Yo-Yo Girl Cop (2006) Poster

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Unrelenting Silliness
babybirdie2224 September 2007
If camp is your thing, and you don't mind character actors whose characters are never fully explained, and you want the FLASH and BANG, then this is the movie for you. Total tongue-and-cheek piece of work, especially the costumes (just seeing the main character's final costume is worth the price of the film!).

Grown-ups and teens are treated as distinct species here, and the film handles the theme of teen loneliness and alienation with lots of humor. But it's a little long, and sometimes the film focuses on quirks and gimmicks at the expense of plot--I know, I know, it's camp, but even camp needs a plot!
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Tokyo Action
crossbow01064 February 2008
Aya Matsuura plays a secret agent who infiltrates a school in order to ascertain why a website called Enola Gay is starting a countdown. A countdown to what? Her job is to try to stop terrorists. Her weapon is a steel yo-yo (hence the title). The story unfolds by days, day one being 48 hours or so left. So, this is an agent posing as a high school student, schoolgirl uniform and all. Hot? Absolutely. She befriends a suicidal high school student and this helps her cause. The story is convoluted in its storytelling, but the action is good. Ms. Matsuura is very sexy, a major plus for this kind of film. I'm sure the filmmaker never set out to make Best Picture, but the story has some entertainment value. It probably should have had more action, but that is a judgment call. If you like this genre, by all means go to see it.
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Cheesy action fun! The best kind!
UberNoodle11 June 2008
I saw the film at the cinema years ago and came out as the only person in the group that appeared to like it. SOme of my friends begrudgingly let slip that "the actions scenes were cool" or that "the chicks were hot", and it was then that I updated my list of people not to see movies with.

Yes, the main girl is cute and yes the action scenes are cool, but in my mind a film doesn't earn the designation "crap" because it doesn't sate one's thirst for blood and titillation. Sadly it seems that Japanese film has scored a legion of followers expecting everything to be "extreme". It doesn't help that Western marketers pander to this lowest common denominator. This latest Sukeban Deka movie is pure teen drama and super-hero action and it doesn't need misogynistic violence, tentacles or acupuncture needles in tender places to be entertaining.

The main character is established early on as the daughter of now outcast original "Sukeban Deka", translating to "Girl-gang leader Detective". She is reportedly just as cute and just as aggressive as her mum. After a very stylish intro and opening credits (cool rotoscoping) the daughter, taking her mother's old moniker, Asamiya, as well as her old job, is sent to investigate an Internet based terrorist organisation. It is here that the film sets into "highschool detective" mode where all manner of tangled intra-personal troubles and dark motivations are unraveled.

Anyone familiar with the above genre will probably know what that entails: bullies, student politics, trust and friendship, and there is nothing wrong with that. Interspersed with the detective work is intrigue, action and character building enough to draw the viewer along to the climax, which is comprised of a couple of great action setpeices but unfortunately a slightly disappointing conclusion.

Kenta Fukasaku has put together a stylish film that works well within obvious budget constraints and ultimately delivers some great cheesy fun, reminiscent of the TV dramas before it. No, it isn't gory, and no, those expecting the next "Asia Extreme Gorefest" with blood, bodily fluids and TnA all over the place, are not going to be happy. But if you can put aside your base desires and just enjoy the flimsy teen drama and cheesy action, you will enjoy yourself.
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Less talk, more Yo-Yo
lawsonomy30 June 2009
Sadly, this film didn't deliver on its promise or premise. On paper, it sounds great - in execution, not so much. It starts off well enough, introducing us to our leads: a juvenile delinquent, and a grizzled old ex-policeman working for some secret CIA-esquire unit. But then it stops making sense fairly quickly. Why is it that our heroine, able to single-handedly fight off a roomful of cops, is easily taken down by a few thugs? And why is it that later in the film she's able to take down the same group of thugs without breaking a sweat? The villains aren't particularly well fleshed out. No explanation is given as to why the head thug has amazing seductive powers over women, without even saying a word, yet it seems every female character falls madly in love with him. A sub-plot about websites for tormented teens, is convoluted and nonsensical. Ridiculousness abounds, and not in a good/funny way: at one point, for example, a ten-minute monologue takes place entirely by text messaging. Really? They couldn't just, say, call? But the main problem with Yo-Yo Girl Cop is simple: not enough yo-yo-ing! The yo-yo weapon is introduced early on, and then only teased at until the last reel. Even then, it's not terribly exciting to watch in action.

For those hoping this would be non-stop cute Japanese girls kicking ass with yo-yos, prepare yourselves for disappointment.

3/10 for the cute girls. The lack of yo-yo action left me feeling a little ripped off, though.
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epalejandrocarrillo21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
1. Suicide website 2. Undercover yo yo girl cop 3. Mass suicide 4. Bank robbery 5. Every single cliche you can think of. There, now you don't have to watch this lack of fun movie.
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A pale shadow of Battle Royale.
oobleckboy20 July 2007
Oh lord, was this ever bad. The worst action flick I've ever seen. I mean, Yu-Gi-Oh anime has better acting - and action. The plot is disconnected and schizophrenic, which wouldn't matter if the action were good, but sadly it is not. The action scenes are far too infrequent and disappointing. The actors playing these "bad girls" are so thin and soft that every shot of "action" is laughable. (I'd rather see the cast of Dawson's Creek take each other on.) The quick and choppy editing during the fight scenes is necessary to cover up the actors' inability even to swing a rubber prop convincingly.

The director, Kenta Fukasaku, continues to spiral down in his inability to follow in his father's footsteps (Kinji Fukasaku, director of "Battle Royale", "The Shogun's Samurai", "The Yakuza Papers" and "Tora! Tora! Tora!".)

The DVD cover claims "From the creator of Battle Royale". That's quite a stretch. That claim could be made only by the novelist, Koushun Takami, or director Kinji Fukasaku. And any comparison to the exciting "Battle Royale" does not stand up.
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Matsuura Aya Displays Her "Wild Side" in Crowd Pleasing "Sukeban Deka"
jmaruyama26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When popular Hello! Project (Jpop) idol Matsuura Aya (Ayaya) was first announced as the new "Sukeban Deka" in Fukasaku Kenta's big budget movie adaptation of the popular 80's TV crime drama, I had my serious doubts. I thought that the pixie faced Aya was just too "girlie" to portray the tough talking, rough and tumble schoolgirl cop. I am happy to report that my fears were unwarranted and that Matsuura Aya proved to be a worthy successor to the role, following successfully in the footsteps of her predecessors Asaka Yui, Minamino Yoko and the always fetching Saito Yuki. "Sukeban Deka: Codename = Asamiya Saki" is a fun movie which manages to stay true to the original TV series and at the same time update the character for current audiences. There is a lot to like about the movie - from the Maurice Binder 007 inspired opening credits to the finale showdown between Saki and renegade "Tokumei Keiji" (Special Detective) Akiyama Reika, played with sheer camp by Vyuden idol Ishikawa Reika. Yet some may be turned off by all the "rip offs" Fukasaku seemed to have taken from other movies and popular entertainment. The haunting music more than echoes "Silence of the Lambs" with Fukasaku going so far as to introduce Saki a la Hannibal Lecter, complete with a straight jacket and restraining mask. There is also the "dooms day" clock countdown which seems to be in imitation to the series "24". Even the fore-mentioned showdown with Reika seems like a copy of the Bride's showdown with Go-Go Yubari in "Kill Bill Vol. 1". Fukasaku even takes elements from his own "Battle Royale II" with the use of "human bombs" and youth terrorists. Yet these elements add to the mayhem and madness of the film. While very much more darker than the TV series and the 80's movies, the film also has some funny moments such as Saki's first attempt to use her trademark steel "Yo-yo". Aya fans will definitely cheer at the sight of her in a skin-tight "battle suit" in the finale. The movie isn't perfect however as there are frequent disjointed subplots that don't seem to lead anywhere and needless introductions of boring secondary characters. Takeuchi Riki is great as Saki's gruff handler Kira Kazutoshi and Sukeban Deka #1, Saito Yuki also makes a surprise cameo as Saki's mother in a bit of fan boy casting. All-in-all the movie is great "retro" entertainment and does a good job at introducing new audiences to this cool character as well as giving fans of the 80s TV show something to cheer about. Probably the best of the "Sukeban Deka" movies, which isn't a major accomplishment.
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Very bad sequel to the original
ebiros24 June 2011
This is somewhat of a sequel to the original Sukeban Deka TV series that aired in 1985 with Yuki Saito who played the original Sukeban Deka as the mother of the new Sukeban Deka. Hiroyuki Nagato also reprises his role as the Kurayami Shirei.

A website called "Enola Gay" that spreads dangerous information on how to make bombs, and predictions about bombing incidents is suspected of being put up by students of Seisen High School. Saki Asamiya is asked to go on a covert mission to find out who the culprit is behind the terrorist act at Seisen high school.

This is supposed to be an edgier more realistic version of the original series, and that's fine, but what they missed is that there's no charm that the original series had. The new Saki was just not believable as a high school student. She looked bit too old for the role. She would have been fine in some other roles, but I'd say she wasn't the right choice for this one. Everything about this movie looks bit unauthentic. The acting, the story, the dialogs. Even as an ordinary movie, the quality can be improved. Director Kenta Fukasaku is the son of famous Kinji Fukasaku, but I think he really missed the mark on this one.

Better skip this one, and look for other action flicks.
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Really silly ...
kosmasp8 October 2007
... but the good news is: It's self-awareness of that! It's not another "Azumi", in trying to be dramatic with a premise that is just so outrageously over the top (see the English title, I won't spoil anything from the story), that it would only hurt the movie, if it'd take itself seriously. As I said, there are other movies who do that, but not this fun ride (if you let yourself free and enjoy it, you'll have a good time).

It's also recommended to watch it with a few friends. OK (almost) any movie will improve while watching it with friends, or at least the experience most likely will, but this could be best described as "Boys Nights out" movie!
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No-No Cop Girl
bkrauser-81-31106426 June 2016
Yo-Yo Girl Cop starts with the incarceration and attempted escape of a juvenile delinquent (Aya Matsuura) deported from America. A mysterious group known simply as "K" believe she has the necessary skills and motivations to infiltrate a terrorist cell within a local high school. Do they train her? No. Do they give her a gun to protect herself? No. Do they give her information on possible suspects? No. They do give her a sexy school girl outfit and a yo- yo...so there's that.

For as ludicrous a title as Yo-Yo Girl Cop you'd think that it'd at least live up to its premise. There is a girl and she is a cop of sorts but the yo-yo is largely absent until the inevitable final showdown. The first time she brings it out she hits herself in the face which made me convulse in laughter. In fact, the film's only saving grace is the inclusion of so many sporadically and unintentionally funny moments. Characters get thrown around like rag dolls by semi-decent martial arts while bombs explode with all the might of Microsoft Movie Maker. In one spectacularly perfect slapstick moment, the main character outright face-plants into a pile of gravel and rubble leaving me and the friend I saw it with to laugh until we couldn't breathe.

Overall, Yo-Yo Cop Girl is about what you would expect from a movie called Yo-Yo Cop Girl. It's silly, it's insipid, it's lazily brought to life, it's exploitative but not demonstratively so. Overall not recommended unless you're really that curious.
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Anti-bullying Deka
poikkeus11 October 2006
The first Subekan Deka in over ten years updates the special effects and boosts the star power to make for a pleasantly watchable entertainment that excels in its social conscience.

Former Deka entries, whether drawn or dramatized, have taken the usual hero vs. super- villain route, making them seem tired even before they've left the gate. In addition, they suffered from the basic limitations of the special effects at that time; the manga-inspired concept of razor yo-yos and killer cranes seemed less than convincing in a martial arts film. As the series progressed, the plots became almost as silly as the James Bond films of the period.

In Kodo Nemo - Asamiya Saki, director Kenta Fukasaku (Battle Royale 2) modernizes he action sequences and frames the story to reflect contemporary social realities - in particular, the prevalence of bullying in the Japanese school system. It comes to focus when an underground internet site counts down, and a teenage undercover agent - code-named Saki Asamiya - tries to uncover the mystery before it's too late.

As Idol Aya Matsuura is a good pick for the lead role, beautiful but tough in the tradition of the series (and a much better singer than any of the girls who preceded her). Matsuura is dynamic though (like former deka girls) lacking in a certain humor. The standout villain, played by Morning Musume alumnus Rika Ishikawa, is sexy in her faux-leather action outfit - a complete surprise. The normally demure Ishikawa is clearly having fun in her over-the-top role, and you wish she could appear more often.

The film could have used more hard-edged humor - something that Fukasaku might learn from the work of his latefather, the late Kinji Fukusaku. Also, the film's plot makes a high ratio of characters irritatingly geeky and impossibly suicidal. But these flaws are tolerable in the anticipation of a possible sequel, either on film or serial. Certainly there's enough talent in Upfront Management to cast several film projects. Aibon would be amusing in some suitably smoky role, Miki perfect as a villain, and Eri could be on hand for comic relief.
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unremarkable tale with some good action scenes
dbborroughs26 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I picked this up in Chinatown as an import with no subtitles because the box art looked cool. I didn't know its out here on DVD in two weeks. Then again what I paid for it is better than the 27 buck list price.

Okay, managa/anime sourced film about a tough young girl in New York returned to Japan when they find out she's been there illegally. Dumped on the streets she's given a chance to help "the Police" find out who's behind a plot to blow up kids in a school and possibly blow up the city as well. She's given a school girl uniform and a killer yo-yo with which to protect herself. (or something to that effect) Made by the director of the second Battle Royal this is an improvement over that film, while at the same time borrowing some of the angst and visual flourishes of that film. This is a good little movie that movies along even when you don't understand most of whats being said. The action is good, its mostly martial arts until the final confrontation, and several of the fights are better than many of the fights in recent American action films.

There are a couple of problems for me. Allowing that I'm watching this in a language not my own the plotting of the villain makes little sense. There's something about the plan that suddenly peters out about an hour in. As I said I couldn't really understand what was being said but there was this sudden WTF moment when I suddenly had the feeling I missed about 10 minutes.(I hope this will be cleared up when I see this in English dub or sub).

The other problem is that the yo-yo of the title doesn't really show up until the last half hour. Sure there are a few tentative uses, but mostly its seen just in the final battle with the female baddie. It also doesn't help that the battle is also a tad anti-climatic after all thats gone before. (I won't go into the fact that the battlefield changes a couple of times to work against our heroine- like when a bad magically appears for her to trip over) Definitely watchable-assuming they don't blow any English dub (The wrong dub will kill this so go for subs)-just opt for rental or cable.
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An incredibly boring, missed opportunity.
ncbarrett5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the DVD cover for this film, I knew I had to have it. As a fan of over-the-top action, sleaze, obscure anime and anything fun and ridiculous, Yo-Yo Girl Cop seemed like an obvious purchase.

What I expected was fast, fun, over-the-top action, featuring the titular girl serving up justice with a yo-yo. This movie almost has none of that.Instead, the film is for the most part a (at times) poorly shot, slow-moving melodrama with one big fight at the end. The yo-yo doesn't even see action until about a third of the way in, and even then it's brief and the protagonist accidentally hits herself with it.

The plot isn't bad and at times almost seemed like it would start to get interesting. But it never really did. The movie just kind of moved slowly along until the final showdown, which was incredibly brief. This movie was a major, major letdown.Temper your expectations.
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2 thirds soap opera potboiler and 1 third live action anime
TerryMcC6 July 2008
This remarkably silly film is taken dead seriously by the performers in it which helps in getting though a film that seems to be two thirds soap opera potboiler, and one third live action anime.

Anyway, it seems the authorities know they have only 3 days to stop a mass suicide at a high school by bomb and so of course do this not by closing the place down but instead by placing an untrained street urchin, with rad moves of course, undercover in the school in (she only agrees to do this so they'll let her mother out of lockup in American.) Armed only with a cell phone and a yo-yo, no really a yo-yo, and the occasional aid of the Colombo of Japan, she gets to the bottom of the whole affair.

However don't expect too much yo-yo fu, in fact we have to wait until the last 20 minutes before there's any real yo-ing battles.

Amusing if you don't expect too much from it
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Tried to be serious and silly at the same time, wasn't quite so successful
Polaris_DiB10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I was disappointed. It's pretty hard to go into films like these without pretty low expectations of the splatstick stuff you're going to be exposed to, but this came off like a cheap Suicide Club with imitations of Silence of the Lambs. Well, again, that sounds a lot more exciting than this movie was. Basically, the problem is you watch this movie to see a girl kick butt with a yoyo, and you get maybe ten minutes of that with a whole lot of random other stuff getting in the way.

Not to argue with the writing. The dialog is pretty terrible, but actually the plot isn't half-bad if someone would have taken through a few more drafts and maybe even tried to make it either more serious or more silly than it is. Instead, it tries a little too hard to be both, and through Kenta Fukasaku's poor control of tone, ends up failing at both. Kenta has an eye for digital effects and making every edit seem like an exclamation mark, but he doesn't know when to sit back and let the story tell itself. At least not in this movie, it seems like the arena is open for him to do better elsewhere.

So basically, Saki Asamiya is deported from New York City and taken back to Japan, where she's conscripted, La Femme Nikita style, into finding out what's up with this teenager suicide bomber website with a mysterious ticker. She integrates into school as only a moody teenager can, is given a yoyo to play with, and starts her investigation mostly by sneering and getting into petty arguments with classmates. Luckily, though, the classmates she despises the most are involved with the website in some random way or another, and she's able to basically use momentum to find the badguy at the end. Kinda. There are a lot of plot holes, and weird diversions involving Kira (Riki Takeuchi, the best performer in this movie and one of the best Japanese actors currently working), the policeman who recruited her. Kira also has another important relationship with Saki, which again could have been really well-done if taken more seriously but instead just came off as random and weird.

Anyway, one thing somehow leads to another, a few bombs go off, and you'll eventually get your yoyo fighting awesomeness. Actually, even during the more terrible bits, this movie is quite entertaining. It just has an ill-gotten attempt at emotional seriousness that doesn't work out for it, or it's an actually emotionally serious film that can't stay serious what with the whole yoyo fighting thing, or something. It should have been one or the other but it failed at both.

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I really wanted to like this movie
bensonmum24 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like Yo-Yo Girl Cop and, for a while anyway, I thought I was going to. To begin with, just take a look at the DVD cover – a Japanese school-girl complete with uniform and a lethal yo-yo striking a pose in front of a fiery explosion. How awesome is that? And the plot sounded very promising: Saki Asamiya (Aya Matsuura is terrific in the role), a very troubled and violent teen, is hand-picked by a secret government agency to infiltrate a group of would-be high school terrorists. The group has already killed at least one other agent. They tied her hands together, strapped a bomb to her, and sent her out into the crowded streets. Nice, huh? On the group's website, they've started a 72 hour countdown clock, but a countdown to what? It's Saki Asamiya's job to find out – and do it before time runs out. The film gets off to a great start with the whole explosion in the streets scene, Saki's fight on her first day at school, and a chase through a crowded mall. Add to that a funky vibe that runs through much of the movie, the incredibly stylized look, and a nice score, the makings were here for a real winner. Unfortunately, Yo-Yo Girl Cop abandons the promised action and all but slams on the brakes in favor of melodramatic, teen-angst clap-trap during the second act. It was enough to make me want to hurl. Life's tough – get over it already and get back to the yo-yo butt-kicking! The movie does redeem itself somewhat in the finale as Saki and her female nemesis don leather outfits for the highly anticipated all-girl yo-yo fight to the death. As cool as that may be, it comes way too late to save Yo-Yo Girl Cop from being anything other than average at best.
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Sexy schoolgirl yo-yo action.
BA_Harrison25 September 2007
Japanese comic-book craziness abounds in this manga-based movie from director Kenta 'BR2' Fukasaku, and whilst it might not be the greatest action flick ever made, it does feature a yo-yo duel between two sexy babes sporting leather and PVC outfits. That in itself is a reason to watch as far as I'm concerned!

Aya Matsuura stars as Saki, a (hot) rebellious teenager who is recruited by a special law-enforcement agency to work undercover in a school where students are being being turned to anarchy by a mysterious website that is counting down to an unknown event. With only 72 hours to go, Saki must try and find out who is behind the site (named Enola Gay, after the plane that dropped the H-bomb on Hiroshima), and what is due to happen when the counter reaches zero.

Saki befriends Tae, a (hot) nerd (Yui Okada), who she defends from a group of (hot) school bullies, led by (the very hot) Reika (Rika Ishikawa). And it is Tae who helps Saki discover what exactly is going on, who is responsible, and why.

Yo-Yo Girl Cop is an incredibly stylised movie: it begins with some impressive opening credits (in which the silhouetted title character flings her spinning weapon across the screen) and the 'artistic flourishes' continue right up to the finalé. Sometimes the trendy editing gets a bit annoying (particularly with irritating sound effects accompanying every cut or zoom), but it generally suits the subject matter, so I'm willing to be a little more forgiving about this particular bugbear of mine in this instance.

Unfortunately, the film doesn't really get going until towards the very end, when Saki gets seriously miffed and dons her sexy getup. Up until that point, she only dabbles in a bit of generally unimpressive yo-yo flinging and gets involved in a couple of brief dust-ups—nothing too spectacular. Much of the time prior to this is spent on developing a plot line about bullying in the school—a commendable bit of social commentary which is vital to the plot, but not exactly riveting stuff.

For many western viewers, Yo-Yo Girl Cop, with its OTT action and convoluted plot, might be too much to handle. But for those who have learnt to appreciate the manic style of eastern fantasy cinema, it is passable entertainment.

It's also recommended viewing for those who dig Japanese cuties in PVC hot-pants.
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A young cop girl armed with a yo-yo... Yeah, okay...
paul_haakonsen1 May 2012
Only in Japan...

"Yo Yo Girl Cop" was actually really cheesy, but it worked on a great level. The action was nice, over-the-top and outrageous as you'd find only in Japanese movies.

The storyline was equally cheesy and silly. A young girl is recruited by some odd police force to infiltrate a school, and she is given a yo-yo as a weapon. A yo-yo! Yeah, cool... So it is no secret that it is not the story that drives the movie, but the action keeps the engine running.

Despite it being a non-plausible story and cheesy movie, then "Yo Yo Girl Cop" was actually great entertainment. It is a total no-brainer with lots of adrenaline and action. The fighting scenes were actually well choreographed and were nice to look at.

"Yo Yo Girl Cop" is actually worth sitting down to watch if you have an hour and a half to spare. When I saw that it was starring J-Pop sensation Aya Matsuura, I was a bit skeptical, as I am not much fan of singers turning to the movies, but she actually pulled off her role quite well.
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The Best Yo-Yo Since "Substitute 3"
tarbosh2200012 May 2010
"Yo-Yo Girl Cop" is a fun flick! The plot: A rebellious teenager (Matsuura) is recruited to go undercover in a private school to weed out potential terrorists. She needs to do this to save her mom. When she gets to the school, she realizes she's in too deep. There's one more piece of crucial piece of info: She's armed with a deadly steel yo-yo!

It's a good idea and the opening sequence is slick, but the movie lags in the second half. It makes up for it in the climax though. Matsuura puts in an entertaining performance.

"Yo-Yo Girl Cop" is worth seeing for the cool yo-yo action and Matsuura's performance.

For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
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Fun film but avoid the dubbed version
23skidoo-422 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to confess the weird title and sexy pictures of its star on the DVD box were what first attracted my attention with this film, that and the fact it was directed by one of the minds behind Battle Royale. In fact the box cover suggested this would be another bloodbath-style film along the lines of BR or Suicide Club. But while the film does follow some of the similar theme lines as those two films (I don't know if I'd ever have wanted to go to school in Japan with all the suicides that are apparently going on!) Yo- Yo Girl Cop is far removed from these other shows.

As I understand it, Yo-Yo Girl is sort of a female James Bond or Doctor Who in that it's a venerable role that has been featured in several other films and TV shows over the years and played by different women (the actress who plays Saki's mother in this film was the first to play the role and she's treated with the same reverence you might see if Sean Connery appeared in a Bond film today). As a result, there are a few things Western viewers might not get, such as the significance of the Yo-Yo for example. Or why when the villain suddenly reveals that he has brightly dyed hair that this is somehow significant. The entertaining behind-the-scenes featurette also reveals that the somewhat stilted proclamation Saki makes before her big battle at the end is a traditional part of the franchise (much as 007 saying "My name is Bond, James Bond" is a moment everyone waits for in the 007 films; this film also pays homage to that tradition, too).

Western viewers might also not get the fact that this film's star, Aya Matsuura, is sort of a Hilary Duff type over in Japan (actially, I think all the female leads are singers. Aya does a great job, and I could see how this role might make her a film star over there. (Apparently she did all her own stunts, which involve some slapstick action of the type you'd never expect her counterparts in America to do). Rika Ishikawa, as the resident bad girl, steals every scene she's in, which in true Bond fashion is what a good bad girl is supposed to do.

There are a few inconsistencies that detract from the film. You have to take it as given, for example, that Saki is able to heal a rather serious-looking eye injury within the matter of only a few hours, and also become a master of yo-yo flinging (although to be fair the film does show her screwing it up initially). And the revelation as to the true origin of the Enola Gay "suicide club" is very disappointing. But the performances, humor and action - not to mention the cute girls - make up for it.

One good thing, though, is unlike the horrific experiences with the North American DVD releases of Cashern and Avalon, there doesn't appear to be any indication of major editing or alteration of the film. Hopefully that means distributors are finally starting to understand that North American viewers aren't interested in bastardized versions of these films.

However, do NOT watch the English-dubbed version. I usually prefer watching the versions with the original language and subtitles, but understand those who don't want to "read" their movies. But in this case the dubbing was pretty awful and would definitely give first-time Wetsern viewers a bad impression.

PS. Since writing this review I've read some very negative comments about this film on websites and forums where this new film is being treated the way most TV show remakes are treated - with contempt. Well, just to add to my earlier comments, I was able to enjoy the film in part because I approached it from a completely fresh perspective. It may or may not be better or worse than the original series, but I'm definitely going to try and track down episodes of the original show if I can.
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Don't Ask Questions, Just Enjoy
Ofanite_of_Destiny24 February 2008
The latest entry in the decades-old "Sukeban Deka" franchise is a worthy successor to the name, and while it isn't at all necessary to be familiar with the other incarnations of the title to enjoy the film, it does help the viewer catch a few mythology gags and shout-outs here and there. Production values are amazingly high for a low-budget Japanese film; it looks almost like a mid-budget Hollywood effort at times, which is a tribute to the director and the production design team, as well as their selection of impressive and sometimes beautiful locations for shooting. It does suffer from a couple mysterious plot holes particularly near the climax, but they shouldn't really impede enjoyment of the surprisingly well-crafted story. Aya Matsuura's dark and gritty turn at Saki is a pleasant surprise to anyone who knows her primarily from her uber-cutesy idol persona "Ayaya", and Rika Ishikawa likewise successfully plays against her image in her role as bad-girl high school queen Reika. Despite the goofy sound of the title in English, this is easily worth the money to rent or even buy.
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Slick remake.
dave13-127 December 2011
Live action Film and TV adaptations of the Sukeban Deka graphic novel series go all the way back to the early 70s, plus there is an anime version as well. The gimmick here is that a girl delinquent is coerced into working undercover for the cops at a high school. But she has no gun, only a high tech combat yo-yo. No really. Okay. the main story premise is frankly absurd, but the fans of the manga series are familiar with it and by this point don't care. Anyway, what sets this version apart from its predecessors is the greater use of cutting edge special effects to go along with much more elaborate fight choreography. The camera tracks with the yo-yo during fights, creating great point of view action, for one thing, and often switches to the weapon or fists of her opponent during cross-cuts. The shot-making here was clearly influenced by first person shooter games, and the action has a video game fluidity and sense of fun. The violence is pretty PG stuff for Japan, I suppose so as not to dismay the series largely female following, but the pace is fast and the bad girl showdowns are played just straight enough to keep things from getting silly.
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Don't think. No, just don't.
painbunny12 April 2008
I didn't know anything about this franchise when I dived in to this movie. I still don't. Maybe it's for the best. In terms of plot holes and 'what did just happen and why?' this goes so much beyond the basic action movie formula it's... Don't really know the word for it. You get the feeling there's lot of stuff that's just left out. If it were a Hollywood movie, it would feel like producer or distributing company intervention of the worst kind. But really, with my experience with Asian cinema, I really don't know. Maybe it's just the makers expect the audience to know the background or something?

So, it was really weird. But wow, I liked it. I admit (like others have said) it's slow in the middle. And when it picks up... Well I laughed. In a good way. Overall, it's really not that heavy on the action.

Just don't think about much... Or anything, and maybe you'll enjoy this as much as I did.
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Totally entertaining action movie with serious content
chrichtonsworld31 March 2007
This movie seems to based on an anime from several years ago! I am not familiar with it! But what I have seen from the movie it is obvious! The introduction sets the tone for what to come! A schoolgirl is running away! A time bomb is attached to her! She warns the people! Then the bomb explodes! After seeing this I just knew I would like this movie! After this we are introduced to the main character! (I didn't know she was a singer!) But after seeing her I fell in love! A very cute girl with a serious attitude! What's not to like! I think she did a great job! She was really convincing as the tough young chick who can kick ass! And what amazed me was the fact that this movie successfully combined entertainment with a serious topic! Bullying! This is a topic that is a problem everywhere in the world! It is handled in such a way that it will make you think about this subject! Did I mention the humor! In one scene the yoyocop girl gets hit by her own yoyo! Hilarious! A movie not to be missed!
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Entertaining, Innovative, and Easily Outshines Hollywood's Best Action Flicks of 2006
ebossert1 October 2007
Warning: If someone reports an instance of "abuse" again where none is obviously present, than I will personally email the administrators here and ask them to suspend your IMDb account. And yes, they can find out who you are.

A deadly yo yo throwing girl goes undercover at a high school in an attempt to stop a terrorist organization. The lead actress has the charisma, and time is spent developing some of the characters. The action is few and far between, but suddenly the pace explodes as the viewer is treated to a laudably creative schoolgirl yo yo duel to the death. A showdown between the yo yo girl and half a dozen heavily armed madmen quickly follows. The score (especially the theme song) is excellent. Finally a schoolgirl fight movie worth watching.

To elaborate on my summary paragraph above, let's do a quick contrast between Sukeban Deka: Kodo Nemu Asamiya Saki (aka Yo Yo Girl Cop) with the much touted and highly overrated Hollywood epic 300. While they are two very different films in terms of storyline and setting, they are both firmly fixed within the encompassing genre of Action.

That said, the action in Sukeban Deka is far superior to anything seen in 300 in terms of choreography. I never knew there were so many ways to use a steel yo yo to capacitate an enemy – straight shots, arm wraps, floor bounces, object manipulation, etc. 300 showed us nothing we haven't seen before in terms of choreography, because it focused (too much) on photographic tricks rather than on weapon movements, which makes the experience tiring and repetitive. Such repetition can be avoided in two fundamental ways: exceptional diversity of choreography (e.g., Tom Yum Goong) and situational excellence (e.g., Sky High). 300 has neither, but Sukeban Deka uses the latter, because the first 75 minutes are used to set up the 15 minute finale.

Now, there's nothing particularly groundbreaking in terms of the general storyline or dramatic elements, but they do provide a series of effective anti-climaxes that taunt the viewer into doubting the existence of a grand finale. This is a good technique because when the showdown between the two schoolgirls finally makes its appearance, the excitement and intensity is enhanced due to the character interaction that preceded it. This makes for interesting comparisons to 300, which has almost no intensity whatsoever since antagonists are introduced mere seconds prior to getting slaughtered – which explains why critics get bored DURING the battle scenes in 300. A major "no no" for an action film.

It took me two viewings to come to these conclusions, because Sukeban Deka provides a different type of action experience that may leave the viewer in a bit of shock after an initial viewing. The opening hour may seem weak at first, but is much better following a repeated watch because the viewer – now aware of the grand finale – can appreciate the build-up even more so. This is good stuff! I now wish to respond to some IMDb comments that I find grossly inaccurate. Jmaruyama points out some obvious references to American films (i.e., 007 opening credits, Silence of the Lambs restraining mask, etc.). However, this commenter makes a major mistake in claiming that the showdown "seems like a copy of the Bride's showdown with Go-Go Yubari in Kill Bill Vol. 1." Um, huh? The fight in Kill Bill involved a sword and a meteor hammer while the fight in Sukeban Deka involved two steel yo yos. How on God's green earth are these duel's even REMOTELY similar? The only possible similarity is that a yo yo and a meteor hammer are marginally alike in structure – a blunt object at the end of a line – which means that the characters must swing or sling them in vaguely similar ways. Other than that, there is absolutely NOTHING comparable between the two scenes, so the claim that Sukeban Deka copied from Kill Bill is unwarranted. And considering how this film is a spin-off of other Sukeban Deka movies made in the 1980s makes the assertion even more ludicrous.

Oobleckboy criticizes the action unsuccessfully by pointing out that the scenes are "too infrequent", but he doesn't seem to understand the concept of build-up and intensity detailed above, which more than adequately explains the infrequency of the action as a positive element. He complains that the schoolgirls are too "thin and soft", apparently expecting some butch, 200-pound lady body-builders instead. Let me go out on a limb and say that such casting would have been a really bad idea. He then claims that the editing was "quick and choppy", but he provides no specifics as to what he's referring to. I never found the editing to be overtly choppy because the timing of the cuts were all logical in that they enhanced the action. I suppose that Oobleckboy expects Japanese actresses to be able to kill someone with a yo yo at 30 yards or throw a bladed yo yo so perfectly that it barely grazes the other actress's cheek. For the rest of us who live in the real world, such cuts are expected.

Make no mistake about it. Sukeban Deka requires a suspension of belief, but that's one of the reasons it's such a fun experience - another being the outrageous, over-the-top, and frequently cheesy premise. You may need to exercise a bit of patience for the first hour because the action is laid on thick and heavy at the very end, but I highly suggest you give this one a shot considering the currently pathetic state of American cinema.
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