11 Minutes Ago (2007) Poster

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Worldfest Houston 4/26/2007
marcu-227 April 2007
I just saw this last night at Worldfest Houston (www.worldfest.org). It was an interesting premise and put together like no other movie I have ever seen. It is definitely a quality independent film and proves once again that you don't need a studio or a huge budget to make a good flick. The writer/director and many of the actors were at the showing and did an extended Q&A after the feature. He said they rehearsed extensively and shot the film in 17 hours. They shot eight 11-minute long scenes with 4 cameras and the actors used lines or actions as cues throughout. The actors likened the production to their previous stage experience. Check it out if you get the opportunity!
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Great idea, decent execution, mediocre script, poor acting = middle of the pack.
willlaff-fbook19 June 2011
As for the idea and concept, brilliant! It heavily borrows from Memento, in that it is shot in short segments that largely move in reverse sequential order. This is great at first to create more mystery (as it does in Memento), only, the whole time I'm watching I can't get it out of my head that they're simply stealing someone else's idea. Now it does mix it up by changing that reverse sequential order up a bit, and it does work to the films favor. The plot itself is a touch weak, but not too bad. It's enough to keep the film moving with some remote believability.

It's weaknesses lie first and foremost in it's script. The writing feels like it's trying so hard to be intelligent, sophisticated and clever. The problem is that it only achieves that in brief moments. Most of the time, you're just aware that it seems to be trying so hard. Also, for this guy to spend month's at a time preparing his "tumbles" into the past only to spend a time in each of them trying to figure out what he's going to do next seems a touch ludicrous. sure it's plausible for the 1st & 2nd "tumble", but after that, this man should be a heat-seeking missile intent on his mission. There are a couple of moments that have that intensity, but it's largely missing. The final weakness may not be anybody's fault... It's simply the film's tiny budget. If this were a Hollywood production, we'd get much better actors, filming, etc. The acting felt B-grade at best, and was often a distraction from the film. The maid-of-honor takes the cake. She had to have been someone's relative, or someone who was owed some manor of favor.

I'm ranking it middle of the pack, in comparison to the best movie's of all time. For a cheap indie flick, it's pretty decent. It is worth a watch, just lower your expectations a bit and go with it!
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clever little flick
smashzoom-18 March 2007
I'm a little surprised to see low scores on this clever little picture. It was all shot in one day on a very small budget and I think it works pretty well for what it is. It has a nice little romance that plays out in one evening for the female character but the male character has to endure being in love with this woman for months, as he is only able to go back into time to see her for eleven minutes at a time and then wait a while and then come back. And sometimes he comes back before the last time he came back so the work he's done with the girl has to be redone...it's maddening enough to try to seduce a woman chronologically, imagine jumping in and out of the space-time continuum and trying to keep your "game" on straight. Anyway the way it plays out is real fun. Don't let the fact that there are no name actors in this one...it stands pretty well on its own without Michael Caine (new ordinances require Michael Caine to appear in every major Hollywood release in case you were not aware of this). Anyway, check it out...pretty fun.
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Time Traveling, a Wedding Reception, and Stiff Dialogue
piratecannon26 December 2012
There's certainly no shortage of low budget time travel thrillers, as films like Primer and Timecrimes have swept the indie sci-fi scene and continued to produced on a fairly regular basis. Ripping a hole in the space-time continuum used to require a souped up DeLorean, but now anyone with a camera and a sturdy screenplay can manifest a respectable character study that's propelled by the always fascinating temporal displacement. Bob Gebert's 11 Minutes Ago is a recent example of how this tendency to create the poor man's time travel yarn persists among those eager to break into the business; unfortunately, though, it's not as crisply written (or directed) as either of the previously mentioned films.

The story follows a guy named Pack (Ian Michaels) who's managed to create a device that allows him to travel back in time. Pack hales from 48 years in the future, and his purpose in visiting the early 21st century is to collect air samples. He's doing this—here comes the environmental punch line—to try and prevent an air contamination epidemic that has drastically reduced birthrates and threatened the perpetuation of mankind as a species. Pack's machine has its limitations, though. He can only stay in the past for 11 minutes at a time, and he has to be in the dark in order to "tumble" (that's what the act of time traveling is called) forward to his year of origin. Why he absolutely has to be in the dark is never explained, but the reason is quite obvious: as already clarified, 11 Minutes Ago is working on a very limited budget. Adding nifty effects a la Back to the Future or The Terminator is out of the question, and it's safe to say that throwing in spectacular CGI sequences would serve only as an odd contrast to the purposefully amateur nature of the footage we're provided with. But I digress. As Pack works to complete his mission, he must navigate the perils of a low budget wedding reception (is there a theme at work here?) and a camera crew who's decided to document his shenanigans instead of the nuptial proceedings. One would think that he'd be concerned about creating paradoxes, so on and so forth, but no; this guy doesn't mind disclosing some fairly sensitive information about the future, and he's a ladies man to boot. His infatuation with a bridesmaid named Cynthia (Christina Mauro) causes him to revisit the same two hour time span over and over again in order to try and woo her. Talk about deja vu.

While there are some smart moments in 11 Minutes Ago, it ultimately feels like a short story that was wedged into a particularly dry issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine as filler. Brief allusions to the future act as teasers, and the chemistry between Pack and Cynthia is akin to a faltering EKG, hitting high and low points at sporadic intervals. It never really achieves any degree of credibility, as it becomes increasingly difficult to accept the notion that these two have fallen in love after only briefly flirting. It's true that after each sojourn to the past Pack must spend 3 months preparing for his next 11 minute session with Cynthia, and as the story progresses his range of emotions suggest that he's had ample time to consider his feelings and has become genuinely smitten with her. Still, he manages to dish out some of the worst pillow talk since Attack of the Clones, and Cynthia's acceptance of this mushy mumbling is a real test of a viewer's patience.

The movie throws in the obligatory item (here, a playing card) or reference that will, of course, be explained later in the film. This has been done to suggest that it's a brainy sci-fi offering, but many of these revelations, which occur late in the movie, feel flat and contrived. It seems that Bob Gebert and company wanted to create something that might pass as a decidedly more calm, maybe even introverted cousin to 12 Monkeys, and one could argue that the lack of tangible effects in Terry Gilliam's piece is proof that flashy effects aren't necessary to get the job done. 12 Monkeys, however, does have one thing that 11 Minutes Ago doesn't—a memorable story that causes the audience to feel like they have a stake in what's happening on screen. Sadly, that sense of urgency is missing here, and this is what causes the whole thing to implode in on itself in a singularity of blinding intensity.

Many people would say that all you need is love; I'd argue that you need one heck of a compelling story, too.
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A thinking, feeling SciFi without gimmicks!
info-1601426 February 2008
This movie has lots of innovation, wit and fun with a minimum of gimmicks, other than the premise of the movie. It's made on a budget but it really does compete well with studio movies due to clever writing and production. Often smaller movies have poor sound, but the sound is nice and even throughout.

I'm really at a loss as to how it could end up with this weighted score because it was a wonderful viewing experience. It's playing tomorrow at the 'Best Of' Film Festival, and I'm going to watch it again. I highly recommend seeing it, and I have no association with the writer, director, production, etc.

It's my kind of movie and worth seeing.
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Revolutionary in independent film!
markmania3 May 2007
It was a privilege to view this film at the WorldFest Houston Film Festival. This is a classic example of how a vision born in a creative mind can grow into something very tangible and envelop broad audiences with wide interests. There are many new things done here that have not been seen before in film, and done brilliantly and in an entertaining way. First of all, you will marvel that the shooting could have been accomplished in a single day. The concentration, preparation, and unity of the director and cast are awe-striking. The concept of time travel has been done before, but never like this, chronicling the quite grossly separate perspectives of the time tumbler and those he visits, but not chronologically. Don't try to get ahead of this one and guess where the writer is going--nine times out of nine he'll surpass your wildest imagination. Just enjoy trying to keep up with it. The concept will keep your brain somersaulting and the romance will keep your heart jumping for more from the start right through the end of the closing credits.
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Absolutely brilliant
duke-19728 February 2008
A bunch of us from our production group went to see this at a recent festival, and I must say this is one of the best Indie movies I've seen in a long time.

The concept is brilliant! I can see everyone saying "I wish I had thought of that." Bob did a wonderful job writing and directing a script that works on many different levels. This will appeal to everyone from the male SciFi demographic to the female love story group.

The actors/actresses play very well off of each other through out. This piece moves quickly and keeps everyone guessing. You have to pay attention and even the credit roll is important.

This deserves to win awards, and it has been. Looking at some of the poor ratings received here and that was back in 2007, which is before the final cut. I think if those people saw it now they'd change their vote.

If you get a chance, I highly recommend you see this one.
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Give It a Shot, This Film Deserves to Be More Well-known.
betchaareoffendedeasily10 October 2019
If you choose to see this film, remember it is a micro-budget film shot in a single day. I commend it for what it achieves, but some people who are not used to low-budget films will not like it. It something of a found-footage film, but for such a type of film, it is unique, and it not only avoids most of the pitfalls of the genre, but also stands out as one of a handful of few non-horror found-footage films, and likely the only found footage romance film in existence(if there's another, as a fan of found footage, I have not seen it). As a whole, it succeeds well, and uses its budget well, it is definitely a hidden gem, but not for everyone as you can see by the reviews here.

It is always sad to me when good movies are woefully underviewed, and equally under reviewed and underrated. Yes, distribution has a lot to do with it, and only word-of-mouth can help movies that have little distribution and no publicity. Movies such as "11 Minutes Ago" deserve more recognition, 12yrs later and this fi;m has a lowly 378 ratings on IMDB. That is mind boggling to me, but this movie isn't necessarily going to appeal to the masses, still, it should appeal to anyone who likes good time travel films, and those require thinking.

This is another of a series of very low budget films I've reviewed, that on the whole, is extremely well-done. No, it isn't a perfect film by any stretch, while the acting is good for a low-budget, it won't win any awards, but on the whole, the acting works. It is a romantic film, time travel and romance tend to be a good pairing, and romance adds immediacy to this situation. I won't ruin anything else in regards to the plot.

This is a cute movie, and it does quite well with the time-travel aspects, far better than most films. The script it quite solid, and I find it odd that some people on here are complaining about the script, the script is the single largest strength in this entire film. Most of the events in this film feel realistic, given the context, we are dealing with a time-traveler here, it's not going to be totally realistic. Watching the wedding guest and all the stuff going on with them behind the scenes and the drama is a lot of fun to watch. Watching Pac as he unravels what is going on, since he himself, does not really know, is only part of the fun.

The acting, as already stated, is well-done for a found footage film, but it does have a few problems all found footage films have, and that is, sometimes people seem a bit awkward in front of the camera, then again, I've noticed that people who are not filmed regularly, are awkward on camera, so I'm not certain this is "bad" acting per se as most people posit of the genre. However, this will certainly bother some.

It is nice to see good lighting in a found footage style film, it is very refreshing, and it makes sense because it is a not a dark wedding reception, but a well-lit one. The venue of the house is very well used, and even though it is in a single location, it is never dull to watch as the house is large enough to allow variance of scenery. People are also moving around a lot because is a reception, and this helps a lot with a single location, this in fact was very clever.

The direction is good, this is again a found footage style film, and that is what I base the direction on. The lighting is good, whereas so many found footage films are dimly lit. It would have been nice if the director went on to other projects, but he has only ever since directed a few episodes of a TV show, and has done some acting in films such as "Occulus". If he ever reads this, I hope he knows there are people who enjoyed his film and want to see more from him.

I don't think this film is at all resembling Momento, even if it has a plot device similarity, it is different enough it distinguishes itself, and the plot itself is NOTHING like Momento. Movies take threads of other films all of them time. Think of GroundHog Day and how the repeating day plot has since been used it many films and TV shows. Although, 11:59 actually came out before Groundhog Day, but that really doesn't matter, Groundhog Day just popularised the trope. All this to say, similarities to other films should not detract your enjoyment of this, I found this to be a very unique and engrossing time travel film.

This film has a lot to offer if you enjoy unique low-budget films, especially if you enjoy romance and/or science fiction.

God Bless ~Amy
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Labeled an indie, feels like a classic... Seen July 12, Dances With Films, West Hollywood, CA
lisatravierso17 July 2007
From start to finish, this story had me in captivity. This well-written, non-linear tale of time travel, future technology, and multi-faceted relationships set me on edge from the start, built up the tension in my gut, and then ever so slowly and seemingly by measure, provided answers to the big and little questions that had nagged me. Walking into the theater for the Dances With Films Festival viewing, I accepted what I was about to see as an independent film. But walking out, I felt like this was the stuff of classics, where lines and situations will become the standards for future projects. If you're a Hitchcock fan like me, you'll appreciate the subtle and not so subtle details that are peppered throughout in the main, as well as the sub-stories. My only criticism would be that at this point I cannot buy it to see it again and again and again, and this story is haunting me.
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good film, great acting!!
cschwalm30 May 2007
Very interesting time line of events add a twist to this film. I had to make sure I paid close attention so I didn't get left behind, but this gave a depth to the movie that held my attention. Acting was very good and made me feel like I was sitting in the same room with the actors. All of the actors truly played their parts such that their characters looked very natural for them to be playing. Editing, from what I understand, left out a few pieces that left a couple of questions unanswered; but not enough to interfere with the plot. I was amazed to hear that the entire film was shot in one day. This fact is testament to how well orchestrated production was.
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movieeverynight14 May 2007
I watched 11 Minutes Ago at WorldFest in Houston, where it deservedly won a Gold award. This film is absolutely worth a see. It successfully draws you into the plot and this moment in the characters' lives. The concept is fun and well-executed (especially given that it was filmed in only one day!). The actors are incredibly talented. I particularly look forward to seeing Christina Mauro and Jeremy Juuso in more projects. Christina plays the leading female role - the love interest. This is quite a departure from one of her previous roles -- the villain in The Boy Scout -- and shows the breadth and versatility of her acting. Jeremy plays an enjoyable and believable drunk! Great show!
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Love is Timeless
genapics30 June 2007
I recently had the opportunity to view this film. Wow! What an undertaking...it was filmed in ONE day. The actors did an amazing job - they were very believable. And the writer/director (oh yeah, AND actor), Bob Gebert, well, he is pretty much a genius. This flick has not only a complicated script with a complicated concept, but had a complicated shoot, as well. And it was seemingly executed with ease. This was low budget/independent...imagine what Bob could do with a BIG budget. Quite a vision... I do recommend if you have a chance to catch this film, do so. And it will be one you will want to see a second time. In fact, I am doing just that, at the Dances with Films Festival in Los Angeles July 12.
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Check this one out.
jmmonroig27 April 2007
This is a movie for people who are tired of typical gimmick filled Hollywood drivel filled with overblown egos. Well written and excellently acted. Don't drink too much soda during this film because you don't want to miss any of the subtle details that make this film really work. It is a romantic movie, without the clichés of a chick-flick. This is a sure hit for the romantically challenged. It is hard to imagine that this was filmed all in one day. I would compare it to the year 2000 hit Memento starring Guy Pierce without the violence. 11 Minutes Ago really shows that big ideas often trump big budgets. Don't miss the opportunity to see it.
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Absolutely brilliant. Dances with films, West Hollywood 07/12/07.
sabinegreen13 July 2007
I walked into the theater without any prior knowledge of this movie except for its title. I assumed it would be a kind of "flash back" movie but never expected what I was about to see. This movie has been so cleverly written and put together that I could not stop talking about it afterwards. The story line is enticing, witty and remarkably delivered. The movie has a great pace, constantly moving and making you wonder what comes next and how it will develop, so not what I expected when the movie started. It has some very funny scenes with great deliveries from the actors and on the romantic side, you keep wondering what Pack will do next and IS he going to succeed? I can't wait to see it again, it has so much going on that I am intrigued to see if I got it right the first time AND I can't believe it was filmed in one day!!!! Absolutely brilliant!!! A must see.
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Wonderfully satisfying
BradburyR7 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This nice little movie is a good example how good writing always tops good funding: Of all the sci-fi films i saw the last two years, this, like code 46 and Primer, is an unforgettable little gem. Don't take me wrong - I eat big budget CGI FX driven spectacular sci-fi flicks up as the next guy. but most of them don't tell a story as logically written and likable as 11 Minutes Ago. Every ingredient of the movie has been done before but the composition nevertheless feels fresh. All in all, i can very much recommend this movie, it takes a little more concentration to watch then easier movies but rewards with a very sweet and pleasing aftertaste.
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Highly recommended romantic time travel comedy.
Roel197327 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Scientist Pak arrives from the future to take some air samples to take back to his time, so he can fight pollution. What he didn't count on, was the wedding taking place on the same spot where in the future his laboratory is located. What he also didn't count on was falling in love with one of the bridesmaids. But there's a problem: every time he travels through time he can stay only for 11 minutes, otherwise he won't be able to go home.

This charming little movie was shot (in one day, according to the director!) in the found footage style. The clever explanation is that the camera crew, hired to film the wedding, notices this strange dude coming out of the bathroom and going back in and disappearing all the time. So they decide to film him in stead of the happy couple.

The makers of 11 Minutes Ago knew exactly what they can and cannot deliver with their micro budget. So they decided to make a weakness into a strength and stay in one location, during one wedding party and focus on what's most important: boy meets girl, falls in love, tries to overcome the obstacles in their way. The love-at-first-sight between these two characters is totally convincing and it drives the movie.

Also a lot of fun is the juggling with time. The order of Pak's visits is not the same in which the wedding guests experience them, because Pak can go further back in a next visit if he wishes. So when he first arrives, they already know him! The screenplay, which is filled with funny dialogue, gets a lot of mileage out of this little trick.

Highly recommended.
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Flawless execution, accompanied by a great script.
sleeping_gorilla12 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Follows the dramas and fling of a wedding, with the twist that one of the guests is from 50 years in the future.

This was filmed in 1 day! Absolutely amazing! I really have to applaud the cast and crew of this film for producing stepping up to such a challenge. Great work everyone!

Despite the technical accomplishment here, the storyline here is well thought out and executed perfectly. No where do you see any laziness in the shots. There are moments where the camera doesn't seem to be focusing on a character we should care about just to have that character reveal something important to the plot.

While the acting isn't top notch, the script more than makes up for it. The story would have been interesting if the actors were sitting around a table reciting it.

The Time Traveller himself, was very good, you really do feel his agony at only being able to see this woman for 11 minutes at a time. Imagine if in 20 minutes your dream woman / man was going to sleep with you, but you had to leave after 10 minutes, then wait 6 months before you could go live the next 10 minutes with her. Arg!

Would recommend this to any Science Fiction fan that leans more towards the Twilight Zone side of the spectrum.
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Can hang with the big boys
movieman_kev17 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A time traveler appears at a wedding to get clear air samples but somehow finds himself in a whirlwind romance that he can only experience 11 minutes at a time, and out of order to boot.

Intriqing premise hooked me, but the fully fleshed out characters as well as the film being surprisingly well-acted kept me watching with rapt attention. A lot of much higher budget films lack this kind of heart. Very well done Indy that sadly is only on Instant Netflix until the 19th of this month, but if you can catch it, please do. I eagerly anticipate what the writer/director has up his sleeve in the future.

My Grade: B+
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"Falling into this laughter... I can feel the world around me"
Bernie444417 April 2021
Shot in its entirety in one day.

48 years from now the atmosphere was unbalanced. An intrepid time tumbler, Pack (Ian Michaels) tumbles back to the now to obtain an air sample that can be replicated and save the world. But wait a minute; why do these people know him? Has he been here before?

In Packs 11-minute sojourns into the present, he finds himself returning to the same wedding reception for some inexplicable reason. Will he accomplish his mission and, in the process, will there be time enough for love?

I've always been a fan of time travel movies but not particularly those where you go before and after yourself and I've seen quite a few of those. However, this presentation captures your imagination and does a fairly good job of it. Don't expect popular places or popular people or even a slick presentation; it's that style of an independent movie that gives you the feeling it has been made just for you.
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