Tenchi Forever!: The Movie (1999) Poster

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Not like other Tenchi films
JG200119 June 2000
The various Tenchi Muyo series have always been known for their screwball comedy. The other Tenchi movies have also been a source of comedy, but mixed a good bit of drama in as well. This particular Tenchi film is incredibly dramatic, centering on Ryoko and Ayeka's love for Tenchi. While this is a good movie, the film is unfortunately underrated for the lack of comedy, which while unfair, shouldn't be totally unexpected. The film is very good and should not be judged on the basis of the shows that came before it.
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Tenchi Forever!
IrisNo117 January 2001
Tenchi takes a walk in the mountains after Ayeka and Ryoko get into a bitter fight. Mysteriously, however, he all of the sudden disappears. After months of searching everywhere for Tenchi, Ayeka and Ryoko come to Tokyo, and spot him. Only he's older, he has no idea who Ayeka and Ryoko are, and he is with another girl - her name is Haruna. Haruna has provide a soft, comforting, and loving home for Tenchi, yet it distracts him from his memory, which irritates Ayeka, Ryoko, and his friends. Yet Haruna has a mysterious past connection with Tenchi's grandfather, Katsuhito. And what does she want with Tenchi? With the help of scientific genius, Washu, Galaxy Policewomen, Kiyone and Mihoshi, Juri's younger princess, Sasami, and Tenchi's own grandfather, Ryoko and Ayeka must rescue Tenchi from Haruna's manipulative and evil grip before they lose him forever!

Overall, this movie is a far cry from the television series I watch. Not only is it more serious than the television series, but also it includes what America doesn't let you watch - full frontal nudity, sexual situations, etc. etc. Also, Ryoko and Ayeka are actually getting along instead of fighting like they always do in the show, and Mihoshi, the airhead, wasn't being much of a ditz - well, except for one part when she yelled out how realistic the fake Science Academy ID car was! :)

Yet the movie also features different information than the tv series. For ONE, since each Jurian has a tree, like Haruna's Camelia tree, how come Jurian princesses, Ayeka and Sasami, don't have their own trees?

Besides that, I thought the movie was quite good, even though Haruna is the most ANNOYING character in the whole film, especially when Ryoko was trying to get Tenchi back and speaking for Tenchi, instead of letting him speak for himself. She perhaps is even more agrivating than Sakuya (from "Tenchi In Tokyo")! :P Besides the fact how annoying Haruna was, this was a great movie - a must have for all "Tenchi" fans!!! :)
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Say it isn't so!!
GreyFox3722 February 2001
ok, overall, they give this one an 8, but the first one a 7.4??? what the hell's up with that?? this is a very depressing movie. the love triangle between aeka, ryoko, and tenchi is, well, not as strong as it is with the other series and movies, the character development was good, but it didn't make up for the aeka, ryoko domination in the movie. geez, this is so disappointing and this is the last we will see of tenchi!!! can things get worse??
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Not like the Tenchi series, and not based on the OVA, but without a doubt excellent!
au_law200123 December 2004
Now, I've been hearing a lot of negative reception about this movie. That it is not Tenchi or the animation is horrible, but here's what I've got to say. Well, those who say that are half right, this lacks everything the Tenchi series is, the comedy. And the animation does look worse than Tenchi In Tokyo, but it does have the characters, and the love story thing in it. And it has more background about Yosho and his history, before coming to Earth, and has a great soundtrack and musical score from Saitou Tsuneyoshi. And it is more of a romance and drama than a comedy, that is probably what turned off those Tenchi fans. But overall, it is very touching and it shows another side of Tenchi, his true feelings, and a side of Ryoko and Ayeka I've never seen before that made me feel a bit warm on the inside, but I still want to see more of their bickering and fighting over Tenchi! And the ending was just beautiful, and the music fits it perfectly. I recommend it to Tenchi fans interested in seeing something different in Tenchi. Oh, and don't think this is the end of Tenchi, because it isn't!
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andrewc-628 June 2000
An achingly beautiful work, the perfect end to the Tenchi series. It got mixed reviews in the US it looks like, and it is in fact a lot different than the series, but it's still an incredible work. If you watched Tenchi more for the humor and the action, you might want to pass on it. If you watched it for the characters and interactions between them, however, you'll probably enjoy Tenchi Forever a lot more. The last few scenes are especially poignant; I'm a (supposedly) tough New York cynic-type of person, but I had tears in my eyes as the ending credits rolled by.
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A movie that will leave you something to think about after...
yy1510 June 2000
Tenchi the Movie 3 is very different from the previous two. The story takes on a more serious role. It's mainly a love story. Action fans will be quite disappointed since the producers concentrated on character interaction this time. I missed the action part of the other Tenchi series/movie, but this one is quite touching. After I watch it, i love and hate most of the main characters, especially the woman who abducted Tenchi (the main male character). She has a tragic story behind her evil plan. I felt sorry for her. Although the atmosphere of the movie is pretty low key. I would still give it an above average rating for it's spiritual side. By the way, this is possibly the last Tenchi Movie, so it's good to know the conclusion. :)
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The best thing to ever have TENCHI written on it!
ryokomasaki1077 September 2000
Tenchi Forever! is perhaps the best thing that ever had Tenchi's name on it. For once, the entire Tenchi crew is taken on a trip that explore their emotions and feelings. There is no action, no fighting, and its light on humor, but its supposed to be that way. That's what makes this movie unique from the others. Ryoko and Aeka are forced to work together and Tenchi is finally pushed toward choosing between them. This movie makes me cry every time I see it. The animation is beautiful, although you do find yourself wishing for a glimpse of the Tenchi Muyo! TV series animation, but this is great in its own right. I perfectly wonderful movie. 10 out of 10. Its just great.
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Its been a long time
Hammy_the_squirrel30 March 2007
Truly, it has been a long time since i've seen any part of the tenchi series. For me, it was a personal experience visiting old memories and all that. I haven't seen the show, so this new impression of Tenchi was one that i didn't mind, but i was expecting this. Watching this movie, i realized that you didn't really have to know what happened, Only that the art of this movie is really something. It is a movie that i see as beautiful and amazing. You have to try not to think tenchi when you see it, but it is a movie for any film admirer to see. Slim dialogue, but the music, the images, and the emotion are capturing for anybody. I recommend that you see it, although, as mentioned, it may not be what is expected.
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Combination of the first two movies
Zander-412 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
"Tenchi Muyo In Love 2" is the third Tenchi movie. It seemed that its creators took elements from the first two to make this one. At the risk of giving out spoilers, Tenchi is kidnapped and the team has to get him back. Nothing new there. A past love of Yosho's is the bad guy. That was done in the second movie. The battle between Aeka and Ryoko and is starting to get boring. The movie has almost no action scenes in it and very little comedy. I personally don't know what AIC, it's makers, were thinking. I gave this movie a vote of 4.
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Wonderful new look
Zrana27 September 1999
I saw the movie at Anime Expo in raw japanese one night, and with subtitles the second time. (believe me it made more since with subtitles, though I understood most of the movie without them regardless of my lack of Japanese language knowledge).

The movie opens with Ayeka and Ryoko fighting while raking. Their fight turns to Tenchi who is told to make a decision between the too. With the "Look, isn't that the good year blimp?" type of deal, Tenchi escapes and runs off to the woods. There a woman's voice beckons him to come to her, and he disappears into a tree (like the one's on Jurai).

Tenchi gone, the group breaks up, Washu to some laboratory to investigate through science, Mihoshi and Kiyone to break into some galaxy science university database and to run other errands for Washu, Sasami back to Jurai, and Ryoko and Ayeka into the city to search for Tenchi, their feud put aside.

That's when they find him, living in the "dream world" constructed by Haruna, a woman from Tenchi's Grandfather's past. Haruna has it so Tenchi doesn't remember the space pirate and princess, and they can't even make themselves heard to him or touch him. The battle is on with Washu's science, information gathered from Sasami and Yosho, and Ayeka's and Ryoko's love for Tenchi. They will get him back, and as they get closer to getting in to the dream world, Haruna has to start over remaking Tenchi's memories (kinda reminds me of Groundhog's Day in a way).

This is a drama folks, but the characters aren't that different--Mihoshi almost loses our galaxy polices cover, Washu's gadgets make us laugh, Ryoko and Ayeka argue about who's more beatuiful as they shout "BAKA!!" at the missing Tenchi. New character design--how these people would look if they were real. And the music is BEAUTIFUL. I NEED the lyrics to the song from the end credits! *fakes it and sings* "Song for me FORever! suki atta somethingsomethingsoomething I'll miss you ALways! ... "*trails off* I love that song, I may sing it at AX2000 for Karaoke...
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The most touching, emotional and beautiful piece of animation I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
Gav_tH12 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
And I'll stand by that to the death. For not only does it result in the culmination of several years of character development (Universe continuity), it ends this continuity in the most fascinating way possible. This movie works on so many levels that I find it virtually impossible to see anyone who cares in the least about these characters not being moved by this movie.

To some people, this wont be flawless. Many might bicker over the absence of their favourite characters and how they are reduced to cameos (Kiyone, Mihoshi, Ryo Ohki, and Noboyuki are completely overlooked - and arguably wasted - in their "roles"), but for me Tenchi Forever succeeds by using it's cast appropriately. It doesn't pull out any contrived sub-plots to keep the other characters have equal screen-time - instead, it focuses on the central cast, keeping the background characters around but never overshadowing the main cast. This time, not only are we given a fascinating insight into Noboyuki/Yosho, we finally have the culmination of the Ryoko/Ayeka/Tenchi triangle which has been such a highlight of the series. Ryoko and Ayeka are portrayed so beautifully and endearingly here that it is impossible not to pity them - when Ayeka breaks down in a toilet halfway through the movie, it's quite possibly the most moving moment in all of Tenchi's long history. The chemistry between the two not only demonstrates their subtle, underlying love for each other as friends, but also their mutual respect and understanding - their need to comfort each other during such a crisis. This is such a moving portrayal that it is impossible to fault. Tenchi is wonderfully portrayed in his most interesting predicament yet - for the first time, he is no longer the flawless hero of the OVA, but a deeply flawed individual who loves Haruna but is frustrated to the point of snapping and almost mentally breaking down.

And unusually, considering Sakuya's detestable appearance in Tenchi in Tokyo, the new character of Haruna is a beautifully written, sympathetic girl who has collapsed to the brink of her sanity and is clinging to her last hope of happiness - despite knowing she will ultimately die because of it. Not only is her character strongly written, she meshes brilliantly with the existing cast, and instead of hating her for her abuse of the characters, she comes across as a truly sympathetic individual and it is hard not to feel moved by her desperation.

The sex scenes were a concern for me - but in actuality they serve the characters immensely, being tender and emotional. The characters of Tenchi and Haruna are beautifully portrayed in these scenes, and Haruna's need for Tenchi is portrayed all the more convincingly. The slow build of these moments is one of the film's strongest areas, and the chemistry between Tenchi and Haruna is flawlessly revealed.

In a word, this movie is beautiful. There may be insignificant flaws - the animation is in the jarring Tenchi in Tokyo style, which is somewhat less fulfilling to the traditional style, and the pacing is occasionally awkward - characters can disappear for long stretches, with tender scenes involving slow build of emotion being followed without any change in tone by a jarringly light scene, but this is all irrelevant. These flaws should be overlooked, because they in no way affect the emotional impact of the finished production, which is as close to perfection as I can conceive Tenchi ever being with it's multi-genre structure. Unbelievably for the continuity often regarded as the least emotional, it blows the OVA right out of the water, and never even attempts action or spaceship sequences - instead, it only focuses on the core cast members. Fans who only like the series for those sci-fi and comedy moments will be deeply disappointed, but for those of us fortunate enough to have fallen in love with these characters, this movie is quite possibly the best thing we will ever see, and for us, it is the strongest representation Tenchi has ever had. It's majestic, beautiful, and the best experience in anime I have ever had.

This wont satisfy everyone, but it will satisfy the people who care and love the characters. For them, this movie will be perfect. To me, this is without question the perfect ending for Tenchi Universe.
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Hamlet235 October 1999
I was personally attached to the Tenchi Muyo! series more than any other television show I've ever seen. The characters, personality-wise, really reminded me of my friends, so it was like I knew them. I suppose that makes me biased. To indicate how biased I am (for the sake of the reader), I will tell you that I cried my eyes out over the credits at the thought that the series was truly over. But back to the critical side of things. I gave this movie a 9. I liked the animation in Tenchi Muyo! in Love 1 the best, and this one was drawn more like the Shin-Tenchi series. It was still beautiful animation, with flowers again being the dominant symbols. The only real differences occurred when the characters were seen up close. That's about all I can say negatively about the movie. On the positive side: I'm a huge Ryoko fan, and this was her movie, so I really liked that. She catches a lot of heat because of her bad points throughout the series, and I liked seeing her determination and her love for Tenchi show through. (For more of that, see Universe episode Number 24, "No Need for Ryoko. Also one of my faves.) I was very sad to hear that this was the last Tenchi movie; in a way, I almost didn't want to see it. But it certainly didn't ruin my memories of the series -- though I doubt that would have been possible. I really think the first movie was the best of the lot, but it wasn't by much, and so I gave this one an equal rating. Thanks for the memories, gang!
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Best Tenchi Movie by far
gwaernardel27 June 2002
This was by far the most beautiful of the Tenchi movies, but for some reason it got a lot of bad reviews over here. This makes me sad since this movie affected me emotionally more than any other Tenchi episode or movie ever has. I think this has to do with the fact that I'm a Ryoko fan though. If you're more on Ayeka's side and like seeing her a lot, then you'll probably be disappointed by this movie. But, if you're like me, then you will appreciate this movie very much. You get to watch Tenchi as he grows and matures. You see Yosho (always one of my favorite characters) and much more of his backstory. You see the true depths of Ryoko's love for Tenchi. You get to see Mihoshi and Kiyone actually doing more than fighting with each other in the background. And you get to see more of Ryoko's midriff than she usually shows. And of course, there's the ending. Like I said, if you're really rooting for Ayeka here, you may not like it. But for everyone else, it's perfect. Much more based on Tenchi Universe than the other two.
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Understandable why some Tenchi fans don't care for this, but...
lordkinbote7 August 2002
I really like this movie. I had mixed views about it when I first watched it because it was so different than what I was used to. But, I just recently watched it again (over a year after I first watched it) and I REALLY got into. I'm a huge Ryoko fan so it really is her movie and, from my point of view, it was a great way to end the series. Someone commented about how Mihoshi wasn't very ditzy in this, but I was never a big fan of the ditzy Mihoshi. I was totally with Kiyone on this one and found her EXTREMELY annoying. I don't know why they made her that unbearable after the first series. She was pretty cool in the first series. A bit spacy but still capable. They sort of combined her and Kiyone for that one because she has a reputation as a very good Galaxy Police officer (solves more cases than most officers), yet she tends to cause a lot of havoc where she goes so her career has slid because of it. This I liked 'cause she was a bit more complex. All the other versions of her later made me wanna strangle her. But, I digress. I really liked this movie especially upon a second viewing. I like the first movie best and this one a close second. Didn't care that much for the second movie. As the series go, I like the first one the best (I'm rewatching it now). It had the best animation and the much less annoying Mihoshi. The second series, Tenchi Universe, is my second favorite. I wasn't sure about it when it first started 'cause I was confused about why the relationships were different. Once I got used to that, and especially when they got to the Time and Space Adventures, I REALLY got into it and found that pretty funny. A friend of mine, when I explained the series to him, described it as kind of an anime Blackadder because the characters are the same but the settings change for different series. Interesting idea. Tenchi in Tokyo was my least favorite of the three but I still liked it. There were some things, like the girl in Tokyo, that kinda creeped me out though. I have to say, in closing, that this movie moved me emotionally which is something this series hasn't really tried to do before and, to me, they did it very well...if you're a Ryoko fan. If, like one person said earlier, the fight between Ayeka and Ryoko is getting old for you, this is also a good movie 'cause they work together and you see how they respect one another. They're both more mature.

P.S. While not many people mention her, I'm going to, Washu is my second favorite character. "WASHU! YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!" She has some of the best lines.
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It's good, but not what many Tenchi Muyo fans would expect.
JG200123 January 2000
Tenchi Forever is a great film. It has quite a bit of drama, action, and some of the humor that the Tenchi Muyo series is known for. The English Dubbed version is top notch, as is everything else Pioneer releases. The plot flows smoothly, though it can be slow at times. The problem I had with the movie at first is that it's not anything a Tenchi Muyo fan would expect. There isn't nearly the same amount of humor in this film than there is in the series or other movies, which may turn some fans off. As a matter of fact, the same plot could probably have been done without the use of the Tenchi Muyo characters, but I digress. It's a fine film, and a good Tenchi film, but not the best of the series.
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Tenchi is taken to a dream world
silvourbolt21 April 2000
This is the last Tenchi movie produced, and could well be the last Tenchi Muyo! anime ever. And thankfully, it leaves one satisfied. This movie is far different from the other two, with Tenchi dissapearing for six months and his family searching for him only to find he has been taken into a dream world by a mysterious girl named Haruna. This movie is a lot of fun, with great music and animation. It may have split the Tenchi fans in half, but for me at least this was a great entry in the series.

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Good movie, but definitely NOT Tenchi...
alexolah26 February 2002
OK, to be perfectly honest, I liked this movie. However, it is a real disappointment for the overall Tenchi Muyo! series. There is nothing particularly funny happening throughout the bulk of the film, and is more of a supernatural mystery than a comedic sci-fi film like the first two. It's really an awkward drama using the same characters from Tenchi, however, they really don't do anything funny at all. Overall, I'd say a 7 for my disappointment, but a 9 if it were its own movie, and not a Tenchi Muyo movie.
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An interesting love story...
GasperSK6 April 2001
As somewhat of a romantic at heart, I must say I enjoyed Tenchi Forever. Driven away after a fight between Ayeka and Ryoko, Tenchi is lost to his family and friends for over six months. In the teeming metropolis though, he is spotted by Ryoko and Ayeka again and again. It seems that a lover from Yosho's past won't stay dead, and thus begins an adventure of which we as the viewing audience won't ever forget. Though it does have a lack of action, and does take a little from the First film, it really is in a class of its own.

If you are a serious Tenchi fan, then I would definately recommend this to you. With a riveting plot, memorable scenes, and a wonderful ending (the credits are something you DON'T want to miss), it has become one of the best stories in the Tenchi Universe. That is, it has for this viewer.
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