Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse (2004) Poster

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Not worth it...
DarkSide1977 August 2017
I don't even know why I'm reviewing this movie... But I am for some reason.

Basically the only reason I'm reviewing this movie is because my sister used to have HUNDEREDS of Polly Pockets when she was little. She had a case with a lot of Polly Pocket dolls, clothes, shoes, accessories and more... I never really paid attention to girly things when I was little, I mainly listened to classic rock and watched classic movies.

My sister also had these Polly Pocket movies that she watched ALL of time. Even though she has since grown out of Polly Pockets and have given them away, she still has the movies and still likes them. I was curious so I decided asked her if I can barrow them. She said yes so I watched them. I honestly wish I've never asked to borrow them from her...

I'm reviewing the first movie in this Polly Pocket trilogy called "Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse" which was released in 2003.

The movie centers on our titular character Polly who is rich and obsessed with fashion. She has 4 best friends named Lila, Lea, Shani and Ana. Polly and her friends are assigned a project on the lunar eclipse (hints the title) and it counts one-third of their grade.

Lila freaks out claiming that she might fail the project because one of her projects caused the entire class (even the teacher) to fall asleep.

Polly and her friends organizes a trip to go to a island in south pacific where the lunar eclipse is taking place, it's also revealed to be a water park as well. I guess Polly's dad is Donald Trump? However, Polly's rival Beth (who is the worst character in this film) has a plan to ruin the girls' project. She offers Lila her old camera, and claims that she put new film in it, but as expected... The film used in the camera was already used.

Later in the film, Polly and her friends have fun at the water park and at night, they plan to take a picture of the moon during the lunar eclipse, however they hear a dolphin who's over the rocks, but the tide is out and he could possibly pass out due lack of liquid exposure or drown.

They eventually split up. Polly, Lea and Shani save the dolphin and Lila and Ana focus on the lunar eclipse. Polly and the other two save the dolphin. They eventually return home and the pictures were delivered. But since Beth sabotaged them the photos were double exposed. But they did solve the problem and they were awarded a A+ and they preformed at the school dance. Beth's plan fails and then the movie ends...

The plot for this movie is VERY predictable and cliché... The school project assignment with the rival ruining it, the heroes fixing it and winning an A+ story has been done to death... It's been done way better than this...

The characters have little-to-no character development... Polly is you're typical popular shallow rich girl obsessed with fashion. Lila is basically Polly 2.0 but with brown hair and purple eyes. Lea is a stereotypical girl who's obsessed with sports. Shani is you're typical black chick who loves music and Ana is a artist... and that's about it. We do know that she has a brother, but she never mentions his name so it's pretty useless. Samuel is a stereotypical British butler... because every rich person has a butler who's British... ugh... And worst of all, Beth is you're typical bitchy mean girl who's a cheerleader with two friends with no personality...

The animation is actually pretty decent (although a bit stiff at times). The characters are decently drawn and the color palette is pleasant to look at, and the voice actors did a good job at their roles. But it doesn't save this movie for being good...

The worst part about this movie is the water park scenes. They don't do anything special for the plot and are very unnecessary... They lasted for 2 minutes and I almost fell asleep while watching these scenes, all they are is filler...

Final thoughts? : Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse is an obvious cash grab for the toys, Despite decent animation and voice acting, it couldn't help for the awful plot, bland characters and non-stop filler.

I'd recommend cartoons for girls like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or Miraculous Ladybug because they have good plots and nicely- written characters. But I wouldn't recommend this snore-fest of a film...

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This film is ecstatic
angortiz-2213624 April 2023
I first watched this film as a young girl and going back through them almost twenty years later, it still means the same thing to me. I was a Polly Pocket girl and this film taught me about compassion, friendship, and the power of knowledge.

It gives you everything. You have a conflict right off the bat. You have an antagonist. You can just feel the emotion with these girls as they are showing us a first hand experience where you too can understand what a lunar eclipse is like. These girls show you that going outside means a whole lot when it means being a savior for those who don't have a voice. Wish it were longer though.
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