"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" First Date (TV Episode 2003) Poster

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Mr. Wood's past is revealed
katierose2958 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Without seeing "First Date" first, the next few episodes would be kind of confusing. It establishes some very important facts. (1) Spike isn't fighting full out anymore. Since he got his soul, he's been holding back. (2) Buffy and Spike are growing closer and Giles doesn't like it. (3) The First still has a plan for Spike. (4) Andrew really is committed to being good now. (5) Principal Wood is a demon hunter and the son of a Slayer. (6) His mother is the Slayer that Spike killed in New York. (see season five's "Fool for Love.") Basically, you shouldn't skip "First Date," since it sets up some of the better episodes to come, in particular, "Lies My Parents Told Me."

"First Date" revolves around Xander and Buffy both going out on dates. Xander's got a date with a girl he met at the hardware store. And Buffy agrees to go to dinner with Principal Wood. (I always think of him as "Principal Wood" or "Mr. Wood," and not Robin. I guess because the Scoobies usually refer to him by his title. Or maybe it's some weird subconscious thing left over from my school days.) Anyway, Buffy is half convinced that Principal Wood is evil. Giles is pressuring her about keeping her distance from Spike, though, and he isn't pleased that Buffy had Spike's chip removed. Buffy agrees to the date. Meanwhile, the First appears as Jonathan and tries to get Andrew to shoot the Potentials. But, Andrew is determined to be "good" now and he tells the others. Willow, Dawn and Amanda decide to wire Andrew and have him record the First so they can study him. When the First figures out the plan, it vows to make Andrew pay.

Meanwhile, Xander's date isn't going so well. It turns out that the woman is a demon and she wants to use his blood to open the Hellmouth. Buffy and Mr. Wood are attacked by vampires. She's amazed when he fights them off right along side of her. It seems that his mother was once a Slayer and he's known who Buffy really is this whole time. When Willow gets an emergency call from Xander, Spike goes to look for Buffy. Buffy, Spike and Mr. Wood head over to the school and save Xander. Spike is knocked to the ground in the fight and Buffy worriedly checks on him. Mr. Wood realizes that Spike is a vampire. Later, the First appears to Mr. Woods as his mother and tells him that Spike was the one who killed her. Spike volunteers to leave town, scared that the First will use him to kill again. But, Buffy won't let him.

There are some good parts to this episode. I love Andrew trying to set the microwave clock when the First shows up as Jonathan. Andrew whips out a cross. "Take that the First!" "Jonathan" really thought that he could get Andrew to join the Black Hats. Honestly, the first time I saw this episode, I though Andrew would go evil again, too. But he's really trying to seek redemption with the Buffy. "Confidentially, a lot of her people are murders." And for some reason, I always smile when Spike calls him "the little boy." Xander might be "the boy" a lot in Spike-ese, but he clearly ranks above Andrew, who Spike apparently sees as a child. It's kinna cute. Also, I enjoy Anya ranting about Xander's date. She paces around restlessly, worrying that something might have happened to him, then when he finally shows up safe and sound, she mutters, "D*nm him" and stalks off. Also, I really like Spike and Giles trying to figure out why Willow came up with a plan to wire Andrew. "You tried to tape record the ultimate evil?!" Finally, I'm glad that Xander gets one last demon girlfriend before the end of the show. It's just hilarious that evil women are always trying to pick him up.

"First Date" is contrasting Buffy and Spike's relationship with Anya and Xander's. Both couples swear that they are over each other. Xander and Buffy both accept dates in this episode, mostly to prove their single-ness. But, by the end, it's pretty clear that none of them are ready to move on. Anya is jealous and worried when Xander goes out. Xander sits at the coffee bar and talks about Anya with his date. Spike desperately wants to track Buffy down at the first opportunity. Buffy refuses to let Spike leave Sunnydale, even when he tries to go. Anya and Xander are most comfortable dealing with their residual feelings in physical terms. They're both to hurt and wary to admit their love. But Buffy and Spike are moving towards an emotional connection for the first time. Buffy even tells Willow that she's "not in love with Spike anymore." Since she was NEVER in love with Spike before, I can only assume that that's some sort of Freudian slip. She's developing a real emotional tie to Spike. They're relying on each other more and more. Giles sees it and it's making him nervous about Buffy's decision making. Spike and Buffy's relationship will drive Giles' owns actions over the rest of the season.

On the down side, why did Giles have to be such a downer at the end of the episode? The Scoobies were finally having a fun conversation about Xander's demon loves and Giles has to go and yell at them. What's his deal? He's knows that they're always joking around in tense situations. It's how they cope. Also, why would Anya tell Spike that Giles was the First? She knows that he's not, because of that trip to the desert. Did she just want Spike to tackle Giles for fun or something?

My favorite part of the episode: Willow and Buffy deciding that working on the Hellmouth is like a shower of evil... Only from underneath. "A bidet. A bidet of evil."
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Speed dating Sunnydale style
Joxerlives15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Good; So we finally find out Wood's secret! Some nice comedy stuff with Xander and Danny Strong surprisingly creepy as Jonathon/The First. It's amazing how funny Chao Anh can be with just such a simple old gag.

The Bad; Buffy really should take more care with her cellphone. Who opens a French restarunt down a creepy dark alleyway? Note Woods doesn't lock his door after Buffy leaves whilst he's putting away his knife. Honestly if you were Xander on your first date with Lissa would you ever dream of telling the story of leaving your bride at the altar? Not exactly something that makes a girl think 'Boy this one's a keeper!' (although considering the attraction to bad boys in this series maybe it would impress her?)

Best line; Buffy; (of Xander's date) "Good thing you're not jealous!" Anya; "Are you nuts? Can't you hear my bitter ranting? The shrill edge of hysteria in my voice? Little hardware store whore!"

Kinky dinky; Needless to say Ashanti is GORGEOUS especially when she puts on her sacrificial gear and into bondage fun. The bleeding bit not so much fun nor is her demon form. Half naked Xander, NB slimmed down a lot since season 6. Andrew admires the contents of Buffy's underwear drawer 'Nice things' and notes she has thongs amongst her intimates (as we saw before in Shadow) Interested in her wearing them or him? We also see Buffy in her sexy camisole top. Andrew considers Dawn 'A peach'. Buffy considers Wood's French pear desert 'The best thing I've ever had in my mouth', a line which would make the Carry On team blush! (and she says it in front of Spike!).

Captain Subtext; Xander; "Willow, gay me up!" imagining Scott Bakula in his underwear which Andrew also appreciates. Buffy worries that this would just attract male demons, Dawn mentions that Clem always liked Xander further portraying him as Buffy's gay friend. Willow considers Buffy a 'frisky vixen'. Buffy's description of Woods is very reminiscent of Riley which hardly bodes well for him as a potential lover. Buffy wonders why she's so attracted to 'wicked energy', in the next ep we find out why. Interestingly when Willow asks about Spike Buffy says 'Why does everyone still think I'm in love with Spike?'. Her use of the term 'love' is unprecedented. Buffy is attracted to Woods, another older man for her, older than Riley although still much younger than Spike and Angel (Hank leaving really screwed her up even before all the Slayer dark energy lust kicked in, one wonder's if Dawn will be the same?) And of course Woods whose mother was a Slayer who died when he was four, breaking his heart now finds himself dating one. He comments that he 'Doesn't know how that happened' but I think it doesn't need Freud to guess? Kennedy and Willow now make out and hold hands under the table although she tries to hide it.

Kills: 1 Bringer for Giles, 3 vamps for Buffy plus Lissa giving her her 200th kill! 2 vamps for Woods plus he says he's killed 'A few vamps and some demons' previously so we'll give him 3 more vamps and 2 demons at least.

Total number of scoobies: 15-Chao Anh and Woods join the group. Andrew really picks his side here and starts taking a major step to becoming a proper Scooby. Xander, Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Anya, Spike, Giles, Kennedy, Molly, Vi, Chloe, Rhona, Amanda, Chao-Anh, Woods

Xander demon magnet: 6(7?) yet another demon digs Xander Preying Mantis Lady, Inca Mummy Girl, Drusilla, VampWillow, Anya, Lissa (arguably Buffy & Faith with their demon essences?), Dracula?

Notches on Scooby bedpost: does Xander get anywhere with Lissa before she ties him up? (or afterwards?)

What the fanficcers thought; Once read a HORRIBLE fic where Giles really was killed by the Bringer and season 7 Giles is Ethan Rayne in a glamour spell. In the follow up fic they magically bring Buffy and Spike back from the dead (AGAIN!), Ethan Rayne reforms to become Buffy's new Watcher and Anya and Amanda survive instead of Woods and Giles.

Questions and observations; Note in the scene where Giles' is leading the girls through the graveyard one of the tombs reads 'Snyder'. Only a limited number of Potentials each ep as they can't afford more. Buffy says she believes in Spike. The First knows about the gun implying that Amy was one of it's agents, otherwise how would it know? Of course the 'blood' on Buffy's blouse that Anya is trying to clean is actually the pizza sauce Dawn spilt on it in 'Conversations with Dead People'. People constantly mock Buffy's counselling skills, she seems to actually enjoy her job, something in her life that's NOT connected to slaying (Woods feels the same way saying he enjoys being the headmaster). Woods has no slayer powers, if he was a Slayer's daughter you wonder if that might be different. Buffy seems intrigued that Slayers can have children, something she and Faith might now have the chance to do (certainly post-Chosen). Note Amanda still has her forehead scar from Potential. So anyone's blood can open the seal? Why doesn't the first just have it's Bringers kidnap random people? Why does The First want Woods to kill Spike, isn't he it's agent? Poor Woods, how heartrending for him to find his mother's killer after all this time. When Woods tells the First 'You didn't raise me at all' is he saying "You're the First so you didn't raise me' or is he mad at his mother for dying and leaving him alone? I always thought vamp limbs went to dust when they were removed from the body but here we see they don't (luckily for Spike in 'Damage')

Marks out of 10; 7/10
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A breather before things get serious
ossie8515 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone is dating this episode! While Buffy investigates Principal Wood, Principal Wood asks her out to a dinner date, where she finds out about Principal Wood's past. Xander asks a girl named Lissa out and she accepts. The First (in Jonathan form) enlists Andrew's help in trying to kill the Potentials.

Why It's So Good - Again another three pronged storyline, getting back into the Buffy magic. Buffy's continuing storylines helped transform TV back in the 90s and early 00s, but the individual episodes are still fun. A bit more background for Principal Wood is interesting.

Watch Out For - Is Principal Wood being showered upon, or something else?

Quote - "This can't just happen. It can't just keep happening that demon women find me attractive. There's gotta be a reason." - Xander.
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The Truth about the Principal
Samuel-Shovel29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "First Date", the First tries to convince Andrew to kill the Potentials and cut off the bloodline. Buffy goes on a date with Principal Wood and learns he's the son of a Slayer and is in town to help with the upcoming war. Xander goes on a date with a new girl who ends up worshipping the First and attempting to use him as a sacrifice. The gang tried to trick the First into giving away its weaknesses through Andrew. In the end, the First reveals to Wood that the vampire who killed his mother was Spike.

This is a fairly middle of the road episode but a few important things are cleared up. The principal seems to be a good guy (as it seemed earlier he might not be). But a schism between him and Buffy may soon emerge if he decides to go after Spike. Anya and Xander's complex relationship seems to still be a story thread. Seems possible that they may get back together at some point. Time will tell.
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This is not a time for levity...do you understand what happened to Machine Gun Kelly?
skay_baltimore11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's disclosed that, given the choice to repair or remove the chip, Buffy chose to have it removed. Giles is not pleased. Buffy says they have to give him a chance, now that he has a soul.

Xander's back to his witless, moronic, babbling self as he bumbles his way through a discussion with a woman named Lissa about ropes, knots, and kayaks. Then he asks her out for coffee.

Principal Wood asks Buffy out after he finds her snooping around in his office.

Was I the only one who thought that after watching 6 1/2 seasons of Buffy...The White Vampire Slayer (as in...the series has very few blacks in it) the sudden appearance of 2 interracial dates within a matter of minutes just reeks of tokenism?

Anywho...when Buffy discusses her upcoming date with Willow, their dialog exemplifies the quality of this episode...

Buffy: "Why do you think he asked me out? I mean, he could be interested, right"?

Willow: "Yeah, sure. You're a frisky vixen".

With snappy dialog like that...how can this episode be anything other than great, right?

And when all else fails...go for the old reliable lactose intolerance humor.

As an aside... I think I know why I find Buffy so annoying. Look closely...her facial expression has this unnatural proclivity to smile while she's talking. She either does that to an extreme, or she pouts/mopes. Those are her two primary facial expressions. And after 6 1/2 years...it's both predictable. And boring. Contrast that with Anya, who delivers lines like: "Fine, go. Leave me here to stew in my impotent rage...I'm also gonna pee, so you should probably go." No contest.

Jonathan/The First arrives while Andrew is figuring out how to set the clock on the new microwave and tells him to kill the Potentials. He also tells Andrew that after the big battle, when Buffy is defeated and all that's left is evil, it's in Andrew's best interest to align himself with evil now, so he'll have a spot with evil later on. Jonathan tells Andrew to find the gun that Willow bought the other night (when she was Willow/Warren), and Andrew finds it. In Buffy's underwear drawer. He starts to describe what he saw in Buffy's underwear drawer before Jonathan cuts him off and asks to see the gun. (Andrew assures Jonathan that he didn't take anything from Buffy's underwear drawer except the gun. Funny stuff right there.)

Turns out...Principal Wood turns out to be the son of a slayer (not be confused with Jimmy Buffet's Son Of A Son Of A Sailor). According to him, his mother might have been the only Slayer to give birth to a child. After she was killed he was raised by her Watcher. He amply demonstrates his skills by fighting vampires with Buffy in a dark alley outside the nicest restaurant in Sunnydale (which...of course...has to be at the end of a very dark, dirty alley, because, hey...it's Buffyverse). And the guy's got a sense of humor. When he explains to Buffy that he maneuvered himself and her to be at Sunnydale High to help fight the mounting evil, she says: "So, y-you didn't hire me for my counseling skills"? And he LAUGHS!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yep...he's got a sense of humor!!)

Turns out...Xander's date turns out to be a demon. (Man...the dude is a DEMON MAGNET!!) She ties him up and suspends him over the Hellmouth seal and stabs him in the stomach so his blood can drip down and open the seal -- releasing another Uber-Vamp or something like that. Buffy, Principal Wood, & Spike save the day, but Spike turns all vampy in the process. Later on Principal Wood learns from his mother/The First that Spike is the vampire who killed his mother.

Scary episode? HELL YEAH!! Maybe the scariest thing so far in 6 1/2 seasons. (Is there anything scarier than having to watch a bloated Xander...without his shirt on? OMG...CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW...BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!)

(And Giles is NOT amused by all the sophomoric behavior going on all around him!)

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