The Mantis Parable (2005) Poster

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This was a class piece of work
nmoore-203 October 2006
I really enjoyed this. I haven't yet acquired the DVD, but purchased it directly on iTunes. I'm not one who typically compares things, but rather, tend to look at things from the perspective of - is it worth $2 to have a slice of entertainment. If I'm entertained, then it was worth it. And I was entertained!

I could see any parent of young children, as the new-era version of reading a book in bed with their child, lying down together with a laptop and watching this, then discussing its message.

Firstly, I go to the movies ALL the time. I try to see about 150 to 200 movies, at the cinema, each year. But, I'm not a critic. I go to be entertained. I have only a little understanding of the CG science, art and craft, however, the 3-dimensionality of the graphics in this piece, the contemporary colors used and the personality created by the animation are excellent. The structure of the piece, and the genuine attempt to tell a good-hearted story, are endearing.

As a solo piece of work, this is quite an achievement. Whilst the bar has been set high by heavyweights such as Pixar, one needs to get things in context and remember the enormity of such a task - from concept, storyline, story arc, characters, look, feel, imaging, graphics, construction, music etc., (I really liked the piano piece), and appreciate that this guy, did it all, as a one-man-show. I think it was an excellent effort, and genuinely a nice piece of wholesome entertainment.
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Wonderful movie
elkord_120 November 2006
This parable is a parable in many ways! The movie is wonderfully developed, and extreme attention to detail in every aspect (sound, visuals, actions, etc.) was obvious. Josh, this was an awesome accomplishment and inspiration to all of us interested in making movies.

I think that the silence of the movie coupled with the actions, make it speak very loudly, and deeply.

For the amount of money, time, and resources invested into this movie, I cannot believe how beautifully it came out.

Congratulations Josh! Thank you for doing this, Elkin
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Made me sick!
benkreis30 May 2006
I recently saw this at the Damah Film Festival in Culver City. WOW! Pixar should be knocking down his door.(Of course they aren't because he isn't a graduate of CalArts.) Josh's attention to detail is fabulous. And the wholesome and sweet tone of the short was a nice change to the dark and serious films that surrounded it at the festival.

The reason it made me sick was that I have worked on animation myself and I know how much work it is. This guy spends 18 months of his life working on this thing and creates something most people couldn't create. Period. And all by himself too!!

Pay attention people this guys name is going to show up again. Somewhere.
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A "must see" movie
kenwilson4412 May 2006
This is a sensitive movie that can be used to generate conversation in a variety of settings. It is particularly good to use with children is small groups. Because it is a movie that can be viewed on different levels, it appeals to a wide age range. For parents, it has many wonderful conversation starting points. The marriage of music, animation and story elicits a variety of emotions. Whatever your age, you will recognize the situation and identify with the characters. It is a movie that deserves to be seen more than once as you will see something new each time. Much attention has been given to details and you will find yourself smiling in different places as you see new things and waiting in anticipation to see something that particularly appealed from a previous watching. This is a movie that you will want to own and share with others!
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Unique, Beautiful, and Thoughtful
dhimbd9 March 2006
A truly beautiful short with an old fashioned feel, it imparts a sense of rightness and wonder. I saw it at a film festival in Spokane. It displays a great deal of talent on the part of its creator. The caterpillar seems puzzled and innocent and yet demonstrates an unflagging determination. Throughout the entire eight minutes no words are spoken while so much is communicated by nonverbal signals, frustration, disappointment, haughtiness, and dispassionate rejection. The parable seems to be forgiveness and empathy. A very thoughtful piece, and as is often the case with truly artistic animation, it has a richness of supporting detail that adds a subtle and very real authenticity. In listening to Josh Staub, the creator, afterwards, he said, "There is no way to make a living creating pieces like this." Too bad. The Mantis Parable is worth seeing, and one of those films I find myself thinking about for weeks afterwards.
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To Me, This is an Expression of Forgiveness and Hope
rts-615 May 2006
This film affected me on so many levels. It was beautifully crafted, and the balance of brilliant color and music provided an exceptional foundation supporting the purity of the theme. There is something magical about the 8 minutes of perfect execution. The color and animated personalities all combine for an enjoyable experience that allows your imagination and personal depth of experience to relate to a sophisticated presentation of a simple theme. All who see it will relate on a personal level. The characters have personalities reflected in the unexpected but appreciated expression in their eyes. A flashback to a moment of insensitivity and the response teaches us all how to love each other and forgive.
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Awesome Shortfilm! Must see!!
CSahlmann20 September 2006
In the three years prior to finishing this movie, we, the audience, were allowed to learn all about the true making of the Mantis Parable. After receiving several prices on festivals all over the world the only logical step was to release this beauty on DVD.

The Mantis Parable is a great experience in storytelling, animation, composition (canvas as well as sound) and artwork. You can see that Josh has put more then just his heart in this little gem.

I hope Josh will get a job within the film industry to ensure that his talent will be seen by many others. Because this is what he deserves.

Just great!
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An Impressive Start to a Brilliant Animated Career!
chad-25914 August 2006
Not only has Josh crafted a beautiful looking animated film, but also a fine piece of short form storytelling. Having seen quite a few animated short films, many of which fail to strike a balance between story and style, I was instantly fascinated by his approach using beings much smaller than us humans.

The Mantis Parable provides something for everyone: lessons in the treatment of others and forgiveness, as well as an appealing color palette, fluid animation, and simple, yet effective effects work. The film will no doubt rank highly with other animated insect fables including: 'A Bug's Life,' 'Antz,' and 'James and the Giant Peach.'

We can definitely expect more good tales (and hopefully longer ones too) from Mr. Staub!
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Simplicity and the Good Samaritan
frankie-6823 August 2006
What Josh Staub does in eight minutes of wordless animation will amaze you. Technically, the film is remarkable--it has all the sights and sounds of a big-budget production, without all the digressive nonsense.

He creates a gentle, imaginative world in which you can play the part of the observer, or even of God himself. Without overindulgence, he allows you to peep-in on a scene that takes place figuratively every day. On any scale, The Mantis Parable presents a lesson that we should heed daily.

I wish all short films kept it as simple and as unified as this one. It's exciting to hear that Josh Staub put this--his first film--together on his own. I definitely look forward to seeing his next.
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Beautiful and moving little film
Busterlv18 January 2008
Without risking any spoilers, let me simply say that The Mantis Parable is a beautiful and touching, remarkably spiritual little film with splendid animation and excellent music. Like any really good and Truthful parable, the story does not make it obvious where it is heading, nor to where it will eventually lead. Also as in any great parable there is layer upon layer of meaning to it. I was extremely moved by it, suffice it to say I viewed it three times in a row upon discovering it. The Mantis Parable is really an almost perfect little work, amazing that it can cause a lump in the throat and a thrill of hope in the heart in only a few minutes time.

I give it the highest rating.
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A technical and artistic masterpiece
RayyJayy15 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There is little to dislike about this animated feature, because even the smallest details are given the appropriate attention. The camera movement works well with the flow of the story; its placement accentuates key moments in the film. The rich colors are are evenly balanced, not too bright or dull. The lighting is advanced, with realistic shadows and depth. The characters move with an ease that belies their obvious complexity. The sound design is accurate to and complements each scene where applied. The music is moving with just a touch of earnest hope beneath it. It is a story with irony and a little bit of comedy for good measure, and as result it will give you pause to consider the golden rule. Overall, it is a study in the accurate deployment of artistic talent.
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Intelligence & Beauty Make A Comeback!
dsjr-112 June 2006
I loved the Mantis Parable's craftsmanship, beauty and grace-filled storyline. This first-time filmmaker has won awards at major film festivals including Palm Springs, Hollywood, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Winnipeg, Chicago and Denver; PLUS MOMA (Museum of Modern Art), The Smithsonian AND the National Gallery of Art have secured copies for their archives. In this dumbed down entertainment age, those who still believe humans are capable of creating and receiving the good, the true and the beautiful, take heart! I offer you exhibit-A, Josh Staub and "The Mantis Parable. This warm, provocative story reminds us that in the hands of a master storyteller and like all good parables, universal themes can be conveyed to people of all ages with simplicity and depth.
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nchilds-418 September 2006
I watched this yesterday by myself, then called my little kids in to see. Then they called my wife. We watched it three times in a row. And now my son has a favorite new movie. (Mantis was last night's bedtime story, too.) The story, score, and awe-inspiring design are phenomenal. And in a world full of comedy-driven animated films, it's nice to see a simple tale that has an important but not melodramatic message.

I've seen a lot of terrific animated shorts in the past months, at festivals and various places, and have consistently been amazed at the work that's being done. But usually the credits go on forever. Seeing how much of Mantis was created by one person will make you shake your head in wonder. An eloquent, lyrical and beautiful film.
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A Lovely "Little" Piece of Work
sarahkauai25 May 2008
I put "little" in quotation marks because, although this film is not very long... I'm certain that to create such animation is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. I watched this as a special feature on the DVD of another film, Peck on the Cheek. What a gem we stumbled upon. I wrote the filmmaker, through his website, and he wrote me back promptly. I am impressed with the thoughtfulness in the message of the film, as well as of the filmmaker, who took the time to write back. Having studied film myself, in college, I have a lot more appreciation for art films, rather than typical Hollywood stuff. That's why this film touched me. A great debut by this promising artist, Mr.Josh Staub.
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Creative storytelling and technical genius at its best!
jdroskoski3 February 2008
I love CG animation so I am definitely biased but I think anyone with an appreciation for genius will enjoy this short film. I stumbled on it unexpectedly and was amazed by it. The story is told so brilliantly without one word having been spoken. Visually it is stunning and leaves you in a better place after experiencing it. My three year old son continues to ask to watch it over and over. What my wife and I found incredible was how our son was able to create his own story with his imagination while watching this animated masterpiece. I highly recommend that you treat yourself to this gift. I will continue to follow Josh's work and look forward to the next creation! Thank you Josh!
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Very Good!
MissMayo124 November 2006
Wow...OK where do i begin?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? From start to finish you have this connection with the mantis and the caterpillar. The graphics, The colors, the way the characters interacted with each other was all amazing. The music fit with the entire theme of this film, It helped me feel more emotion while listening to it. It was very simple yet made you feel more strongly about it, it would be worse if there were no music and just sounds of the characters.

I played Myst, and i love how the games always had a certain glow to it. The animation and everything and I never seen a movie capture that before. Thats why I really enjoyed the movie.

I hope that Josh creates more short films similar to this. With him playing the piano as well. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see more of his work :]]
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Beautiful and thought-provoking
amylynne99 May 2007
When I first watched the intro to The Mantis Parable, I was excited and eager to see the rest of the story. I was not in any way disappointed when it arrived. Here is a work that calls us to wake up a little, and take a closer look at the world around us and within us both. The imagery of The Mantis Parable is intensely real in it's simplicity, detail, and depth. The music is wonderful, and together with the sound effects, brings the events to life. There is adventure, suspense, longing, beauty, sadness, and hope - the drama of life - in this small tale well told. Sometimes haunting and provocative, sometimes delightful and fanciful, this carefully crafted animation deserves a place among the classics.
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A Must See!
jenn96426 January 2007
The moment I first saw the promo image for this award winning animation it caught my attention because of the bright and luminous colors. As I watched, those qualities took my breath away. Indeed, I did not realize that I had been holding my breath until it ended as it had captured my imagination and attention so deeply.

The careful thought, attention to detail, and hard work that went into this film is clear in the quality. If you love good animation and good storytelling then you need to see The Mantis Parable.

I am also looking forward to watching the film on DVD, because of the extras about the making of film. Bravo Josh, I eagerly await your next film!
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Beautiful in all ways, an expertly crafted short
webmail-2420 December 2006
As a filmmaker myself, with a short film on the festival circuit, I see a *lot* of short films. Rarely have any captivated me as much as The Mantis Parable, which I saw at the Santa Barbara Film Festival. One of the greatest difficulties of making a successful short is creating an emotional story that rings true in 15-30 minutes. This film does so and much more in 8.

One-man-band Josh Stuab crafts a lushly animated tale of a caterpillar captured by an entomologist, who is visited by a malevolent mantis. The mantis soon comes to learn the Golden Rule after mocking the poor creature.

Stuab sets the scene to an evocative piano theme and beautiful sound work, which do a spectacular job of setting the mood for imprisoned insects. The details strewn about the small desk and window sill in which the story takes place make the tiny space seem vast and intricate. What else could you expect from a director who got his start working on the Myst series?

The story itself is very simple, sweet, and powerful. The film is available now on iTunes and a special edition DVD. I would certainly recommend the purchase.
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A Meaningful Parable
shurilla2 February 2007
Josh Staub uses his incredible creativity, both visually and musically, to lay the background for a tale of the highest morals. This short movie would make an excellent creative writing story starter in our public or private school systems. Technically masterful and purely heartwarming, the Mantis Parable places the viewer inside a glass prison, yearning to breathe free. With crisp audio effects, haunting piano accompaniment, and crystal clear graphics, this movie is enchanting and ennobling. One can easily relate to the caterpillar yearning to be released from his glass, mason jar prison, as well as feeling the resentment for the praying mantis and his flippant cruelty. All ends well, as both of God's creations find redemption and liberation through an act of selfless love and service.
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A wonderful, thoughtful and conversation provoking film...
scootmanw25 May 2006
...especially for those of us with children. It's a blessing enough for a filmmaker to let the audience figure things out for themselves these days; it's even more so when such careful attention is paid to every aspect of the work: story, animation, music; etc.

The story is made even more poignant with just a caterpillar and a praying mantis as the sole characters, and it's well enough written that it doesn't need any dialogue.

The animation is first rate, with lots of nice subtleties, and the music is nice and really lends emotional support to the story.

I hope to see more work from this studio in the future!
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divine823 January 2008
I saw this short film with other animation enthusiasts. The minute it started it captured everyone's attention. There was complete silence. I was moved by every aspect of this film. The animation quality was stunning to say the least, but the best part of this film was its story. Its message was powerful. It resonated with everyone in the room. It's great for both children and adults alike. It raises consciousness. When all was said and done and the movie ended, everyone was quiet, meshed in thought. The film did its job.

Josh is truly gifted. I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future.
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Fresh New Animation Subject
acr-1016 September 2006
I really enjoy this animation because the subject matter was new and refreshing. I have seen hundreds of animations, but nothing concerning natural looking insects with emotions. The quality of the animation was professional. The mood of the scenes were nicely controlled with different lighting setups. The music score also helped to control the mood. The score was simple and direct without any extra baggage.

I have been waiting at least a year for Josh to complete this animation, and then waited again for it to complete many animation festivals. I can understand now why it won so many awards. It was worth the wait, and I enjoy it immensely.
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Wonderful. Thoughtful. Moving.
hedyh-130 March 2008
I read one time that the hallmark of a great film is when an audience can sit in a darkened theater, put all their differences aside and experience a "community of emotion" in those 105 minutes.

Certainly, based on all the heartfelt reviews received from around the world, Josh's brilliant animation and portrayal of simple values through poignant storytelling has accomplished that. The Mantis Parable is a rare 8 minute gem that will continue to strike a universal chord with viewers no matter where you're from or how much time has passed since his film was made.

This talented filmmaker left me wanting more
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An exquisitely realized animated "Parable" for all of us!
windchimewoman12 May 2006
The Mantis Parable rates a 10 on so many levels. The concept is at once thoughtful, poignant, instructive, inspiring and simple. The realization of the concept is poetic, thought-provoking, convicting and, as one viewer said, "wounding". The graphic presentation: animation, coloring, detail, set, lighting and visual context is exquisite. The more you view it the more details you notice. It is packed with nuance far beyond just the movements of the main characters. You always find something new to marvel or wonder at. The fact that there are no words, no dialog lets it be enjoyed be people of any language. It is often put in the children's category as a film but it should be seen by adults as well. It teaches, hence the "parable" in the title, but does not preach. It inspires, but does not push the viewer into a specific interpretation. The more I see it, the more I see different and deeper levels of meaning. The music also plays an important part, enhancing the visual and creating a gentle, almost magical atmosphere. (I understand Mr. Staub is the composer as well as performer of the score.) Many attendees at the Film Festivals at which it has been screened have concurred often voting Mantis "audience choice" and "people's choice" awards as well as "Bast Animation" in several festivals. Josh conceived the idea, realized it by himself at his home computer, wrote the music and directing and producing it all. The world should take note!! It's a very fine thing.
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