Depth Charge (1960) Poster


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Depth Charge - Obscure LITTLE Film is BIG on Firsts
krocheav4 September 2012
This very moderate little supporting feature may interest those who follow career paths. It was the film that started the careers of several film makers. Its major asset has got to be a fine Music Score by first time film composer Stephen Dodgson (it also seems to represent his only film score?)

Very little information can be found for this rare composer whose music serves to give this film a look, and sound, far above its meager budget. His rather lush Main Title Theme paints a descriptive seascape, playing over the shot of a Trawler setting seaward.

The arrangements feature a large orchestra of Bass Cellos, Violins, and Oboe ~ conducted by the prolific Muir Mathieson (himself known to have written scores for film) Apart from having been a guest on the BBCs "Face the Music" series in 1975, info for Mr Dodgson's film work seems scant. I for one would like to know/hear more of this apparently talented mans work ~ anyone with more to tell us...?

The film also marked the first Directorial and Co-Writing effort for Jeremy Summers who went on to Direct several features and numerous popular TV series including: The Bill - The Saint - Danger Man - Riptide - All Creatures Great and Small - Coronation Street, Etc.....

It was another first for the Producer: James Mellor, who then concentrated on an Acting career in Features and TV series. His cinema work included: The Oblong Box - Marat Sade, etc. With TV appearances in Z Cars - Softly Softly - Oneden Line - Dr Who, etc.

Yet another first for the Associate Producer and Co Writer: Kenneth Talbot. Talbot became a highly esteemed Cinematographer known for the outdoor epic: Born Free. Other features being: Doomwatch - Hands of the Ripper - along with TVs Tarzan, etc.

In the Acting field, it was the first Feature for two of its stars: J. Mark Roberts, who's also known for TV work; Dr. Finlay's Casebook - etc. The second Actor Alex Allen (also appears to have been his last...?) Other cast members included veteran performer: Alex McCrindle who made appearances in: Eye of the Needle, and Star Wars Ep 1V 'A New Hope' etc. It marked the 3rd film for David Orr who had roles in 'The Night My Number Came Up' and TVs Dr. Finlays Casebook ~ among others.

Depth Charge is almost never screened on TV. On one occasion it was programmed for a Midnight to Dawn slot on Australian TV but was substituted at the last minute (no explanation given) OK, it's not a world beater, but being based on a factual incident, it would be good to re-visit. It's an easy fill-in at 55mins, even if just to hear that beautiful (well above its station) Main Theme once more. Anyone?
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