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The 3rd part of a lost week of Mister Rogers' programs from the Modern Era.
Mark-AA841 February 2024
In this episode from the lost week in the Modern Era, Rogers shows the viewers a braille writing machine. I am a blind person myself,and I am very experienced in writing with the Perkins Brailler myself. I am also a very proficient braille reader. The visit to the cave was interesting. Think how old cave drawings are now and what they told people. I also liked the musician who played the marimba and drums.

In Make-Believe, Lady Elaine still not willing to help in making bombs happened to know someone who lives in Southwood, who King Friday thinks is going to make war. Accompanied by Lady Aberlin, Lady Elaine decides to ask Miss Cow at the school at Someplace Else to find information on that Southwood neighbor. And with permission from Commander in Chief Friday and his generals, the two ladies plan to go along with Bob Dog (acting as a spy) to Southwood as a peace delegation and get all the details on what they're making with Corny's mysterious parts.
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