Attacked! (1978) Poster


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Another audacious, sexually violent thriller from the reliable Yasuharu Hasebe
fertilecelluloid28 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps Yasuharu Hasebe's strangest pic? The director of "Rape", "Assault - Jack The Ripper", "Raping", and "Rape 13th Hour" has made his share of audacious, sexually violent movies. This is definitely another. "Osou!" ("Attacked!") explores the kind of familiar, dark territory that the director is infamous for. A policewoman (Yoko Azusa) who is fascinated with Western images of violent pornography becomes the victim of a rape when her police car is rammed and pushed into a warehouse by a large truck. The anonymous driver leaps from the vehicle and cuffs, gags and rapes her as Beethoven thunders away on the soundtrack Kubrick-style. The film owes a great debt to Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" for its juxtapositioning of rich classical Beethoven symphonies with sexually violent imagery. After our policewoman "recovers" from her ordeal, she becomes obsessed with violent, abusive sex and deliberately sets out to be raped again and again. She also solicits sex from her girlfriend's partner and picks up several men off the street. Hers is a dark, strange odyssey that isn't entirely believable, but the film's stark subject matter and Hasebe's tireless style help us to forgive its handful of sins. Although there is a lot of sex and close to half a dozen rapes here, the film is not bloody or as energetic as the classic "Assault - Jack The Ripper" or the provocative "Raping!" At times it drags and its totally humorless tone gives it an irritating sameness. Gripes aside, though, it is a strong piece of violent pink cinema that needs to be seen by converts who share inexplicable enthusiasm for this underrated ghetto of the silver screen.
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Effective, provocative little violent pink gem
Bloodwank23 February 2011
It's interesting to me, the pinku approach to rape. In Western cinema it tends to be an instant source of horror, a spur to vengeance, a thing entirely negative without any nuance. I've only seen a few pinku films so far but their approach is different, rape is something without such overwhelming connotations, sure it can be terrible, but also a spur to plot and character that isn't entirely negative, an entry into sexuality which isn't a simple matter of warped power dynamics or unpleasant titillation. Attack is a prime example of the more exploratory approach to rape, though rape is its driving force it isn't a force that leads just to horror and violence, instead it is also transformatory and an impetus to self realisation. Kumiko, a policewoman with an interest in violent pornography is raped by a particularly cavalier villain (he rams her car into an alley with his truck), this leads her on a course of sexual discovery with unexpected (well, maybe not entirely unexpected) results. In this harsh world, sex is lurid, selfish, bouncing, passionate, and sometimes sex is unwilling. One thing I found interesting about this one is that the rape side of things is never approached for eroticism, in fact there are only a couple of notably eroticised passages in the film. I was a little surprised, this being a Yasuharu Hasebe film (and my first experience of the notorious director) but looking at his filmography I see it came just a few films after his most infamous work and so perhaps there was a notion towards respectability in the film. Instead of sleazier kicks, the rapes in this one are gritty, shot hemmed in and bleakly thrilling, they have a curiously exciting edge. Sex on the other hand is shot a little further out and is always boisterous, often noisy, a throbbing uncontrollable expression. There are a fair few scenes of both rape and sex during the course of the film, as our heroine becomes obsessed with her attacker during the course of a bleak realisation of her place in this rampant world. Its a sad and fascinating spiral, held together by a bravura performance by Asami Ogawa as Kumiko, with a scene in which she rediscovers her body, first impassive then passionately particularly impressive. The supporting cast is equally fine, Yoko Azusa as her distant friend and others, while Hasebe keeps things interesting and even tense throughout, doing especially well with the music choices. Several well known classical pieces appear (Ode to Joy and Moonlight Sonata among them), as well as a fair admixture of Japanese lounge, its a nice combination and the use of classical music alongside violent and sexual imagery is really rather striking. Altogether, I rather liked this one once I got used to the minimal nudity, its a well thought out and thought provoking affair with a couple of great jolts and a lingering unease. Seekers after the nastier of these sorts of films may be disappointed but by and large I had a pretty good time. Worth investigating at any rate I'd say.
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Not the total shocker I expected.
BA_Harrison18 December 2014
Nikkatsu pink classic 'Osou!' stars Asami Ogawa as Kumiko, a pretty policewoman who, after being repeatedly raped by an unseen assailant, doesn't get even by feeding her attacker his own knackers, but rather learns to appreciate the pleasures of forced sex, even to the point of waiting longingly for the next assault; if ever there was a film guaranteed to get a feminist's knickers in a twist, this is it! (although judging by the heavy misogynistic content in many a Nikkatsu pink movie, feminism was still a very alien concept in 70s Japan; even if a woman did try and complain to director Yasuharu Hasebe, I imagine that his answer would've been along the lines of 'You know what your problem is, love? You need a damn good seeing to!', followed by a swift smack on the rump).

Aware of its controversial story-line, and having already seen Hasebe's highly offensive rape-themed movies 'Rape! 13th Hour' and 'Assault! Jack the Ripper', I was fully expecting 'Osou!' to be the mother of all 'violent pink' films, but was surprised to find it a comparatively tame affair, lacking the hard edge evident in the director's other work: the repeated attacks on Kumiko are shot in a surprisingly restrained fashion (ie., very little flesh on show) and there's no gory violence to break up the repetitive (and ultimately tedious) scenes of rough rumpy-pumpy.

With its bizarre premise, stark cinematography and an excellent soundtrack that makes great use of instantly recognisable classical music, 'Osou!' is certainly not a total waste of time for fans of the genre—besides, Asami Ogawa is way too cute for it to ever be considered that—but neither is it the totally reprehensible piece of extreme cinema that I believed it would be.
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namashi_124 December 2010
Yasuharu Hasebe's 1978 controversial flick 'Osou!' is a Weird & Slightly Disturbing film that has loads and loads of sexuality. Women are raped, gagged and bruised throughout. So much SEX, that it gets to you after a point.

Yasuharu Hasebe Cinema is freaking abstract. One can't understand why he made 'Osou!'? What was he trying to say through this film? This 72-minute long film, is filled with sexual abuse towards women. 'Osou!' doesn't stand as a innovative fare, it only stands as a abstract fare.

'Osou' will Only be enjoyed by Horny Teenagers. And is, and will be disregarded by a major chunk of movie-buffs for it's weird execution.
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Another great rape-themed violent pink from Yasuharu Hasebe.
HumanoidOfFlesh31 January 2008
A Japanese policewoman is raped by a black-gloved truck driver in a very stylish and unsettling rape scene.After the sexual assault the woman becomes obsessed with rough sex and rape."Attacked!" is not as vicious as "Assault!Jack the Ripper" or "Rape!13th Hour",but sleaze comes quick and heavy in this misogynistic exploitation classic.The classical score is awesome and welcome change from usual jazz scores of Hasebe's violent pink flicks.For fans of Nikkatsu's Roman Pornos or pinku eiga cinema in general "Attacked!" is a must-see.Finally big thanks for fertilecelluloid for giving me an opportunity to watch this unfairly forgotten and ignored violent pink.9 out of 10.
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Attack! Attack!
morrison-dylan-fan2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Learning that a ICM Japanese Challenge was soon to take place,I started looking for flicks from Japan that I've been meaning to play this year. Finding this to have a swift 73 minute run-time, and having viewed my first Pinku Delicate Skillful Fingers (1972-also reviewed) recently,I got set to witness a Pinku attack.

View on the film:

Driving with Yano as she flicks through a Adult magazine in her cop car over the opening, director Yasuharu Hasebe continues his Pinku run with a nicely sleazy atmosphere, framing Yano detached in her questioning of suspects, who are having sex during the enquires,and a surprisingly restrained masturbation scene of Yano trying to accept herself again. Paying tribute to the Giallo via the black gloves of the rapist being the only part shown of him, Hasebe holds the perspective of the rape sequences from Yano's horrified face, handling a grubby atmosphere of the disembodied hands of the rapist gripping Yano.

Wearing inspiration of not only the Giallo sub-genre, but also A Clockwork Orange, Hasbe creates a abrasive juxtaposition in the rape scenes uncomfortably being played out to sped-up Classical music, which shatters on the handcuff bruises covering Yano's wrists, that hold her from being able to find pleasure from vengeance after getting left broken. Not listed on the IMDb credits, the screenplay by Hideichi Nagahara spilt the sleaze from interviewing of suspects,with a harsh bitterness of the confirmed identity of the rapist left hanging in the air for Yano. Stripped of her sunny side in the opening, cute Yoko Azusa gives a terrific performance as Yano, grasping in desperation to hold onto the last slithers of pleasure and a desire for vengeance to stop the attacks.
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