"The Rockford Files" Love Is the Word (TV Episode 1979) Poster

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Who says season six not so great?
CoastalCruiser24 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The three reviews already in place as I pen this very well describe this episode. But as I continue a rather fast paced linear progression through the entire series (extended bed rest from an illness), as you can tell from the dates of a few reviews submitted, I keep waiting for season 6 to fall apart, due to the reasons the regular reviewers have noted... but it really hasn't yet.

Just a bit of spoiler but not too much.... This episode in particular is very memorable. I would not say it is a hall of fame Rockford Files installment, but only because it is not a standard issue episode in the typical style of the show. But that is something to be thankful for! We get to see Jim really show another side of himself, while still remaining Rockford. Garner is paired with the stunning Kathryn Harrold once again, and it's a perfect mating in that each actor turns in an unforgettable performance. Guys, if you have a lady who is a bit reluctant to watch a Rockford Files episode this is a perfect one try on her. This is a love story, well told, and includes a sprinkling of the misery we have all experienced in the world of love. In a true 'movie quality' performance, our disbelief is fully suspended as we feel the tender heartbreak these two human beings iterate through as the episode proceeds.

The Buddhists say that everything is temporary, and this platitude is exemplified on many levels here. As Jim and Megan prepare to part company, we the audience also prepare ourselves for the end of this timeless series.

Thanx to all the actors, writers and production staff who brought this great series to life for 6 years!
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Love is a battlefield
safenoe18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jim thinks he has a positive relationship with Megan (Kathryn Harrold) but he gets an emotional punch in the gut when Megan informs him of her engagement. To some other guy. Love is a battlefield. This is a very talky episode with not much of the Rockford trademark action. It's hard to believe this was broadcast over 40 years ago, but it still resonates in this day and age of finding love.

Sad to say, this is the 7th last episode of this fine series.
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Rockford soap opera style episode.
mm-3930 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Love is the Word is a mix of Jim's P I lifestyle story and a romance story. Jim is on a case for a former girlfriend who is about to get married. The missing suspect the ex's boyfriend is tied into a murder. The hard edge realism of Jim's job ties the messed up future brother in law, coke dealers, and the boyfriend's brother in a mystery. Love Is the Word threw the unraveling of the mystery explains what makes Rockford such a good P I which leaves little room for a relationship. Love Is the Word is how Jim should of been the one who gets married, but let's the girl slip away, while doing what Jim loves being a Private I. Sad, but understandable character development for the series with the inevitable wedding where the girl marries someone else but loves Jim who's true love is being a Private Eye. 8 stars.
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Oh, Doctor!
zsenorsock27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Kathryn Herrold returns as psychologist Dr. Megan Dougherty. She's also moved out of her old apartment that we saw in "Black Mirror" the year before and into a swanky beach house.

Jim and Megan have continued dating since then while "giving each other space" to see other people. Rockford discovers to his disappointment and heartache he's given her too much space and Megan has agreed to marry an old architect friend from school days. Garner does a wonderful job playing the heartache he feels when Herrold tells him she's marrying another man. He's a tough guy, but he's hurting. Not really since Beth Davenport has he had a more satisfying relationship on camera. Herrold also holds her end up well in these emotional scenes, conflicted between her love for Jeffrey the architect and Jim Rockford the sometimes boyfriend. In fact, the chemistry between the two of them led to one more reunion in the Rockford Files TV movie "Punishment & Crime" done in the late '90's.

This is one of the last really good episodes of the series. Perhaps to help Garner with the feeling of being alone and isolated, none of the series regulars--Dennis, Angel, Chapman-- appear in this episode. Even Rocky only appears briefly in Megan's wedding scene.

Another nice touch: while Jim is sitting in the motel room next to Megan, he's in bed smoking and watching Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake in "This Gun for Hire".
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Love is the drug
stones7811 May 2011
This is one of the more mushy episodes of this great series, as the entire show revolves around Rockford and Megan's supposedly ending relationship, as she informs Jim she's about to be married. James Garner's acting skills are obvious during this scene, which takes place in the Firebird, as he perfectly displays his emotions and is almost reduced to tears after hearing the news. Kathryn Harrold also starred earlier in the 5th season as the same character, Dr. Megan K. Doughety, a blind psychologist who enlisted the help of Rockford then also. On another note, I know she's blind and can't physically see him, but Jim is about 20 years her senior, so I was a little surprised of their odd relationship; that doesn't detract from the story though. I thought they had very good chemistry together, and that may've been a reason she was brought back for this episode, which has a sad tone throughout. I have to wonder if Garner was also saddened to know this series was almost over as well, as only a few episodes remain. There's a small situation/problem in which Megan needs Jim to help her with, although it got slightly confusing with some of the names; there's a Jeffrey, Kenny, Penny, Randy, and even a guest appearance from singer Barbara Mandrell to round out the cast. Someone decided to throw in Rocky for a 10 second scene at the wedding, but it wasn't needed, as he added nothing at all; maybe he needed an actor's credit? This is a tamer version of the usual script I'm used to, as Megan is with Rockford for just about every single scene, and it's more of a sadder tone with 2 people parting ways, even though there's still strong feelings on both sides. I would say to watch this episode strictly for Garner's solid acting, as he can portray both tough and sympathetic characters, as he does so effectively here.
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Garner Rises Above in Final Shot Warning: Spoilers
The final scene-the freeze frame end of this episode-is one of the moments that secures James Garner as a superb artist. The pain and loss etched in his face, having wished Megan and her new husband well, as he turns away is one of the most memorable moments I've experienced in television. A brilliant scene that rises above the material.
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Rockford's lost love
bkoganbing18 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In the run of The Rockford Files, James Garner only had one really serious involvement with the blind Kathryn Harrold in a previous two part episode. In this story however she comes to Garner saying that she's found true love in the person of Anthony Herrera and she will be getting married to Herrera. Garner takes the news really hard.

But later on when visiting Herrera they come across the fact that his office is a crime scene and the Orange County PD is looking for him. Herrera has a real bottom feeding brother played by David James Carroll and he's the source of all the trouble. In fact it's obvious to Garner that Carroll has a real serious pill problem.

Garner the detective takes over and of course the mystery is solved. As for her involvement with Herrera, the show ends with a wedding.

Kathryn Harrold made yet another appearance in the Nineties in a Rockford Files television movie. I'm not sure Garner ever got over her.
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One of the Best Episodes of the Series
Cassiel5 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The entire series of "The Rockford Files" is wonderful. I've always been profoundly moved by this particular episode, despite the fact that it's an atypical episode of the series, I still consider it one of the best.

It is certainly a more serious episode than most. Sure, the episode has its share of action plot elements which move the story right along, but all of that is really secondary to the personal emotional drama.

We've seen Jim's broken heart before in Season 1's, "Claire" and in Season 2's, "A Bad Deal in the Valley," but neither of those can compare to the crushing blow Jim's soul must endure in "Love is the Word." The scene of Jim storming through his trailer in rage after learning Megan's news speaks volumes.

David Chase must be commended on his outstanding writing of this episode. Some of the dialog between Jim and Megan is perhaps the most sensitive and poignant of the entire series.

And wow -- that final scene of the freeze frame of Jim standing as Megan and her new husband walk away, is such a simple, small scene -- but so superbly done. An appropriately touching and powerful ending of the episode.

I suppose, if a viewer has never had to endure a broken heart (and come on -- who could ever really say that?), then this episode may seem kind of bland as at least one other reviewer implied. But for those of us who do know that pain, we can relate all too well to what Rockford is going through.

In that sense, viewing this episode can be a comfort.
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Not up to Rockford's usual high standards
ronnybee211228 May 2022
Unfortunately,this is (yet another) dud of an episode with the pretty Kathryn Harold reprising her part as the blind 'Dr. Meghan Dougherty'. I love the Rockford Files but this episode was pretty dog-gone weak to put it kindly.

In fact,all three episodes with this pretty lady are dud episodes! (as much as it pains me to say it). See for yourself,and tell us what YOU think!
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Chase is the Word
beecedog5 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The reason that The Rockford Files is such a great show and one that stands the test of time even with some of the dated material from the time it was made, is that it focuses on character and who these people are as opposed to what they are doing. Jim begins this episode by showing up at his girlfriend's house, cracking a beer and falling asleep to the baseball game on the radio. The girlfriend is Dr. Megan Dougherty, the blind psychologist from the Black Light two parter and she and Jim have been casually dating on and off from that time. Megan has some big news for Jim - she's getting married - and Jim takes it pretty hard (a chance for James Garner to show off his acting chops) but wishes her well. The case for this episode involves the fiancé, his brother, some coke dealers and a business deal gone terribly wrong. It all works out, but the show is all about Jim and Megan, their relationship and how it was not meant to be. You really don't have to see the writing credit if you are a fan of the Sopranos to see that David Chase wrote this one. He weaves the mystery of the fiancé, pop culture references (roller skate disco, designer hot tubs, drug use) and humor all around the main story which is the relationship. A cynic would say that nothing happens in this one - a common grumble during The Sopranos run - but we learn more about Jim Rockford and who he is in this episode than in many others. I had to laugh at the dream Megan describes at the end - sounds exactly like something that came from the other great show Mr. Chase wrote.
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Such a strange episode Rockford sort of in love?
futurelinkadvisor6 October 2015
Rockford reunites with Megan only to find she is engaged. She's still in love with him but also her finance. There is a lot of running around and her fiancé is missing in action during most of the show. Of course Rockford sorts it out and I believe he has sex with Megan at least it's implied. The weird thing about this episode is he really seems to be in love with Megan, this is the first woman I've seen in the whole series in which he seems to be romantically in love.

But Rockford can't commit to marriage, Megan wants kids and Rockford isn't will to have kids, implied but clear IMO. He's also not suitable for marriage to Megan, he'd never move into her place and his trailer would never work for her or really for any woman wanting to have a family.

So the strange thing is, after almost the whole series is over Rockford finally falls in love but it's completely unrealistic and he's not willing to change for this love. It's just a strange thing to see after seeing him run away from love for almost six seasons.
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A Very boring stupid episode
MyEinsamkeit22 March 2017
This is actually worse than watching a soap. Watching this episode, half way through there's no action at all. Just a bunch of moaning and whining from both parties. It's always a pleasure watching Kathryn Harrold, because she's a great actress and extremely beautiful. But honestly all i could think about when watching this episode is Gretchen Corbett / Beth Davenport.

In My opinion there was way more spark between Beth and James, then any other couple on the show. And that's really the bottom line, this episode was just wrong on so many levels. I see no spark between Kathryn Harrold and James rockford at all. She even mention she wanted kids at her young age, When she said that, james was so concern about himself lol he didn't care what she said and realized that she's not the one. Love can be misguided, believe i know this from experience, you may think you have feeling for someone and love them and maybe you do, but after spending time with them, actually knowing how they are, their views, etc you realized this person isn't for you.

Beth Davenport should have been bought to the final season and hooked up with James. This episode was just boring to watch , very awful episode.
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Truly emotional and gripping....
dd-6605615 April 2023
I enjoy this episode because of the gripping and emotional nature of it and the fact that Jim Rockford loved the lady from the first day he laid eyes on her, and wanted her so bad to wait around for him. Clearly he got busy and she fell to the wayside as a result she found a new man and decided to marry him as the storyline goes. I like this episode in particular though because it displays a side of the curmudgeonly private eye that we don't much see in the series. His vulnerabilities for love and the type of woman that he is genuinely interested in. Clearly the good doctor fit the bill. The End.
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Too mooshy
chemboy-2101917 May 2024
It's not good, and continually weird because Rockford's girlfriend is 22 years younger than him. A stretch even back then. Maybe because she's blind she can't see how old he is. Or the trailer he lives in.

I am a big fan of this show but this episode should not have been made.

This is near the end of the series, when the 51 year old Rockford looked a little worse for wear. Living on cigarettes, cookies and milk didn't help.

And what was going on with the photo shoot in the backyard?

Rockford's 37th case in a row where he didn't get paid.

But I still like the show, just not this episode. Xx.
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