"The Simpsons" Saddlesore Galactica (TV Episode 2000) Poster

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Saddlesore Galactica
MrFilmAndTelevisionShow31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The stuff with Lisa and Clinton was very funny and the actual horse racing was great but the whole Jockey elves thing was ridiculous and not in a good way. This was almost a fantastic episode - almost.
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Yes, a guilty pleasure
santifersan20 January 2023
"Saddlesore Galactica" is an episode from the 11th season of the popular animated series "The Simpsons." This episode, like many from the show's "golden era," manages to maintain a fresh and entertaining feel that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish. The plot of this episode is particularly absurd and ridiculous, but it is precisely this quality that makes it so enjoyable to watch. The episode is filled with jokes and gags that are both clever and hilarious, and it never fails to make the audience laugh. One of the highlights of this episode is the portrayal of Bill Clinton as a terrible president. This is a clever and satirical take on the real-life political figure, and it adds an extra layer of humor to the episode. Overall, "Saddlesore Galactica" is a great example of the quality of the 11th season of "The Simpsons" and is a must-watch for fans of the show.
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One of the funniest episodes of all time thanks to the sheer absurdity of the plot.
zacpetch21 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those episodes that many will point you at when they try to convince you that The Simpsons has gone downhill but I'd disagree with them, this is still a good show at this point. This episode sees the family get a Horse, it's a plot already done back in season 3 and the episode knowingly jokes about it which is quite funny as the fourth wall is broken by Comic Book Guy two or three times: But instead they enter the horse in several races with Bart as a jockey and Homer as their manager, so actually it's an entirely new plot and no retreading of old ground at all.

After winning one too many races we learn that the other jockeys are annoyed about it and get a deliciously random and hilarious musical number in which the jockeys reveal themselves to be creepy elves with high-pitched voices and threaten to kill Homer and Bart if they win another race. This being Bart he decides to win anyway and ends up being chased on horseback by the elves armed with swords but they are easily defeated when Marge and Lisa attack them with hose pipes and save the day. The plot is why many fans hate the episode but I urge you to go watch it again and I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot more. The sheer absurdity is what makes it funny and the end result is a great success!

Perhaps less of a success is the Lisa sub-plot about a school band contest and how she loses because her only real competition cheat which prompts her to write to President Bill Clinton asking him to overturn the results. This sub-plot doesn't really go anywhere and is forgotten about for the majority of the episode, just as well because it doesn't really add anything. It just kind of... exists in the background as a throwaway gag because the writers felt like she didn't do much in the episode without it. Equally unnecessary is the cameo from BTO which is the latest in a long line of celebrities in this show for no reason other than to feature in the show.

To conclude: This episode is actually really funny and entertaining, a hidden gem in the messy and uneven 11th season. Lisa's sub-plot is lacking but everything else is a brilliantly written surreal comedy that you NEED to see again and reevaluate your opinion of because it's actually really good. 8/10
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Some of the first really bad episodes The Simpsons has ever pooped out
Parforet3 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a Frankenstein of retreads.They basically recycled the plots of Lisa's Pony, Homer the Great, and some others.There wasn't a lot of jokes that made me laugh.In this episode, the Simpson family gets a horse named Duncan who becomes a racehorse.Meanwhile, Lisa and the school band enter a school band contest and lose because some other band has glow-sticks.Lisa is enraged by that and writes a letter to Bill Clinton about it.This episode had a cringe-worthy musical number with the jockey elves.It was also very unrealistic for a Simpsons episode.The ending where Bill Clinton popped up and gave Lisa a plaque was just bizarre and cringe-worthy.Overall,it's a bad episode although now there's some worse ones out there.
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A guilty pleasure
Rectangular_businessman1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is often considered one of the lowest points of the series by many fans, and while I can see perfectly well why (The wackiness of the plot sharply contrasts with the relatively down to earth nature of the rest of the series, feeling almost as if this was some sort of attempt to compete with other adult sitcoms such as Family Guy or South Park, which often combine mundane stories with a couple of minor fantasy elements which were particularly prevalent during their respective earlier seasons) I still must admit that this episode made me laugh.

Definately not a great moment for The Simpsons, but still amusing anyway.
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worst. episode. ever.
jtothap11 August 2009
this episode went below scraping the bottom of the barrel. they scraped so hard they went thru the barrel and are how scraping up the dirt and sand below the barrel. it seems to me like they waited until 6 o'clock on the Sunday this episode was set to air, threw together every scrap of post-it note with any simpsons idea, mixed it up with some super crappy animation(the animation for this episode looks awful for some reason) and aired it at 7. or possibly they went to an elementary school and had the kindergartners write/draw this one. green jockeys that are, like, evil gnome-creatures? i don't get even understand. its just sooo bad...
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good episode
noahwlc15 May 2010
This episode wasn't perfect, but it was still pretty good. Bart and Homer save a horse named Dunkin after being abused at the state fair at a diving horse exhibit. They turn him into a race horse and change his name to Furious D, but the small jockey horse racers don't like the fact he wins every race, so they try to convince Homer to loose the championship race. Meanwhile Lisa is mad that her school band looses the Battle of the Elementary School Bands to Ogdenville because she claims that they cheated, so she tries to contact President Bill Clinton to change the results of the competition. This episode also includes the special guest voices of BTO.
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The Simpsons vs Family Guy
Theraxorterminate29 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I know we've already heard millions of times that the critics and fans has called this the absolute worst episode of the entire series before the atrocious "That 90's Show" and lately "Lisa Goes Gaga". What would I call this episode in short? Probably the most messed up, incoherent and laziest episode I've seen before.

The Simpsons isn't a show were many things should happen at many or at the same times. I know there isn't going to be many people who agrees with me of what I'm about so say that I believe this episode was mimicking Family Guy. Why do I think it was mimicking? Because it was at the same time when Family Guy become the next family cartoon show that would give a lot of fart jokes and strange things happening all over the place. I use to watch Family Guy before when it was pretty good but then i stopped at 2009 because I thought the show wasn't so funny anymore. So when I see the episode Saddlesore Galactica I can see that the Simpsons were not only trying to mimicking but compete with Family Guy after it's crazy concept.

Yes it's true many odd and crazy things are happening in this episode and that's not the style of the Simpsons because the show is mostly based upon real life even though there are only a very few times the jokes can become too strange like the one when Bart, Homer and Lisa was watching an Itchy And Scratchy cartoon and Bart was explaining an alternative to the incident and Lisa makes a very clever quote that goes (I don't exactly remember it 100% but something like this): "Oh Bart cartoons don't have to be 100% accurate." And then you see another Homer walking pass by outside the window! But that's one of the only exceptions I would give the Simpsons to do. And if you compare it to SG everything goes whacked and with no concentration. Even the end of the episode was lame.

Is this episode recommended? Not in my watch. Be very careful with this one, it's not the Simpsons way you know. Everything that goes on this episode is competing and mimicking Family Guy.
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