No Turning Back (2001) Poster

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NikkiRC30 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
No Turning Back is a thought provoking story of a man who faces more than just a moral dilemma. Pablo is an illegal immigrant from Honduras who comes to California with his only daughter after his pregnant wife is killed in Hurricane Mitch. He promises his little girl, Christina, that he will never leave her and does everything in his power to keep that promise. The protagonist is a decent man but when he hits a child on her bicycle he is forced to run from the law. While trying to figure out a way out of the states for good, Pablo and Christina encounter a documentary filmmaker named Soid who tries to help them while filming their journey.

There are two notable acting performances in this heartfelt story. Jesús Nebot does a beautiful job portraying Pablo, a loving father who is tormented by the compromising situation he finds himself in. Even though I knew he was wrong, I was pulling for him to make it to Canada to start a new life with his daughter. Susan Haskell drew me in with her emotional scenes, as well. She was outstanding as the grieving mother of a little girl killed by a hit and run driver. It was the rich performances given by these two actors that carried the storyline by tugging at my heartstrings.

Unfortunately, there were a few times during the film in which the tone fell a little flat. It was a bit unrealistic for the father of the deceased girl to be so calm and go back to work right after his daughter died. He never really seemed to be affected by the loss of his child. Also, I didn't quite feel the sense of urgency of a family running from the law. It would have added more depth to the storyline if the audience could really feel the brutality of Pablo and Cristina living on the streets for a week with no money, clean clothes, or a comfortable place to sleep. Soid was with them the entire time but never looked dirty, tired or affected by the elements at all.

Although I feel like the tone of the film was lacking in emotion at times, I did sympathize with the characters. I was pleasantly surprised to see a realistic conclusion instead of the cliché Hollywood ending. Being on a tight budget of money and time didn't seem to affect the writing and directing team of Julia Montejo and Jesús Nebot. The two succeeded in creating an engaging film inspired by a true chain of events. They certainly got a message across to me. No Turning Back is a touching story that makes you think about how a split second can change your life forever.
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Cliché ridden movie
marbleann17 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I see a lot of people liked this movie. To me this was a movie made right of writing 101 and the person failed the class. From the time Lindsey Price the videographer shows up until the end the movie was very predictable. I kept on watching to see if it was going anywhere.

First we have the widowed young father. Cliché #1 movies/TV always kill off the the mother parent if the child is a girl, or a brood of boys so the single father can get swoon over his dead wife and seem completely out of his element taking care of the children. Starting from from My 3 Sons to 2 1/2 Dads. These movies are usually dramas and comedies are TV shows.

Cliché # 2 When a pushy woman has a video camera in her hand she will play a big part in the movie. And will always have solutions or even if that person is a airhead

Cliché #3 If the person in peril is a foreigner they have to be of Latino origin. And they must be illegal. Apparently there are no legal Latino's and illegal Europeans, unless if there is a IRA element involved.

Cliché #4 The said Latino must be highly educated in his native country. In this case he was a Profesor who made 200 per month. And the said highly educated Latino must now act like he hasn't brain in his head now and lets the air head side kick take over.

Cliché #5 The crime the person committed really wasn't a crime but a accident. But because in this case he has lost all of the sense he had when he crossed the boarder he now acts like a blithering idiot and now has put his own daughter in peril by taking her along on a fruitless quest to the border with the idiot side kick.

Cliché #6 One never runs over a hoodlum running from a crime , but some poor little cute kid. This is because the parents of the child have to play a big part of the movie, and because the the person who accidentally killed the child can have ridiculous interaction with the parents.

Cliché #7 Name me one movie in which one cop is not the angry vet and they get paired up with a rookie. Even if they are homicide detectives who have to be the most experienced cops on a police Force. Sev7n and Copy cat and Law and Order come to mind right away. And the vet even though gruff on the outside has a heart of gold.

Cliché #8 Let's go and round up some unemployed Soap Stars. Now I like Lindsey Price. But Susan Haskell IMO can not act her way out of a paper bag and when she use to be on One Life To Live as Marty he swayed from right to left every time she opened her mouth. It use to get me sea sick. She might be anchored on land better now, but she still cannot act.

The movie might have been more insightful if it wasn't filled with clichés. I don't think a movie has to be expensive or cerebral to be good. But this was just bad.

***SPOILER**** Now I am not going to spoil the ending. Oh heck I will because I feel it will be a disservice to humanity to let a person waste time they will never get back looking at this movie. It involves Cliché #6 and #7. Unless a person has never seen a movie before you had to see what was coming. The father makes even a dumber mistake runs from the cops at the end and gets shot by the angry veteran, who all of a sudden is very upset. You would think she thought the poor guy was innocent all through the movie and she shot him by mistake. When she didn't. Now for the little girl who the dad brought along with him. Guess what happen to her? Times up, she ends up living with the family whose child was killed by her father!! Come on! You all knew that was going to happen, because she is a replacement child!! That is why she did not go and live with the Lindey Price character.

This movie was a insult as far as I was concerned. Because there were so many avenues this movie could of explored and went down but it chose to take the cliché ridden one. The 2 stars are for 2 of the stars, the little girl, who I thought was very good and Lindsey Price who character was annoying but she did what she could with it. My advice is take a vice and squeeze your head with it instead of looking at this dreck
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There Really Is No Turning Back - WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND!
flawed_messiah30 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Heavy-handed moralism. Writers using characters as mouthpieces to speak for themselves. Predictable, plodding plot points (say that five times fast). A child's imitation of Britney Spears. This film has all the earmarks of a Lifetime Special reject.

I honestly believe that Jesus Nebot and Julia Montejo set out to create a thought-provoking, emotional film on a tough subject, exploring the idea that things are not always black and white, that one who is a criminal by definition is not necessarily a bad human being, and that there can be extenuating circumstances, especially when one puts the well-being of a child first. However, their earnestness ends up being channeled into preachy dialogue and trite situations planted to move the plot along. The decent production values and interesting use of documentary-style camera footage are not enough to accomplish their aim when the script and the acting fall flat.

Logic is often compromised for the sake of creating tension: Soid first tries to blackmail Pablo into participating in her documentary in exchange for helping them escape, then in the same breath basically tells him not to trust her because she's not helping them out of altruism. Well, duh. And for a man on the run, Pablo is far too swayed by a temper tantrum. Cristina's well-being is so important to him that he's fleeing capture and jail or deportation for her, but he's willing to risk all that to appease her when she doesn't want to go to Mexico. Right. Talk above over-permissive parenting. Third, when Pablo's employer Charlie gives the phone to Detective Bright, she is remarkably unprofessional, especially given her seniority - did she really think she was persuasive? Oh, yeah, I would have turned myself in. CCH Pounder's Detective Wims could wipe the floor with her.

To be fair, I'd like to list the things I liked. Um, I liked the midget. And I liked the fact that the midget was named Sexy. There's cross-dressing, always a plus; juvenile cross-dressing, no less! Harry is infinitely cuter than Cristina. But my favorite moment in the film has to be when Cristina kicks Detective Not-So-Bright. I also find it interesting that, in a heavily minority cast (which I much appreciate, by the way), the black character is the racist one. Too bad it's just thrown out there and not further explored.

There's a distinctive, unconventional score, but it's nonetheless generally context-unspecific, not enhancing mood or tension in any scene, except the pathetic, anguished wailing every time the main character is in anguish, as though they think his acting doesn't show it enough: 'Just in case you weren't sure, he's upset, and we have the musical cues to prove it.'

Stilted, clichéd dialogue results in a depressing lack of subtext; everything has to be spelled out in dialogue, even when the body language had been up 'til then conveying it just fine. For example, every impassioned speech Pablo makes, and Mrs. Knight's lament that her child won't be crawling into bed with them in the morning.

'Papi, tell me about Mama again' - what shameless, blatant exposition introducing the generic dead wife! (She's always the most beautiful woman the widower had ever seen, the kindest he had ever met. Why can't we see a man cry over a woman like Shakespeare's - she may be fat, ugly, obnoxious, but his love for her is deep as oceans? Now _there's_ a story which would move me.)

The police always being literally one step behind them gives many scenes the out-of-place feeling of a French farce. Most boring foot chases ever - Bright and Lightning are so out-of-shape and easily-fooled (he certainly isn't quick as lightning, and she, well, I don't feel the need to spell things out). Some guy dragging along a small child outrunning a bicycle cop, complete with macho biker picking a fight but then being felled by a child? To quote Margaret Cho, that's so sad. Would we ever see this on 'Cops '?

Hackneyed and over-the-top deus ex machina: as an employer, would you really waive checking his green card just because he can quote the author of the inspirational saying on a poster behind your desk?

Plus several scenes, including the above, threaten to devolve into porn: 'Well, I'll do this favor for you, as long as you do something for me...' I can almost hear the bowm-chicka-bowm-bowm.

When the parents view the footage shot of Pablo's remorse, the grieving mom's freak-out is the most real the movie feels. Unfortunately, this is diminished by the fact that she looks completely swayed by his emotional speech right up until she goes ballistic. A more ambivalent look would be more convincing here.

I'm in constant awe of the stupidity of the main character doing things for the sake of plot: holding up a convenience store without a mask, visiting the dead girl's grave. And why doesn't the mother recognize his face from when she saw him before he drove off?! 'You seem awfully familiar...'

What is the purpose of that wholly unnecessary, somewhat gratuitous scene with Soid and the artificially-enhanced bartender? Character development? Tch. Too little, too late.

Speaking of unnecessary traits that never went anywhere, Detective Lightning's saying skeptical Detective Bright must be a Scorpio shows how little he really knows about the occult. And I don't think that believing in fate quite qualifies as voodoo mumbo jumbo.

At the end, when Bright holds Pablo as he dies - wait, why does she care now? Her character is as inconsistent as Soid's. What, she has to shoot him just because she said 'Stop, or I'll shoot'? (She's cared _so_much_ about her integrity thus far.) He was unarmed. There was no need for lethal force. What's wrong with shooting him in the leg to immobilize him?

Finally, Cristina's childlike acceptance of her mother's death giving Dr. Knight peace over his daughter's death - so forced. And the contrivance of the family whose child was killed becoming Cristina's new family... It angers me that she could be a 'replacement' for their little girl. It's also unrealistic that a white couple would take in the Latino daughter of the man who killed their own daughter. I'm not saying there aren't generous, loving people who would do that. I'm just saying that the characters here are never developed far enough for me to believe that _they_ would do that.

I find it offensive that another IMDb reviewer said that of course as a woman she was moved by the sappy scenes. I am a woman who reserves my emotional movements for moments that don't wax sentimental in a manufactured manner.

Co-writer, co-director, co-star Nebot said himself he wore too many hats during this production. Too many cooks may spoil the broth, but one cook alone just might end up making an after-school special.

In conclusion, this film's title has less to do with the story and more to do with the feeling of regret, helplessness, and loss accompanying the revelation that you will never see your money again.
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Outstanding - Gripping - Thought Provoking
patalexander3 March 2002
Just saw this film at Sedona Film Festival 2002 - my favorite at the Festival. Jesus gives a riveting and sensitive performance of a good man who faces insurmountable trials after a terrible accident. This is based on a true story and demonstrates the importance of seeing there's more than one side to any story. Hope this gets a broad distribution!
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I Wish I could Turn Back from this Film
nrbucco-120 June 2003
This film has an interesting plot, but the acting is quite bad and the script is poor. I was very disappointed. The moral dilemma faced by the main character is an intriguing one, but due to poor writing and casting this potentially winning premise is plundered. 2 of the 4 other people in the theater left after about 45 minutes and the other 2 were laughing at how bad the film was. I stuck it out to the end, but I must admit I played Blackjack on my cell phone to make the last 30 minutes bearable.
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Best Movie to Watch If u Luv Drama!
MovieFanatic2317 July 2005
I just watched this movie last night on Lifetime TV. I simply loved everything about the movie. The actor (also the director/writer) did an amazing job! I also liked the little girl, she has tremendous future in movies! As soon as the movie starts, you are suddenly put in Pablo's life. Every moment he goes through - u feel it. He does everything for his daughter. This movie is based on true story, which is sad. It's a story of courage, emotions, drama, a father, and daughter. Even though, the main character is somewhat of a criminal, you just feel sorry for him and sympathize with him. His crime was an accident. I liked and didn't like the ending. I think when u see the movie, you'll understand why I say that.

This movie is not to be missed. By these first time writers and directors - this is a movie that shows a lot of promise and their skills.

Go rent it or buy it ! This movie is a must for everyone! I cried cried and cried during this be ready with box of tissues.
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I think the film could have used a re-write.
planktonrules30 November 2022
"No Turning Back" is a tough film to love. Although the basic story idea is interesting, the characters and dialog often disappoint.

Pablo is an illegal who brought his daughter with him to the United States from Honduras (IMDB says Mexico, but the intro clearly says Honduras). One day he accidentally runs over a child and kills her and since he is in the USA illegally, instead of staying he runs. But this also means taking his incredibly bratty and annoying little girl with him. Here's where the film starts to show problems. The child is a bit hateful and nasty. Additionally, he and the girl meet up with a ridiculously written character, a lady who wants to do a documentary on him and his race to safety abroad! She drives him about and says she's NOT involved and is just making a movie. HUH???

When the trio finally get to the Mexican border, the child throws a horrible tantrum--tossing her things out of the moving car. Why? Because she thinks Mexico smells and she hates Mexico! Nice kid, huh? So what dad does next is insane...he agrees to instead head to Canada. Now understand....the quickest you could drive from the Mexican border to the Canadian border is 23 hours...without a single stop for gas, food or to sleep! Of course, they actually just end up hanging around Venice and Los Angeles...something that left me confused.

At this point, I cannot stand the child nor the filmmaker character. But dad.... I felt a bit sorry for him. But, he needs money, so he then robs a convenience store! No more gray areas in the IS a bad man and I could no longer feel sorry for him.

All this occurs in the first half or so of the picture. Much of what happens after seems tough to believe...such as the brat hurting herself and being treated by a doctor who just happens to be the dead girl's father, the documentarian bothering the mother of the dead child...asking her 'how does it feel?', and more inane things that really don't help the story all that much.

The bottom line is that the story of a decent illegal committing an accidental crime and going on the run IS an interesting idea for a movie. But making the folks in the film so difficult to like...that sinks this story.

By the way, if you read through the reviews, they often tend to be 9s or 10s...or 1s and 2s. While I don't know for a fact, I would suspect some of the glowing reviews are fake...generated by folks who made the film. I know this sounds harsh...but all those 10s and saying what a great movie it just doesn't make sense. With such poor writing, I cannot understand the 10s.
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Great message, great story
kandiland19721 April 2004
This film has a great message. Bad things happen to good people, and you cannot always control the direction your life takes. Everyone in this movie has internal conflicts that we can really see, which is so interesting to watch because everyone in life has an agenda. We are all forced to make choices everyday in order to survive. So many films today go for the happy ending, wrapping a big red bow around it, but unfortunately life doesn't always play out that way. There is no obvious good guy and bad guy here. Instead, we see the propensity in all of us to be both simultaneously. I look forward to future projects from this director, who also happens to be the lead actor, writer and producer. Very inspirational.
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Unconditional love for a matter what.
sbh1118 November 2004
This was an absolutely brilliant get to see past the mistakes and choices that we make and into the heart of love at every step in this movie.

The acting is Oscar worthy by Jesus Nebot...and the support cast was phenomenal. There wasn't one moment that I was not hooked into this movie from fade in...until the big ending!

I laughed, and I had tears in my eyes more than is what movies are supposed to be about...the journey into people's souls.

This particular story covered so well, multiple viewpoints of all people involved in the story.

You can feel the overwhelming pain and love of each character so well...and with each step...once again, love, compassion, and connection wins.

Do not miss this will stir you inside and make you feel things you may have never felt before. It will open your heart's door to the meaning of what it means to have "unconditional love" for a child...and the choices we make to protect them.

May this movie and the filmmaker be blessed with much love. :-)
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Compassion and insight identify this film
radames11 September 2002
So many independent films these days seem to be an opportunity to show off the filmmakers ambitions, rather than what they can contibute to the world with their insights and perspectives. This charming and compassionate film is more of what is needed in this world, and particularly in this country (the U.S.) today. With the monumental self -imposed task of producing, directing and starring in his own first film, Jesus Nebot actually comes through with flying colors. His performance is flawless, and carries with it the sensibilities attributed to another talented actor/director, Roberto Benigni, in his charm, passion and good will (plus, he's way more handsome than Benigni -- sorry Roberto!). And while there are some minor flaws in the dialogue and a couple of unrestrained performances, they do not take away from the other excellent performances (in particular Susan Haskell as the devastated Mother) and the fact that this is not only an important film in its own right (due to the timeliness of its subject matter) but also a representation of this filmmakers strong talents. I hope he gets many more opportunities to make films, as it seems they would only make the world a slightly better place, rather than taking us further down the path of desensitization and despair.
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A very powerful movie, well acted with a great message.
carolm90321 October 2002
Mr Nebot did an excellent job in picking a great story to tell and then telling it so well. His acting was marvelous. I would love to see this movie come out on HBO. It is an ideal medium for a film like this.
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Dynamic, adventurous, heartfelt, compelling, great acting!
genuineheart200112 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS I was moved and impressed by such a wonderful film. Even though the main actor, who was incredible, Jesus Nebot, ended up being the "criminal" in this film, there was a part of me that wanted to see him and his little girl escape the police. To see a Father care so much for his little girl that he would sacrifice everything. I hated to see him die in the picture though.

Lindsey Price, wow, such a change in character compared to when I watched her on All My Children soap opera and 90210 TV. It was nice to see her play a totally different diverse character. Dynamic.

And Verne, the detective, I kind of had a hate/love affair with her character. Was great to see her on film. I remember her from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Wonderful cast, great storyline, and of course, me being a, loved the sentimental heartfelt scenes.

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Great Independent Film
sedonaluds3 March 2002
Just saw this film at the Sedona International Film Festival. Wonderful film, and masterful in light of the budget and short shoot time. Certainly deserves distribution. Will become a favorite. Great acting, film making and direction. Congratulations to Jesus Nebot.
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toobz4uqt25 March 2004
One of the best films I've seen this year! With the market being so over saturated with typical 'good guy, bad guy' Hollywood movies, it's a refreshing change to run into a movie that so beautifully captures humanity. Thank you to the director for taking on such a tough subject and not forcing you to feel a certain way about the subject matter but allowing you to experience all sides of the conflict. The acting is wonderful on so many levels. The father and daughter specifically give knockout performances. The story will keep you on the edge of your seat. The added benefit being that it'll touch your heart on a deep level. It's no wonder this film has won so many awards. If you're not convinced, go check out the film's website for the trailer.
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Emotional and Intense
Golden_Eagle7930 June 2004
There are many unique features used in this film that make it stand out from others. Just using audio in the opening scene has an extreme impact, rather than seeing what had actually happened. Hearing the crash, tires screeching, and the mother yelling, sends chills down your spine. Along with the dolly (moving the camera back or forward) and trucking (moving the camera left or right) shots, contribute to the suspense of Pablo and his daughter Christina escaping from the law. They have a strong relationship since he's willing to sacrifice anything for her, but it would have been nice to have him explain a little more about the reasons why they are on the run. Throughout the movie there's always a feeling that they shouldn't be caught since the character development and certain scenes divert the audience's emotions, and we start cheering for them. The last scene was a little abrupt since it felt like a big time span had suddenly passed, but overall the story is very touching and can many audience's will be able to identify with the intense plot.
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Character driven film of excellent quality
tmonkusa29 October 2001
This film has not only has a excellent cast with talent and enthusiasm for their work, but a plot that reaches out and touches the audience. Fast paced, with a score that intensifies rather than distracts from the story, this movie will take you keep you close to the edge of your seat.
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Definite must see. Great drama!
kellikaye14 November 2004
This is a great story. Pablo makes you see and understand that what you see on the surface, like on the media or reading about someone who has committed a crime, it is not always true or the story has missed the 'why' and 'compassion' of why the person handled it like they did. This story makes you wonder what you would do in that situation. What would you do for your child. How far would you go. Also, the story makes you wonder how you would feel if you were on the other side as well. Would you forgive. How would you feel being the victim. The ending made a tear and was happy and sad at the same time. I just recommend this flick. And this is not a 'chick flick' guys so watch it!
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A Golden Movie Review -- Thar be spoilers aboard!
agolden15 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a familiar feel. Just after spying Lindsay Price behind that camcorder, I recalled having viewed it a couple years ago at a festival in Sedona, Arizona. I was writing a script about the spirit of Cachina inhabiting a female photographer's puppy that would gobble up small children when the young photographer was off focused on her art. In fact, after watching this movie, I continued on that vacation trip envisioning Ms. Price as that photographer.

As this was a three-crown journey for Jesus Nebot (Producer/Director/Actor), he had a fair weight on his shoulders and still managed to pull off a successful venture. All that and he didn't even mame or kill anyone on the set…or at least I didn't see any epitaphs in the credits? In fact, I believe that he gave a great performance, and (aside from my thoughts on how he could play the 'Rock's' brother in a film) he was deeply believable in the role of Pablo (or at least in my perception of the 'based on a true story' character).

After watching the film again, I still found it had interest for me. Even though I knew how things would turn out for Pablo, I found myself even watching the DVD's 'making of' content… I briefly wondered just how closely they kept to presenting the actual story and characters, then hoped that to be the case, as (with freer story license) I would have done some things somewhat differently). So, this time, I slanted my focus toward more critical film-making aspects.

On the (script) writing: I found that Julia Montejo and Jesus Nebot were able to keep fairly well within standard story format (despite having Pablo only reach the ending in 'namesake'), and the dialogue was realistic (though some of the action reversals completed by certain characters was a little troubling). Some of the early character interaction dialogues seem a little forced, and a little too 'linear' in performance…meaning that dialogue often seems delivered by characters with no overlap, and sometimes it's almost as if the characters are waiting for one actor to finish his/her line before beginning their own. This I find all too often with independent features, whether it be due to cost considerations in dealing with audio (retake/editing ease, mic-ing issues, post opt/sweetening, making it easier for voice-over/replacements and translations for international market dubs, etc…). While I understand the production considerations, as a consumer/viewer, I tend to find that a bit unrealistic and annoying. Talking over each other seems to be part of the American modus vernaculari (poetic license usurped).

Character and Continuity: Hmmm…It's that shirt. That $75 N*rd$tr0ms shirt worn by Jesus Nebot that doesn't quite seem to fit into the $200 a month character paradigm for me. Plus, what's really sad is that in some scenes it REALLY isn't flattering fit-wise…no knocks to wardrobe, as I saw Jesus wearing a very similar long-sleeved version in the 'making of' section and assume this was his own choice. Jesus, listen to your wardrober next time. Though, I'd really say it was one of the only flaws in the Pablo character package (well, and the fact that after a couple of days on the run…it looks brand new as he awaits his ship-board getaway…and, if you watch, when he goes to the ground the only part that touches in his stomach, but low-and-behold in interrogation that things suddenly grown a month's stink and grime).

As far as the hospital scene…It seems to me that I've never been to or heard of a hospital that would allow a young boy into a deceased person's room. Although I did thoroughly enjoy poor Andrew's traumatized look around the doorway, as Mrs. Knight's performance energizer's run out and she has to be hauled off to the SAGBOT factory for overhaul. Amazingly, her (Susan Haskell's) performance improves dramatically following this service appointment. Chiding aside, I do think that everyone on the cast gave good performances

Vernee Watson-Johnon, you go grrl! An experienced professional…enough said (though, I did think you played the role a little hard and then softened up too fast after shooting that 'kiddie killer').

Robert Vestal was pretty good, though I think the role was played with a little too much the 'eager beaver' approach, and was unlikely for the Native American detective. Come to think of it, this role seems a little bit like it was contrived quickly from a late script (we have to have two detectives to tango) add-in.

As time is parting, I'll just impart a final positive review…Despite my notes herein, this movie was enjoyable (and trust me, I've wanted to turn off more movies than I can think of), and I would recommend it as a rental. In fact, as an independent feature I'd give it an 8.5, and as an overall (against all movies) score…a 7 (good).
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An interesting story that deserves a better written script.
angolan25 August 2004
The film deals with a very important issue of illegal immigrants and their daily struggle to make it through in order to give their kids a better future. The problem is with the script that even though tells a fairly interesting story, fails to deal with the issue, and instead presents us with a melodrama, in which all ends are neatly tied. The point of 'No Turning Back' is not really clear, as you never get a sense of what it is that they want to go back to. It seems like similar life to the one they main character had can be rebuild in any other state (The story takes place in California), as well as in Canada, to which they are trying to get. The story also fails to evoke the strong emotional feelings you get when you see 'Sophie's Choice,' nor be charming as 'Three Fugitives.' We do not feel any sorrow for the separation of the child from her father, as we know she is better off with her new family.

Too many issues are being resolved with no real explanation like how Soid found the hiding place of the father and his daughter? How did the police know the exact cruise line company that the father and his daughter were heading for? The movie shows the police somehow finding out that someone is selling them his green card, then showing them coming to a cruise line company, where the father applied for a job under an assumed name. Yet at the end of the movie, they know to go there and not any other place. Other issues are not dealt with like why the father didn't try and run to another state where it would be easy for him to evade the police, or why did the mail policeman decide that the policewomen is not ready for this case. Another unresolved issue is how Soid makes a living. Where does she live? Who pays her to do her documentaries, or where does she get the money to do them if not ordered by any organization?

Some of the sub plots either don't make sense or entirely unnecessary. The relationship between the two cops is poorly written and developed. They seem to have no other cases other than this one. The policewoman looks like a veteran who dealt with many cases in the past, yet the rocky policeman tell her she is not ready for this case. The grieving family seems to go back to normal life very fast. Even before the funeral the father is already back to work. When the father brings his daughter to the hospital no one seems to question the story that he found the child on the street. It is not clear how the police learned of the presence of the child in that hospital.

The relationship between the father and the daughter are very touching, though we don't really get a feeling of what their lives looked like before they relocated to the USA. Would they stay in their homeland should if the mother was still alive? What did the father used to do there? How did the child feel about moving to a different county? The child's view of where her mother is, as well as the way she presents it to the grieving father of the dead girl is well written, and it's too bad there are not enough of this type of writing throughout the script. Another well written and well played scene is when Soid reveals she sold the car.

Most of the acting is good, though I felt the policewoman was trying too hard to be Whoopi Goldberg in 'Jumping Jack Flash.' The policeman's character as a Native American who is late to work because he speaks to a spiritual adviser in the shape of an owl only ridiculed the police investigation. I especially liked the acting of Lindsay Price as the documentary film maker. All of the actors use the 'F' word. Would have been more interesting if each one had his/her own lingo and if they used profanity less often.

The sets lack credibility. In the scene where the two policemen check the computer for the green card fraud, their surrounding is bare. No other tables, policemen, or any other indication that this is a police station. The hospital seems to have no other patients other than the kid. When the father is about to board the cruise line ship, even though it is close to the time the ship is about to sail, there are no other personnel in sight.

The story moves from a drama of a father and his child trying to run away, to an action film with a daring rescue of the child from the hospital, and an attempt of the father to run from the police after being caught. It would have been a lot more interesting to either build it as a journey movie, such as 'Thelma and Louise', while showing the relationships and changes the 3 main characters go through, or build it as a drama of a tragedy hitting the two families, without the action/thriller parts.
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Jesus Nebot's film makes me think, "What would I do?"
darrenbusterhowell30 June 2004
I thought the story was very good and spent the entire movie trying to figure how things would work out for Pablo and Cristina. Things did work out, but not as ideal as one would hope.

Jesus Nebot gave a very touching and convincing performance as Pablo. Cristina, played by Vernee Watson, was adorable and and I look forward to seeing her grow up on screen. Lindsay Price did an excellent job playing the part of the struggling reporter looking to make a good story, but gives in to her heart and feelings.

I was pleasantly surprised by the cinematography and the style of the movie.

I look forward to Jesus Nebot's next film!
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