"Cold Case" Hitchhiker (TV Episode 2003) Poster

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siraljames1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
On all of these Procedural shows they insert a bad cop in the mix who they allow to do good things on a lot of episodes to throw us off...In later seasons Danny had his mother's mugger killed...shamelessly, too...the dude was already paying for his crime....Yes, it was his mother, but if you're that mad, do the crime yourself. He set the dude up like a coward. Any cop who justifies murder is a dirty cop because that means he will murder again if he feels justified and then hide behind his badge. In this episode he forces a false confession and seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Sad. Came out of the room very satisfied with using his power to terrorize an old man...Got MAD at the thought that they had a lead on another suspect. He wanted to send the old man up for murder after he threatened to make sure the man never saw his son again..mI never liked his character. This incident in Season 1 had me fully prepared for all the dirty copping he did going forward. A narcissist. He is written VERY well!!! Developed well too!!! And the cousin in this episode...he was a complete idiot. Who asks somebody to help them rob a Casino?!!! Not a bank...not a gas station...not a convenience store...a CASINO...with cameras and security EVERYWHERE?!!
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The killer was the MVP of this episode
bcameron-0704220 July 2016
This review won't contain any real spoilers. I just watched this "Hitchhiker" episode of Cold Case for the very first time. And it was pretty good.

I actually think the person who turned out to be the killer was the MVP (or the star) of the entire episode. If you actually pay attention to the killer's backstory and study him as a person, you can almost feel some kind of "pity" for the bastard. He's definitely a "damaged" guy. It's not like he had a terrible childhood or anything like that. But by the time he became a teenager and into adulthood, you can see he had major flaws as a person and was a bad decision maker. He was the kind of guy who had a lot of dreams and ambitions but was TERRIBLE at trying to make those dreams come true. He was an ambitious screw up. As one character states, he's not very good at the things that he wants to be good at.

So yeah, I kinda felt sorry for the killer, especially watching the last 7 or 8 minutes of the episode. But then, I remembered what he did (committing an inexcusable murder) and was brought back to reality and thought to myself there was NO EXCUSE for what he did, especially who he did it to and what that person was supposed to mean to him. The killer was definitely a complex character. And kudos to the actor who played the killer. He did a wonderful job. It makes you remember that not all people who kill are "pure evil". But he still DESERVES a long prison sentence for this crime. Very good episode. I give it an 8.8 out of 10.
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bevo-1367821 June 2020
I like the bit where he won all that money but the other guy didn't
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christie-ensley10 April 2020
I just couldn't get intrested in this episode. And the cousin of the victim just drove me crazy he was so obnoxious his face, his voice, his mannerisms. Anyhow just one womans opinion.
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