Dark Heaven (2002) Poster


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Missed Opportunity
OmegaGate14 April 2005
The movie is one missed opportunity after another, you get no sense of the characters because the whole movie just constantly jumps one scene after another w/o any regard to good editing and the acting itself would be good if this was a porno. The whole movie is about dead ends, stating the obvious and what will end first, the movie or your patience with it.

Even the worst movies have that one part that is decent and this one has one as well, but nobody goes to see a movie for the hope of that one good part, so if it is on TV and you have nothing better to do go ahead and watch it, but, past that you are not missing anything.
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I was waiting for something to happen....
sylphstarwind3519 April 2005
...and then the movie ended. I saw nothing in this movie that would have any value. I didn't find some deep meaning that made being bored worthwhile, it wasn't nice to look at (it looked really horrible, actually), it wasn't exciting... Maybe some people could find something in there. But I found nothing that justified me wasting my time and money. I thought House of the Dead was the worst movie I'd ever seen, but at least that had some of my attention with the violence and nudity. The best of that they've got in here is some red paint smeared around and an out-of-shape naked guy. I'm not saying I was watching for that. I can forgive either a bad but entertaining movie, or a good but slow movie. Not both of the bad sides in one. I was interested in the angels but they look like plastic statues and they squirt milk when you stab them. I only kept watching because I thought SOMETHING must happen but it was just a predictable ending. I didn't feel anything at the end because the main character said and did the most stupid things. I understand the whole faith thing but it doesn't seem like it was done well. I'm just an average viewer, and this movie was boring and meaningless to me.
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Sad effort
terrible215 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing I noticed about "Dark Heaven" is that it probably would have made a decent "short film". It has that short film fest feel to it, and most likely would have scored well as such. The cinematography was above average, with gloomy shades of color through out, but the "special effects" were border line ridiculous. Director Douglas Schulze tells a believable story, although we've seen it all before (think: "Jacob's Ladder") and the acting is below average at best. If Schulze would have re-thought the final "showdown" scene between "good & evil" and left out the overly cheesy "slo-mo" battle, I'd bet he wouldn't have received all the horrible reviews. If nothing else, this film should be an inspiration to young film makers around the world, because if this can get distribution... Anything can.
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dark heaven
daniellekira9229 April 2006
i think this movie was absolutely terrible. it sucked. especially the part when those 2 retarded angel devil things were fighting and then all of a sudden the one retarded thing got stabbed, it was so stupid.

it kept people going to find out whether you should keep watching it to find out if it gets any better, but trust me it doesn't, in fact it gets more stupider.

the guy in this movie kept seeing stuff and then he went to this one room, the bathroom, and he saw himself in a stall naked and the room Wu flashing everywhere and the guy was so stupid he doesn't realize there's this naked guy with some symbol on his head in a bathroom, then he tells the creepy naked guy, " come on lets go , the police are here", like what the heck is up with that. anyways this movie sucks!! don't watch it!!
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This review has spoilers - technically speaking. There's really not much to spoil here...
fedor85 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The end of the world is the harvest, and the angels are the reapers". Matthew 13:39.

With this caption starts the movie. However, this Bible quote is taken completely out of context. Because Matthew 13:40-42 says: "What you are about to see will make 'Men In Black' seem like 'Gone With the Wind'. Have fun."

An Italian-looking cop finds himself as the only man left on Earth. (Well, maybe not the last man, but certainly the last big-nosed cop.) We are instantly reminded of classics such as "Quiet Earth" and "Omega Man", except, of course, that these movies weren't made by people who normally do porn during their office hours. The cop sees that the streets are deserted - and I had to wonder at this point how the hell this low-budgety little film's director managed to shoot deserted street scenes! That stuff isn't exactly cheap or easy to film. Maybe they gassed whole neighbourhoods, dumped the sleeping inhabitants into special Z-movie containers, and then did a quick take before the real cops (the Irish-looking ones) smelled something was fishy.

Anyway... Our brave cop turns out to be an atheist who used to be a believer, hence we know he must be: 1) punished for being an atheist, and 2) converted back into believing. But before this can happen, he needs to go through a series of chilling scenes that should have you trembling with horror. He meets all sorts of badly dressed demons, angels and dull men, while scenes weave into each other with elegant ease. The editing is masterful. It is sublime. It is pastiched-together with the kind of glue one gets for free in school, but the result is some damn thing to behold! These demons are just as dull as the humans he meets, but at least the humans will talk to him - even though he's a cop - which is more than can be said for the angelo-demons, the arrogant uncommunicative bastards that they are, who seem to be playing a very, very clever game of hide-and-seek with our confused cop. (Though not as confused as us viewers.) He only gets to see glimpses of them, but they disappear before he can arrest them for bad costuming. At one point our cop finds a demon getting ready to decapitate a hu-man, and guess what the cop says? "Police Officer, drop your weapon!". That's my favourite scene. Why? Because the director so cleverly shows us that the cop still has his sense of humour intact, in spite of the awful predicament he found himself in - which I think is a very powerful message to make. Telling a demon to drop his "weapon", so that he'd avoid an even bigger jail term when charges of first-degree manslaughter are brought in, also shows the cop's compassion for all the demons of this world. He doesn't like them, of course, but he would like to prevent them from ruining their mortal, brief lives with a 25-ta-life kind of prison term.

After that, there's more hide-and-seek, some flashbacks with a vaguely cute blonde that both dies and loses the cop's baby at birth in a badly managed hospital with only three staff members; there are many more scenes with innovative editing, and some more demons teasing the cop to try and find them in this maze that is called "Dark Heaven". In an earlier scene, a demon-angel tells the cop "Follow me!", but the cop fails to follow him well enough, hence doesn't catch him. That was just one of many rounds that demons and angels won against the hapless cop in this bizarre game of "catch-me-if-you-can".

In the end, two demon-angels fight each other over something the director forgot to tell us about. The winner in this CGI-extravaganza of a duel is - SHOCK! - not a demon but the film's priest! This soooooo came out of left field. Congrats to the writer/producer/director, One called Schulze (THE One), for including all these totally unpredictable plot-twists. However, even this twist paled in comparison with the amazingly original and TOTALLY UNEXPECTED it-was-all-just-a-dream end-scene. Schulze is a visionary, that much is certain. I'm sure every woman who sees this film (i.e. all 8 of them) will want to have his babies when they finish watching the film. Let's just hope they can give birth in a better-equipped hospital than the one in DH...

On a less serious note, the movie has a great soundtrack. Like porno music mixed with New Age meditation music mixed in with an amateur black metal Norwegian Satanic cult chanting "oooooooo". The look of the movie is terrific, too: you might be reminded of home-video footage you made while drunk at your last year's family reunion. The plot is complex; in fact it is so complex that only one man on Earth - and I think we can all agree none of us would mind if he was ever to become last man on Earth - can understand the plot and that is of course the movie's brilliant creator, Schulze. The One.

Have fun.

(Sick and tired of Euro-trash "classics", i.e. bad, overrated dramas? E-mail me if you want to read my totally altered subtitles of Ingmar Bergman's "Autumn Sonata", "Cries & Whispers", or "Passion Of Anne", but also the non-Bergman "Der Untergang".)
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lucki6156 January 2007
I realize people have different taste and different opinions on many subjects, but to actually find more than two people who liked this film (if you can call it that)and would admit to it by writing a positive review is disheartening to say the least.

I picked up this film solely on the recommendation of a co-worker Starky. She told me how wonderful and creepy this movie was and I took a chance. After watching the movie a good year or so ago, I'd rather be stuck watching all 13 episodes of Cop Rock. Nothing and let me underline NOTHING in this movie made sense. I don't know if they were trying to follow the style of Jacob's Ladder with dream sequences or what, but it didn't work. The costumes were horrible and I swear it looked like these Angels had plastic swords and I remember some deal with a floating balloon, that again, MADE NO SENSE!

I've read how some people picked this movie up solely based on the cover art of the DVD box, which at first I found ridiculous, but ever since I picked up the movie Rest Stop, I can no longer laugh. I picked up that movie based on the cover on the box and thinking I had missed a good horror movie at the theater that finally made it to DVD. How wrong I was on that one also. Both movies are bad, the writing is terrible, the acting is terrible, the character's actions make no sense and you just sit her wondering how they get any money at all to make this kind of crap!
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Somewhere in the middle....
Thomas_J19 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I want to set the record straight. A lot of people on here have said this is the best movie ever. This is not true. A lot of people have said that this is the worst movie ever. This is also not true. It all comes down to realizing what we are watching.

And what we are watching is the best of a bad situation. It's painfully obvious this move was on a shoestring budget. IMDb Pro says the budget was 80K. I find that impossible to believe. Unless, of course, all the 80K went to the actors. I find this hard to believe, but not impossible.

This movie was doomed to be hated by tons of people. In the industry, there are two types of stories, high concept and low concept. Liar Liar is a high concept comedy. It's the story of a lawyer who's forced to tell the truth. There are only a few people who can pull off high concept comedy. Jim Carrey is one of those people, so the movie works, but still falls short because the premise is high. The movie Slackers is considered low concept. It is a character driven movie about people and not events. Low concept movies tend to work better because it's not as easy to disappoint the viewer. Dark Heaven is definitely a high concept film. So, being low budget, it is extremely difficult to live up to the idea. So, that explains one of the reasons why there are so many negative comments.

Also, the special effects were great in some parts and significantly lacking in others. This leaves the viewer with a sense of confusion. When we see a movie, we're expecting it to be consistent. That explains another reason for the negative feedback.

The acting jumps around from decent to tolerable to atrocious. I have no idea why this would happen. My only advice is that if a scene turns out bad, re-shoot it. If you don't have the money, then wait until you have the money and re-shoot it. Also, the dialogue tends to be a bit confusing and unrealistic at times. I won't go into detail to avoid spoilers. Yet another reason.

One thing I really don't like is when a movie leads the viewer by the hand. Even big-budget Hollywood films fall prey to this, so you can't really gripe about it too much. I know if the movie didn't lead the viewers by the hand the people who said, "It was too easy to figure out, I hate it!" would have said "I didn't get it, I hate it!" I personally don't like it, but it doesn't make the movie bad.

The story really needed some progression. The whole movie is too linear. Yes, everything is explained with annoying clarity, but I felt like I was walking a straight line on level ground. And, of course, after my journey, I ended where I started, feeling like I hadn't just watched a movie. Great movies leave you feeling something when it's over. You feel like you've been changed, if even for a brief moment. Yes, life goes on at the end of all movies, but I shouldn't be thinking about what I'm going to have for dinner as soon as the end credits start to roll.

In the end, this movie is decent. I commend the people involved for pulling it off and making the movie at all. Thousands of movies will never be shot, and you simply have to give a hand to anyone who can make it. Making a movie, even a bad movie, is extremely difficult and takes lots of dedication and hard work. You can't chastise someone for getting it done. So, give it a watch, it's worth that, at least. You're not going to be overwhelmed or anything significant, but it is pretty creepy. However, I wouldn't spend the last of your paycheck on it. I, also, bought this from the bargain bin at Wal*Mart. So, if you have $6 to buy it or $2-$4 to rent it (depending on where you rent), it's worth watching. Just remember one thing, low budget! You can't go into a McDonald's and expect a 12 ounce steak with fried potatoes. You're getting a hamburger; don't be surprised when it tastes like a hamburger. Enough said.
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Very, VERY Bad movie
glenabus-15 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK.....I watched this movie with an open mind, and after reading the even somewhat glowing reviews I can only shake my head in disbelief. this is probably the single worst movie (or attempt at one) i have ever seen in my entire life. i don't know whether it was the bad acting, how Officer Gabe gave us the "plot" just by talking while wandering around some unestablished location. or maybe it was the wal-mart costume wearing "dark angels" and the battle of apocalypse that was more like two guys clanking some poles together a couple of times. Bad acting, bad editing, bad direction, something not even a college film student should be proud of. This movie is the running joke among my whole social circle, it is THAT BAD.
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AWFUL is too nice
herecy28 October 2004
This film was truly terrible. Besides the special effects being far, far, far below par, the story itself was very poorly done. The main character seemed oblivious to logic and common sense thru-out the entire film. The viewer is not allowed to discover or learn anything for himself, instead everything is spoon-fed to him. The characters themselves were shallow and one dimensional. Things that should have been explained are left in the air and things that were easily decipherable were explained to the most minute detail. And the story concept in itself, while good on paper just doesn't play well in live action.

When all is said and done, I think you would have more fun smacking your hand with a hammer.
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Dork Heaven
ghoulieguru3 November 2004
This is the second worst wanna-be Jacob's Ladder movie I've ever seen, the worst being "13 Seconds". It went through so many obvious plot contrivances that I knew how it was going to end when I was only twenty minutes in - and then I had to sit through another 70 minutes. It's unfortunate that the movie had a muddled script and a bad story because the cinematography was pretty good, and the first few minutes of the movie show promise. I just wish that I knew why everyone is suddenly making these third-rate "I'm dead but I don't know it" movies. It's becoming a whole sub-genre of thriller movies now. It's probably some kind of M. Night Shyamalan backlash. Two stars for you.
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this movie blows chunks
rubikx8 August 2005
I have never seen a terrible movie like this one. The acting at first is okay but when that "monster" looking person with a mask and wings comes in it wrecks the movie. The acting becomes more terrible as the film progresses. The fight scene with the 2 "monsters" is awful. It just shows their retarded looking faces until all of a sudden one of them gets stabbed by the other.

anyway.. no offence but i laughed a lot during this flick. I suggest watching "Primer, or Cypher" if you want real entertainment and confusion.

Y tu mama tambien is good too. bye
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Creepy Entertainment
thisisthepoint2 November 2004
Dark Heaven is an excellent example of a film that entertains by taking its audience on a creepy journey. A ghost house filled with crucifixes and dark angellic beings. The goal isn't to frighten us but to unsettle you. And, it works! Douglas Schulze's use of "spiritual subject matter" was an excellent choice through which to tell his modern day "creepfest". Why? Because it is still relatively unexplored territoryo. Sure you have "The Exorcist", "The Omen" and a few rather silly evangelical flicks like "Left Behind" but these films tend to emphasize demonic possession a topic that has become very cliché. DARK HEAVEN follows a man who has lost his spiritual faith (nothing cinematic ally new there) but it's the story that follows that is so compelling and interesting - no apparent demonic possession here. A man who is a "good man" but has come to question his faith. Much like that old short story "YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN" (check it out, you'll get many of your answers there). I don't think that this film was ever meant to be "The Omen". I think that it is exactly what it set out to be, "creepy entertainment". Obviously the film has/is succeeding. I have read that a DARK HEAVEN 2 is coming and am eager to see it. Bravo filmmaker Douglas Schulze. I GET THE POINT AND I WAS ENTERTAINED.
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Interesting and watchable.
stormruston27 July 2006
This was a good deal for the 2.99 I paid for it.

It is obvious from the start that this film has no budget, but the crew, actors and director almost overcome that, and at the very least made a pretty atmospheric and mildly creepy low budget spiritual movie.

That said, the special effects were really bad when it came to the "angel fight" real disappointing.The rest of the effects were above the level of money that they put into them or had, so cudo's to the crew! The acting was good enough to immerse you into the story and hold your attention for the full 85 min.

This is not a great movie, and it is barely good, but for the budget it is watchable and quite interesting.
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Possibly the worst movie ever.
douglasdidier8 August 2004
I am beside myself that I paid 3 dollars to watch this movie. This has to be one of the worst movies ever. It manages to pull off the triple entant of being stupid, confusing and boring ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I sat for 25 minutes wondering what was happening then I realized it was SO straightforward that I was looking too hard. Then nothing. This movie might not even be worthy of MST3K fodder, it's so painfully bad. This is the black hole of movies, it is so bad that it's not even fun to make fun of how bad it is. If you find yourself reading this you may have watched the film. If this is the case welcome to the "I watched the crappiest movie on the planet" club. If you are thinking of watching it, do not pass go DO NOT RENT THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!
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xstabthisheartx11 October 2005
i bought this for 5.50 at wal-mart, because, as stated by other users, the box art caught my eye. The box cover is about the only good part. I dunno if it was because i was tired, or because we had to have the volume at level 100 (what the hell is wrong with the audio on this DVD) to understand it a little, but this movie was kinda lame. That angel monster fight scene was real bad. It just had lots of weird camera shots that were artsy.

So it seemed like the director/writers were like "lets film a bunch of scenes of a cop walking around looking dumb holding a shotgun and call it a movie>"
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From bad, to worse, to TURN IT OFF PLEASE!!!
reyven_child4 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
By the time I realized it wasn't going to get any better, I was too far into the movie to back out. Although I wish I had... It was pure torture. If this review saves others from watching this horrible movie, then maybe I haven't wasted my time after all.


This guy (Gabriel), goes through his personal apocalypse in his mind after having shot himself. Turns out his wife died (she was pregnant, surprise surprise) and he went crazy and became obsessed with Revelations from the Bible. Stuff happens with angels, at the end you see him die in the hospital, where he was all along.

The movie doesn't even try to hide the fact that he shot himself, so you figure it out within the first half hour. You're hoping that they're going to take the story to an unexpected twist, but it never comes.

What else? The 'angel' costumes, the lighting, the so-called 'visual effects', p*ss poor acting, the whole script even, not one thing decent in the entire movie was worth it. This movie couldn't even have been good with a bigger budget. Even the sound was out of sync with the actors' lips for f&%$'s sake!!

No, no, no, no, NO! Do not, under any circumstance, waste your time on this pitiful excuse for a movie. Seriously, it belongs on the "Outer Limits"s reject pile.
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Not scary or sexy at all...
brownsession1 October 2005
I just rented Dark Heaven at Blockbuster and boy was it a waste. After seeing the cover, I thought it was an erotic drama but discovered it was a religious horror film with no horror. Bland and sad, there's no reason to watch it. You could always go play DIABLO or put on your goth makeup. The films plot is a about a man stuck between heaven and heck. My mom still doesn't allow me to say the H-word and she's in the room so bear with me. Anyways, we learn more about the man in flashback but we get hardly any people talking. What's the deal? The film is slow, slow, slow.........slow. Completely depressing from beginning to end. The sets look nice, however. The film would have been great if the director, Doug Schultze, had been able to come up with an interesting premise. He could have either done that or got Triple H to star in it. Triple H is AWESOME!!!! I'd get somebody to loan you this movie if you really want to see it. Now I've got to go, my wrestling show is on. Safety!
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Nothing good about this movie except it does end eventually
lord_of_incubi17 December 2004
There is nothing good about this movie. It really does look like a very poor rapture move some church put out. This move could have been edited to under thirty minutes and nothing would have been lost. It still would have sucked.

This is about the worst thing I've watched in a long time. Even worse than Vampires vs Zombies.

I don't see how anyone could rate this high. I can give a hundred examples of movies with smaller budgets that blow this piece of garbage away. I have very few examples of movies at ANY budget level that are worse. In fact, right now, I can't think of any. I'd rather watch 90 minutes of fuzz.
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Worst Movie EVER.
steen-1818 October 2004
I want my *insert movie length here* back.

Seriously. This movie was a complete waste of the time it took to watch it, and the money I paid to rent it. It seemed more like a low-budget attempt at a church community trying to scare kids into going to church, lest they burn in the fires of hell.

Set in a small town, Gabriel (ooh... coincidental name?), is a police officer who wakes up to deserted streets, and must figure out where everyone disappeared to. You'll follow him on the grainy film as he stumbles across different people and searches for the life he knew before.

Sound spectacular? Don't bother.
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dougmeir10 October 2004
I saw DARK HEAVEN when it premiered at the 13TH FESTIVAL OF FANTASTIC FILMS in Manchester, England - it was rightfully given a Jury Award. What a refreshing yet creepy story. I was waiting for the DVD release and must say that I was impressed. Writer, Director Douglas Schulze has made a very personal film while managing to appeal to the Avant-Garde Horror crowd. You definitely need to bring your brain to this viewing but I guarantee the ride is worth it. This film has been given a major release by indy studio THINKFILM the guys behind the Academy Award nominated SPELLBBOUND and DANGEROUS LIVES OF ALTAR BOYS and it's at BLOCKBUSTER VIDEOS across the nation. SEE THIS FILM. SEE IT A FEW TIMES. The mood is infectious. The film is not without flaw but for it's limited budget it achieves wonders. The negative comments I've read seem highly judgmental and suspiciously jaded. DARK HEAVEN 2?
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Abstract and artistic
sataniela15 April 2018
If you watch this film as a movie as usual - to follow a plot, see some effects and try to relate to characters etc. you'll be confused, frustrated or bored. However if you sit down at it with the mindset of seeing something of the sorts of an art film, then I guarantee you that you will appreciate the instances it hurls you into one after the other and the experience within them. This film is a series of abstract, obscure metaphors and states to be experienced and more theatrical-like delivery than a regular movie. It's not for everyone, I agree but I personally enjoyed it very much. Simply be prepared for something abstract rather than a show to be watched on the surface.
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"Deliver us from evil."
Backlash00719 September 2004
I have waited for a new horror offering from Douglas Schulze for a long time. He made this creepy little gem called Hellmaster way back in 1992 and after that seemed to drop from the face of film-making. So finally, in 2004 I pick up this movie at my local video store with intriguing box art (which is usually deceiving) and low and behold Douglas Schulze is credited as writer/director. I'm amazed and perplexed how this one escaped my knowledge so I have to rent it. However, I am less than pleased with the results. At the beginning I was very pleased. Dark Heaven started out great. It was amazingly quiet and visually impressive. It was so just so stylish and very much like Silent Hill. Creepy in other words. But the film falls apart about halfway through with its lack of logic. I understand that Schulze was probably going for a dreamlike quality based on the ending of the film, but everything seemed to flow up until the middle. So it was almost good. From listening to the director's commentary I found out Dark Heaven was in production for something like four or more years and I believe that's where the film suffered. It seemed like they just shot a piece here and there whenever their people were available. Maybe that's why it ceased to flow. Schulze obviously has the ability to direct a creepfest, now if only he could get proper funding and a proper schedule. I wouldn't overlook this film completely because it does has some genuinely eerie moments and a solid cast.
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A Moody, macabre masterpiece
dgelbaum725 October 2004
Rented this movie and recently saw "The Grudge" in theaters. Although these are two completely different films, I noticed one striking similarity that, I believe, harkens to the future of horror films. Instead of going for screams and gore both "The Grudge" and DARK HEAVEN are like a slow infection that work their magic through mood and subject matter. They both deliver an unsettling "feeling".

DARK HEAVEN is something you won't be able to shake after you've finished watching it. Likewise with "The Grudge".

Rosemary's Baby is a true classic that delivers boatloads of mood. If you like Roman Polanski's darker works then you'll surely dig on DARK HEAVEN. The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino is another film that successfully mixes horror with drama. If you dug Devil's Advocate "you'll certainly like DARK HEAVEN. DARK HEAVEN is more like a dark drama that has such a cool mood that you kind of have to call it a horror film.

I hear that they're doing a DARK HEAVEN 2. I'm sure it will be even better. I can't wait.

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Movie_Luver88 November 2004
Caught this flick the other night. Instantly captured my attention from the opening moments and has stayed with me every since. Powerful scenes done with what must have been a limited budget. No real recognizable actors (although I've seen the cop before). The girl who plays the cops wife is HOT! I like how the story was about something and not just a senseless slasher type movie. I would have liked to have seen more of the angels - they were the highlight next to way the camera was used. Definitely a cult classic in the making. I would highly recommend this film to all those looking for a cool low budget movie.
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weyerscott27 October 2004
Went looking for a Halloween treat at my local video store and took a chance with DARK HEAVEN featuring the special effects designs of Academy Award winner CHRIS WALAS (THE FLY, GREMLINS). Definitely worth checking out. The acting was good (Jon Bennett did a great job). The story was very cool as was the direction by film maker Doug Schulze. The director commentary was worth checking out too! But it was those really cool ANGELS that you have to see. A very unique vision, kudos to C. Walas . I would have liked to see more of the angels. The film reminded me of Jacob's Ladder with religious elements. Very timely. I look forward to seeing what D. Schulze does next.
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