"Alias" All the Time in the World (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Who wants to live forever?
Tweekums11 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So, after five seasons, this it is; the final episode. Sloane's plans are about to tome to fruition and Rambaldi's greatest work will be revealed... and as if that wasn't enough Irena has two nuclear missiles which she plans to use to destroy two major capitals! Of course Sydney and the rest of APO will do everything that it takes to stop them. Initially things don't look so good; Sydney is freezing at the bottom of a crevasse and APO headquarters have been destroyed. They get the break they need when they capture Peyton and force her to talk; with her information they are able to track Sloane to a bunker deep under the Mongolian desert... in the confrontation Jack is shot and badly wounded and Sloane is killed. Sydney is forced to leave her father in order to stop Irena. In a not so unexpected twist it turns out that the Rambaldi prophecy has come true and Sloane has come back to everlasting life... but that turns out to be a curse when Jack confronts his old friend for the final time.

Final episodes are always a little bit of a disappointment and this one was no exception. I liked the story with Sloane and his quest for immortality but found the story about the missiles to be a bit of a distraction. It was good to see that Sloane's downfall came at the hands of Jack Bristow; these to characters were among the best in the series largely due to the fine acting from Ron Rifkin and Victor Garber. The episode saw quite a few confrontations; as well as Sloane and Jack, Sydney and her mother slug it out on to of a Hong Kong skyscraper, Rachel manages to terrify Peyton and Vaughn shoots Sark... but he survives to complain about it! The ending did seem a little tacked on but it was interesting to find out what was happening with Sydney and Vaughn a few years down the line and to see that their daughter has the same special abilities that made Sydney such an ideal agent. It is a shame that the series had to come to an end but I'm glad it ended while it was still entertaining rather than dragging on and on till it became dull or a parody of itself.
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< o >
gridoon202424 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Rushed. That's the one word that first comes to mind when you're trying to describe the final episode of "Alias". In my comment for "Reprisal", I predicted that the series finale would have serious trouble making the necessary revelation of the ultimate Rambaldi mystery worth the long wait of five seasons, and "All The Time In The World" confirms my suspicions: turns out the one big secret / reward at the end of the Rambaldi labyrinth is immortality. But immortality was already suggested in a very early season 1 episode ("Time Will Tell"), and later dismissed as a mere rumor by Arvin Sloane himself in a season 4 episode ("Another Mister Sloane"), so longtime fans of the series should be excused for expecting something more. But "All The Time In The World" is rushed in other ways as well: the way they track down Peyton so quickly, the way a critically wounded Jack climbs down the crypt so quickly, the way Sydney finds Irina so quickly (you'd expect she'd have some guards with her, especially after getting hold of the Horizon, but no; it's just her and Sark, apparently). In fact, the whole Irina = evil thing doesn't ring 100% true. After all, she helped save the world at the end of season 4 - and now she wants to destroy it? This episode follows a format similar to "Lost", with lots of Sydney flashbacks centering on critical points in her life, but most of them don't really tell us anything new: the one that stands out is when she announces to her father that she got a job at Credit Dauphine; he tells her to quit, she says her mother wouldn't have a problem with it, and Jack can barely hide his anger at Irina's (still unknown by Sydney at this point) betrayal. There ARE some other brilliant touches in this episode (Sloane's ultimate fate and Jack's final line, for example, feel incredibly fitting), and Sark steals the show every time he's on the screen, but it's all a bit too shallow compared to the character and story depths that the entire series often achieved. *** out of 4.
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"You beat death Arvin. But you couldn't beat me."
pedroedro7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So this it it. I pretty much enjoyed this episode, and this season as a whole. I thought it was a very fitting ending, and I didn't felt it was rushed at all, not when you have into account that the series was cancelled, and they were forced to wrap things up in few episodes. Sydney flashback's had great callbacks to the present, and what made the episode for me was Jack and Sloane's last confrontation. Sloane's ending is so good, and so ironic, very good choice in my eyes. And Isabella's possible future as an agent, makes sense in the grand scheme of things. In this last review I want to focus, not on the episode itself, but on the characters and actors who made this show what it was. First of all let's talk about Jennifer Garner as Sydney, what a great performance she gave, specially coming from a debut actress, she had all the emotions when she needed, the anger, the determination, the physique, they couldn't have cast a better actress for this one, and Sydney as a character (although low profile in some seasons) always brings the goods, she's actually "the chosen one". Victor Garber as Jack Bristow excells, and when you think about it it's actually the character with the most interesting arc (a believable one) , he doesn't go from bad, to good, then bad again, he´s always the same person, but with so much secrets concealed that make his daughter doubt him and even hate him in some situations, but as the season goes along we understand everything, he becomes a more compassionate character, and one of the best ones, his relationship with Sydney and the way it develops, it's one of the highlights, if you see the interaction of the first episodes of season 1 and the last episodes of season 5 you would be mesmerized. Let's also talk about Vaughn, he wasn't never one of the better actors, but I think the director knew that, he did always what was expected, but never nothing out of the ordinary, when he "dies" in season 5 there is a real empty spot on the show, and you feel that. Dixon and Marshall, the eternal sidekicks of Sydney! Dixon has many ups and downs as a character, I actually much prefered him as a director , he was very strange but in a good way to see him going from an employee working along with Sydney, to then seeing him as a more higher ranking in the CIA, although it didn't last very long, and I believe the character was kind of mistreated (by the writers) in the last 2 seasons. Marshall always the goofball and comedy of the show, I think Marshall is that one character you can't help but love , episodes like "Tuesday" from season 4 , will always stay in my heart, Marshall was the hero in all of this, he saved probably more lives than any other character, mostly behind the computer. Honorable mentions to Will (Bradley Cooper) , Nadia (Mia Maestro) and also Rachel Gibson (Rachel Nicols) for being such great supporting characters if a little misguided in the script. And last (for a reason) I wanna talk about the character who was always for me the heart of the show, not because of his character per say, but for Ron Rifkin's masterful performance as Arvin Sloane, probably the most layered , complex (sometimes too many twists) villain of television in it's decade. He just wants to be immortal, he desires it more than anything, he actually comes close to giving up this goal because of Emily his wife, Nadia his daughter, but he always comes back to this, and in the end, he gets what's coming to him, he has "all the time in the world" , he is THE CHARACTER of the show, and Ron Rifkin with every cry, every plan, every show stopping performance episode after episode showed why Arvin Sloane was the best character of this show. Great show, with many ups and downs, but worth watching nonetheless. ******** 8/10 Peter Shelby
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The End of Alias.. and Our Patience Too !
elshikh416 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
****Don't You Ever Read Unless You've Watched All The 5 Seasons of Alias****

"The Game of Living and Dead":

1 - (Arena), the mother of (Sydney), is dead, then she's alive (Season 2).

2 - The wife of (Sloane) is dead, then she's alive as a fine trick from (Sloane) himself (Season 2).

3 - (Sydney) is dead, as for her father and friends, then she's alive as the evil Covenant wanted to fake her death (Season 2, 3).

4 - The double of (Francie) is dead by 3 bullets in the chest, then she's alive! (Season 2, 3).

5 - (Arena) is killed by the hands of her ex-husband, then she's alive, and the dead one was her double! (Season 4).

6 - (Anna Espinosa), the international terrorist, is deadly dead, then she's alive, with no explanations or whatsoever! (Season 1, 4).

7 - The father of (Sark) is dead, then he's alive. It was a trick from (Sydney) to save him from a real assassination (Season 4).

8 - (Vaughn) is dead by too many bullets, then he's alive. It was just another trick from.. I can't remember who! (Season 5).

9 - (Nadia) is dead, by the very hands of her lunatic father, then she's back but as a ghost! (Season 5).

10 - (Sloane) is dead eventually, then he's not, as he turned into immortal?! (Season 5).

"A Cat Fight in Every Season's Climax":

1 - (Sydney) vs. the double of (Francie) (The end of season 2).

2 - (Sydney) vs. (Lorna) Vaughn's wife (The end of season 3).

3 - (Sydney) vs. (Nadia) her half sister (The end of season 4).

4 - (Sydney) vs. (Arena) her mother! (The end of season 5).

"Clone Me Please":

1 - (Ethan Hawke), the guest star for one episode, had an annoying clone (Season 2).

2 - (Francie) had a very evil clone (Season 2).

3 - (Sloane) had a nearly identical clone (Season 4).

4 - (Arena) had a clone; the one (Jack) killed (Season 4).

5 - (Sydney) had a bad clone (Season 5).

"I Can't Be Caught":

1 - (Sloane) is a prisoner of the CIA, then the head of APO!, then a prisoner again, to be free again as international mastermind terrorist (Seasons 3, 4, 5).

2 - (Arena) is a prisoner of the CIA, then she's free, then she's caught by (jack), then he makes her run away, then she's here again to help her daughter to deliver her baby / her granddaughter, then she runs away again, then.. Well, I think my point is clear! (Seasons 2, 4, 5).

3 - (Quentin Tarantino)'s character is a prisoner of the CIA (Season 2), then suddenly he's free! (Season 3).

4 - (Sydney) and (Jack) were prisoners of the American government under different circumstances. For instances, Jack was a prisoner of the CIA in the start of season 3, and Sydney was also in the middle of the same season. But HEY, are you kidding me?! They're the main lead stars. Of course they'll be well and free!

5 - (Sark) was caught to be free every single time (Perhaps all the Seasons!).

"We Have All The Time in The World!"

I liked it as a finale, so the title which refers to the peaceful life of the married James Bond / Sydney Bristow ultimately. But I hated too many things: A lot of flashbacks; like they didn't find something to fill the episode with, plus the case of having older (Sydney) and thinner (Francie) in them! The matter of immortal (Sloane)?! It's too weird, turning Alias from a decent sci-fi once into a fantasy. 2 missiles not to destroy the world but to have profits of rebuilding it?! Everybody looked not convinced or sad, everything seemed hasty and lifeless, look at how (Sark) leaves the room of (Arena), then (Sydney) enters quickly! Not to mention the poor art direction. (Marshall) had 4 kids, and (Sydney) had 2, and (Dixon) still has the same haircut! And till the last moment, we didn't know what the certain prophecy of (Rambaldi) was??!! Try to grasp why did they end season 5 in the 17th episode. Moreover, this show got the opportunity to have weighty guest stars such as (Roger Moore, Faye Dunaway, Rutger Hauer, David Carradine, Christian Slater, Djimon Hounsou.. etc), then in season 4 and 5, you'll have only the traditional cast; as if the budget had been cut, or the reputation hadn't been the same. Actually, they may have "all the time in the world" to find a new idea for another show, but not to hackney it afterwards.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm a big fan of Alias. Otherwise, how I've seen it all like this?! I'm not against some thrill and surprises, but all in all that what could happen when you make a nice spy show as a melodramatic one; with too much exaggeration, and importunate desire to be on air by any chance. It was 2 incredible years, then 2 semi-incredible, then 1 far from it. Although it's great fun altogether, but maybe they made it funnily enough sometimes. And if you don't believe me, read this comment again!
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A Satisfying Conclusion to an Uneven Series
film_maniac250030 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Alias was one of those shows that had some incredible episodes and some amazing seasons but also suffered from some terrible plot lines and contrived episodes. Alias was an uneven series at best. One week it could be great and then the next week it would fall apart and flop terribly.

---------------------- SMALL SPOILER AHEAD----------------------

Now the series finale, 'All the Time in the World', manages to pack a satisfying conclusion to the series. Whilst some things were managed poorly (I agree with the other posters about Sydney's confrontation with her mother)I felt that other things were managed successfully. The series essentially ended the show's story,gave us some great action sequences, and enough emotion to say farewell to the series.

The last episode felt like a movie blockbuster with great characters, action, and twists. In my opinion, the best episode of the series but not without faults.

Alias the show = 7.9/10 'All the Time in the World' episode - 9/10
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hunt13358 January 2007
Alias started out with a whole lot of potential. Not a superb cast, but one that grew on you. Alias had an opportunity to really go to at least seven or eight seasons. However, I agree with clickink who said that this was "worst piece of plot-driven, hack, dime store" material used. I am just extremely saddened by the opportunity blown by alias' writers. I mean, I definitely have to give J.J. Abrams props on his performance. But he lost it as he let the story go to such unbelievable places. Maybe this was a learning experience for him, I'm not sure. If You are interested in Alias, pick up season 1,2 and then maybe part of three. But STOP there. After that it's downhill. One is OK. For the most part, Two is pretty good. And then the first part of three is bearable. Overall, Alias is a series I will always remember as a "how not to" do TV. They had some bright moments in Alias, Very Bright, but then they killed it. Hopefully the writers will learn and provide us with some more greater series in the future.
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Unbelievably Bad.
clickink@yahoo.com21 June 2006
This was the worst piece of plot-driven, hack, dime store crap I have ever seen. Throughout Alias the writers mistakenly got themselves too deep into convoluted plots they didn't know how to get out of. It was the characters and the humor that kept it going. The biggest mistake for the finale was not exploiting the interesting aspects of the characters. They were too worried about solving the mystery. Quality fiction is character-driven, not plot driven.! On the surface, Alias is James Bond with boobs, but on another tier it is about a highly dysfunctional family who don't trust each other but in the end, they are all each other has. Garber and Olin did an amazing job playing up the sexual tension throughout the series, which I can't believe was never used in the conclusion. Even the art direction for the beach scene ending was bad. It should have evoked a feeling of calm and serenity. Instead it was cold - like the day after a nuclear war. It reminded me of an old twilight zone episode. I'm not going to comment on the missiles, because I still can't figure it out what that was supposed to be about. Was this the product of nepotism? Maybe some favors were called in at the end and the real writers already had moved onto their next job. Was the finale written by a sixteen year-old kid (maybe the son of one of the sponsors?) with a comic book fixation? Actually that is probably an insult to both comic books and sixteen year-olds. Sad and bad. I can't help but wonder if the poor finale will hurt their DVD sales.
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