Chrono Trigger (Video Game 1995) Poster

(1995 Video Game)

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A true classic in every respect.
Ersan_Hakki22 May 2004
This game is truly a classic in every respect, with the most memorable characters ever featured in an RPG and a storyline that surpasses that of any other game in its genre. Since the release of Chrono Trigger many other interesting and unique games have emerged with graphics so advanced that in comparison Chrono Trigger is almost laughable. Therefore if you're only interested in appearance then this is the wrong game for you, however if you are interested in original RPG's with a compelling storyline then I assure you that Chrono Trigger remains unrivalled.

{Warning: plot summary} The underlining plot is simplistic in that a group of teenagers stumble upon a time gate where they learn of an oncoming threat that will destroy the world in 1999, and subsequently decide to join forces to prevent the demise of there beloved planet {end of plot summary}. However the game features so many twists that the storyline is never predictable and the multiple endings available, enable the game to alter according to the players own personality. Side quests and a special New Game+ option (accessible once completing the game) also enhance its replay value.

Furthermore the characters integrate into the storyline magnificently, with each having there own side quests that allow for immense character development. The game illustrates the emotions and ambitions of each character which gives the player a true understanding of each playable character and there relationship with the others in the group.

It should also be noted that although the graphics in Chrono Trigger are now dated, at the time they were impressive in comparison to other RPG games released for the SNES. The character designs also blend in well with the personality of the characters. Therefore it's no surprise Chrono Trigger has such an enormous fan base and I can certainly say that it has established itself as one of my favourite games of all time.
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Happy 25th to this classic RPG!!!
justin-fencsak7 May 2020
I remember when this was advertised and reviewed that this was a massive RPG with time travel elements. Many stores were sold out of it and the price of the game was pricey. Thankfully I got it as part of a two disc set for Playstation called Final Fantasy Anthology featuring Final Fantasy IV (released as Final Fantasy II for the US release) and Chrono Trigger, in 2001 a year after Chrono Cross became the best selling title in the franchise. Despite the long loading times and frequent fmv cutscenes that looks like something out of an anime, this game has great music, good controls, amazing graphics for the time, and challenging gameplay. The story is pretty simple and there are multiple endings to the game, sorta like before the Witcher changed everything about endings. You can also download the rom if you own the game at your own risk!!!
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CStrife720 October 2001
Chrono Trigger is one of the first real RPG's i ever played. when i beat the game, i knew that it was an amazing experience and that i would continue to explore the RPG world. after playing a countless number of RPG's since, i always return to Chrono Trigger and marvel at it's greatness. i've played tons of adventure, action and other games too, but no mix of story and gameplay etc. delivers like Chrono Trigger. this is a must play for all fans of RPG's. i also recommend it for beginner RPG players or people who want an amazing story and overall gaming experience. without a doubt, Chrono Trigger is my favorite game ever!
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One of the best RPGs!
TheTransfan14 June 2000
This game deserves the name CLASSIC. Made by "the dream team" of Yuji Hori("Dragon Quest"), Hironobu Sakaguchi("Final Fantasy"), and Akira Toriyama(TV's "Dragonball Z"), this game immediately climbed the top and was loved by millions. Even if the graphics were outdated, the game took 3 years to make and a lot of effort was put into it.
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It is the best game anyone could ever hope to play in a single lifetime
French Chicken30 September 2001
Play it if you haven't. If you haven't played then you are missing the single best game ever made. After all, a dream-team game between the Dragon Warrior(Quest) people and the Final Fantasy people would have to hold the title of "BEST GAME EVER CREATED".
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Simply the greatest.
aylakat9 August 2002
This game is beyond any other role playing game that has ever existed. Even its sequels don't live up to the purest thrill of adventure and discovery that you find in this game. The story, unique and twisting, draws you in like an addiction. The characters are some of the coolest ever drawn, with personalities that will make you both smile and squeal. Magus will eternally be the coolest wizard ever. It has the potential to be very philosophical as well--the game has left me discussing time travel and physics, so that's a plus for any philosophers out there. Truly magnificent!
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man what a great game
umlaziking6 November 2021
This game is honestly legendary....a game with really great and memorable characters that are very well written and very well developed, the story is just amazing...possibly the greatest time travelling story I have ever experienced. People of imdb, thank you so much, the fact that this game is still at a rating of 9.5 really says a lot...if I had never read these reviews I wouldve never known or even tried the again...thank you.
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A Great RPG Game.
JackBauerPowerHour3 July 2003
This game has everything you possibly want in game like great Characters,amazing story and beautiful graphics.This is in my Top 5 favorite games of all time.When I first played this game I was very amazed how great a game can be that a lot of people didn't even know about.The more I play Chrono Trigger the more I love it.This is the most underrated game I ever played in my whole life.One thing I really like about this game is that is really long.This game is good in every category there is in games.I hope sooner or later SQUARESOFT does a true sequel for this great game.A Classic forever.I give it a:(A+)
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The best Time Traveling story Super Nintendo RPG game of all time.
crosswalkx11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have played this game as I was growing up this was the best game on Super Nintendo. This was a game that allowed your characters to roam the worlds in different time periods including 65,000,000 BC, 12,000 BC, 600 AD, 1000 AD, 1999 AD, 2300 AD. You get to travel in time first in portal doors, later on in a time machine which later on becomes a flying car. You get to fight enemies in fixed encounters in dungeons instead of those annoying random encounters you would find in Final Fantasy games. I like 6 of the characters you get to play as but 1 character I leave out playing.

This game is about Chrono who wakes up and goes to a Millennial fair at 1000 AD. (We just passed the year 2000 already) to witness Luccas teleportation machine, as Marle is the test subject the machine goes haywire and creates a portal door which sucks Marle in and she is sent 400 years back in time in 600 AD. Chrono volunteers to go back to rescue Marle and meets with Marle at the castle but disappears and Lucca runs over to Chrono and reveals that she's the princess, they head over to the cathedral and runs into monsters and the human Frog meets up with them and they fight the monsters and the boss who was the fake chancellor. They rescue Queen Leene and Marle reappears again, then the 3 go back to the present and Chrono escorts Marle home.

Unfortunately Chrono is arrested and falsely accused of kidnapping Marle and is sent to death row to be executed on the guillotine, but makes his escape the player can either choose to break out of jail or wait until Lucca comes to Chronos rescue, they fight the dragon tank boss and it falls apart and the Chancellor and the 2 guards form a bridge which Chrono and Lucca makes their escape, they run out of the castle and Marle rebels against her father the king and runs away from home, they are pursed in a forest at a dead end screen and Chrono and the 2 girls escape in a time portal from the Chancellor.

They go 1300 years into the future in 2300 AD and discover that Lavos caused the nuclear holocaust in 1999 AD which rained fire bombs and destroy most of the life on planet earth, the humans are now homeless survivors who are hiding out in the domed buildings. The robots and mutant monsters have taken over the city in ruins and sewers. Chrono and the 2 girls fights them, they later meet a robot named Robo who joins them in their party, they sneak into the factory and turns on the power generator to open the door. There's a boss battle and Robo gets repaired by Lucca. All four of them go into the time portal and they end up at the end of time where a man the Guru of time helps them out. They go back to the year 1000 AD and they resolve to fight Lavos.

Chrono and his friends run errands in 600 AD, they also go to 65,000,000 BC and meets with Ayla the barbarian fighter, they also meets with Magus that Chrono and Frog fight at the castle, they also go to the year 12,000 BC in the Ice Age where Queen Zeal has people living on the floating islands Chrono powers Marles pendant and they are kicked out of the kingdom. Chrono gets the time machine Epoch from Belthasar and rescues Melchior, Chrono goes to the Ocean Palace to try to stop Lavos but ends up sacrificing himself to Lavos energy, Chronos allies gets kidnapped by Dalton who files the airplane. They make their escape and Dalton attacks them and the party jumps on Epoch and fights for their time machine defeats Dalton who gets sent to the year 1000 AD and they end up firing lasers and destroys the airplane Blackbird which falls into the ocean.

At this point in the game the player can choose to rescue Chrono or not and they can choose to have Magus join their party or kill him. I don't like to kill him as he has the best Magic spells that other party members don't have, and I usually save Chrono, he can't use dual techniques so it has to be triple techniques or his own spells. You can also do many side quest errands like get the moon stone, rainbow shell.

Also in the Playstation 1, Nintendo DS, Android, iOS, and PC versions of this game you get additional side quests like Arena of the Ages, Lost Sanctum, and Dimensional Vortex. I personally never liked Arena of the Ages so I end up skipping that side quest. Lost Sanctum involves doing fetch quest errands with the Reptites. Dimensional Vortex has the player going though time zones to fight monsters. It can take a while to play though but it's worth it and you get to meet with Dalton who was sucked to the year 1000 AD who will start a war in Chrono Cross and you get to learn what happened to Schala.

Now on to the Characters that I like and don't like.

1. Ayla- I like using her, she's a strong woman who never quits she's also sexy with her bikini outfit. I use a lot, she has high strength and fast speed, I like her Charm spell which steals useful items, like Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Power tabs, speed tabs and magic tabs. She can't use magic but her techniques are always the best to use. Her Dino Tail does more damage when she's low on HPs. She is the best character to use on the Blackbird mission when the allies equipment gets stolen. As you level her up she will get an Iron fist at level 72 and bronze fist at level 96 which does 9999 for every critical hits she lands and you get Spekkio Pink Nu who is the hardest boss to fight next to Dream Devourer.

Chrono- I like using him, he is the main character who cannot leave until the Lavo's Ocean Palace incident. He has high strength and Lighting attack cure and life magic powers and sword powers and the Luminaire spell, he can learn Dual and Triple techniques with his allies except for Magus. You'll lose him at some point in the game but you can save him and get him back at Death Peak with a clone doll. I like using him a lot his sword attacks can damage enemies, you can choose not to bring him back but that gets the player the sad ending which ends on a cliffhanger. I usually bring him back. I also highly recommend using him in the game.

Robo- I usually like using him in this game, he does have high strength but can't use magic but does use shadow Laser and electric attacks and cure beam and strength attacks. I don't like the Area Bomb zone attack very much as it's mostly useless, he also has slow speed so start focusing getting speed tabs to speed him up. At the Geno Dome you're required to have him lead the party to level grind on the conveyor belt. He's useful to have but that slow speed makes it hard for him to be useful early in the game. In the DS remake his Apocalypse Arm does 9999 damage which makes him very useful. Also recommend to use him in the game.

Frog- I somewhat like using Frog in this game, He has decent amount of strength and can use water spells, cure spells that targets all 3 members, His Frog Squash does more damage when he's low on HPs. He is needed in Magus Castle and his Masamune sword can lower enemies magic defense. His Demon Hit is useful against magical enemies. But don't sell Demon Hit or Brave Sword for your new game+ or you'll be forced to use the weak Masamune sword. I would use him in this game. He is good to use in the game.

Magus- He starts off as a enemy but can join your party late in the game. He has a decent amount of strength and can use all 4 spells fire, ice, lightning and shadow attacks including Darkmatter, he also uses magic protect spell. He can use the black hole attack which I find useless unless it on the Son of suns boss minions otherwise I never use it. He won't learn Dual techniques but will learn some triple techniques like Omega Flare and Eternal Darkness. He is good to use but his Doomsickle attack only will get stronger if one or 2 party members are knocked out. He is also good to use in the game. I strongly advise killing Magus in the game unless you want to see the ending with Frog changing back to a human who's Glenn.

Lucca- Lucca is somewhat good in this game, however her gun attacks are weak which are based on hit rate so Power tabs are useless. I like her fire spells and she can be a good balance for lightning and water units and can get delta attack with Marle or Delta Storm with Frog and is good for fighting Magus. I like her protect spell and Flare attack but I'm always running out of MPs for her. In the DS remake she can get a weapon called Spellslinger which damage is determined by MPs so you can't cast spells or it will lose it's power. I don't usually use her too much except at Magus castle.

Marle- First of all I do not like using Marle she is horrible, her bow and arrow attacks are weak which are based on hit rate so Power tabs are useless and she has a few ice spells, single cure spells, Life 2 spell, her haste spell is useful until it becomes obsolete by Haste Helm. The twin charm spell with Ayla is useless she already can use charm without any problems. In the DS remake her Venus Bow actually makes her useful with 777 damage in the early New Game+ stages of the game, after that she's useless. I would leave Marle out of the game for the most part, in my opinion she's the worst fighter in Chrono Trigger.

This was the best time traveling game for SNES which make RPGs more fun to play I liked the music, The 15 multiple endings, I liked the anime cutscenes, I liked the bike race, I didn't like climbing Death peak though especially on Android or iOS which was a pain, I didn't like the soup contest, I usually have to level grind on the Geno Dome conveyor belt to get to level 99. I liked fixed encounter battles though there are some you can't run from.

I wished that this game was on the SNES mini console or Playstation Classic console, it was a mistake to not include this game which I was disappointed in, this game is hard to find on SNES and the Wii Virtual Console is shutdown. It's available on the Playstation 3 Network, I hope there will be a remake soon. Meantime get this on PS1, DS, Android, iOS it's worth your time and money.
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Timeless classic
robotbling26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
( Chrono Trigger was the last great RPG for the Super Nintendo from Squaresoft, and remains a favourite of RPG enthusiasts more than 10 years after its release. The development team was nicknamed the Dream Team, because they were composed of Final Fantasy veterans Hironobu Sakaguchi and composer Nobuo Uematsu, as well as Dragon Quest veterans Yuji Hori and Akira Toriyama. This sort of partnership was unprecedented at the time, especially among rival companies like Squaresoft and Enix (which have since merged) and resulted in a highly original and successful game.

Chrono Trigger's scenario is what sets it apart from other RPGs and games in general, since it deals with time travel. Over the course of the game, the protagonist Crono will skip between 7 vastly different time periods, where he makes allies and enemies. When an event is completed in the past, it subtly affects the future. You might be able to prevent the tragic death of a character's mother, for example, by revisiting the fateful day when she died and preventing an accident.

Each era makes the most of its setting with inventive plot threads; from 65,000,000 B.C. to 2300 A.D., though the game isn't concerned with realistically rendering them. Filling out the cast is a remarkable set of characters designed by Akira Toriyama of Dragon Ball fame. Each character has a set of personal side quests (some of which are optional), which helps to flesh them out.

Chrono Trigger was one of the first RPGs to do away with random battle encounters. Taking a cue from the Mother series, touching a monster in the field initiates a battle. The menu simply appears and you begin planning your strategy. This was quite a welcome break from the usual tedium of past RPGs, and features animated enemies and an endless assortment of team formations.

The battle system itself is quite unique in that characters have a wide array of skills, including 2 and 3 character combo attacks. When two or more characters have a turn, they can combine their skills to perform powerful new moves. And with up to 7 different party members, there are plenty of ways to keep things fresh. Characters who sit out of combat continue to accrue experience points, allowing you to enjoy the game without much level grinding.

The graphics represent the best of 16-bit hand drawn art. Bright and colourful backgrounds brimming with detail serve as the stage for the wonderfully designed and animated characters and monsters. Some of the spell effects aren't quite up to par with Final Fantasy VI, but the various character combo maneuvers are more exciting.

The music, composed in part by Nobuo Uematsu but mostly by Yasunori Mitsuda, is beautiful and diverse. It was this game that launched Yasunori Mitsuda into the upper echelon of game composers. The score can be light-hearted and funny but also incredibly moving or atmospheric when it needs to be. The SNES sound chip was ahead of its time, and Chrono Trigger is one of the best examples of what it was really capable of.

Another first in the RPG genre was the New Game + option. On a second play through characters retain their experience levels and most of their equipment. This allows the game to be finished more quickly than before, which allows the player to finish the game at specific points to trigger new endings. With 12 endings in total, Chrono Trigger offers a great deal of replay value, all on top of a main quest which can be completed comfortably in about 30 action-packed hours.

Chrono Trigger was the Super Nintendo's swan song, a near-perfectly designed and executed RPG from a talented team of industry legends. The story and characters remain engaging, and the fun battle system is a joy to play, so despite the ageing presentation it remains a classic that stands the test of time.

It has been re-released on the PlayStation as part of Final Fantasy Chronicles, packaged with Final Fantasy 4. The main addition to this version are the animated cinematic movies for certain plot moments. However, due to the CD format the game has 2~3 seconds of loading before every battle which is frustrating enough that I wouldn't recommend it over the original release.

It has also been re-released on the Nintendo DS, which included the extra content from the PlayStation version. Besides featuring a new translation, it also makes use of the dual screens and touch screen.
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Mom what is Nostalgias nerds?
rabenulrik26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In 1995 this game made history in the SNES World. You are Chrono a mute boy teaming up with your friends to fight the boss Lavos several times, and it literary eats up your time. From a market to the future, a dreamy palace, End of Time and more. To beef up you and your friends you have to slash your way through reptiles, dinos, robotsasnd on. Now get this game on the net or market after this review if you still have your SNES or the many DS formats.
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An opportunity for a very amazing movie!
dragaotchatchatcha23 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't play the Playstation version, but the SNES version of Chrono Trigger has, at my opinion, one of the most successful history of adventures ever build. If for somehow does exist an opportunity of partnership between the best know Japanese actors, mix with the occidental actors, on a scenery of medieval times, crossing all the others scenarios (dinossaur age, frozen future age, vacuum station) , I would bet on a very successful final result on the big screen. Imagine all a team trying to defeat Cronos (a very giant monster that control time) under earth of in some place of the universe which is access by the girl machine.
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What game did I play?
fibulator7778 January 2024
I've heard about the hype surrounding this game for decades, but never played it until recently. And this is the most overhyped gamed I've ever come across.

Reviews like "great story", "Amazing story", "thought provoking" makes me wonder WTF game did they play?

Story is mid at best, not thought provoking in the slightest. Combat is on the dull side, but not the worst. Combat is dull. Story is dull. Characters are forgettable.

I loved the old FF series and most of the old Dragon Warrior series, and still play retro games now and then. Some of the new 'retro' games I like, some I don't. Chronotrigger is on the weak side.

Is it terrible? No.

Is it good? No.

Is it worth buying? NO.

Is it worth trying out if you happen to have it laying around? Sure.

I think the people who reviewed this game played it 20+ years ago as a kid and have fond memories... cause there simply wasn't much around back then to play.
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Everyone says "Best/Greatest Game Ever!"...
saiyamew1 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
And in a way, I have to agree. There are many video games that get published each year, especially now that gaming has become mainstream. In my opinion, it is difficult to find a game these days that proves to be fun to play, as well as compelling and enjoyable. Metal Gear Solid, FFVII, and a few others have come out in the past 8 years to fill that gap. However, a decade ago, a game came out that had all of the essential ingredients to make a truly good game.

That game was ChronoTrigger.

To run it by with few spoilers, the game begins in a typical fantasy/RPG setting - boy lives in machine-less environment, has friends in small town, and wields sword. However, after a few early turns of events, he is whisked away to an environment similar, yet very different to his own (400 years in the past). What starts out as a "boy meets girl. boy goes back in time. boy saves girl." story soon evolves into much more, as they realize that their fantastical romp was merely the beginning. Now, instead of saving the cutie, the boy is forced to save the world. He isn't doing it on his own, however - he has friends to help him from all over the time-stream. A cave-woman, a malfunctioning robot, and even an old nemesis aid our hero as they fight the greatest battle of all times.

The graphics, with character design by manga/anime favorite Akira Toriyama (think Dr. Slump,SandLand, or the over-marketed DragonBall), are nice in this era, and were on the higher end of 2-D in 1995. From the evil Magus to the almost-too-cute-to-kill Imps that run rampant, the graphics echo the game's varied personality. Perhaps my favorite part of the game was its music. Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, it is perhaps one of the most memorable game soundtracks ever. I often find myself singing themes from the game in my head (or out loud), although I haven't played it or listened to the soundtrack for at least two years. The sound effects are appropriate, nothing too great, but nothing too disgusting either.

The game has more replay value than a Free-Play DDR machine. Unlike all RPGs before it, where once you beat the game, the only option was to start over. Not so here. Instead, the "New Game+" option was invented. You start the game over, but every character's stats are as you had them at the end of the game. Instead of having difficulty destroying two Imps, you slaughter much of the enemies with the single goal of seeing more of the story. There is a new portal that lets you face the final boss at any point in the game, and at different points will get you different endings, from the plot-heavy to the hilarious. I have personally gotten all but two, and have loved all of them. There are also a plethora of side-quests once you are halfway through the game. After a certain point, you can go straight after the final boss, or you can do a side-quest involving each character. These can be simple tasks or heated battles. The option for all of them makes the game very appealing.

That was a lot of review, and most mindless rambling. I hope you can see that, if you can find a copy, this game is truly great. It is a title that you actually enjoy playing, and enjoy becoming a part of (my personal opinion - the reason Crono has no personality is because the designers want you - yes, you the gamer - to put yourself in his shoes, truly live the adventure). Greatest game ever? Maybe, maybe not. However, it is a darn good candidate.

100/100 A+ Game!

Afterthought - if you are getting this game, I would recommend the SNES version. The PSX edition's load times are tiring (before every battle, a 5-6 second load), and you can get the extra FMV's off the 'Net. Besides, why own a copy when you can get the original?
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Still my favorite time traveling game
Aaron137513 October 2008
When I first put in the cartridge for this game and powered on my Super Nintendo I knew I was in for a great game as the music started playing and you got to see many of the adventures you would soon be having. Sure enough, this game had me hooked and I enjoyed every minute of it. I wish I still had my cartridge of this game; however, I lent it to someone who failed to return it so now I am really hesitant to lend anything to anyone and I am stuck having to revisit this fine game on the Playstation on a two disc set called, "Final Fantasy: Chronicles". Strange inclusion as this game is not a Final Fantasy game, just made by the same company. The game still holds up rather well, a few things surprised me on my latest play through of the game and I am sure some of my disappointment came from being stuck playing this on the Playstation rather than the Super Nintendo. However, the graphics still look good, sure they are not super realistic by today's standards, but they still have a charm to them. Games back before the high resolution graphics of today were almost more of an art form while today it is more like a movie. The music is great in it too, even by today's standards as too many games these days seem to simply use popular music or simply have virtually none.

The story has a young man named Crono going to the town he lives in, Millennial Fair. It is there he is joined by Marla, a young woman that seems to be hiding something. They partake in some of the festivities before going to see a friend of Crono's, Lucca's latest invention. A couple of pods that one can teleport from one to the other in. Well, Marla volunteers, but something goes wrong and she vanishes. Crono follows her and soon finds himself back in the same area, only it is in the past! Soon he, Marla and Lucca will be joined by a knight frog, a prehistoric woman named Ayala and a robot from the future called Robo. You can also be joined by a foe turned somewhat friend, but he is purely optional. Together, they try to find a way to destroy a strange being called Lavos as it will emerge at some point in the future and spell disaster for mankind! Along the way they will also have to help the people in the future survive, defeat a magician and ensure a kingdom's survival, help the humans of the past battle dinosaurs and figure out the mysteries of a strange kingdom in the sky!

Amazing game as it does some things differently than a lot of role playing games of the era. No random encounters where you are walking and you hit an invisible enemy. Here you see them, though some do pop out of nowhere. The towns are on the map and you do not enter an entire town, but houses in it. Basically, what you see is what you get as far as towns. The game also featured multiple endings. Which is good, because the game is on the short side. One of the things that surprised me on this play through was how short it was. I was at like 14 hours and I had already completed the bulk of the game and only a few of the side quests remained. Had it won in just over 20 hours. Final Fantasy VI takes nearly 30 and even part IV, while not long, lasted longer than this one. My main complaint this time has little to do with the actual game itself, but rather the format I was playing it on, the Playstation. I am not sure how they transferred this game, but it just doesn't work well as there is a lag, especially when you encounter enemies as it takes a minute for the battle to begin. Made it almost a chore at times getting through it. So, definitely play it on a cartridge! Or may the DS version as I would think it would not have this problem either. The only thing I will say is that they incorporated the extra cinematic cut scenes in this one better than FF IV, V and VI, but it really adds nothing to the game and I would just assume play it without them on the Super Nintendo so the battles more quickly.

So yes, after all these years this is still my favorite time travel video game. It sure was not going to be Final Fantasy XIII-2. There haven't been too many time traveling games I have played though, but still this one is the best, even beating Ocarina of Time as the time traveling here just offers more variety. You get five different eras that you can explore and there are two other eras present as well. One a staging area known as the end of time and one where Lavos emerges. The characters in this game are fun, the game is fun, pretty much everything about this game is fun. It would spawn a sequel on the Super Nintendo called either Radical Dreamers or Rainbow Dreamers; however, it was never released in the U.S. I've tried downloading it to no avail, all that will play is like a title screen on any version I download of it. Then there is Chrono Cross which was for the Playstation and has wonderful music, but the story is a bit muddled and there are a few too many characters in it. One of the reasons I want to play the Super Nintendo sequel is that I would like to see if it clears up a few of the plot holes in Cross. So, despite not having a super awesome sequel, Chrono Trigger itself is at least an awesome time traveling epic game!
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The Best RPG available on the SNES
The_Light_Triton28 October 2012
By 1995, the 16 bit wars were long over with Nintendo coming out on top the winner. The reason for this was their ability to give gamers an experience that they could never forget. Sega was making RPGs too, but While sega concentrated on just the action, Nintendo concentrated on everything - Music, Story, Art, action, and most of all, Fun. that's the main reason Chrono trigger, has so much staying power. Even years later, gamers young and old have extended conversations about it.

My experience with Chrono Trigger dates back to September of this year. I walked into a thrift store and just happened to come across a complete copy on display (Box, Cart, Manual, maps, even the original receipt from 1995) and only for 4$. If only they knew what they had. A typical copy of Chrono Trigger goes for nearly 100$ on the internet, and a complete copy can go for even more. So I bought it, and i was going to play it on a SNES i had recently Acquired that i was going to donate to the church. I started playing the game, and got sucked in so quickly it wasn't funny. for a good week & a half, i spent hours just going through the game, with the help of a walkthrough, i eventually got to the end.

In Chrono trigger, you play as Crono, a young man who lives in the peaceful kingdom of guardia, along with your best friend, a young lady named Lucca. This year, lucca has spent countless days building a machine that can teleport things and people. She's showcasing it at the local fair. so what begins as a day at the fair turns into an adventure that will take you hours to finish, but every minute is worth it.

Folks, Go download this on VC for 800 Nintendo points, or download the PS version with cutscenes on Playstation network for $9.99.
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Best video game ever created
StoryCharts19 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Chrono Trigger is the best video game ever created. In 1995, confined by a 16-bit video game system with only 128KB of RAM (the Super Nintendo), the game brought an amazing time-travelling story to life that somehow was enhanced by the limitations of the pixel graphics that allowed our imagination to fill in the full picture of the story.

Chrono Trigger deals with the inherent difficulty of making the trade- off between game-play and story. Basically, that open-world exploration of game play can sap the momentum of the main thrust of the story:

Chrono Trigger deals with this by having a pretty linear storyline for the first two acts. The key turning points of the story in these two acts are directly entwined with the game-play. And what an amazing two acts: the heroes travel back and forward in time as the true enemy is gradually revealed. The second act ends with the world being destroyed and the hero dead.

The open-world nature of the game only opens up at that point, where free form explorations fill in back stories and complete the key love and redemption subplots: the hero is brought back to life and frog finds redemption. Then the party powers up through these side quests before the final confrontation.

The story is tight, the 16-bit graphics allow our imagination to fill in where the 16-bit graphics can only provide outlines of the crazy epochs we visit (including an amazing world in the sky in 12,000 B.C.), and the musical score is absolutely out of this world (Frog's redemption theme is especially moving). Throw in a few flash forwards and crazy dream sequences that tug at the themes of the story and you have a truly unique cathartic experience.

My Story Chart of Chrono Trigger is at
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The greatest JRPG ever?
MissSimonetta6 June 2014
Maybe Chrono Trigger is the greatest video game ever. Never have strong story and strong game play been so well matched.

The game play is great, classic stuff. The many side quests and endings make CT replayable.

The story is one of the best ever put in a game. It goes beyond being a cute yarn about time travel: it's ultimately life-affirming and beautiful, with memorable characters that struggle with identity, loss, and relationships. It's haunting.

The graphics are excellent for the time. The soundtrack is beautiful; it amazes me how much video game composers could get so much out of such limited sound technology back in the 16-bit days.

Overall, this is a classic. Not to be missed by those who call themselves JRPG fans.
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The best fantasy RPG of its time
veltle_l15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Although Chrono Trigger is, from a video game perspective, ancient, it still retains its charm for a modern RPG-gamer. Why? The list is long, for one thing, it has rid itself of many common problems in other RPGs, for example are the characters original, not suffering from the classical Mary Sue-complex many other RPGs struggle with. Also the combat system is nice, again different in a good way. The game is in addition amazingly non-linear, considering when it was made. The thirteen different endings gives the game a certain extra replay value. Speaking of which, the game also gains some replay value by the interesting character gallery alone, from the primitive Ayla to via the chivalrous Frog to the futuristic Robo, these characters interact in a manner that pulls you into the game with them, and the standard ending, which probably is the first ending you will see, will make you sad, or sad-ish.
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The Best Video Game of All Time
buffy-5829 December 2000
You can't get a hold of this game anymore. Not new, anyway. Last month on Ebay a copy in the shrinkwrap went for $300 plus. & you know why? Because this game is fantastic! You go on an epic adventure through time to save the world & fix up a few other problems here & there. You get to control 7 unique characters, & you fall absolutely in love with all of them! This game is full of mysteries and adventures and quests that will leave you entertained and wanting more. It's a masterpeice! Do whatever you can to get a hold of this game!
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This is the best game mankind has ever crafted!
powerdude1 October 2000
Many of you think Final fantasy VI was the best rpg ever crafted, but you're wrong. Unlike FF6,Chrono Trigger is not a chore to play again since it's story, character development, and action move at a very high Pace! The only that Chrono Trigger suffers in is lack of characters, Otherwise it's the best game ever.

P.S CT is very hard to find if you do find it,buy it you won't regret it!
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Closest thing to perfection
Elijya24 April 2002
To be honest, this game has a certain element sometimes used in RPGs that I downright loathe: and that is that the main character does not talk, so he has no personality (I assume this is done so you can imagine YOU are the character, but I don't go for that at all). Additionally, you don't feel as much for the supporting cast as you would in, say, a Final Fantasy. But all of this aside, the rest of the game is stunning. The game is extremely large, with many subplots, yet it somehow still remains easy to follow.

The battle system is great, not as free-flowingly fun as perhaps a zelda game, but much less tedious and repetitive than FF's battles can be. The Battles also stay fresh with unique backgrounds, sometimes even at different angles. The battle system is simple, but not dull. The combo attacks add flair and do not require an exhaustive amount of brainwork to understand. Except for the odd looking caricature that represents you on the world map, the games graphics are fun and beautiful (Akira Toriyama, of Dragonball fame, did the character design). Taking all of the games amazing elements into consideration, it's hard to believe this was a Super Nintendo game. A must play.
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plok25330 June 2000
This may be a hard to find game for the Super Nintendo, but it's a great one. Crono is a boy who meets a peculiar girl in the Millenial Fair, and the two of them go to see his friend Lucca's new invention that's being shown off at the fair. However, something goes terribly wrong, and the girl he meets (Marle,) gets transported back into 600AD. Crono goes into the transport as well to save her. After Crono has been transported, Lucca also transport back into 600AD to help Crono, and to tell him that Marle is the princess of the nearby castle of their village! Once they save her, Marle asks Crono to escort her home. When they come to the castle Marle lives in, the people accuse Crono of kidnapping her, and bring him to trial. He is put into jail for a couple of days, and will be executed afterwords. Lucca comes in to help Crono again, and the two of them escape into the nearby forest, with Marle joining them as well. While running away from the guards and Chancellor, they find another transport, this one taking them into 2300AD. They find the world to be very dark and depressing. It seems as if technology and monsters have overtaken man. While further exploring the area, they find a computer that shows them how the earth had been attacked by a monster named Lavos in 1999, which left it in its sorry state. Devastated, Marle, Lucca, and Crono swear that they will not let this happen to the world, no matter what it takes. Their heroic quest takes them to many different areas of time, including the End of Time. They meet many new friends to help them along the way, including Robo, Frog, Ayla, and the dark magician and former enemy Magus. They also help out many generations of people along the way, all in order to stop the evil that has corrupted the world since the dawn of time. This is one of the best video games ever made, and you should really give it a try.
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The Best RPG for the SNES and my personal favorite game ever
king_arbok12 December 2000
Chrono Trigger for the SNES is nothing short of breathtaking, especially for the year it was made. This game will eat up countless hours of time, as the player fights the master enemy, Lavos, to prevent him from destroying the planet. You travel through six time periods, each with its own unique characters and environment. The plot keeps you involved the whole way, as Chrono, the hero, meets up with Marle, Lucca, Robo, Glenn, Ayla, and my personal favorite, Magus. The graphics are clean and are actually very good for a SNES RPG. The games strongest point is probably its outstanding music, which ties together all of the games strengths to make a very powerful and long-lasting game experience. You must play this game, even if you don't want to buy it.
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The Best Game
zeal_prophet19 December 2000
I just like to say that this is the best game ever created. Even though it was made for the Super Nintendo, it still is the best amongst the other titles of Playstation and such. I love this game completely. If you haven't played it, you're missing on the best game of all time. It's too good to describe in words - Go and play this awesome, fantastic game.
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