Grayson (2004) Poster


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Excellent stuff!
HaemovoreRex22 January 2008
No, not a belated biopic of the late entertainer Larry 'Shut that door' Grayson, but a highly impressive, fan made mock trailer featuring Dick Grayson aka Robin, long serving side kick of the legendary Batman.

Super hero fans will quite rightly drool over this six minute short which features an array of favourite characters including Superman, Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, the Joker, Bat Girl, The Riddler and even briefly The Penguin and The Green Lantern.

Despite its short running time, this extremely stylish effort still manages to beat the hell out of any full length super hero themed flicks to appear on cinema screens as of late and is absolutely essential viewing for lovers of comic book adaptations.
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a nice Elseworlds fan-made trailer
movieman_kev6 October 2005
This 5 and a half minute fan-film/ mock trailer about Robin taking up the mantle of the Bat legacy to avenge a deceased Bruce Wayne is pretty good and brought a smile to my face. In an alternative reality there's no question that I would be the first in line to see such a movie. The Joker wasn't Boner from "Growing Pains" in this one and THAT right there makes it better than "Batman: Dead End" (which was good and everything, but didn't have much of a plot behind the fighting at all) Plus this has former wrestler DDP's wife, Kimberly, as Catwoman and that's hot much MUCH better than that Halle Barry crap-fest.

My Grade: B
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Ignore all the inconsistencies--this is one cool fan film
planktonrules1 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched this film, my oldest daughter sat there complaining about how so much of this fake movie preview violated the Batman cannon. Again and again she said that this movie was wrong--not realizing it was not a real film preview but a fan-man fake preview. In this light, the film is exceptional and weird--especially when some characters show up in this film about Robin, the Boy Wonder. Yep, you catch scenes with Superman, the Green Lantern and others! But, considering how well the film was put together (with great camera work and effects that make the film look a lot more expensive than it was), you are left in utter amazement. Great stuff if you realize that it's not a strictly professional film.
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In A Word? Awesome!
newnoir6 November 2004
John F.'s Grayson qualifies as the coolest, most badass, rockin' sockin' Batman fan film ever! If you thought Batman: Dead End was cool, you ain't seen nothing' yet!

Now THIS is the kind of fresh new concept those tools at Warner Brothers should be using for their next Batman film! Smart, fun, exciting, original.

John F.'s concept is miles ahead of anything all of the Batman films have done.

The film is a trailer for an upcoming Batman movie. It's a killer concept some smart WB exec should have made into a feature length movie! I hope to see more of this writer/director/stars films in the foreseeable future! Grayson 4 ever!
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Masterful trailer for a film waiting to be made.
orrinbloquy20 June 2005
I've had the pleasure of watching this on the big screen (after putting it on DVD and borrowing an abandoned auditorium), and John's got a sharp sense of what makes a great action film. It doesn't hurt that the casting's well-done, either.

Batman Begins is probably going to be a good flick in the Frank Miller vein, but Fiorella manages to build on the original comic book mythos without condescending or becoming inaccessible to the general public -- a tight rope to walk. But then, as the man in Dick Grayson's shoes, he's probably used to walking them. Whether or not you see this fan film, pay attention to the name John Fiorella.
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Invoking and exciting!
scottt-92 May 2006
I stumbled on to this and am I ever thankful. While the actors are unfamiliar to me, this 'fanfilm' short really sold itself as a continuation of the Batman line. A MUST SEE for Batman fans! The personal touches, the cameos and attention to detail shows a great understanding of the DC universe. The scenes of Dick training, investigating and obsessing gives you a clear insight to the inner conflict and determination Grayson has. The interaction with his family and peers adds depth to the story summary not often seen even in big Hollywood productions. I really think this could be an excellent full length movie. I would hope that Untamed would pursue it to fruition.
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todesangst2 January 2006
Please someone greenlight this film. It would be the first comic book movie that actually captures the essence of good comic book stories. It totally blows away the movie projects from the DC universe - superman and batman.

This is the first person I've seen who 'gets it'. This trailer was better than all the batman movies put together. I won't even waste my time talking about superman. The choice of superman for this movie is unreal... he looks more like superman than superman does... Robin looks great, as does commissioner gordon, who I understand wasn't even an actor.
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Not quite in same league as BATMAN: DEAD END and WORLD'S FINEST
Tresix13 January 2005
Once again, a film maker risks a lawsuit by making a short film based off of comic book characters that he doesn't have the rights to. GRAYSON is another in the tradition of super-hero shorts like Sandy Collora's BATMAN: DEAD END and WORLD'S FINEST. John Fiorella directs and stars as Dick Grayson, the original Robin, Batman's sidekick. In this "trailer", Batman has been taken down in the line of duty. A long retired Grayson returns to his crime-fighting ways to avenge his mentor's death. Other DC Comic heroes (Superman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern) make quick appearances as do Batman villains Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler. One wonders why Grayson wouldn't come back as Nightwing, his current identity instead of going back to the role that he considered merely the second half of "Batman and . . . ". GRAYSON does have the look of a professionally done "trailer" that would probably make a good feature-length film. However, it just doesn't quite have the touch that Collora showed in his shorts. I will say this: Fiorella has the chops, now if he can just really learn to master the instruments, he'll be good. Really, REALLY good.
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One of the greatest superhero trailers ever!!
jediluke17-131 October 2004
This is what a real superhero movie should look like and feel like! Even tough this is a fanfilm of sorts. The attention to detail, character and action is undeniably real. Although this is a limited resources production, it puts to shame big budgeted, star-casted, hyped productions "other" superhero related movies. Here the main and supporting characters act and look like they are real life people. Finally, a Superman that actually looks "super" and look like the real thing! No flashy rubber-casted , ripped costumes to hide scrawny physiques for over paid actors that don't deliver. I just wish that some sensible Warner Bros. exec gives the OK to produce a full length adaptation of this jewel. I don't care if it goes to theaters or straight to DVD, I would never get tired of watching it. Just the plot itself is worth my hard earned dough for this. Hope the "bigwigs" at Marvel & DC productions take a look and see what a real well produced superhero movie should look. No more "Batman & Robin" fiasco, or Hulk, Daredevil, etc. Learn from these small time directors and learn that there shouldn't be any reason to "reinvent" the hero for the movie, just to have it "bomb" in theaters. Fiorello!...We need more directors like you!!
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Well done... but Fiorella tries to fit in too much
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews6 December 2007
One of the highest points of this is that, being directed by an actual fan, it looks pretty darn close to what it should. And it actually works. Yes, the title character's costume is the yellow and red that we know from the comics(I should perhaps take this time to point out that I'm not a particular fan of DC Comics and their works, but I enjoy the medium of comics immensely, and there are few efforts supporting it that I am not willing to take in), but it doesn't look silly. The darkness of the characters works. John Fiorella, the director and lead actor, clearly aimed for the comic book origins, the source material, and from my knowledge of Batman and of course Robin, it seems like he hit the mark pretty darn well. This is a mock trailer for a non-existing film of the same title, centering on Robin, following the murder of the (in)famous Dark Knight. The acting is pretty good, he managed to find decent enough actors(and ones who seem to look their respective parts, at that). The score is excellent, I can't think of any point where the music doesn't work. The action is well-done and well-choreographed. The editing is quite effective, throughout, and the man clearly understands film-making rather well. The cinematography is top-notch throughout. The production design is of remarkably high quality. Really, the only complaint one can say about this is that he tries to fit in *far* too much. Really, there's plot for a whole series of films in this one trailer, which, should also be noted, runs over 5 minutes in length, which is a lot for just one trailer(perhaps he should have put together two or three from all the footage), and characters all over the place. The trailer never really ceases to be entertaining, but it does perhaps try to suggest and introduce too much(the total amount of heroes and villains almost reaches a dozen), and it comes too close to being a film(which it clearly is not). John should have "killed his darlings". He clearly loves this material, and I suppose he either didn't have anyone feeding him constructive criticism, or he didn't listen to it. In his urge to put all of these characters on the screen, he goes overboard. I would be quite willing to watch a feature directed by him, in fact, I would do so gladly... on one condition: That he makes sure to employ at least one more critically-minded individual, who can steer him away from putting together another cornucopia of material. We want it too, John, don't worry... but all in good time. Space it out some. Meanwhile, get this guy to do the proposed JLA movie, will ya, Hollywood? I recommend this to any fan of comics, particularly those released by DC, and obviously especially Batman(though if you can't stand Robin, you might not want to watch this). Also, the commentary/making of, that Fiorella also did, entitled Pieces of the Puzzle, is a very interesting watch of half an hour, and should be viewed by any indie film-maker/enthusiast who can at the very least stand the fact that it's based on comic books. 7/10
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Quantity over quality Warning: Spoilers
This is a 5-minute short film written and directed by John Fiorella and also starring him as Robin. It explores a world after Batman was killed. The whole thing has the looks of a trailer and it features as many superheroes and super-villains as you could pack into five minutes. Sadly, it elaborates on no story really although it tries to. But if this really was a trailer, I have to say I would not be tempted to watch the full feature movie this is linked to. Basically, it tells us once again that Robin is a no-go for Batman movies and it is virtually impossible to make him work in a Batman film, let alone in a film centered around Batman's aide himself. The Superman parts did not work for me either. Obviously, Fiorella attempted to bring some humor in this one as well, but I did not find it particularly funny. This is one of the most famous Batman fan-made films, but I cannot really see why. Not too surprised to see Fiorella not having a career in the film industry in the 10 years since this was made.
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bano356519 February 2006
I do hope to see that film made into a feature length film, or Mr. Fiorella given a chance to continue his work on a larger scale. Apparently he has the skills necessary to do so. There tons of people searching for an actually "Grayson" movie. I can tell that a lot of dudes were upset when they found out that Grayson was just a trailer and nothing more. I would like to see more of Mr. Fiorella's work and I wish him all the success. As an amateur film maker, I have been given hope by the wonderful work seen here. My 15 y/o watched this trailer and went to school asking some of her classmates when is this new Grayson flick coming out, and why haven't I heard of it before.
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Otter-23 November 2004
I saw "Grayson" last summer, and it blew me away! I've even shown it to non-comic folks and they've been very impressed with it and the small budget it was made with. It's so great to see all the cameos of the DC universe in it, and they trailer leaves you with so many possible outcomes, that you WANT to see it made.The costumes, special effects and plot line all come together in this "audition" trailer. Watching the audio and video documentary on the website gives some great insight to the perks and perils of making a project like this. The performances by John and the other actors are sincere and compelling. Kudos to John F. and much luck getting this feature made!
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Better then Batman Dead End
Lantern50313 January 2005
I just wanted this on and was blown away by the quality of work that the director/actor did. I found myself wishing there was a movie to watch along with it. I loved Kim Page as Catwoman. I was always a fan of hers in WCW. The "Older" Superman was great but it left me wondering what side he was on. Speaking of Wonder the Lasso effect was cool. The Director put a lot of effort in making this film realistic. It had a great comic book feel but you could almost believe it happened. I hope that if Batman Begins fails that WB will look into this idea. I also hope that the director submits more work on Ifilm. Anyway to sum it up, one of the best fan films I have seen rivaling that of Losing Lois Lane and better then Batman/Superman or Batman Dead End.
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Didn't think I'd ever want to watch another DC Comic movie
matsid8 October 2007
This one's hot! Director/Star has put together some great images and music (Elfman's?) If there were a DC Movie I'd want to see it would be this one. It is not difficult to see why fans are raving about it. Good casting direction too! The sad part is that this is just a trailer. But, what is shown makes me want to see the film. To see Superman, Green Lantern, Catwoman, the Joker.. but mostly to see Batman avenged by Robin. Fantastic idea! A weakness in the images is the obvious use of old props. But, ironically, this turns into a strengths after the laughter when the viewer sees what the director does with it. Another weakness would be the use of unknown actors. Then again. We are immediately faced with another surprise. The actors render perfect copies of the images we grew up with. This is like watching the movies we can play only in our heads! I must now join the ranks of those who would want to see this become a full-length motion picture.
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Somebody PLEEEEEZ Make This Movie!
rkimble-113 March 2007
Yes, its just a trailer. Yes, its just a fan film. Yes, its done by unknowns and non-actors . . . but wow! This director "gets it". He understands all the DC superhero relationships and he knows how to put together a thrilling trailer! You have to watch this over and over to see all that is going on and if you aren't familiar with that DC universe, you might still miss a thing or two. You also have to watch this trailer over and over to see how the director has assembled his cuts, shots, dialog and music cues to tell an exciting story that builds to a thrilling climax. And he does it all in five minutes! If you are a budding filmmaker or a director wannabe, study this little film to see how to really thrill and excite an audience.

Additionally, I would strongly encourage you to download and view Fiorella's "Grayson, Behind the Scenes" video. The director details how he made the film. It is a fascinating "making of" clip.

I really hope the director is shopping a story treatment around Hollywood to get this thing made!
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A fun romp through the more lighthearted Batman/DC mythos
caerdwyn4 August 2008
While I prefer Christopher Nolan's more macabre take on the Batman story, 'Grayson' is a lot of fun. The somewhat campy comic-book styling may not make it in major cinema these days, but this could easily be produced as a web-only project and released episodically. If Doctor Horrible can do it, a retro-Batman/DC series can too. There's a lot of film-making talent here waiting to be tapped by a major studio - some of the casting choices alone are inspired and the performances, although somewhat 'hammy,' touch upon the characters of Batman's 1960's television series while also dramatically improving their presence, and quality. Warner Brothers should really pick this up!
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Someone has to step up!
darthbeaver10 June 2008
This movie has to be made and it can be made with the same people that are in the trailer. Keep it low budget and Indy like and it will take off. I wish I had the money and resources, I would give it to them just based on guts, heart, and determination alone. The trailer alone is better than half of the comic book hero movies made anyway. Just someone have the guts to do it! the actor playing Superman, Paul Hasenyager, is a better looking and more believable Clark Kent/Superman than Brandon Roth(Superman Returns). Chris O'Donnell wishes he was half the man that John Fiorella is playing Dick Grayson/Robin. The biggest reason you would have more success keeping it Indy and low budget is, you wouldn't have all these high priced big name, big budget actors and actresses fighting over screen time and then eventually just destroying a great Story/Movie. Like in Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Catwoman. All made for the wrong reasons all added, not only new characters but changed actors and directors which absolutely made a mockery out the whole Batman story. The only thing that was a little consistent in the Batman movies mentioned is writer Bob Kane, which i can't believe he enjoyed seeing those movies on the silver screen, no way he liked them. Superman Returns for me is just plain terrible. Now Batman Begins in 2005 the finally get right, Yes there are some big name actors in it to the acute observer, but not at the time the film came out. Christian Bale was up and coming at the time, Batman Begins just catapults his career to bigger and better roles. Michael Caine, a great classic actor, getting up there in age along with Morgan Freeman who do not command that much cost but still give you that old school mentality of giving their full 100% into a film no matter what. Liam Neeson and Rutger Hauer are great actors also who do not command the money that they once did and do not do a lot of films anymore. Katie Holmes who needs to put out more stuff was just a TV star until Batman Begins and she had done some other projects since, but then there was the whole Tom Cruise thing and the baby so I will cut her some slack, she is not in the Dark Knight however. So what i am saying is, Bob Kane was also part of this project,(GRAYSON) so you know it can be good, even great if done like Batman Begins. So i ask anyone out there, do you have the guts? Well do you?...PUNK?!?!?
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outstanding short film
disdressed1212 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
this short film is actually a mock trailer for a film that doesn't actually exist.after watching Grayson,i wished the movie did exist.hopefully,it will get made some day.anyway,the story is about Dick Grayson(the original Robin)and his quest for vengeance after the death of his friend BruceWayne/Batman.i liked the story,and the acting is first rate here,as is the writing.i liked the characterization of each person involved.the film is actually very fact,when it was over,i wanted more.there are many famous DC characters that make cameo appearances,which was a nice touch.the effects were good,considering the's obvious,that all involved in the making of this film put their hearts into it,and it shows.for me,Grayson is a 9/10
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How a superhero film should look
cpbedford-119 July 2006
I think previous comment misses the point on this fan short. This was done by someone who genuinely loves the the DC universe and all of its characters. It has better pacing than the majority of the recent superhero crapfests (barring Spiderman, Batman Begins, X-Men 1 & 2 and Superman Returns).

The special effects are minimal but what would you expect on a low budget - it actually puts to shame bigger budget films like Hulk and the awful Batman and Robin, everyone who worked on it should be commended for showing how a superhero film should be made (and no i'm not on the production staff).

If you are a Batman/DC fan miss this at your peril
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Don't fix what isn't broken
dray_h24 October 2006
This is movie that should have been made after Chris Reeves died. Who cares if they are unknowns? who knew Angalina Jolee before tomb raider or oh lets see,,,,Harrison Ford,Mark Hamill,Carrie Fisher? Please if you didn't know them before they were stars don't say American Grafetti or Corvette Summer. The stars of tomorrow are in this short film. I would actually pay money to see this film.When was the last time anyone saw The Green Lantern? Don't go wishin this one or that one should be in the movie keep it real just as is that way the cost of one BIG star could probably finance the whole movie. My 2cents...from the cheap seats I'm outta here.
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The best movie never made.....
jkrollins11 December 2006
Grayson is the greatest trailer for a movie that will never see the light of day. An incredible storyline that we'll probably never see.

This story deserves to be picked up by Alex Ross or Frank Miller or somebody and turned into a full fledged graphic novel.

Frankly, in retrospect, the first Batman movies are terrible. Even the first one wasn't really all that well done if you really think about it. They wasted Jack Nicholson in a throw away role. Batman could have been played by anybody and they just went downhill from there until Batman Begins.

Lets' face it. The Superman and Batman series did a lot to bring comic book movies up to the place where they are today but they don't age well

This trailer is better than most movies you'll see.

DC...get smart... make this film or at least put this story on the page!!!!
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This production is a class act!
johnmiic27 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this over and over and it is an amazingly well made short! The concept is well thought out and well executed. The actors & actresses make strong impressions on the audience in the short amount of screen time they have. The iconic characters they represent are easily recognized as soon as they appear.

The story is not too far fetched as DC on more than one occasion has had stories asking what would happen if Batman were killed? This could easily be branded as one of their Elseworlds titles. John Fiorella as Robin is as far from what one would envision Robin to look like as Dean Cain's Superman in The New Adventures of Lois & Clark. However Mr. Fiorella makes it work as does all his actors and actresses. His choice for Commissioner Gordon is perhaps only the 3rd time the portrayal has been close to correct, ( Batman Begins and Batman-TAS being the other venues).

It is fast paced, well edited and is just fun to watch! That's why this trailer makes such an impression-it's fun!!! Having said that I am very surprised at the position of DC comics forbidding further fan made films. I fail to see why, when talented people, who have a love for comic book characters, make films which are better in many cases that the official stuff we are force-fed, DC decides to shoot itself in the foot. Talent like this should be nurtured. The people on this production could be working for DC/Warner Brothers. I think DC really just has no sense of humor. DC comics does not know what fun is! Hopefully Mr. Fiorella you will be hired by someone, MARVEl perhaps, to bring great comic book adaptations to the screen.
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are you kidding me?
wil900022 February 2005
All of the reviews for this piece of trash were obviously written by people associated with its production. The production values are amateurish, at best.Some fan boys get their hands on money and make these awful films,mashing together characters, plots and effects, seemingly at random,only reflecting their own power boy fantasies. It hurts my head just thinking about it. How self absorbed can people get. The only thing worse are the Star Trek fan films which can be seen with "Trekkies 2".My brain is still bleeding from that unfortunate event. Get a life. Every year, more of these films show up, mainly at science fiction conventions, and all I can think is that somebody won the lottery and can now indulge their every stupid fantasy. Please don't believe the other reviews listed here, and avoid this stink-bomb at all costs.
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Solid but suffers from indiscipline and a passion for the subject that seems to have prevented harsh editing
bob the moo18 July 2007
Not a real film in its own right, Grayson is a "fan film" that is essentially a mock trailer for a comic book hero movie that will be out "later this year". In it Batman has died – murdered by an unknown assailant. The police have no clues to go on but one man is motivated by the death to pick up the mantle – Dick Grayson, once ward of Bruce Wayne but now a man with his own life and family. The return of Robin to the night skies of Gotham City though, does not go unnoticed and soon other characters from the life of Batman are also returning.

Credit where credit is due for this type of film because fan films do take real effort and often do benefit from passion for the subject (although this is not really always a good thing). The mock trailers also show a good understanding of the art form that they are working within, because it is not "cinema" but marketing – the ability to sell something no matter what its real value actually is. We see this done all the time before films, with trailers making us turn to our friends and partners and say "that looks good, lets see that", only for the reality to be very different when we actually see the whole product. Without any pressure to actually deliver a product, Grayson focuses on coming up with snippets edited together to suggest a bigger product and make it look good.

It doesn't totally manage this though because it does fall between trailer and film a bit too heavily. Running for more than five minutes, the trailer is far too full of ideas, clips and material to really work as a trailer but of course far too much like a trailer to ever be mistaken for a film. So judging it as a trailer then, I must confess that it wasn't as good as I would have liked. Fiorella does good work as director and actor but it does seem that this being his "baby" has resulted in him not being able to see the problems with it. He did need someone to tell him that restraint and teasing is also part of a trailer and that doing too much all at once. I'm sure that fans of the characters would love to see Wonder Woman, Superman, Robin, Batman, The Joker and so on all crammed into the same film but having them all in this trailer just felt like too much was going on and that the sole reason things were in the Grayson trailer were put in there because Fiorella wanted to see them, whether they worked within his short or not was perhaps not really in his mind.

Overall then, it is still quite a good fan film and it does look much better than the very low budget would have suggested – certainly Fiorella deserves credit for his work and passion. However as a trailer, it is too long and features far too many ideas and characters. The use of music is good and it is unmistakably a trailer but sadly just not as good at being one as it could have been if it had had more discipline and restraint at times.
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