Bark! (2002) Poster


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Don't be mislead by the trailer
paul-11227 November 2005
Don't be mislead by the trailer. Sure, the film is chock full of really funny bits, but they serve to offer comic relief to a truly poignant story of a woman with a terrible mental disorder, her husband who is at the end of his tether, a statement on the treatment of mental disorders by "let's just make her a vegetable", a vet who doesn't really know where her heart is going and finds herself falling in love with the husband who comes to her for advice, a resident shrink who would rather be practicing his harp than medicine and gets himself fired for practicing psychiatry in a broom closet and on house-calls for cash, and a buddy who boasts of being fired from a job about every six weeks because he feels oppressed by "the man." Good character development. The plot has good resolution. A mix of angst, laughter, and warm fuzzies. Memorable line: The buddy tells the resident, "Stick with the harp. You can't get fired from playing the harp." Good film.
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A bark that really won't bite
kai8120 January 2005
Bark! is a movie you really can't put in some specific category, since it's not really a comedy nor serious enough to be considered a drama. It has got some good point, but mainly it fails to deliver. You're left with only one thought: What was the point of the movie, what did it try to say? When all goes down the hill, is it better to act like a dog and leave the cold hard world behind... It really tries to have some psychological angle to it but it really won't work.

The Best thing about Bark! is that it finally gives Lee Tergesen ("Oz") the long overdue leading role. Vincent D'Onofrio ("Crooked Hearts") also gives a stellar performance as the resident doctor who has a larger interest in playing the harp. Hank Azaria ("America's Sweethearts") is left with pretty much nothing to do, as Lisa Kudrow ("Analyze This") reprises her Phoebe-manners for the umpteenth time. The lack of the material reflects on the characters, especially on scriptwriter Heather Morgan's barking wife Lucy. You would think that you write for yourself a good part, but not here the case.

Good and bad beside only one thing will make this film be memorable - at least for the time being. That one thing is Scott Wilson ("Dead Man Walking") who does a great job as Lucy's dad. In a truly eccentric family his character might be the only sane person. Because of that the movie gets two stars instead of one and a half. ** (2 out of 5)
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Pretty captivating, even if it's not first-rate material
easlern-125 May 2005
I saw this in a hotel on Showtime around 4am. Despite it being listed as a comedy, I didn't think it was all that funny and the lighter moments came at awkward times, as if the serious parts of the movie were jutted up against the "comedic" parts, which ended up feeling very awkward. It should be listed as a drama, in my opinion, because if it was supposed to be a comedy, it failed to make me laugh. One thing that was awkward was that the afflicted character seemed to serve as both comic relief and the main point of pity at the same time, and it didn't work. I couldn't take the serious parts seriously, and the funny parts didn't make me laugh. However, the storyline was original enough, and the cast decent enough (despite Lisa Kudrow's terrible job playing, well, Lisa Kudrow) to keep my attention and cause me to actually browse for it a month later on IMDb.
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an intelligent view of those who "lose it"
diagrace-112 November 2003
If you choose the movie Bark based on the trailer or the video/DVD box cover, you are probably going to be disappointed. The movie is only a comedy in the most traditional sense of the word: for instance, it concludes with a beautiful celebration where all the characters are gathered together. It is not a comedy of crass jokes or goofy gags. And is it a romance movie? Again, hardly in the way the promoters advertise it to be. Bark is, however, a loving look at the tragi-comedy of the human condition. Obviously, I liked this movie very much. It moved along well yet had many "timeless" moments. It did not make a big deal of itself. It depicted its characters and their troubles with warmth and kindness, yet was not sappy. I am thankful to those who created this movie, for their intelligence and tenderness toward the whole situation of mental illness. Anyone who has known someone who has "lost it" -- and really that must be all of us by now -- will appreciate this movie for its story. As for the tone, I would say that it has more in common with something like Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors -- another "romantic comedy" which was much more than that phrase generally seems to mean nowadays.
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Satanicus20 September 2003
Don`t see this!! It`s absolutely pointless as a comedy. I can`t really comment on the acting because the story is so boring. As I read the plot I thought it could be fun, but I was so wrong!

If you wanna see a funny movie which deals with mental illness I`d suggest you see "Bad Boy Bubby" instead. THAT is one funny movie!!
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nogodnomasters12 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I guess if you enjoy laughing at people who are tragically mentally ill, this would be a comedy. The movie is a drama with some moments of comedy. At no time does Lisa Kudrow get on all fours and bark like a dog. Now that I would have paid to see.
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crystallburns5 October 2004
there is this awesome movie that is circling 'Starz and Encore' right now called Bark! about this lady who has a mental breakdown and believes that she is a dog. Has a great supporting cast including D'noffrio, Hank Azaria, Lisa Kudrow, as well as leading man Lee Tergesen {better known for his role as 'beacher' on 'OZ'} It has received shitty ratings, and well it is a very low budget piece of crap, but I loved it. It was a fun idea to play with, the chick who played the nut was believable. None of the characters were cardboard 2 dimensional things just there to waste time. All these odd ball people come together, for seemingly no reason, and the weirdest reasons of all, and it some how fits. Life is like that, but this had great emotional depth by Tergesen, and I'd never seen Kudrow in a sexier role. I have nothing but good things to say about all the actors in the flick, that's my 2 cents. GO SEE IT AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND IF YOU LIKE IT! DON'T LISTEN TO ME!
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Very odd, but good
CartoonB4 February 2005
To be honest, I turned on this movie because I thought it would be a fun comedy to have on in the background. It's not. It's a sweet, poignant drama about a guy who's just trying to do what's best for his wife. Lee Tergesen (HBO's "Oz") is fantastic as Peter, the confused, loving husband of a woman who's suddenly started acting like a dog. The pain and love he's feeling shines through clearly, yet he's by no means perfect. He's just a guy who's had a unusual problem dumped on him, and the problem of trying to get people to take him seriously is one of his biggest problems. The best scenes are the ones in which he simply watches his wife; everything he's feeling, from the love to the frustration, comes pouring through. Heather Morgan is fascinating to watch as Lucy, his wife. Her physical acting is very good, very much in sync with how dogs often act. The supporting cast is great, too; nearly all of the characters have a purpose, rather than being scenery. Hank Azaria is wonderful as Peter's ne'er-do-well friend, Lisa Kudrow's cute as his neurotic, sexy vet, and Vincent D'Onofrio's coolly creepy as a psychiatric resident with a bit of an ethics problem and a desire to do something else. Together, all these characters form an odd collection, but it works. The key to this movie is to remember that--no matter what the critics say--it's not a comedy. It's a drama, though admittedly a quirky one, and a very good one at that.
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Living with madness
vajrabone15 April 2002
This is a very smart and nicely played dramatic comedy that really deals effectively with mental illness. I saw it at the Method Fest in Pasadena ( and the Producer talked afterwards which was interesting. Very intelligent, believable and fun writing from the Barker/Writer that conveyed the sensitivity of the author.

Vincent D'Onofrio was especially interesting and compelling in a hilarious harp playing intern role and of course Lisa Kudrow was a blast. I thought Heather Morgan was very sweet. Overall great cast.

Watch for the scene where they are all in the living room together as well as when Lucy's family shows up, amazing!
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Neither comedy,nor Lisa Kudrow vehicle
volk3nine12 August 2004
Having seen the film "Bark', I can but wonder why it has been classified as a comedy. Rather I found it to be a tragedy or perhaps a comment on instinct and human nature. What happens to the very thing that allows a person to communicate? The film answers this question in a way. The cast was capable, but were secondary to the main conflict I think. There was a good deal of discussion about "Bark" in this household and while there were few agreements, it was felt that this film was worth a look. Vincent and Hank seemed to remain true to their on-screen personas as did Lisa, although I have no idea why anyone would watch a film based soley upon her modest talents. Nevertheless, she did her part in this strange but thought-provoking film.
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Bad category. Good flick
sptrapani24 October 2004
The worst thing the makers of this movie ever did was to categorize it as a comedy. But, they did a lot of things, right, too.

True to its name, "Bark" irritates within minutes of its endurance. You want to shake, Lucy, the barking woman. You are embarrassed for Peter, her husband. You ask yourself, "how could someone possibly endure this?" What the heck is funny about this? But, if you're able to get past the woefully misleading idea that this is going to be a funny movie, things begin to change.

Serious questions are posed. How would you react to a loved one's inexplicable decline into madness? If you were poor, how would you find help? Would you lock them away? Would you endure the madness...or, would you embrace the madness?

I agree with most of the professional pundits in some questionable casting - Lisa Kudrow, especially. Kudrow is a little too wacky, as is D'onofrio's character. But, it's valid to suggest that only humans who are "bent" in someway themselves, would ultimately forgive the eccentricities of others - even to the clinical degree.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who has lived with someone dealing with mental challenge issues. But, while it's light in parts, it's no comedy. And it's not at all as bad as you might expect.

Sean "good boy" Trapani
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The Proverbial Straw
PreacherBrian20 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who longs to enjoy life must learn to live with limitations-- emotional limits, intellectual limits, physical limits, and so on. Each of us has the potential for personal growth that promises to increase our-- emotional stability, intellectual capacity, physical agility. It is inevitable that we will face situations that will test or break our limitations. When it happens, we'll gain firsthand knowledge of the adage: "The straw that broke the camel's back."

The proverbial straw pushes a woman's (Heather Morgan) sanity beyond the limits of her emotional normalcy. As a result, she believes she's the family's pet pooch! Bark! shows the agony of breaking the boundaries of one's emotional limits. Through the use of well-timed and strategically placed flashbacks, the director (Kasia Adamik) unfolds the story of an emotionally wounded person who is losing her grip on reality. Each flashback provides a peek into the progression of pressures that damaged her psyche so deeply that she transformed herself into a dog. They also reveal the origins of her habitual barking. Not for nothing, it isn't easy to train a dog to stop nuisance barking. One quick trip to PetSmart for a High Tech Bark Terminator 3 bark control collar would remedy her incessant barking. A few jolts from it and the movie's title would be meaningless.

Her husband (Lee Tergesen) struggles to comprehend what is happening inside the mind of his life-partner. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT: I was extremely frustrated by the husband's reluctance toward committing his wife into a mental health facility. The character was deeply despaired and willing to try anything to aid his ailing wife. Sure, I get the joke in regard to finding a veterinarian to treat his pet wife.

Bark! is funny in a subtle, comical way. Bark! is sad in a sullen, painful way. Most of all, Bark! is entertaining in a caring, thoughtful way. So, as the daily pressures of life begin building up, take a step back, and review your limitations--then ask yourself: "What is my barking point?"
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Praise for "BARK!"
Iskroot39 May 2004
I saw this movie on Showtime tonight for the first time. I wanted to see it because I am a huge fan of "OZ" and Lee. I really came to enjoy this film and I think over time and seeing it again, I may come to love it. This movie makes a powerful statement about a person's right to be happy even if they are mentally handicapped. I also loved the message that being odd or strange shouldn't limit the friends and family you should have. Our society is so quick to medicate people when they feel they can no longer "deal" with their problems. When Lucy's husband refused to keep her medicated because she turned into a zombie, I understood his decision. This movie mixed comedy with drama a created one unique film that may not be for everybody.
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Better than the average fare
beaglebot23 September 2004
Bark! Isn't a farce, it's more of a happy black comedy.

Tergesen gives a touching performance as the husband who is dealing with a tough situation.

A solid first outing of a feature script by Heather Morgan. Overall I give the movie an Eight. A good movie to watch that I would have liked more without the somewhat Hollywood ending.

It's good to see Azaria getting more work and Vincent D'Onofrio is an added bonus. D'Onofrio always gives a good show and this was no exception

Well worth a rent and one that I plan on adding to my collection
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crawley505 December 2005
I really enjoyed this film on several levels. I work in the mental health field, I love dogs (had them all my life) and I was a one time roommate of the creator (20 years ago). Although I'm a little bias, I thought this was a great first effort. I'm very proud of Heather and to know her a little makes this flick that much more enjoyable. The content and writing was very enlightening. I especially like the acting. Vince and Hank had their usual flairs of brilliance and Lisa was very charming. I thought Lee and Heather stole the movie. I was a little sad to read some reviews, but to hell w/ critics. She deserves better. Heather's humor and wit is evident throughout the whole film as well. I hope she keeps up the excellent work and look forward to her next venture.
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A woman handles being over-stressed by behaving like a dog.
ltlacey25 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It takes a lot of guts to lay open the fact that most people, including ourselves, have moments where they totally lose it. Unfortunately, some of us, when we do lose it, do not make it back and decide to stay in our safe cocoon, or worse, stay violent. This is the premise for Bark, about a woman who just cannot handle even the smallest stressors in her life, and since she works with dogs, thus knows and loves dogs, "disappears" within herself by behaving like one. And boy, what a performance. I have worked with dogs for most of my life, and she had every nuance down, even to the way a dog takes in its surroundings. So while Lucy is happy being a dog, but still manages to use the toilet and keep herself clean, she cannot or will not come back. This, of course causes the husband grief, and we can relate and feel all his frustrations in his fruitless search for help for his wife. All the while we get to know the other characters in Lucy's life, especially her own family, who themselves are a bag full of nuts. As the saying goes, The apple does not fall far from the tree. But if I had a family like that I'd "go" away too. Then we have the family friend, also with issues of his own, a resident psych doctor, with even more issues, and a veterinarian, played by Lisa Kudrow perfectly, as a person who is probably more nuts than Lucy. If you are expecting a typical Hollywood happy ending, you will not find it here. You will be left wondering if Lucy will ever get better or whether or not those around her will just keep going along with her illness, knowing at some point that she either will come back or have to be committed to a psych ward. This film is sad, with a few comic moments, and one worth watching.
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What can you do if your wife thinks she is a dog?
pseue7 August 2004
Peter's (Lee Tergeson) young wife Lucy (Heather Morgan) begins to act like a dog. 'Bark' is a naturalistic account, told with some flashbacks but mostly in chronological order, of how Peter comes to understand how Lucy has gradually slipped off the edge of sanity. What makes 'Bark' a comedy is Peter's success at creating a home and a family of friends for Lucy.

Although mentally ill people have been treated before with levity (think of Dustin Hoffman in 'Rain Man') I can recall no other film that has approached the subject with such tenderness. Scenes of Peter bathing Lucy and of their apartment manager yelling through the ceiling to get her to stop barking and go back to sleep are original and memorable. Lisa Kudrow is hysterical as a neurotic veterinarian named Darla Portnoy, and Vincent D'Onofrio is convincing as the sad-sack psychiatric resident Malcolm who would rather play the harp.
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My Wife As/Is a Dog?
RobinCook7012 February 2005
I seldom have an opportunity to view a creative and well-thought out script along with good acting. This movie was very unique in that it combined a serious stigmatized mental health disorder with a most sublime dry humor, keeping the content and subject material "real" for seriousness, but light enough to prevent the sad theme of the wife's condition from being a frustrating and intolerable viewing experience. How does one approach a subject or define what a nervous breakdown is? This movie does this tactfully, and allows more viewers to accept this condition more in this stigmatized and stereotyped society today. The author/scriptwriter and director didn't "force" the viewer to suffer, but made watching a pleasant experience. I wouldn't say this movie/author/script-writer was Kafka, but sure is close. How does the wife metamorphasize into a dog instead of a cockroach as Kafka's "Metamorphosis?" Unique "ironic" parallel in style here.

Casting done for this movie was outstanding and each actor and actress played their parts superbly. The veterinarian (girlfriend) reminded me of Terri Garr, similar in other wife roles of acting giving in her demeanor and appearance a sweet and innocent kind of support character and not a total frustratingly dumb blonde role. The husband ending up having numerous other "acorns" as presented in the movie (and what is an acorn, but another nut) that fell closely from other unknown family trees than his own wife's acorn family tree land in his living room as his wife vegetates under medication adds the additional, appropriate and well-timed humor relief along with giving a temporary surrealistic panorama to/for the audience's viewing. I would be hard-pressed to define "black humor" with definitive lines to apply to this movie and all of its' numerous and variable characterizations. I suppose it depends on how a person would debate Kafka's style of writing that no movie-maker yet has been able to accomplish to portray. This movie makes a dandy good job in doing so. I rate this movie in the same/similar artsie imaginative and creative art classification as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It is EEEEExcellent and very "sweet" overall. In face of adultery by the husband and his wife's obvious will-never-return-to-normalcy, he continues to stay by his wife's side as a most devoted husband. Unconditional love has a strong theme underlying this movie keeping it well afloat. I laughed a lot and loved this movie for its' topic, characters, hidden or ironic type deephumor, imagination, creativity, good acting, timing ... everything worked and came together to NOT give a viewer a frustrating experience,but one that is more than satisfyingly enjoyabe and sweetly thought-provoking.
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This is a wonderful movie
kimfinley25 February 2006
I was delighted by this movie and recommend it very highly - it is funny, charming, clever and disarming - I rented it as part of my Vincent- D'Onofrio-film-series (I'm-a-stay-at-home-mom-during-the-day-isn't-he-a- clever-and-yet-also-super-sexy-he-man) and found it surprisingly funny and touching. Each of the performances was worth viewing (although most were really lovely and brilliant and touching) and the story was unexpectedly resonant. Woof.I love movies with odd characters that are so quirky they could only be real and I love seeing big-money actors (Kudrow, D'Onofrio, Azario) in well crafted smaller films that are very well made. Most days I feel like barking all the time too. I'd love to know where I could buy a copy - I know so many of my chick pals would enjoy it - and us fans of VDO get a very satisfying slab of this very gifted and clever actor's work. Woof, woof. Arf.
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Shocked. Very well crafted, well acted film
jwintersx3 July 2005
I'm amazed this little gem flew under my radar. NEVER HEARD OF IT. And I can't believe the bad review grade Encore gave it (1 1/2stars). I had to come on IMDb (first time) and give my two cents worth. Amazing indy cast. Well shot. Nice rhythm. Sad, poignant scenes followed by laugh-out-loud ones. Very smart film. And I guess IMDb doesn't believe in brief reviews so now I must write more (no wonder I didn't want to finish reading all of the previous reviews -- too long). But this film deserves any kudos it receives. I suggest watching it with a loved one (if you have a sense of humor about the craziness in all of us). Good date movie. It'll have you both howling --
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Worth seeing.
dancing_yogini25 May 2006
Lee Tergesen and Heather Morgan saved the movie. Both actors played their parts beautifully. The movie has a very intelligent, sensitive story line, comedy only in the traditional sense - no one dies. Was pleased also that it was not a traditional "happy, Hollywood" ending.

Especially loved Lee "standing up" to the Psycho MD… won't give away the rest.

Lisa Kudrow was Kudrow… Is she really that ditzy in real life, that she's always cast in absolute idiot roles?

And what was with Vincent D'Onofrio? Have never seen him before so I don't know if he's just yet another idiot. His character was such a caricature.

What were all those "lunatic" people there for? They didn't really add anything to the plot. The plot stood on it's own. The "nuts" were superfluous.

Despite all but two of the cast, the movie is worth seeing. The theme of mental illness is extremely well and sensitively portrayed.
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tricodesign23 September 2003
I have seen this film in France at the Bordeaux Film Festival, where the lead actor Lee Tergesen won The Male Lead price. It is a very touching and funny story, with real and deep characters. A very original plot, which might be silly but which is actually about real life and real problems that people are facing when confronted to a hard situation such as mental illness. And even though the subject matter is on the darker side, the film has a lot of funny and absurd situations. GREAT ACTORS. Great story telling. GREAT FUN.You have to see this film somehow!
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Not really worth it
CitrusZ6 March 2004
I really wanted to see this movie because it has one of my favorite actors, Lee Tergesen, in it. While he did a great job as a leading man, the movie was very slow and the plot boring. The premise could have been dealt with better, perhaps with more insight into what caused Lucy to act like a dog. Vincent DiNofrio was also very good. There were a lot of scenes in the movie that make no sense, like when Lucy's parents come to visit. The relationship between Peter and the vet (Lisa Kudrow) made no sense at all. Also, the ending leaves a giant question mark to a movie that already makes no sense. This movie isn't really worth your time, unless you want to see Lee Tergesen in a staring role.
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A woman starts to bark in the night. Strange events follow.
maxchegu10 February 2003
A masterfully directed first film, that I had the chance to see in Sundance. At first you would expect a simple comedy but the skill of the director brings us into the dark side of a misunderstood woman and the inhability people encounter when it comes to communicating their feelings. It has a true comedic tone with a darker under tone. The film is entertaining and keeps the viewer emotionally involved at the same time. I recommend this feature film. I hope to see it in the theaters sometime soon.
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kkestudie24 October 2003
I like comedy. And this is a very funny film. But it is much more than just a funny film: it wraps into humor much deeper problems and situations. The characters face choices which will define their humanity, or lack there of. It deals with shame of mental ilness and remorse and love and how we can even survive all this in our crazy and lonely little word. Watch out for Vincent D'Onofrio's and Liza Kudrow's hilarious wacko perfomances. And for a very touching Lee Tergesen. Watch it.
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