The Legend of Dragoon (Video Game 1999) Poster

(1999 Video Game)

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Best game ever for the PS1!
ThunderDragoon21 September 2006
I absolutely love this game to death. Ever since I was 9 years old (I am now 15). It has great graphics, characters, magic, weapons, additions, and don't forget the ultimately awesome dragoon forms! I am still waiting for a remake, prequel, or a sequel to this spectacular video game.

You play as Dart, a young swordsman who has the potential to be quite the hero. On this adventure you encounter wondrous creatures and boss fights. You also encounter some friends on the way who have their own special element. Such as Fire, Darkness, Water/Ice, Thunder/Lightning, Earth, Light, and Wind. There are also items known as dragoon spirits, which allow you to transform into magical creatures of legend. Dragons, wizards, creatures called winglies and evil creatures you'll have to face on this adventure of action-packed thrills and excitement. One of my all time favorite games, The Legend of Dragoon!
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One of the best RPGs I have ever played.
Chibichasechan4 June 2007
I remember this game. It was always sitting on the shelves alone, until one day I decided to try something new for a change, and got this game. I stared in awe at it, since it was the first ever game for the PS1 that I owned that had 4 discs. When I played it, I couldn't put the controller down, seriously.

The storyline of this game is so good and twisted, it's almost as good as the Final Fantasy VII Storyline, and that is hard to accomplish. When you play the game, you get so involved with the characters it's unbelievable that it's only a PS1 game, as It feels like a movie. And I believe it should be made into a movie.

Too bad this game is a very unheard of game and barely no one has played or liked it, as it is one of those games that is sitting on the ends of the shelves, with a 50% off sign sitting on it, trying to sell. Well I am one of those people who always look at those on the ends, and try them out and most of them turn out to be really good. Heck, that is how I got into final Fantasy VII, looking in a catalog, and finding it. But this is different than Final Fantasy.

Legend of Dragoon, is the only game or RPG that is better than most Square Enix games, surprisingly. I wouldn't be surprised if it was made by Square Enix but it's not. Hardly any games I play are better than the Final Fantasy series, or the Dragon Quest series, but this one is. But what really bugs me is why it is very little known and is not praised, which it should be.

Graphics are pretty good for a PS1 game, but what can you expect from it? It's PS1 man, made in 1999. Story I have already mentioned is amazing, almost beats VII. Characters are a amazing, you get involved so much with them, and their actions.

A definite 10 out of 10. Definitely deserved more praise, and a very well done RPG by a company other than Square Enix.
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Best game ever!!
Aetherguard29 December 2007
I second the motion to make this into a movie, it would be great!! I was also amazed at the storyline and character build in this game. I have played it again and again (over 20 times) just to try something different and it gets more interesting every time. Final Fantasy eat your heart out!! THIS SHOULD BE MADE INTO A MOVIE!!!!! If anyone out there wants some help to start a petition to have this made into a movie, please contact me. I would love to help with that project any day. The graphics are great for PS1 and even make you forget it is PS1 most of the time. The multitude of side quests makes it different every time you play.
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The greatest game ever released for the original PS
Spudmonkey28 March 2005
This game is without a doubt the greatest game for the PS. I first played it as a Wal-Mart demo and I fell in love. I constantly got crinks in my neck looking up at the screen for so long. My first time fully playing was borrowing it from a friend one disc at a time. (They were a disc or so ahead) You know that a game is good when you contemplate killing your best friend because he forgets to bring the next disc the very next day after you finish the one before it. I finally bought my own copy while on a trip to NYC and I still play it to this day. I spend full days on this game consistently and even though I've beaten it three times, it just gets better. Yeah, It's THAT good!
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Gbrumi13 June 2006
The story and the characters were some of the best I've ever seen. the graphics were good for the PS and the cut scenes and voice overs were amazing. I beat the game at least 3 times and loved every second of it. I felt the problems the protagonist faced were believable and realistic and i believe it deserves a sequel. or at least a remake. If they remade it for the ps3 i would buy the system for just that game and maybe mgs4 its amazing also the idea and execution of the dragoon system is enough to warrant a rental and on top of that ad the inventive although sometimes cheating(stupid buster wand) combat addition system and the plot makes this game a definite buy.
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One of the best RPG
korgzak14 August 2007
This game is one of the best RPG. Fist, It is actually more amusing than any other because of the battle system (you harm the enemy depending on how you aim the attack, you can transform into dragoon, the special attack, the magic...). The script is very good. Characters are all lovely and you have no long dialogs to support, as happened in several games of Final Fintasy series. I got bored of that dialogs about past, when you just want to go on with the game's story. Ambientation is a jewel on this game, it combines Middle-age fantasy with futuristic science fiction. It's remarkable that animation effects are just incredible, i like them more than other in other modern games (we can't remember that Legend of the Dragoon is 8 years now). Then, Map is huge, there are all kinds of places an enemies. Finally, Music is not the best game muse I have heard, but it's perfect for a game like this.
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A playstation Classic
The_Light_Triton19 May 2012
When the Playstation was in it's heyday, around the late 90's, Great games were coming out. CastleVania: Symphony of the night, Final Fantasy VII, Gran Turismo, They were all classics. Then came a game that Topped everything else - The Legend of Dragoon. First off, it came on 4 Discs....4 Discs....that was even bigger than Final fantasy's 3 discs. It had a huge story. It had Amazing Characters. It had amazing music, and most of all, it was fun.

You play as Dart, a 23-year old mercenary from the small village of Seles. Dart's Whole life mission is to get revenge for the death of his parents when he was only 5 years old. but When his Home is attacked by the Sandora Empire and his best friend, Shana is kidnapped, His quest for revenge goes beyond a search for a black monster.

The Legend of Dragoon is an Amazing Game. To this day, people still discuss their happy (and sad) memories of this game. People has wanted more of the legend of dragoon and some people even want a movie made about it. It was revealed recently that a sequel was planned but eventually cancelled.

Bottom line, if you want to get your hands on a copy of this, you don't need to spend much if you have a PSN account, you can download it for 6 bucks. I kid you not. $6.00 American money. Or if you want a hard copy, the game isn't hard to find for a good price.
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A Legendary RPG From a Simpler Time
lmathc15 November 2020
The Legend of Dragoon is a fantastic JRPG from what I consider to be the golden age of RPGs, the 32-bit generation on the original Playstation. After having played Final Fantasy 7 and 8 some 20 years after they were released, I decided to try my hand at an RPG that wasn't part of the FF franchise. 46+ hours of gameplay later, I find myself very impressed.

Legend of Dragoon is a beautiful, original, and highly-entertaining game in its own right. The character designs, background artwork, and numerous enemies make for a very fleshed-out and epic fantasy world. It's very clear how much work and love went into making this game.

The true highlight of this game, however, is in the battle system, which uses a unique set of combos called additions that keep the player on their toes and rewards them for precision and timing. I realized very quickly that I would look forward to the random battles rather than dread them as usual.

The flaws in this game are few and far between. TLOD only allows you to carry 32 items max, which can become a bit bothersome for completionists, but is understandable to keep the boss battles realistically challenging. The full-motion cut scenes are still pretty amazing to look at, but a combination of mediocre voice acting and some wonky face animations make for a slightly unsettling experience. Fortunately, these are not too frequent and don't detract from the otherwise endearing and captivating experience that this game creates.

Ultimately, I reccomend The Legend of Dragoon to any fan of RPGs or games in general, especially those who long to return to a time when games were simpler and more pure. This game has loveable characters, a compelling story, and a top-notch combat system. My only hope is that the higher-ups at Sony will revisit this gem by way of a remaster or even remake a la Final Fantasy 7. Until that day comes, though, I reccomend anyone looking for a great game to dust off their PS1, grab a soda of their choice, and get lost in The Legend of Dragoon.
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Could have been better, but still very good.
dinogrrl8626 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Legend of Dragoon is one of those little-known games that people either love or hate. Some people claim it's far too similar to other games, namely the Final Fantasy series--which is understandable, since it was originally intended to be Sony's equivalent of Final Fantasy. Honestly I can't comment on the similarities beyond that, as I'm not very familiar with the FF games.

I think my favorite aspect of the game is the battle system. Not only do you have the ability to change into a more powerful dragoon form, but every time you attack, you have to pay attention in order to complete the attack by pressing buttons at the correct time. Not only that, sometimes enemies will attack you back right in the middle of a sequence, which means you have to press different buttons in order to avoid taking damage. Even the use of certain attack items requires a bit of button-mashing. If you don't want to attack, you can always guard, which not only cuts any damage taken in half, but raises your hit points without the use of healing potions.

The FMVs are quite well-done, about the same quality as Final Fantasy 8's. However, the graphics during game play aren't quite up to that standard. They're nice, but they could have been--and honestly, should have been--better. The translation as well leaves something to be desired. Not only does it raise interesting character relationship questions, but there are also some grammatical mistakes that simply shouldn't have been allowed to pass.

Another thing I found interesting was that you lose main party characters--one dies, and the other basically becomes useless to the party and leaves. While the death of the one character is often said to have no point, it makes you realize early on that the characters, while heroes, are still just as mortal as the next person. The people who replace the lost characters simply gain all their stats, so the transition game play-wise is fairly smooth. Perhaps my one complaint about the characters is the main character's love interest, Shana. She is the epitome of the helpless female in need of rescuing, pathetic to the point of driving a player to screaming with frustration. While you can use her in your party, she is insanely weak--I don't even know what her dragoon powers are like, as I disliked her so much I never used her. The character Rose, by contrast, is probably my favorite female character in any game ever. She's no wimp, and some of her dragoon magic is extremely useful. Meru is quite strong as well, while sometimes being an annoying talkative brat.

The character designers were, as most are, inclined to make the female characters appear pretty or whatever, and didn't give much thought to the actual usefulness of the outfits. Seriously, no armor and having most of your skin exposed is not helpful when fighting monsters. But I will give them props, as they do have females serving as knights in the various countries.

I can't comment much on the plot, as honestly I didn't pay much attention to it beyond where I needed to go to next. I'm not sure if this says something about the plot itself, or my gaming style.

All in all, it's a very enjoyable game. It has its flaws, but for me it struck just the right balance of having to think and just pressing buttons and killing monsters.
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Legend of Dragoon, Sony's attempt at creating a Final Fantasy like RPG
Aaron137518 October 2013
The Playstation system was a rather nice video games system of the mid to late 90's and carried over a bit into the early 2000's. It is also the system that scored a major upset, by being the preferred system over the Nintendo 64 as before that Nintendo was usually the dominant video gaming system. One of the reasons for the win I like to think is the fact the Playstation offered video gamers more RPG titles, the most famous of them being Final Fantasy VII. Though I like every one released on the system. My favorite Final Fantasy game period is actually Final Fantasy IX, which puts me at odds with several people. This game was not created by the RPG king at the time, Square, but rather by Sony themselves. I got this game only a few years back at a used gaming store, I do not know why I never pounced on this when it was initially released as I was an RPG junkie at the time. Perhaps it was the very silly television commercial that portrayed this game as almost a comedy rather than an RPG. Still, I finally have played through it and have to say it is pretty good, but there are also a lot of flaws to go along with the good.

The story is probably the best aspect of the game. It involves a young man named Dart who becomes entangled in a plot by an emperor to take over the neighboring kingdom. However, that is only the tip of the iceberg as Dart will gain the powers of the legendary warrior, the dragoon as he and several companions track down a man named Lloyd as this mysterious man kills one of their friends and is collecting strange trinkets from each continent. The dragoons will have to combine their might to fight off several threats and figure out the secrets behind the black monster, winglies and the devastating creature the Virage.

The game play is similar to Final Fantasy VII, in fact the game looks a lot like part seven as far as backgrounds and character design without the future aspect that FFVII presented. The graphics are okay, but when this game was released Final Fantasy VIII and IX had been released and boosted much smoother character design and better design as far as the map and cities and such were concerned. The game also froze often, I had to play it on a Playstation One rather than my PS2 to combat this which is strange as you would think a game made by Sony would work in their next generation console when nearly every PSone game I've played has had no problem playing on the PS2. The combat is turn based which is what I prefer and it adds a wrinkle where you can chain your attacks together for devastating force when you push a button the right way. Think the Shadowheart wheel or the attack when you had an effect on your weapon in Lost Odyssey for Xbox 360. It is fun, but in this game you have to do way too much leveling for my tastes and this makes the combat repetitive. So another fault with the game is it takes way too long! I was finally nearing the end after many hours of playing and then the last part of the game took longer than expected and I was about to pull my hair our as the final boss kept changing forms. At this point I was so strong it did not matter how many times he changed, it was only a matter of time before I was victorious.

So, overall a good game. My review may seem a bit negative, but I have to admit I was expecting something a bit better as I had heard people raving about this one. They made it to sound as if it were better than any of the Final Fantasy games, but it really is not as good as any of them. It is a pretty good RPG, I think though other than the FF series, the Playstation system did RPGs better when they were not 3D and looked more like a upgraded version of a SNES game. This one tried to be bold and something special and while the story is something great, too many flaws and such doom this one to being just a pretty good game. Still, I am surprised they have never made a sequel as it was a rather good seller in its day.
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Most Ignorant RPG Comment I've heard.
GreatDestroyer9031 May 2008
As the summary says you just made the most ignorant comment i have ever heard on an RPG. You seriously thought they were gay? Are you retarded? If you went to go save your best friend and someone decides out of the goodness of his heart to help you then you are in a serious debt to that man. Lavitz was a good person and each time they helped each other it made them closer as friends. They weren't gay lovers like your bitching about. And to let you know the game is set in a medieval time period. Back then, women did just prepare meals while the men fought. Do you even know your history? Do you know how long it took for women to be accepted in the army in present day? This game contains a lot of realism even though your too damn slow obviously to catch it, and you really need to spit out some solid proof instead of ignorant assumptions based off your misguided act to interpret the story.
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Wonderful game. Worth every cent!
hikaruyui31 January 2006
I was really iffy about buying this one (this was when it first came out), but Final Fantasy hadn't come out with a new one, so I desperately needed something to do! So I bought it and popped it in the PS and WOW. Man, I fell in love with it! The Japanese voices were done way better, but hey, I really don't care at this point. The story, the characters and how everything is set up. It maintains the traditional feel of the RPG 'species' of games, yet it adds a little bit more, just to keep you entertained.

The battle system, like everyone here talks about, is very useful. Sure you may not get the Additions correctly all the time, but sometimes I tend to WANT to miss. Why? Training. It's nice to be able to control how much damage you want on your enemy. Also the fact that your 'resting' characters can level along with your active ones.

The characters are amusing too. Sure there are some clichés. The strong big guy, main pretty boy, one of royal blood, a woman of mystery. But how this game puts it all together, it's like something completely new. It gets tiring summoning Aeons and monsters all the time, Dragoon transformations opened a new 'door' into possibilities.

The graphics aren't thrilling, but sometimes you need to see beyond the outer shell and dig into the juicy stuff inside! Recommended to anyone interested in RPGs.
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Amazing Game
Quailman46216 April 2006
I loved this game. It was the first RPG I ever beat. The addition system is so creative and so fun. I love to play this game but after the third time around it gets a little boring :/. Definitely recommend it. Even easy enough for younger kids. I beat it around ten or eleven years old.The dragoons were awesome. Lloyd was such a cool character. As much as I would like them to make a movie for this game, it wouldn't be as good as the game. PLAY THIS GAME. This game got me started on RPGs. I think next was Dark Cloud, then an attempt at FF8 (also very good) and then Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 which I am playing at the moment. So I thank LOD for turning me to the great world of RPGs.
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Very good game!!!!
frewpy6 August 2002
I myself believe this game to be above most RPG's. I myself don't normally play them, but this one caught my eye. I just loved the Dragoon transformations and their magic. In my opinion, I'd have to say that this game is better than any Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Parasite Eve game. I've played them all, and they are very boring. I'll admit, LOTD is kinds corny, but look at games that are coming out now. Super Mario Sunshine???? What kind of bogus game is that. They need to retire Mario. In all, this games is one of the better RPG's to come out.
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Pretty good game right along Final Fantasy
harrisjacobl7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Alright. I have seen a lot of comments on other sites saying how LOD is a dumb game, not for anyone but RPG lovers, etc... Well I believe they are wrong. I have not seen a game that is like this in the slightest. Sure the storyline is not completely "origonal" but what other game has part of the Battle system inside the story? The concept of the Draoons in this game are part of the storyline. Take the "Legend" that is talked about several times. 7 Humans with the power of the dragon become Dragoons to fight another race called "The Winged ones" or Winglys. Then in the present 7 other humans line up with Dragon Spirits to stop the 108th species from destroying the world. And in that is the typical romantic love story. Now lets go into Final Fantasy. I have not played all of them but in the ones I have played, the summons/Guardian Forces/Aeons etc... are not part of the storyline hardly at all. with the exception of FF8 how you use the GFs for status upgrades and in FFX where you gather Aeons as you go threw the game. Now I have seen a lot of people say that Final Fantasy is a better RPG. Well, in my opinion, FF isn't better, its on the same level. Take FF7 and LOD. They both have a great storyline, poor graphics (aside from the in-game movies), similar but not the same battle system. There are some things in FF7 that you wont find in LOD but in turn some things in LOD that are not in FF7. I have played FF7, FF8, FFX, and somewhat of FFX-2 as well as LOD, and out of these games, LOD and FFX are my favorites. I recommend LOD to any potential RPG player, it's a classic game that should not be measured the way it has been by a lot of non-appreciating players who can't see a good game if it slapped them in the face. And what's best of all, you can get your own copy for real cheep. I just bought a new copy from GameCrazy for only $10, because my old one was scratched up too bad for play.
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The Legend of Dragoon (1999) Warning: Spoilers
The Legend of Dragoon is an RPG/Role-Playing Game in which dragons are ruled by selected powerful people that has a moral heart. The lead her is Dart who has a very complicated life such that his father, Zieg, is controlled by a very powerful species. And also, the Black Monster and the Moon Child are Rose and Shana. In here, Rose the Black Monster needs to kill the Moon Child so that it will not bring the Gods of Destruction. I like this RPG game but not much because sometimes in battle times, I don't really get the addition and if you're the one watching and not the one playing, you feel like it's boring game. Also, sometimes I don't get the story because of the scriptwriting but this is really an okay game.
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The Battle System
dragoon_dart12 February 2004
In my humble opinion, the most interesting characteritic of The Legend of Dragoon is the rather unique battle system. The battle system require you to master "Additions". Basically, performing these "additions" will make your physical attacks more powerful. Executing these moves require timing and coordination on the part of the player. The battle system keeps track of the number of times that you have executed each addition perfectly. The attack, or move, gets more powerful as the number of your successful attempts increase. And, your character will also gain some more powerful additions as the game progresses. Typically, the more powerful additions will require more complicated timing, concentration, and coordination on your part. Most players will probably never master the last couple of additions for each of the main characters.

This is a very long game. However, the story and the characters are interesting enough to keep you engaged. I recommend this game to those who actually want to use timing and coordination while playing their RPGs.
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Latent homosexuality, thy name is Legend of Dragoon.
citric___acid7 August 2005
Legend of Dragoon is your standard RPG. You know the type, random battles, swords, magic, questionable fashion sense, it's the standard game here. Only, it's not. See, there's this thing with Dart and Lavitz, two of the main characters. It might be the poor translation (and the translation IS pretty poor), but these two guys seem to be more than just good friends. For instance, when the game starts Dart has this girl he's trying to protect, like the good RPG hero that he is. In most cases, this would automatically lead to hot romance, no? However, Dart adamantly denies she's his girlfriend at all times, instead saying how like a sister she is. Odd, no? Shana, pretty hot (well, for a pile of polygons), obviously adores him, fertile, why ain't he pouncing on her like a dog on fresh steak? And Lavitz too is odd. High ranking soldier dude, pretty good looking, has a nice job, he should be raking in the ladies! But somehow he remains single. And when him and Dart get together, they are always having these 'bonding' moments whenever they meet, and I believe they even hug a few times. Plus, they talk about how good friends they are, and how the women folk can't understand their relationship. Uh huh guys.

It's also remarkable that, in spite of the open mindedness evident in Dart and Lavitz' relationship, how backwards the game is on other social issues. The women are ALWAYS told to go and prepare meals while the men fight things. You're so backwards when it comes to women LoD, yet so forward thinking when it comes to men.
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An okay video game, with flaws.
Talzuz5 July 2002
Okay, I played the demo at a WalMart, and was hooked by the Graphics, Voices (AT THE TIME I PLAYED IT), but most of all, the Dragoon transformations. I later got the game. Unfortunatly, it was not everything I expected. Most of the storyline had already "been done", and the voices were repetative and boring (In fact, one of the reasons you'll be waiting to gain a new ability is because your tired of listening to Dart yell "Volcano!". The graphics are fine. I like the look of the Dragoon transformations and magic spells. I don't like some of the dialogue at all. Some of it's a little too corny for my taste. I think it's sad that companies think that to make a great game, you need good graphics. I mean look at games like Final Fantasy VI. In conclusion, you should only get this if you really want a new RPG.
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