"Doctor Who" The Sun Makers: Part Three (TV Episode 1977) Poster

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Death and Taxes
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic13 January 2015
Review of all 4 episodes:

This story is an adventure which is a political satire of tax, greedy capitalism and bureaucracy. It is full of comedic moments and underlying witty observation. It is written by the great Robert Holmes and this is also very sadly his last story as Script Editor. His time in that role saw the most consistently great quality of any era and his talent as both writer and script editor are second to none. Despite the push to move the series towards lighter, more comedic content and away from horror and darkness, Holmes cleverly manages to make this story comedic whilst maintaining some darkness and intelligent, sharp witted edge.

I agree with many observations I have read over the years that this story is an attack on greedy capitalist extreme right-wing politics and on bureaucracy. This is shown in the obsequious Gatherer and the clear extreme capitalism of the villainous wealthy overlords with oppressed workers paying taxes to fund the sheer greed of the elite until the downtrodden workers unite against them. It works very well indeed both as sheer fun entertainment and as an amusing satire.

The Doctor, Leela and K-9 arrive in a future Pluto colony controlled by wicked tax collectors who control and oppress the hard working population, exploiting them completely and secretly sending the profits to their unknown alien masters. The Doctor shakes things up.

There are numerous clever tax linked jokes such as names of corridors being tax form titles and the silliness and cruelty of aspects of the system are successfully made fun of. There is much enjoyment to be had in this adventure and there are some serious points made too. The first two parts are excellent and slightly stronger than the final two parts but it is all high quality and good fun. An example of when humorous stories can work very well. I cannot say the same for the adventure which followed next when the departure of Holmes was made immediately noticeable. It is such a shame he left. Thankfully he wrote stories from time to time but his loss at the helm hurt the series consistency and diminished its grown up qualities.

Parts 1 & 2 - 9.5/10, Parts 3 & 4 - 9/10. Overall - 9.25/10.
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How do you like your Leela Cooked...
Xstal5 July 2022
Leela's trapped, about to shout and scream, as the deviants begin to open up the pipes of steam, the pressure starts to build, could be worse, she could be grilled, can the Doctor find a way to stop the superheated stream.
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Fortunately it's only on for 24 minutes.
Sleepin_Dragon14 October 2019
The Doctor plans an uprising, poor Leela is caught.

Getting through this story has been a real effort, and sadly this episode is no better. Louise Jameson continues to be the only chink of light, in this tale of darkness and daylight. There is nothing new or original here, every concept has been done before, many times, only much much better. Credit for the idea of The Steamer, that's a nasty concept at least.

The Collector and Gatherer continue to prove utterly irritating once again. The costumes are horrible, but the sets look pretty good.

This have proven to be the epitomy of silliness, in a week where I've watched Pyramids of Mars and The Green Death, this is so poor in comparison. It all feels pretty poor. 4/10
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