Heaven's Neighbors (2005) Poster

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works on several levels!
sashab33321 November 2008
I was sitting in my comparative mythologies class about a week ago when the mention of a single name drew my attention. The professor was going over a few key points in classical Greek mythology when I heard him mention Boreas. Boreas? Where had I heard that name before? It took me a while and then I remembered this movie I had watched not too long ago called Heaven's Neighbors. I couldn't wait to get back to my apartment and check it out again. I liked the movie and I was curious if this were just a coincidence. A quick review of the movie confirmed that this was no coincidence. Every major character's name either comes from Greek mythology, Christian history, or derives it's source from western civilization. Naturally I had to delve deeper. I was soon aware of another level to this little movie. Another level that I had missed in the first viewings. Suffice it to say my second semester thesis is going to be entitled: Western mythological motifs in the movie Heaven's Neighbors. I would like to that the film makers for such fertile ground for my research project. I am sure that I will be moving over ground never crossed before! On a side note I must tell you that I got this movie as a bootleg from a friend. Other researches have turned yup the fact that it is available from indieflix.com and as yet it has no major distributor. This is a wrong that must be corrected. This movie deserves to be distributed through major channels. The depth of the characters and the story are worthy of so much better. Somebody pick this movie up and get it into the stores!
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good story telling!
stevenshaftsburg21 April 2008
This is quite a good film. While I am not as overwhelmed by it as are a lot of viewers, I was extremely surprised at the storytelling ability of the director. I heard about the film from this site and a couple of others who talked about indieflix offerings, both good and bad. Having watched many shorts and longer length movies that the site has to offer I had always come away with the feeling that these film makers do not know how to string together multiple scenes in an orderly and coherent way as to tell a story as unambiguously as possible. That's what surprised me most about Heaven's Neighbors. It told a story, from beginning to end, without interruption or the need to back track to see if I missed something. The budget was obviously quite low. The time spent on it could not have been more than a few weeks. And yet with such constraints, the acting, locations, and overall ambiance come through loud and clear. It is refreshing to see new film makers who have a distinctive voice, and the ability to transfer that voice into a sharp little story that is truly enjoyable
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A creative, sensitive, emotionally deep film
jillianmcarthy20 November 2006
Forget about low budget, forget about small independent films, forget about everything you think of when you hear such terms. Heaven's Neighbors is a creative, sensitive, emotionally deep film regardless of it's origins. I was invited by a friend to watch a new movie she had just bought on line. I was reluctant to go having set through some real turkeys in the past. But she was so effusive in her praise that I decided to take a chance. However, not before checking out it's rating and comments on IMDb.com, (or if it even was listed here) I was not surprised by the negative comments. Working in film I find that most critics of these small indie flicks are "friends" of the film makers who either have a bone to pick with them, suffer from jealousy, or just love to bring down others for their own pleasure. For the record, it is always easier to criticize. This is a strong trait in the majority of humans. Most of them seem to get some kind of emotional build up and feeling of self importance by trashing other's work. IMDb.com attracts more than it's fair share of these type of self aggrandizing sharks. So I naturally take take their comments with a big grain of salt. What did surprise me was the positive comments concerning Heaven's Neighbors. One doesn't usually hear such glowing praise for a small movie like this. "The movie creates it's own beautiful world." "A thoughtful story well written and directed." I was intrigued. So Friday night I sat down at my girlfriends house unsure of what I was about to see. It was everything I could have hoped for. Don't get me wrong it's not perfect. But the movie succeeds on so many levels that it' on my top ten for the foreseeable future. I did feel like they created a world, similar, but not exactly our own. And yes, I wanted to go there. The acting was good without being too over the top. The actors made me feel for, and in consequence, care for them and their plight. I tell you right now this film needs better distribution than indieflix.com. I can understand (being in the business)why this has not happened. It's not a horror film, which means most indie distributors won't touch it. That is there bread and butter, it's what feeds the machine. Heaven's defies pigeon holing it into a specific genre. So I propose a whole new category: the good indie film.
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thompkinscharles8 April 2008
As an independent film maker based out of Seattle I am keenly aware of the limitations that force both the "indie" writer and director to think in new and creative ways. I purchased Heaven's Neighbors from Indieflix via Amazon having been drawn to it by my familiarity with DJ Perry's other films. I was pleasantly surprised and, to be honest, quite jealous of this wonderfully told story. DJ's other films, while quite good, are no where near the level of Heaven's Neighbors. The story is tight. The acting is first rate. And above all, the character's are believable and sympathetic. After fifteen minutes you are drawn into their world with such finesse and subtlety that you are not even aware that it happened. By the time the closing credits run you feel a sense of emptiness at having to leave that world. I found myself wanting more; wanting to follow the two leads down the road in search of further adventures. And when the credits ended, I felt such jealousy towards the film makers. They had created something special in our limited little world that I wish I was a part of. Buy this film and see what real artists can do.
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Why haven't you bought this great little film?
roryclhn20 November 2006
A friend clued me in to indieflix.com. I was hooked immediately and single handedly probably kept them in business for a month or so. Quite a few of the shorts they offer are better than average, but without a doubt the crown jewel of them all is Heaven's Neighbors. Not only is it shot well, but it has what many indie flicks do not have, a story. The film makers have taken what is usually a handicap for small production companies (lack of funds), and turned it into an advantage. The problem with most indie movies is that they try to bite off more than they can chew. You end up with a movie of high aspirations, that fails to reach it's goals. Here you have a story that works within the framework of what they can actually do. Instead of half baked actions scenes that only illustrate their limitations, you have a wonderful character study that shows that you can accomplish great things if you only understand the medium. Everyone should surf on over to indieflix.com and buy Heaven's Neighbors right now. Keep the spirit of independent film alive and treat your self to one of the finest examples of "film making with limitations."
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Exceptional indie film!
jackieblue4025 January 2006
I discovered this wonderful film a few weeks ago at indieflix.com. Being a film major I keep on the lookout for movies that are slightly out of the mainstream. Usually this means sitting through atrocious horror films that lack style, substance, or for that matter, a plot. It was extremely refreshing to finally unearth an indie that does quite well in all three of these areas. I decide to write a paper for class on the Human condition as expressed in Heaven's Neighbors. My professor was so intrigued with my paper (I got at 3.8!) that he wanted me to show the film to the whole class. He thought it might incite a good discussion. He was right! Overall, the response was extremely favorable. It was interesting to note that females overwhelmingly loved this movie. The male students where split between those who thought it was good, but not great, and one or two who didn't like it at all. This sparked a quite a debate! Especially when it was noted that those who didn't like it were all "jocks" whose taste in films runs more toward action films like Terminator and Armageddon. And those that loved the film said that it was precisely because it wasn't "action laden with over the top special effects, that they enjoyed it so much. They noted the emphasis on story and the insights on life were the best part about Heaven's Neighbors. Judging by the comments here I see that many others feel the same way. Those of us who love the film are going to expand out research. I, for one, have found deeper levels after repeated viewings. Maybe it's fodder for a term paper? If I could only figure out what Dr. Boreas is all about? What's the real motivation for suicide? What does his name mean?
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very fine film-making
wankner1228 November 2005
I'm a huge independent film fan. You can always find me at the local art-house or the specialty video stores looking for those small films that snuck in under the radar. Believe me I've seen thousands of foreign films, shorts, and good old American made indies. Out of all of them I would rank Heaven's Neighbors in the top ten percent. It's not only a well crafted story, but it also has a wonderful "ambiance" that seeps into your soul. The acting is quite well done for such a small film, in particular the four main leads are impressive. Their characters appear to be four key aspects of either human or, more particular, male personalities. Jake, fun loving and outgoing; John, brooding and tormented; Peter, the square peg in the round hole; and Boreas, a very successful doctor who's personal life is empty and meaningless. I loved the interplay between these four actors as they attempted to find meaning in life. I'm not sure if this has any significance, but they all have unusual last names. I'm going to look into this a bit deeper. All in all a fine art-house film that deserves to be seen by any true fan of indie films.
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I loved this movie!
spinbner16 November 2005
I bought this movie because I'm a big Aaron Jackson fan. I grew up watching him on California Dreams. I always considered that show to be a weak showcase for the talents for all the actors involved. When I discovered that Jackson played the lead in a small independent movie I hoped, against the odds, that it would be something that could show off his skills as an actor. I was not just pleasantly surprised, I was knocked over by the outstanding work of Jackson and the other actors on this film. The story was funny, poignant, crazy, and sad all at the right times. All of the characters were wonderfully played including Jackson's Jake, his buddy John, and all the way down to the smarmy Reverend Matthews. It was so nice just to sit back and watch a touching emotional story, without being bombarded by explosions or reality bending computer graphics. I hope Jackson and the others involved continue to make these kind of films in the future. In fact this story begs for a sequel. I hope the film makers are reading this because I'm dying to know what happens when Jake and John meet up again in Florida!
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a near perfect indie flick!
trishlovelips1 February 2006
This movie is by far the best thing indieflix.com has to offer. That's not to say that there isn't anything else worth while from indieflix, in fact Figure in the Forest (made by the same production company) is quite good. But Heaven's Neighbors outshines them all. The acting is quite good, the story is intelligent and thought provoking with out being too maudlin, and the camera work is novel without being too obtrusive. And while this might not be a glowing recommendation for a typical Hollywood production, at this level of film making these are remarkable achievements. I give the producers a big hand for knowing the limitations forced on low budget indie film makers. Too often independent film producers try for the big bang, when in reality they can't afford much more than a wet firecracker. This doesn't mean they can't find a good script they can work with at this level. Heaven's is a near perfect example of intelligent producers, who understand and work within their financial limitations, creating a small story that has both an emotional depth and a trenchant storyline.
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A exquisite deeply moving world captured on film
springwell11112 December 2005
It took a while. I had to watch this movie several times before I began to notice just what held me captivated. The story is heartwarming and beautifully acted, but there was something more, something deeper, that seemed to affect my soul. What the film makers have done here is to create a world that is extremely compelling. The world inside the half way house is a bit stark and barren, but nonetheless is stunning. It makes a nice contrast to the "outside" world, which is the epitome of a perfect summer day, shot in soft focus. Several scenes stand out as some of the best cinematography I have seen in any independent film. The whole sequence in the park when the two leads, John and Jake, discuss writing and painting is so perfectly shot that you almost feel the warm breeze and the sun on you face. On top of that it is so nice to watch actors "communicating" with each other without resorting to some type of overly dramatic action that usually punctuates so many "talking" scenes. Not every scene needs a kicker ending; that's not the way life works. Kudo's to the director for keeping this film grounded in human reality. Another scene that stands out as truly magnificent is the sequence when the two leads walk at night to the doctors house. This scene makes a nice compliment to the park scene as it captures the beautifully ethereal qualities of a warm summer night. Using the dark night, which can be both inspiring and fear inducing, we dig deeper into the problems of these two young men. Their journey is both physical and metaphorical at the same time. The deeply troubled John, with the help of Jake, learns to confront the demons in the dark, and begin the process of healing. This is probably one of the most hauntingly sublime scenes you will ever see in any movie. Finally, I must mention one of the key aspects that help make this "film world" so appealing. I can tell that a great deal of thought and effort went into the musical score. Many independent films look upon the music as an afterthought. Not so with Heaven's Neighbors. You can tell that each piece was carefully crafted to embellish and help bring out the emotional heart of the scene. Put together, the whole score weaves a brilliant tapestry of the highs, lows, humor, and sadness, of everyday life. By the time the last song (the Heaven's Neighbors theme) begins to play, I'm reduced to tears. The music and vocals are as heartbreakingly beautiful as Titanic's theme. A fitting end for a remarkable movie.
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Good story with solid acting
kngsprt18 May 2006
Two things struck me after watching this movie. First, was how much I missed storytelling in movies. It seems that the process of telling a story has taken second place behind hyperactive special effects involving, and revolving around, big box office stars. I usually leave the theater feeling like I've been pummeled with a sledge hammer, wondering if I was so dazed that I missed the plot. Heaven's Neighbors reminded me that there are still small stories to tell. Stories that are far more engaging and thoughtful than anything I've seen from the big boys in quite a while. This movie does not offer up a story about an end of the world crisis, or a far off galactic war. Instead we are served a gentle movie centering on the problems of two young men suffering from mental illness. The second point that struck me was how much I had missed real acting. Given the subject matter of most of the movies of late it's hard to notice any acting going on amid the chaos of special effects. In deference to those actors, it must be tough to try to act to something that's not there while being suspended twenty feet in the air in front of a huge green screen. However, it seems that all the "acting" I see consists mainly of screaming, yelling, unleashing a weapon (laser, pulse rifle, machine gun, etc,) upon a horrible monster, or barely hanging on to the precipice of what seems like a bottomless pit. Heaven's Neighbors is refreshing in that I get to watch actors acting and reacting to each other in an everyday environment. DJ Perry and Aaron Jackson both are outstanding leads that play well off each other and can both handle realistic emotions without falling into the trap of playing it too over the top. They are backed up by an excellent supporting cast and a solid story that gives all of them an opportunity to really act.
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restores my faith!
silviagrodner2 October 2010
So many times when I pick an unknown movie at the store I end up disappointed. My friends wonder why I keep doing this. Why I keep gambling my money on unknown films that are usually very bad. Heaven's Neighbors is the reason. Every once in a while I find something that restores my belief in real film making. Something that tells me there are others out there who feel the way I do and tap into that emotional well to produce something really heartfelt. Finding Heaven's Neighbors more than balances the books against all those other bad movie choices. I love the acting, the script is deep and emotionally satisfying, and the whole mood is at times crushing, but always tinged with hope and promise. Unlike so may other small films this one seems to be carefully constructed and well thought out. Each scene builds and carries the story without the need to shock or scare. The story unfolds like life; small changes, small victories, small defeats. The scene where John and his father are talking in the half way house is so wonderful because it is so real. I hope these film makers are planning more like this. I need these little boosts to my faith far more often.
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A Beautiful Look at Friendship, and using an illness as an aid to others rather than a crutch to oneself.
mel-4736 May 2012
This film is a tragedy! ...because it hasn't gotten the attention near it's due!! The score is PERFECT! I was incredibly impressed with how well the music fit the mood of the moment! The performances were dead on...but beware it's depth is dedicated to the artists. It's heartfelt journey allows you a window into the human qualities of every person...even those whom are placed within a society that deem them psychotic. Demons haunt each of us, whether your teacher or student, and sometimes help can come from the most unlikely avenues. More often than not, the ones that are most lost are those that appear acceptable under societies conditions. If you asked yourself looking at all the films you've watched in your lifetime, the one's that made your top ten list, what was it that helped them ride that list? I'd guess they shared one incredibly important item, you CARED about what happened to the characters in it. You watched it feeling for them, hoping for them, crying for them, or laughing with them. This was easily achieved here. The element of humor is added in the most unassuming places, creating the 'real' quality to lighten the mood. This film made me laugh, and cry, angry, and feel empathy, as a Mother, Friend. This is exactly this type of film that infuriates me the most, so well executed, yet so few eyes on it...it's the perfect example that bigger budgets don't necessarily mean better films. A frugal Lady, and I bought it to own, for weighing the cost vs entertainment made for a simplistic assessment of an easy ROI.

Amazon to enjoy!
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Pretty boring and average film
mayhweller8 December 2004
I would not recommend this movie to anyone, it was very boring and very hard to sit through. The acting was some of the most overdone and fake I have ever seen in my life. The plot was so cliché ridden I didn't need to see the end to see how it would turn out, it was very predictable. However, I made it a point to sit through the movie in its entirety (no matter how painful that was!) because I think every movie deserves its fair share, this movie did not however.

Did I mention the acting was horrible, I think that deserves to be brought up a few times, it was REALLY bad. I've seen better acting in elementary school plays. The storyline was something you have seen in many, many other movies--it has been done many times before. I think they just borrowed a script from other movies they have seen before and just barely changed it a bit and called it their own. I would never watch this again and would never recommend this to anyone unless you want to take a very long nap!
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Well done!
bronwyn-lawlor1 May 2008
This move really touched me. Before seeing Heaven's Neighbors I would not have believed that this kind of film making still existed. Though small in scope the story line, the characters, the general mood convey a remarkable amount of emotion and depth. Why is it that when film makers today want to work outside of the box and make a human drama they always find some way to push the envelope too far. They either make the lead character so despicable or they burden him with an overwhelming physical deformity. Heaven's works because they do not push this envelope. The characters, though flawed, and certainly emotionally unbalance, maintain a level of believability and humanity that grounds the story in real life. Having worked with the mentally ill and I have found that most can be fully functioning members of society, not the crazed psychos so often portrayed in movies. Jake and John walk that balance that so many of these people do, and by doing so maintain their dignity and humanity. This does not mean that the characters and the situation are textbook perfect. It is quite obvious that the film makers were not interested in creating a real life drama, as much as they were attempting to tell a good story from the point of view of anyone who doesn't fit in to society. Jake and John are square pegs trying to fit into the round holes society makes for them. In their journey, they show us a range of emotions and depth of character while still retaining a connection to all of us. We glimpse the world through their eyes, and we find it, not disturbing and emotionally crippling, but wonderful and full of hope. I am truly impressed at the level of sophistication delivered in such a small package. Well done.
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Beautiful, simply beautiful
zachrogers578 July 2008
What I really liked about this movie was the well thought out and executed storyline. Too many indie directors are so enamored of putting a visual down on film that they tend to forget that they are telling a story. Of course they cover up this omission by telling you that the story is there but at a very deep level. What Heaven's Neighbors proves is that you can convey these deep emotional concepts all the while maintaining a lucid and compelling story. This ranks it as one of the more outstanding offerings from the independent film community in a long time. I certainly hope these film makers are given more chances (and a bigger budget!) to weave their magic. As long as they are able to mix well thought out stories with insights into the human condition they will continue to turn out wonderful pieces like this.
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funny, touching, thoughtful, and beautiful.
rdwlvrrt23 September 2016
This movie is funny, touching, thoughtful, and beautiful. Add to all of this, it is also refreshingly quiet. When you are constantly bombarded by all sorts of media, when movies in the theater feel the need to overwhelm all of your senses, you tend to forget the bliss to be found in peaceful reflection. It is this peaceful reflection that is at the core of this movie. Heaven's comes across as almost zen like in its approach to telling a story. It is not a complex or intricate plot. yet it allows you time to get to know the characters, develop feelings for them, and hope that everything turns out well in the end. The scenes are beautifully shot, with a great concern for conveying the world around the main characters. The pacing is slow, but in this case that is a positive. The acting is top notch, understated just enough to allow the story room to develop. After watching this, I found myself, at odd moments, thinking about the characters, wanting to know what happens after the end of the story. I think that is the best compliment I can give to a movie.
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Did not suck!
awfyvgmb31 July 2017
To be honest I wasn't looking forward to watching this movie. I didn't have high expectations, and assumed it would end with me having wasted two hours of my life. I was WRONG. After a just a few minutes I found myself really paying attention to the characters and what they were saying and going through. The story pulled me in so subtly and deeply that I was completely unaware. This movie insinuates itself in the viewer. Its simplistic charm, believable dialog, good acting, and haunting atmosphere all combine into a nice little package. So instead of a wasted two hours, I was transported to another place by a commendable low budget effort of film making.
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sincere and emotion filled
ladylore200324 February 2003
I caught a pre-distributed screener copy of this last night. What were they thinking? A movie about four guys, and no explosions, no spring break stupidity, no drunken parties, and all that other stupid macho bull crap. Instead you get a sincere, emotion filled art house film that will have you laughing and crying by the time it's done. The two young stars of this movie are nice on the eyes as well. Ladies, here you get a blonde blue eyed little surf boy, and his partner in crime a dark brooding artsy type. Both have a strong presence on screen, but are even more powerful when they are teamed together. The chemistry between them is obvious, and the stong supporting job by the other actors (not a clunker among them!) help to make this one of the most poignant films I have seen in a long time. This one is definitely a girls night in movie not to be missed!
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a very fine independent film
cinemageek200020 February 2003
I just finished watching this film, which was submitted to our film festival. I usually dread having to wade through the dozens of inane submissions we get every year. However, with this little gem I was pleasantly surprised. Well scripted and well acted, it had a depth to it that is often lacking in independent films. During the course of the story you get a good feel for the main characters. The film centers on two doctors who run a special house for the mentally ill, and two remarkable young men (house residents) who are suffering from schizophrenia. All four of them are realistic and believable with hopes, desires, and problems that we can all relate to. One is immediately struck by the reversal of roles in the course of the unfolding drama. At times you are left wondering who are the doctors and who are the patients. Admittedly, this movie is not for the testosterone driven contingent who require large doses of violence and mayhem. But for the more "intelligent and discerning cinema" crowd this is the as near perfect as you can get. Well done!
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Beautifully acted!
gretchenwand1 November 2004
In some respects this film reminded me a lot of Lost in Translation. It had that same "slice of life in another world perspective" that characterized that other film. For Lost we were tossed into a strange and exotic culture that was quite foreign to western viewers, and quite perplexing for the main characters. For Heaven's we are tossed into a world, that for lack of a better term, is right next door to ours. However, this world to is slightly strange to us. It seems to hold a little magic on the edges. That magic, and the fine acting make this a very compelling film. Without a doubt the performances by Aaron Jackson, DJ Perry and Curtis Hall really make this movie. I knew that I had seen Arron Jackson somewhere before, but until a check of the IMDb database I could not be sure exactly where. I was amazed at all of the TV and films that I had seen him and and did not remember. This is his finest performance. His work on making Jake a wonderful mixture of smartass and sincerity near perfect. Perry, who plays the emotionally disturbed John, does a great job of playing foil against Jackson's flamboyant character. Quiet and inner focused, when John does speak, he speaks volumes. Curtis Hall, turns in an outstanding performance as a former dead head turned psychologist. And even though his clean shaven baby face gives him a bit of a "Doogie Howser" appearance, his emotional depth adds the maturity that comes through in the end. All of this actors should be very pleased with their work on the little film. They have made Heaven's Neighbors a memorable little film.
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An intelligent thoughtful movie
moviegrog-118 February 2003
This is a wonderful movie! A very moving story about young men coping with mental illness and the doctors who take care of them. Intelligent, witty, and often humorous Heaven's is a wonderful allegory of life's journey. Kudos to the lead actors DJ Perry and Aaron Jackson who both turn in truly wonderful performances. Also of special note is the end song (Heavens' Neighbors theme?) that seems to sum up the essence of the whole movie. If you like drama's with emotional impact do not miss this one!
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Very boring and hardly any plot
cupidsarrow21013 September 2004
I did not like this movie and I barely was able to sit through the whole thing. I kept waiting for it to end like a bad dentist visit. Painfully boring and no plot to speak of. The main characters were all so one-dimensional you never really got a chance to feel anything for any of them, so I was just very indifferent through the whole thing. Horrible acting, I know it is just an independent film but couldn't they squeeze any feeling out of anybody? This could have been a good movie if they would have added some depth to the characters and to the script and maybe re-cast a bunch of the actors.

1/2* out of 5 *'s
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A wonderful little film
tylerkrank8 February 2005
My girlfriend is on the student selection committee for our local film festival. Once in a while she brings home a few of the movies that didn't make the cut and we invite our friends over to watch them with us. Most of the time it is very clear why they were not chosen. But last night I was pleasantly surprised with this wonderful little film. For being a low budget independent film Heaven's Neighbors has a lot going for it. The acting is quite good, the story is engaging, and the cinematography is top notch. So many independent films try to be so hip and cutting edge that they end up being a parody of the very thing they are trying to emulate. Heaven's breaks away from all those pretenses and delivers a touching story that is both warm and honest. I don't believe this film has found distribution as it doesn't seem to be in the inventory of any know video retailer. This is a shame. A well crafted film like this deserves recognition. I hope the producers will be able to get this one out there, and allow more people to enjoy this tiny gem. (By the way, when I asked why it was not selected, my girlfriend said that the committee turned it down because it ran over two hours and they had a strict policy, due to theater constraints, to keep selections under 100 minutes!)
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absorbing and heartwarming
suzyrandy200015 November 2003
I watched this movie once...Hmmmmm. I watched it again...something's up. A third time...it's beginning to sink in. At the time I am writing this I have watched this movie over 15 times. Something kept nagging at me. Making me look at it again and again. After about five viewings I began to absorb what was going on. To be accurate, I was beginning to be absorbed in the sensual, warm, touching world of Heaven's Neighbors. Yes, what I discovered after watching it over and over was that I fell in love with the world that these film makers had created. No, it's not a fantasy tale, or some futuristic sci fi epic. What it is is a world that is manifestly our world, but in subtle and careful ways, somehow different. That difference is compelling. That difference is hypnotic. Very few movies, regardless of budget, have made me want to visit, let alone live in the world they create. This movie does just that. You wouldn't expect a story about schizophrenics trying to cope with their illness would elicit this kind of beauty, or recreate a timeless place so haunting that it creates a longing that tugs deep inside you. Unfortunately, I cannot adequately explain what is at it's base unexplainable. You just have to watch this movie again and again. If you're lucky, you will begin to "see" the beautiful colors and "absorb" the vibrations of a world close to, but not exactly our own.

I just heard that the company that made Heaven's Neighbors just got nationwide distribution for it. I hope soon that others who watch this will discover what I have found in this little film and take it to their hearts as well.
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