(TV Series)


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Very memorable and touching show for both kids and adults.
gcannavo23 January 2006
I saw this After School Special thirty years ago, and I still remember how it touched my heart. It is about a grandfather's love for his grandson and visa versa. The family happens to be Italian, and the culture is very well represented. The acting is outstanding which makes you care about the characters in a very short period of time. Everyone in my family cried while watching this show. My brother and I recently reminisced about the show and how good it was. I wish we could see it again and maybe get a VHS or DVD copy of it, so we could hand it down to children and grandchildren. It is that good! They don't make shows like that anymore.
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schiml-194894 May 2022
I was 28 when I saw this. Neither a child nor a parent, but it struck at my heartstrings like few other movies.

When you go to see a movie on the big screen at the theatre, some of the magic leaves as you exit.

This was only on a small tv screen. But when it ended, it stayed my memory for lo these last 36 yr.

My memory did lose some details, like that it was an after school special with no big name stars.

Having found this entry on IMDB has been so reassuring (did I dream this?) & to find that other reviewers have similar opinions.

I'm so sorry that there's no chance to ever see this again. But, worse yet, you won't ever see it at all.
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I've been searching for this short special for years!
sanjoseasahi25 January 2022
I saw this as a teenager in the 1970s and it has stuck with me all of this time. I've been searching for the title for years and have only just found it. As I recall, the family lived in a New York apartment above their business (deli?). The grandfather habitually pranked the grandson as a way of expressing love. Would enjoy seeing it again, though perhaps my memory of it is just as good. Nice to finally know the title and actors names.
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I had the same reaction
david_nollman24 August 2024
I saw this special and had the same reaction as the first reviewer and I also tried at various times to see if somehow it had magically surfaced as a streamed video. I even wrote the actor who played the boy and the writer and director (now passed away). No response. However, I will keep trying. It was that good. So, if anyone has any idea of how to get a copy, please let me know by putting a comment on this page. I live in hope.

Note that at the time it aired I was teaching high school English, had someone tape record it and showed it to my high school students. At the end just about every student in every class I showed it was also was also in tears.
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