There's Something About Miriam (TV Series 2004) Poster

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thenewtonfamily-7290222 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the meanest, most degrading show ever. They humiliated both the boys and Miriam. What did they think was going to happen? This show is just evil.
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Presents a biased and trans-phobic viewpoint
gallae20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As a transsexual woman myself, I was very offended by this reality show. The basic premise, that because Miriam is pre-operative then "she's a he" is fairly crude and trans-phobic. However, the finale, where after one contestant has finally won the prize money and a trip with her, and Miriam says that "I'm not really a woman" merely confirms and plays into such bigoted attitudes. In real life transgendered and transsexual women have major issues in any revelations they may make to partners, dates, or acquaintances. More than just a few have been bashed and/or killed after such revelations have been made.

That being the case, this reality series is in very poor taste, catering to a prurient fascination with the apparent ambiguity of the titled star of the show. How much better would the show have been, if Miriam's "secret" had been out in the open at the start of the show. Then it would have been a show about exploring attitudes towards that, where the contestants examine their own attitudes to Miriam, and their own sexuality.
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Horror show
gurumaggie11 May 2024
To take a vulnerable person and display them and their challenges for entertainment purposes is akin to Georgian pay per view Asylums and is repellent.

Not all the views displayed are balanced or based in fact and this programme has hurt the memory of Miriam more than it's helped it.

I am disgusted by channel 4 airing this show and I can't quite believe some of the contributions are frankly scared, I wish they had asked people who watched at the time how they felt and not had 'celebrity' contributions.

My sympathy for all concerned is unbounded and I hope they can heal and move forward from this point now.
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