"The Golden Girls" The Triangle (TV Episode 1985) Poster

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Lee Baldwin, a letch? No way!
mark.waltz21 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a young leading man in films of the 1950's, Peter Hansen seemed like pretty much every other young leading man of the time. Handsome, romantic, but because of the material he was given, slightly bland. Primetime TV got him, and then he was snagged up by "General Hospital" where for 20 years he played the noble attorney Lee Baldwin who went through several marriages and a battle with alcoholism and a troubled relationship with his son Scotty before being cast in this fifth episode of "Golden Girls". In spite of the issues he went through, the character of Lee Baldwin was a noble man who provided a moral voice for the people who sought out his legal advice. By the time that this episode aired, his character was Mayor of Port Charles and well beloved, but the writing was on the wall for him, and by the end of the year, he was written off the show. He had won a Daytime Emmy, so his status as a soap legend was set, and fortunately, he would be brought back on a recurring basis, even highlighting "GH's" spin-off "Port Charles" as the show's patriarch.

But while his dealings with "General Hospital" staff had him best friends with noble doctors, he was far from noble as Dr. Elliot Clayton who makes a house call to treat Sophia. As a doctor, he's fine, but as a lover? Definitely a louse! No sooner has he expressed interest in Dorothy than he's ogling Blanche which sets the two friends against each other as romantic rivals. Blanche certainly expresses her attraction to him, but Dorothy has made it clear that she wants Blanche to remain as far away from Dr. Clayton as possible. But the moment that Dorothy is out of the room on one of their later dates, Elliot makes a play for Blanche which disturbs her so much that she punches him in the arm! Rose witnesses this and decides to make her own play for Elliot knowing that either Blanche or Dorothy or Sophia will overhear. "Did anybody ever tell you that you look exactly like Jerry Vale?", she inquires. "He's the only man who can make the hair on my arms stand up on end!" Betty White adds in comical movements in her awkward attempt to be seductive, and it hysterically adds dimensions to her character that will come up in later episodes to show that she isn't the dingbat everybody thinks she is when she needs to make a point, no St. Olaf story included.

The conflict really turns interesting thanks to its conclusion which shows how the women will make amends after misunderstandings are resolved. Each of the women needs their moment to either save face, become humble or defend themselves, and the moods that are dealt with (especially between Dorothy and Blanche) are very well thought out and explored in the dialog. Hansen is great because as as doctor and a man who appears to have class and style, the audience is fooled until he makes his move on McLanahanan. For "General Hospital" fans, it is a real treat, because to see one of the show's most beloved vets in a completely different kind of role shows his versatility.
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Man troubles.
Sleepin_Dragon7 November 2022
Dorothy calls in a Doctor for her mother, and instantly clicks with him, the pair enjoy a few dates, but he's not all he seems to be.

Funny, another excellent episode from the first series, they literally haven't put a foot wrong during this first series. Another awesome piece of writing, one that this times sees Blanche and Dorothy at loggerheads, of course over a man.

Sophia once again steals the limelight with her incredible timing and dead pan delivery, but the laughs are generously spread, standout scene for me had to be the alluring Rose, what a delight she was.

I'm not sure I thought Peter Hansen was all that great as Elliot, maybe I was just used to seeing him as a leading man, in straight up roles, he didn't feel right somehow, or was he just totally overshadowed by the brilliance of the four ladies.

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Calling Dr. Love
allexand17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's Dorothy who's making house calls when Sophia gets a routine checkup from an eligible doctor. Blanche, of course, makes a play for the same man but backs off for Dorothy's sake only to find that the doctor may reciprocate her feelings...

"The Triangle" would be the first of many episodes where two or more of the girls would fight over one man. Of course, as was the case with many a lackluster storyline in this series, the talented writing team and cast manage to keep it interesting.

Since the A-and-B-plot formula that would emerge in later episodes is absent here, it's up to Rose and Sophia to lighten the mood due to the fact that Dorothy and Blanche are embroiled in a bitter catfight. While Sophia has a hilarious exchange about trying to weasel out of her doctor's appointment, Rose finally gets some material worthy of her. We're treated to an amusing anecdote about her pastoral upbringing in Minnesota (though she doesn't refer to it as St. Olaf just yet), and her true shining moment is her cluelessly naive, misguided attempt at seducing Dorothy's boyfriend.

As for the disagreement between Dorothy and Blanche, I could believe Blanche's fear of telling her but I had a hard time believing that Dorothy would take her boyfriend's word over hers. Of course, this was before the recurring theme of desperate, dateless Dorothy took hold so I guess it's forgivable.

"The Triangle" is a great episode but not exactly a classic either. However, it is a treat to finally see the Rose Nylund we would all come to know and love begin to emerge here.
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The Triangle (#1.5)
ComedyFan20107 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dorothy goes on a date with her mother's doctor.but he also hits on Blanche and Blanche doesn't want to tell it to Dorothy. When she finally does they have a fight, but at the end Dorothy believes her and it all goes well.

A pretty funny episode that has a conflict in it. It is actually very well acted and well written and it comes to a good and realistic solution. Also Blanche seems to become a more interesting character, I like how she says that if Dorothy is mad at her she is twice as much back.

And it has some funny moments. Mainly from Rose. Her telling about the doctor who came both for them and live stock was pretty funny
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Friendship before Manwhores
callanvass12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When Sophia's Blood Pressure goes up, Dorothy is forced to call a nearby doctor in the area. Sofia is fine, but Dr. Clayton ends up becoming a hit with the ladies especially Dorothy and Blanche. Blanche makes a promise to Dorothy that Dorothy can have her, and she keeps her word. Their friendship is tested when Dr. Clayton makes a pass at Blanche, and Dorothy doesn't believe her. I usually find Blanche to be the most self-absorbed character on this show! It was rather refreshing to see her play someone that's sympathetic. I love Blanche, but she's the flamboyant one. This episode has some very heavy moments. Dorothy calling Blanche nasty names was rather intense. Rose is at her annoying/hilarious best as well. This episode delivers the message that friendship is far more important than any love interest! You should always side with the friend you know. Sofia steals scenes as she often does, but Peter Hansen is wooden and clunky as the Doctor. I didn't find him convincing in the slightest. I also thought the ending got a bit silly. Minor carps aside, this is a very good episode that fans will love!

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Man troubles.
Sleepin_Dragon7 November 2022
Dorothy has to call in a Doctor for Sophia, and the pair hit it off, unfortunate the good Doctor is not all he makes out to be.

It's another brilliant episode from this awesome first series, they genuinely didn't put a foot wrong, super funny, and once again very moving, we get to see the friendship tested.

I enjoyed seeing Blanche at logged with Dorothy, naturally the only thing that's going to come between them is a man. Sophia once again steals the scenes, with her timing and delivery.

I'm not totally sure if I was sold on Peter Hansen here as Elliot, I am used to seeing him in straight roles in films, maybe he was just too nice to play a cad, maybe he was just overshadowed by the quartet of brilliant ladies.

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