns to a swirl of dust. A huge minotaur charges toward three people who run through woods; the minotaur picks up a car and throws it at them (they are not struck), a teen boy with a sword fights, the minotaur runs into a tree and breaks off one of its horns, and the boy uses the horn to stab it (we hear a crunch and it falls to the ground dead).
  • A woman turns into a winged, sharp-toothed fury, she swoops toward a teen boy, picks him up in the air and threatens to tear his heart out; then she drops him to the floor and flies through a window, shattering it.
  • A woman blasts a man using a lightning bolt (he is thrown through the air and lies motionless).
  • A huge flaming winged creature with horns, claws and sharp teeth (identified as Hades) bursts up out of a campfire and throws fireballs at people (they run for safety).
  • A man (Hades) holds the image of a woman in his hand and we see her surrounded by flames.
  • A man transforms into a flaming winged creature and three teens cower in fear.
  • A woman takes off her headscarf and reveals many slithering, hissing snakes (she is identified as Medusa).
  • A woman looks at Medusa and she turns to stone.
  • A woman who has been turned to stone had been holding the arm of a teen girl and the teen is unable to free herself; someone cuts the stone woman's arm off.
  • Snakes on Medusa's head coil around a teen girl's face and head and then a teen boy's.
  • Two teen boys fight on a rooftop using swords and a lightning bolt: one is struck by a blast and thrown, a teen girl slashes one of them using a dagger, one is slashed with a sword, one shoots a bolt at the others, the rooftop begins to crumble, and the two boys fall off and continue to fight; one is slashed on the face (we see blood), they fly through a building and continue to fight, and a wing is cut off the shoe of one of the fighters and he crashes onto another rooftop.
  • Two armies charge toward each other and engage in a battle during a training exercise: swords slash and people are struck and fall to the ground (we hear loud thuds and yelling).
  • A teen boy in a bathroom picks up a severed head and says, "I can't pee with her watching"; a woman sees the head and screams.
  • We see many people who have been turned into stone with frightened expressions on their faces.
  • What looks like the outline of humans engulfed in flames (they are identified as souls) moan and reach for four people who are being pushed toward them by three large, dog-like creatures (they are not harmed).
  • Two large, dog-like creatures with sharp teeth approach three teens (the dogs are called off by a woman).
  • Three teens walk into a cave entrance where we see many human skulls lining the walls; they approach a gaunt man standing in a small boat who is identified as the Ferryman, and he takes the teens over a deep canyon where we see fires burning and we hear people moaning and screaming (when the Ferryman takes paper money in his hand, it bursts into flames).
  • Three teens run through a casino and are chased by security: they fight them off with kicks and strikes, they steal a car and speed away crashing through the glass entryway and swerving through traffic.
  • A teen girl with a crossbow shoots several people who collapse to the floor (they are unconscious, not dead).
  • Two teen boys shove each other into lockers.
  • A teen boy strikes a man in the stomach using a metal cane, and then stomps the man's foot.
  • A car swerves to miss a cow, flips and rolls off the road (three passengers get out and appear to be unharmed).
  • A driver falls asleep at the wheel and swerves into oncoming traffic (no one is harmed).
  • A pick up truck is driven through a garden wall and two people are thrown but uninjured.
  • We see people training with swords, shields and arrows in a few scenes.
  • A teen boy and a teen girl lean toward each other as if they are going to kiss, she steals his sword, holds it to his neck and they fight.
  • Three teens are transformed into dust and float up into the air (they are fine later).
  • A teen boy collapses and we see him later in an infirmary where we understand he has been for several days.
  • A teen boy sits on the bottom of a filled swimming pool and we understand that he has been there for 7 minutes as if he could breathe under water but a normal person would pass out.
  • A teen boy puts on winged shoes and flies toward a statue, crashes into it, begins to slip down, climbs back up, and then glides to the floor below.
  • We see an animal turning over a spit (it's headless and does not have lower limbs).
  • A teen boy opens a cooler chest and we see many rats scurrying inside.
  • We see a Satyr with a human head and upper body and goat legs. We see several Centaurs with human heads and upper bodies and equine lower bodies and legs.
  • In the after end credits, Percy's father opens a refrigerator to get a beer but a severed head with medusa snakes carves him into stone offscreen.
  • A teen boy cuts off the head of a woman: we see the severed head on the ground, snakes on the head continue to slither around, and it is wrapped and placed in a bag; we see it a few more times throughout the movie.
  • Swordfights are common place and sometimes draw blood with faces, arms, hands and other body parts getting sliced. Kicking, punching, chasing, falling from great heights and getting shot with arrows are also par for the course. Grover proves that even crutches can become weapons. A game of capture the flag among demigods looks more like a medieval war zone.
  • Large water tanks on the roof of a building explode and the water surrounds a teen boy: he collapses to the ground, the water pulls away, he coughs, a trident is thrown, and it wraps around his neck and takes him through the air and into a river.
  • A man slaps a woman on the buttock, her teen son complains that the man is being disrespectful, and the man pushes the boy against a wall, pulls his hair and threatens him.


  • At least 2 slang terms for sex ("hook up"), 2 asses, 1 hell, 2 uses of "God" and 1 use of "Oh God."
  • Sixteen fully uncensored uses of the F-word during the casino scene in the song "Poker Face", however they are fairly easy to misinterpret as alternate lyrics. If you listen very closely though, you can hear that they did not use a censored version of the song.
  • Hellhole is used back to back (2 times) by Hades's wife.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man drinks a beer.
  • Several men playing cards have beer in front of them.
  • People eat Lotus flowers and appear to be affected by losing their sense of time. The flowers dull their senses and cause their vision to be colored like many modern drugs.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The Underworld is a dark and fiery, desolate world, similar to the hell we commonly know.
  • The characters almost get killed by three "hellhounds" and a fireplace that turns into a bunch of souls that try to capture them. Frightening screams are heard.
  • A five headed hydra (like a dragon) that breathes fire tries to attack them. When their heads are cut off, they grow them back double.
  • Hades arrives in two scenes as a giant fiery, menacing creature.
  • A fury (a creepy flying creature) attacks a teenage boy and holds him high in mid-air as it menaces him with a fearsome face and teeth.
  • Medusa gets beheaded and her head is held up in several scenes.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Percy's father who is a drunk guy threatens another man's son and the other man shoves him and threatens him in return. A man sits at a table and demands that a woman bring him beer. A man yells at a teen boy when he tries to defend his mother.
  • A minotaur attacks them and grabs a woman, holding her up in the air menacingly. Then she vanishes. She is unharmed later.

See also

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