"Six Feet Under" The Secret (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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Crossing the Line, Patching the Life
claudio_carvalho22 October 2006
While pushing the garbage can to the sidewalk, Benjamin Srisai has a heart attack and dies on his lawn. His family hires a Buddhist service with David and Nate. Lisa asks Nate to sign papers giving the guard of the baby to her. Keith and David have some troubles in their relationship. Nikolai decides to return to his home, and Ruth cleans his apartment and invites him to move to her house. Claire takes pictures of the corpses for her homework, but her teacher does not like and fails her in the exam. Brenda has a session with a psychoanalyst, wishing to have sexual encounters with strangers without feeling edgy. Nate and Brenda have dinner with Margaret Chenowith and she informs that she is living again with her husband, Dr. Bernard Chenowith. Karla hits a beggar on the street and is arrested later. Claire visits the East Valley facility to see if she will study there. Brenda goes with Melissa to a sex party on Saturday night and has sex all the night with a couple. Meanwhile, Nate has a nightmare with the children that his partners have aborted or miscarried. Brenda breaks up with Melissa blaming her for her behavior, while Nate unsuccessfully deals an arrangement for the baby with Lisa.

"The Secret" is a great episode about painful secrets and regrets, with the characters lost with their sins and trying to solve their problems. Claire breaks with Melissa as if she were the guilty for her behavior; Nate tries to support Lisa's baby without telling Brenda; David is trying to impose his will and tells Keith about the secret Taylor told him and Karla is arrested; Ruth tries to change Nikolai's lifestyle; Claire is trying to find herself. The destructive personality of Brenda and the intriguing character of Claire are my favorites in the great show. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "O Segredo" ("The Secret")
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A Woman's Right
richellenls19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One it's amazing to me that the concept of children being born is solely placed around Nate wanting to be a father rather than the woman who can give birth and ultimately has the decision (her body) isn't even a factor in this/his dream sequence!! Two I am so over the writers bagging on Claire. Give a red head a break!

The end!
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I don't know what the writers were thinking.
skinhookband23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what the writers were thinking. That Peter Krauses' character wasn't interesting enough. They had to give him a dream/nightmare about all the unborn children he could have had. Maybe it's just me.. but I honestly could not believe what I just watched. The rest of the episode just seemed like they were creating conflict in every character in ways that was uncharacteristically distasteful compared to the prior episodes. This is the first watch through I'm giving the series. I mostly enjoy the series but making every single character out to be like a crazed sexual deviant is starting to wear on me.
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