Futurama (TV Series)
Fry and the Slurm Factory (1999)
Katey Sagal: Turanga Leela
Leela : Hey, what's behind that door?
Glurmo : Nothing!
Leela : Is it the secret ingredient?
Grunka Lunkas : Grunka Lunka Dunkity Dingredient, you should not ask about the secret ingredient.
Bender : Ok, ok. We get the point.
Leela : I was just curious because of the armed guards.
Grunka Lunkas : Grunka Lunka Dunkity Darmed Guards...
Bender : Shut the hell up!
Leela : How can you trick people into drinking something that comes from your behind? It's disgusting!
Slurm Queen : Is it? Honey comes from a bee's behind. Milk comes from a cow's behind. And have you ever tried toothpaste.
Fry : Whose behind does that come from?
Slurm Queen : You don't want to know.
Leela : You pig, stop stuffing your craw and save us!
Leela : Fry, stop stuffing your craw and save us!