"The Andy Griffith Show" Andy and Barney in the Big City (TV Episode 1962) Poster

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Escape from Mayberry
MichaelMartinDeSapio20 July 2015
The episode opens in the Taylor house as Andy and Barney prepare to depart on a business trip to Raleigh (generically called "the state capital"). They are putting in a request to obtain new, more advanced police equipment; but, as they soon discover, they will not be granted this request until the crime rate in Mayberry catches up to them. (Barney's comment: "Just one good felony - our name in the paper just once - we'd have everything we wanted just like that!") This sets in motion the plot of the episode, in which Barney tries to nab a jewel thief at their hotel but, in Fife-like fashion, mistakenly pursues the hotel detective and allies himself with the thief.

If I'm not mistaken, this episode marks the first occasion in which TAGS left the confines of Mayberry and its immediate environs. Andy would appear briefly in Raleigh again in "Andy on Trial," but visits to the big city would be rare until the color seasons. This is a very well-made entry in the series, with lots of stylish clothes (people sure knew how to dress for travel back then!), artfully composed camera shots, and mystery and intrigue in a ritzy hotel. Although the plot is typical TAGS caper fare, the visual stylishness of the episode - and the rare chance to see our two heroes outside of their natural environment - set it apart.
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Barney Strikes Again
Hitchcoc1 December 2019
Andy and Barney are off to see a commissioner to get some money for new equipment. Barney sees a woman putting some expensive jewelry in her purse. He soon suspects a man watching her of being interested. But who should turn up but a real jewel thief. Once again, Andy has to think quickly.
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A Don Knotts masterpiece
vitoscotti28 March 2022
Always a favorite TAGS episode of mine. Each Don Knotts classic scene is true genius. Almost like a best of Barney tribute in one episode. Laughed the hardest Barney Fife "MD", and the epilogue with Barney hiding in the closet announcing "there's nothing in there" when he feels Berdoli poses no threat. Alan Melvin doesn't say a lot in this episode but has a tremendously funny influence throughout. If this isn't a 10 star TAGS episode nothing is.
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