Jologs (2002) Poster


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You can hardly tell why the title is Jologs... but maybe it just tells us to look and see it... and then conclude that life really is "jologs".
giopotes30 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you're gonna ask me which Pinoy flicks are the most astig, it would be Jologs, Jologs, Jologs and that, um, that film where Vhong Navarro tries to kill himself by BUMPING a bus? Oh yeah... that's Jologs, too!

Jologs tells the story of a graduating student (Prats) who steals money and gets karate chops from a babysitting cousin (Clarete) who refused the proposal of her now ex-bf (a stunning and hilarious and brilliant Navarro) who can't celebrate his best friend's (Garcia) birthday whose girl is quiet and won't have sex with him (a terrific turn also from Sta. Maria) because she has great faith in God and she goes to this Bible study with a you-thought-he's-hot guy (Ochoa) who tags along an attracted motor-mouthed street smart classmate (the scene-stealing exciting sexy and never better de Rossi) who likes to order coffee in a café owned by a violent homophobic (Bondoc) who almost killed a drag queen who stole his car (a very gay and very good Geisler) and beats up his soft-hearted security guard (Ochoa) who's emotional because his girlfriend (Bayle) left him for Japan. Then there's Judy Ann and Piolo fighting for a couple of coins, Camille and Heart looking for a jeep, Bentong winning Game ka na ba?, a hot actor (dunno his name) playing conductor, another hottie getting a baby in the airport and another one riding a taxi. Yup, that's the star-studded film called Jologs.

Numerous subjects fill this movie. There's the homophobia, the other family of your dad, the religious groups (described here as "Alayb, alayb") who think you can be better by joining them, poverty, talks of sex (counselor versus best friend), broken hearts, broken dreams... but it's really just a flick about life and how small our world really is.

Movie buffs compare this film to PTA's Magnolia or Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, but this one is lighter and very Pinoy. Gilbert Perez's direction is very notable and very flawless... as well as the editing and the cinematography. The characters, of course, reflect each Filipino human being. We are all connected... nobody can move without the other, nobody's an island. We learn many things from Trespeces's frank, witty and very very funny script.

It's hard to single out the best performance among the very human bunch but I'd say Vhong, Assunta, Sta. Maria and Geisler are the film's best performances.

Vhong Navarro gives his greatest performance here as the suicidal, heartbroken and hopeless lover who'd stop at nothing to win a "yes" from his darling's lips. He would have been a box office king in later films... but here, he raised humor, intelligence and wit to the highest point.

I'd say I was amazed at Jodi Sta. Maria's portrayal of a young angelic religious college girl who's unsure if she's gonna have sex with her boy friend or just leave him swooning. She plays either rebellious or nice girl teenagers in the past but her college girl here really caught me. It's even funny (that bathroom scene and the one with the counselor).

Geisler is a terrific actor... and gay men are his frequent roles (watch Jay last year and the MMK episode where he gets anally-raped). Here, he's a drag queen who gets kidnapped by a sadistic homophobic gang that tried to kill him. Geisler acted it very well that I thought he's really gay.

Assunta won critical attention with the sexy drama Hubog (where she starred in with her li'l sis Alessandra) but she won hearts with Jologs. Here. she plays a motor- mouthed street smart who's attracted to a decent young man. She was brought to a worship group so that she, according to him, will be changed for the better. de Rossi tweaked religious groups with her very long and loud speech (she's right, if you hate her, hate her... you can't change her!). Her segment is the funniest. She uses the dorky hairdo of an extra as her ashtray, she drinks coffee with John Prats' spit, she prays Angel of God as a prayer before meals (the funniest!) and, damn, those witty lines! She's really using "pakshet" as her official bad word.

Plus that song... the very meaningful Next in Line fits its movie. It became a hit after this. I really wanted it for our graduation song... we ended up singing Journey

You can hardly tell why the title is Jologs... but maybe it just tells us to look and see it... and then conclude that life really is "jologs". It also shows how God views his colorful creatures. How He created us for each other. I recommend this to everyone. I JUST LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE IT!
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a rare Filipino film!
sourapple28 January 2003
I don't watch a lot of Filipino comedy. One reason is they're all the same! "Slapstick" actions then the infamous sing-and-dance number in some resort or beach. The typical Filipino movie. Some are even stupid!

But Jologs is a surprisingly different one! Backed up with a stellar cast (including a really funny Assunta de Rossi) and a great script/story this is my FAVORITE Filipino movie. It's different, funny and dramatic... all at the right times! The story is all about how small this world is! Several scenes are repeated, and pretty soon you don't have to be a detective to figure out the whole story line and how all characters play an important role in each others life. Similar to Pulp Fiction, but with Filipino edge.

This movie could have a lot of imdb goofs with continuity and all, but this is a good movie. And you wouldn't care less. Great soundtrack, great movie.
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Great film!
alijuly1st10 February 2003
I really liked this film. This is one Filipino film that is truly imaginative, witty and best of all fun. I commend the screenwriter for his wonderful script and the director which remained true to the screenwriters vision. This just shows that even a simple story can be made into an interesting one with the proper treatment, directing style and outstanding script. Jologs is surely at par or even better with other Hollywood films. The acting is controlled, the cinematography is majestic, the story structure is solid, the music is just right and it has one of the most memorable climax ever. Surely, this movie just blows you away!
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An excellent Filipino film!
cbundoc22 July 2005
"Jologs" has got to be my favorite Filipino movie ever (next to "Anak") the way the stories come together in the end is perfect, intense and amazing! Most Filipino films out there are extremely cheesy and lack any kind of substance but this movie is not in any of those categories. The different segments are funny, sad and touching. The events that take place in the segments are insane! You never know what's going to happen next! The young cast is brilliant and shows just how much talent they have by bringing this film to life. I love the way it shows that people are connected (and we really are). You actions affect the next person's day, life etc.

"Jologs" reminded me more of Magnolia than Pulp Fiction but anyways, I own this on VCD and is one of those rare Filipino movies that I would recommend to any Filipino out there.

P.S. I want to remake this into a North American film!
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A surprisingly great Filipino movie
eraz0rhead23 January 2005
I rarely watch Filipino movies nowadays because they're usually predictable and pretty much follow the same formulas for a particular genre. When I do sit down to watch one, it's usually so I can laugh at how bad it is and so I can annoy the other people watching by telling what's going to happen next - like I said, Filipino movies are predictable.

Anyway, I was surprised by Jologs. I didn't expect much from it given the title. But as the story (or stories) developed, I was just completely hooked. Although the style was obviously Pulp Fiction-influenced, the actually story itself was different and very good on its own right. Wow, hardly any stupid, corny out-of-place jokes that they milk to death and spend a great deal of time explaining why its funny in case the viewer didn't get it.

Acting was great too - I've always felt that there are a lot of good Filipino actors but the movies they make just plain suck. I'm proud to recommend this movie to anyone.
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Just another Filipino coming-of-age film
yesitsashleyuy12 February 2023
Twenty-one years ago and Star Cinema released yet another project starring ABS-CBN's most promising young talent at the time. The movie is divided into different story segments with the characters being directly or indirectly involved with one another. Praises go to performances of Assunta Da Rossi and Baron Geisler who portrayed unconventional roles. The film showcases what it is like to be 'jologs' or just simply being true to oneself. 'Jologs' was coined as a term which was commonly used in speech by Filipino youth even up to this day. The film was able to captivate audiences' attention to follow the featured stories but nothing remarkable in the plots. It was just another Star Cinema movie that was projected to gain cash and to help keep the youth relatable to the generation's trends at the time.
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pretty good
jillytuile4 August 2003
i was completely surprised about my reaction to this film. i thought it would really be "jologs" but it wasn't at all. it's cool the way it makes you realize that hey, it really IS a small world and in one way or another, there are connections between you and that guy peeing by the wall, you know what i'm saying? plus, the actors here whom i usually don't like (assunta de rossi to name one) were really good here. i also thought it was funny the way there were dozens of cameos in this movie. this is one movie you'd watch over and over and never get bored.
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One of the Best Films I have ever watched in my entire life
ricarceh16 March 2008
This is undoubtedly one of the Best Films I have ever watched in my entire life. Most Filipino movies are corny and lack any sense of reality, but this movie defined a generation, and it's one of the most important movies that reflects the Filipino youth of the 2000s, struggling to achieve their dreams and using their street smarts at the same time to overcome diversity, and it's done in an amazing way. And it's so funny too, Assunta de Rossi is an amazing actress, and she stole the show in this movie as the sassy street smart young college student trying to make it in the world, she is so hilarious in this movie and it's no wonder she won the coveted Best Actress award at the Manila Film Festival (the Philippines' version of the Oscars) because she is an amazing actress bringing life to both drama and comedy, and to any role she tackles. An amazing movie.
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