Burst Angel (TV Series 2004) Poster


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Pretty cool, though not for everyone.
freyw27 November 2006
This anime was a lot of fun. The overall plot is sort of rambling, but it's a great ride. It's one of the sci-fi-western genre, similar to Trigun, although the characters (four females who fight crime in Tokyo) reminded me of the main characters from Bubblegum Crisis. It's heavy on the gun and mecha action, and there's a mystery about one of the characters and her origins that is nicely resolved at the end. And if you like commentaries, there were commentary tracks for six episodes in the DVD set.

The music is excellent. The opening theme ("Loosey") is one of the most memorable I've ever heard.

That said, there was a lot of fan service, several allusions to gay love, and a good amount of violence, so it's definitely not for the kids.

Looking forward to the OVA.
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Burst Angel
Tweekums27 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Set in a future Tokyo where guns are legally carried and crime is rife; law is officially enforced by RAPT, Recently Armed Police of Tokyo but at times it seems as if they are part of the problem rather than the solution. The series is centred on a group of mercenaries whose mobile base is a large truck. These mercenaries are four girls; Jo, Meg, Sei and Amy who fight a variety of foes… including monsters whose origins are exposed as the story progresses. Sei is the group's leader but Jo and Meg are the dominant characters… Jo's fighting skills are virtually unmatched and she must frequently use them to save Meg who has a habit of being captured.

While this series is hardly a classic it isn't bad either. I liked how the story was introduced; a boy looking for a job as a chef finds work with the girls… it looked as though he was being set up to be the protagonist but once the girls have been introduced he quickly becomes a fairly minor character. The girls, especially Jo and Meg, are good characters although there costumes are clearly designed to show off their bodies in a way that could be a little bit excessive… strangely in the one scene where there is actually nudity nothing more than Jo's backside is actually shown. The series features several stories which tend to be between one and three episodes in length although as it reaches its conclusion we see that there are connections between the monsters the girls fight and learn about Jo's mysterious past. There are some fun secondary characters; most notably Osaka cop, and ex-biker girl, Takane Katsu. The animation is decent although some CGI in the robot-fighting scenes is a bit obvious. Overall an okay series if you want something that has plenty of action and isn't too deep.
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Burst Angel Overview
libragirl9231 January 2008
Burst Angel is a mix of all the unwanted and over used anime ideas smashed into one, which much to everyone's surprise turned out great.

Now to those oblivious Burst Angel fans who try to convince the rest of us that Jo and Meg are just "Good Friends" I suggest that you look it up on the computer because it's in the Yuri category, and just in case you don't know Yuri means lesbian.

Also it must be said that Burst Angel is in no way anything like Charlie's Angels. Get over it.

One last thing Burst Angel is styled after a western so some people will have western sounding accents.

If you think the whole concept is stupid don't go out of your way to discredit the series, just don't watch.

If you like Westerns, Big Robots, and a lot of action Burst Angel is right for you.
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Burst Angel - dull and boring
blue_lotus200912 July 2007
This is the worst anime I have ever seen. The reason over 5 times as many men as women have even BOTHERED to rate the series on IMDb.com is because... it's made for men. All it is is big breasts with nipples poking through skimpy prostitute-style outfits complete with garters plus machine guns and huge robots and fast cars. I also found the dialog very banal. My friend, who is a guy, recommended Burst Angel very highly to me (and now I'm not surprised why HE liked it) and I was thoroughly disappointed. Like Charlie's Angels, it had absolutely no plot. It was a cartoon version of Charlie's Angels except worse.

Also, what the heck is a Texas cowgirl doing in future Tokyo?! Would love to know that one.
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'BA' Is an Appropriate Abbreviation
e251719711 August 2011
I'm just going to get straight down to it here. I've seen reviews that rate it a one because of all the fan-service, I've seen tens for the same reason. I've seen people praise it and people loathe it, with very little middle ground. Allow me to be that middle ground.

It's a good show, I won't give away the overarching plot, but I found it interesting. It's a bit 'monster of the week', but it is able to link most of the stand-alone episodes into the main arc quite well. Most episodes are 2 parters, too, which give time to develop the minor arc's plot better. It also lends itself to building tension between the weekly releases.

The animation is good, the sound is phenomenal, given Gonzo's penchant for hit-and-miss audio, and the fights are amazing. The dialogue is interesting, I didn't zone out at any time like I do on some shows, and it's well paced and funny at the appropriate times. BA has found a balance between good action, good dialogue, and good characters.

But that's the thing. It's good. It's not 'great'. It's above average, in my opinion, and I find it wildly entertaining and it has re-watch value, but it's just not 'the greatest'. That being said, I think that it has something some other animes lack, character and heart. As another poster said, it's the refuse of anime all tied together, but it's got a certain something more. That is, in my opinion, what brings this show from 'above average' to 'my favorite anime, one of my favorite programs' and separates itself from the pack.

Granted, the fanservice can be a bit much. In my opinion that's something that held it back. Had there been less emphasis on cup size, I think many people could have taken it more seriously. They're between the ground of no fanservice and Highschool of the Dead fanservice, which is a limbo that turns off people on both ends.

Overall, a good show, and if fanservice doesn't bother you you'll love it. 8/10
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Not the Best
highnoon9015 August 2012
Lets see, this anime is kind of somewhere between Evangelion and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 leaning more to Bubblegum Crisis, with a whole lot of large breasts, bland characters, no plot, horrible music, bad cgi, and not much more. To say the characters are one dimensional is an understatement, so don't hope for any character development. The characters play up to established anime archetypes but don't really do anything for the viewer. The plot is a string of unrelated fights that eventually tie together for a conclusion but is very in-cohesive. I found the music and the western theme irritating, there's one character who speaks with a western accent that sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. The robots are done with cgi and are stiff and an eyesore. The girls are dressed in skimpy outfits, the same ones the entire series, and are painfully obvious that the only reason for the show is to flaunt their features for a male audience. The only redeeming quality of the show is the overall animation which is pretty good and consistent for the most part. Not a bad series if your looking for a show about boobs with a side-story of big dumb robots. It gets better towards the end but its a painful ride. Worth a viewing I wouldn't buy it again though.
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"Thrilling yet Loving, a show that takes you into the Uncharted Genra of most"
nathanb67222 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler warning!

Like a lot of people say the series is Crap or Is not worth it, its by far a work of art. its a series that has Themes and ideals that most people tend to say "Oh that wont work" or "God that will never do". The show breaches on many aspects of viewers, as you watch the show you get enticed and somewhat enslaved by the TV. The show is set in a Japan that has well lost all sense of right and wrong, although to some its just some Girls slinging Guns, its a show about love, Finding Who you are and sadness well not forgetting the Action, but the show shows each person with light, showing there past and there future, its what every show needs.

If your into a show that has you Deeming from Right to wrong, keeping you on the edge of your Couch and has Both Romance and Death *Not to forget the Times you just break out laughing* then this is right, A show based in a Tokyo where you have to be strong to live, Where the government is oppressive, and where You just have to Carry a gun. Its a Show that takes So many ideas that Writers and Critics say won't do, and places them in a Way they will.

Its a show for those that are well More open minded and don't stick to a Curtain Theme and like to watch thing's and enjoy them I think Story Matters more then theme but that's just me, although they do work hand in hand.

*My own Little thought was "Think of it as japan after a War/Nuke where Guns have become legal for anyone, Completely taking japans stance on weapons away, Like the USA"
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It's bad
Tadisfat1 September 2012
Let me just summarize this in a few key statements that will hopefully turn you away from this show before it's to late.

cowboy hats on bad cgi robots pointless characters backasswards plot "development" more pointless characters

An earlier review compared this to Trigun? Well if you mean this show had a few cowboy hats, and that Trigun is a epic (and extremely entertaining) space western than yes...they have that in common (save the fact that Burst Angel is absolutely terrible).

The only thing this anime had going for it was half a chub, and in all fairness...we deserve better than that. Do yourself a favor and steer clear my friends...if you really want a treat...go watch Trigun.
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About The Best Anime Out There!
andrewmuffin3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This anime was FANTASTIC!! Jo is about the best girl I've yet seen in an anime.

It is well written and contains an action-packed story.

This anime is greatly animated by the people at Gonzo.

It's just a pity that there isn't a season 2... it would be real nice to see Jo again.

The plot is pretty good and it'll keep you glued to the edge of your seat until the last round is fired!

All the weird things other people say are just opinions of haters.

I recommend this to anyone who likes girls, guns, and westerns!!! At least watch this and see Jo kick a** and her hotness!!
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Burst into action!
Otaku3305 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First off I'm a married woman, STRICTLY heterosexual, and I LOVE "Burst Angel." While most outfits show some cleavage or butt crack, and leave me wondering how they don't pop-out of them sometimes, they aren't at all sexually explicit or degrading to women. (Except maybe Sei's swimsuit.) They're very anime-esquire, colorful, and flashy. In fact I wish I could wear them myself. And while there is some nudity it's no more graphic then a naked Barbie doll because they don't show explicit parts (nipples, pubic hair, etc.) as such stuff isn't allowed on (public) Japanese TV.

I'm not a blood or gore fan and thus the amount of anime blood is quite low, not very graphic, and tolerable in my opinion. Most of the fighting uses guns and mechs, something you should expect to see in almost every episode. There's also a good amount of swearing, only when bad stuff happens or they're upset, but I can't remember ever hearing the "f-bomb" so it's not that bad. Meg is the stereo-typical "damsel in distress" and is almost always getting herself kidnapped while Jo is the one who ends up saving her time and again.

The relationship between Meg and Jo does seem homosexual in origin from time to time (akin to Cory and Shawn's relationship in "Boy Meets World") but Meg has been seen checking out guys so who knows. ( Maria is almost defiantly gay as her treatment and reactions towards Meg are all but screaming "You're gonna be my woman once I kill Jo.") Maybe Meg is bi and Jo is gay, maybe they're lesbian lovers, or simply best friends. I think it's open-ended and left up to the viewer to decide. The only thing I know for sure is that Jo doesn't seem to care much for guys or dating; preferring rather to hang out watching horror movies, fighting enemies, or hanging out with Meg. So it's easy to understand why some people would think Jo is gay, but I could care less. Jo kicks major bad guy butt either way.

As far as I can tell only those people in Osaka have "country" accents in the show because in reality the actual Osakan dialect is the Japanese equivalent of the American country/southern accent. And Takane acts the way she does because she is a type of ex-Yankee gang member. (In the 70s-80s in Osaka people called "bad boys" who walked around downtown "Yankee", because they wore colorful Aloha shirts and pants in the American village. It just kinda stuck. So basically "Yankees" are Japanese teenagers who are bikers/rebels.) If you don't believe me check the Internet yourself.
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Brilliant Yuri Type anime series
Irishchatter18 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, this anime series was abosuletely cool with its fight scenes and bad b*tches involved. I mean, clearly Jo and Meg were clearly the best badass women throughout this anime! Jo definately was a Clint Eastwood type of girl who you wouldn't want to mess with and Meg is the same but she's more like "if you mess with my friend, you'll have to fight against me first".

This anime reminds me of "El Cazador de la Bruja" which I definately would recommend you to watch!

I really wanted Jo and Meg to start forming a love realtionship but I suppose the lovey dovey is better off to be put aside for us to wonder lol. Brilliant action, characters and the whole shabang, 9/10 I give it!
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Burst angel summary
butcherwarlord13 June 2007
OK first off Jo and Meg aren't Gay!! They are very good friends you see i know what gay is am not saying that i am and they aren't gay because well which it they haven't even kiss to lip to lip. and if they were it would be rated TV MA >) jeez because the FUNimation allows that type of stuff like that and thats not one of the Anime that has that crud in it. also i have read the graphic novels to were Meg fantasize that she and Jo get rich and so it doesn't led to anything that is lesbian related so who ever says that they are there Dead wrong!.

so you people stop saying that. and i agree its a very good anime. ++++++++++====+++
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