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Silly good fun !
ronnybee211214 August 2020
A few unlikely mix-ups add up to another wonderful fiasco.
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George is twice given a clock but cannot use either
FlushingCaps18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
George is honored at a banquet for the Mystic Knights of the Sea and after his buddy Algonquin J. Calhoun starts reading the wrong speech-talking about putting him down in the ground, George is presented a small table clock. When he gets it home and plugs it in, it doesn't work. For some reason, he lets Andy try to fix it. All Andy does is take out several "unnecessary" parts and it still won't work.

After getting the run around on the phone, George decides to go to the manufacturer to get satisfaction. Unknown to him and Andy, the company is now making a special altimeter for the government and as our heroes are en route to the place, they are waiting for a couple of special employees to come to test this new device in sub-freezing temperatures.

Naturally, the man thinks George and Andy are the employees and as he gets them ready for the 60-below zero room by getting out warm clothing in the next room, he calls out for them to take off their clothes-which totally mystifies George and Andy. They put on the winter gear but have no idea why they need to test this clock by being in the cold room with it for half an hour. Neither do we viewers. If they are just supposed to see if it works, they could leave it and return in half an hour.

Our guys decide to take off, with the "clock" and this leads to much trouble because the government considers it to be highly valuable. Believing this clock also doesn't work, George tosses it in the garbage where it is retrieved by Lightnin' who thinks it is a speedometer.

When the government catches up with George and Andy, they just want their altimeter back and when George tells them where he put it, it isn't there. But Amos comes to the rescue when he sees Lightnin' with it.

George is given a replacement clock but when he plugs it in, it doesn't work either, so he angrily throws it on the floor smashing it...just before Sapphire opens a letter from the Power Company telling them that due to non-payment, their electricity has been shut off. So George never gets to use the nice clock he was given.

A rather silly episode but quite funny overall. George once again doesn't try to gyp anyone, which I like. So I give it an 8.
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