Silent Hill (Video Game 1999) Poster

(1999 Video Game)

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Every town has its secrets, some are just darker than others...
kevin8617 June 2002
Silent Hill is by far the creepiest and most disturbing video game ever to grace a gaming consol. Taking you deep into the abandoned Town, the game uses amazing lighting effects and frightening sounds to play on the gamers nerve. Whether it be a sudden crashing noise, the quiet eerie sound of static, the ring of sirens, or the simple sounds of a creaking old house, Silent hill manages to find any way possible to scare the gamer... and it does it in a big way.

The story follows Harry Mason as he is driving to the resort town of Silent Hill with his daughter Cheryl for vacation. Late during a mysterious woman jumps out in front of the car, causing Harry to panic and veer offroad. His car slams into the side of a big tree, knocking him out in the process. When Harry awakens a thick fog lingers about him and his daughter Cheryl is missing. Scared and confused he stumbles about, entering the town of Silent Hill.

Everything about his game is brilliant. Instead of being a typical zombie blasting, monster smashing horror game, Silent Hill focuses on the little, more disturbing things. Take for example the most simplistic chill of the game. Harry is standing in the derelict school when a toy phone rings, picking it up he hears his daughter Cheryl crying and pleading to him on the other end of the phone. While it may sound dumb in writting, when actually viewing the sequence, you cant help but shudder at the thought of what may be happening to her. In your explorations you will come across six key lcations: the School, the Hospital, the Church, the Docks, the Amusement Park, and the Sewers, all of which have their own horrifing secrets. I myself got most creeped out in the Sewers. Imagine yourself trudging through a disgusting tunnels in pure darkness, when all around you hear is gurgling noise of a creature and your own heartbeat. And at any moment it may attack you. But from where? You can barely see anything. Belive me when I say I nearly jumped out of my skin every time a creature jumped out or sewer grating dropped out from beneath my feet.

If your looking for a REALLY good scare, rent Silent Hill, turn off all the lights, and cuddle your favorite teddy bear. It is THE best survival-horror game ever. Every town has its secrets, some are just darker than others...
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Don't play it alone.
Shenzi9 May 2001
Let me get something straight: I don't get scared easily. I've played the first two Resident Evil games without breaking a sweat, I watch Hellraiser and The Exorcist alone at night and think nothing of it.

Then there was Silent Hill... This game isn't just another random bloody horror game like the RE series, it's genuinely disturbing, and let me tell you, it scared me a lot.

It begins with a typical cliche... Harry Mason is driving down a road at night with his daughter, going to visit this little out-of-the-way resort town, Silent Hill. A girl steps in front of his car, he swerves to avoid her, and ends up crashing. From here on, strange things start to happen... Harry wakes up and finds his daughter missing, and stumbling through the mist, he sees her disappearing down a dark alley... I won't say anymore, I'll let you find out what happens.

Not only is this game very dark and scary, it's disturbing at a psychological level. It doesn't use big monsters to frighten you; after playing for only a few minutes, the slightest rustle can make you flee in terror. The plot isn't thrown in your face like other games, you have to think, and you're never really told what's going on - perhaps Harry is in a coma and dreaming all this, or maybe he died and went to Hell. The air of mystery and suspense keeps you hooked until the end, and it'll keep you coming back for more.

And I'll tell you this: After playing Silent Hill, those old WW2 air-raid sirens will never sound the same again...
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Good old-fashioned horror
master_d4 July 2000
What a kicker of a game, Silent Hill takes ideas from Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, and even a little Jacob's Ladder, and runs with it, making it the most horrifying game ever released, even topping Resident Evil 1. Harry Mason, the main character, decides to take his daughter Cheryl on a vacation. Harry is a writer and has just lost his wife to an unknown disease, and decides to take a break. While driving to Silent Hill, Harry is passed by a motorcycle cop in quite a hurry. The cop looks at him, and zooms off. Harry pays no mind until he sees the motorcycle wrecked a couple miles up the road, he quickly takes his eyes off the road to check out the wreck and spots someone walking across the road. Harry slams on the brakes and ends up wrecking... He wakes up in Silent Hill, his head is bashed a little bit, but other than that he's fine, except for the fact that Cheryl is missing... The game sends you on a hellish mission to find your daughter, with the help of Cybil, the motorcycle cop. Silent Hill turns out to be a nightmare town, full of evil creatures. This game screws with your head as Harry undergoes several sequences that makes it seem like he's trapped in hell. You fight several different creatures during this period like evil devil children and hellhounds. But it's all just a dream... isn't it? The music doesn't make the playing experience any easier on you, evil and ominous industrial music adds to the tension of yours and Harry's quest. Great graphics and great music, and great gameplay. Instead of screwing with your nerves like Resident Evil does, Silent Hill screws up your brain. Is this real? What is that creature? Who do I trust? The only beefs I have with this game is that it's short, and when you find out how to solve every puzzle, you can breeze through the game when you play it a second time. In my opinion, Hollywood should quit trying to come up with the right script for Resident Evil and should put their attention into Silent Hill. It's a much smarter and much more frightening game with a better script and a better plot... what's the main plot? Beats me, there is never an exact plot to begin with...
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The most horrifying game I've ever played!
andy-22720 July 1999
Forget "Resident Evil" if you want to play a game with lots of scares. "Silent Hill" is the scariest game you will ever play! It's certainly the scariest one I've played anyway. What makes this game so terrifying is the sense of isolation and pure silence. I remember running in the streets, and the music track was purely the wind blowing. Then, the radio(which detects incoming monsters) emits a shrieking noise, letting you know somewhere near you, is a monster silently stalking you. The game is very atmospheric, with fantastic graphics that make "Resident Evil" crummy by comparison. Some of the camera angles move up in the air and then pan down again as you move, making it feel cinematic and dynamic. That kind of stuff blew me away immediately! I never completed this game, because it was too frightening for me to deal with. With some respects, video games are much more terrifying than films, because you are no longer observing. You become the characters, who are plummeted into a nightmarish hell of fear. Sure "Resident Evil" scared me when I first played it, but not like this! This was just too much! Try it out, but God knows how long you can handle it!
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Awesome, even though I don't play many video games
Agent1030 April 2002
With movie companies wanting to turn games into celluloid, why can't they do it for games that deserve such a distinction. Tomb Raider, Super Mario Brothers and what not were horrible. The industry finally got it right when they made Resident Evil. So now its time to give Silent Hill its due.

As for the game, it was one of the few that ever got my heart racing. The music added so much atmosphere to the game, and the never ending stream of bad guys made my skin crawl a few times. When I get the Playstation 2, I'm going to purchase Silent Hill 2. I highly recommend this game, and its best you get yourself the players guide.
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Scariest Game I've Ever Played!
Carrigon28 September 1999
Silent Hill is a cross between King's "The Mist" and Barker's "Hellraiser". And it makes excellent use of both. From the very first moments of the game, you are truly scared. There were so many parts where I was like, "Oh no, I don't want to go out there." There was into the foggy streets, on foot, all alone, and there are monsters out there. EEEEK! I've been into horror my whole life and this game totally freaked me out. I think the Hospital area was one of the scariest. Just wait till you have to go into the hospital basement. And you just know you have to go in the morgue, too. Really scary. This is the best horror game I have ever played. It beats Resident Evil hands down. If you love horror games, this one is the best.
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One of the best horror games of all time.
lekret-865437 April 2019
I'm going to review it on 4 different parts:

Graphics: The graphics are decent. They aren't anything special by any standards, but lighting is impressive for ps1.

Sound: Sound design is excellent, and the music is incredibly scary and intense. Constantly puts you on edge.

Gameplay: It's pretty good. You walk around dimly lit areas and fight off enemies. Very scary and lots of anticipation, since you never know their location, but you know that they are there. Truly amazing.

Innovation: This is one of the scariest and most unique games ever made, and is in the top 10 ps1 games.
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Scariest thing in the history of Media!
platinumnexus13 July 2006
Think you don't find any films or games scary any more? You fancy a scare? If the answer to both of these is yes then you definitely wanna play Silent Hill! Just a piece of advice...

Don't play it alone! The atmosphere in the game, How realistic it is, and whats happening around you all contribute to the best horror game ever, and will probably be the best for a long time to go. The closest i have gotten to being this scared was playing The Suffering on PS2, But that doesn't even touch on the effect this game has on you. You'll be walking along and you'll hear footsteps and nothings there, and it will make you freeze! I've heard many a time that the character you play is not very good at shooting, but thats whats good about it. If you just picked up a gun and aimed at something chances are you wudnt hit it! Also the locations; Hospitals, Schools, Petrol Stations, Apartments, this makes you think its even more real which is the main reason i found it scary. You definitely wont find me in a deserted school any more.

This is my personal equation for the game....

(The Suffering x 100) + The Shining = Silent Hill Seriousely the jumpiness, the atmosphere, the locations all make this the scariest game of our time and even 7 years on, the graphics are still playable... My advice is to play this game with at least 2 other people.

If you do not have the game already you will find its a very hard game to get hold of! My advice is try ebay. I got it on there for £22 yes it maybe 7 years old but for how great this game is its worth every penny! Hope you find my review useful :)
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Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
This was the game that catapulted the genre of psychological horror into the video game medium. And my, oh my, what a beginning. I can't quite give this game a 10 simply because its sequel is THE BEST survival horror game ever made, but this is definitely a near-masterpiece. The fact that they were able to pull a game like this off on the PS1 is nothing short of incredible. The graphics, gameplay, story and character development all stand out; I think what impressive me the most about this game at the time, however, was the actual environment of the town itself. We don't think anything about open areas in games these days but at the time this was really mindblowing.

If you somehow haven't played this game, do not be afraid to jump in due to its age. You'll get used to the graphics in no time at all and will find yourself sucked into the game as if it was brand new.
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Play your worst nightmare
David_Niemann18 August 2002
Harry and his daughter are going to Silent Hill for a vacation. Just

as they arrive a person walks out onto the road. Harry swerves to

miss the person and ends up crashing. When he comes to he

can't find his daughter. Was she unharmed and went to get help?

Was she dazed and walked off in any direction? Or did someone

take her? There are also very bizarre things going on in the town.

'Silent Hill' is the most frightening game I have ever played. But it

isn't the type of horror with 'monsters jumping out at you' made

famous in the also excellent 'Resident Evil' series. This game is

much more of a psychological horror game, playing games with

your mind. In a sense its a 'mind f&$%'. I found myself having to

get to the end of the game to find out what happens to Harry and

his daughter, the story line is extremely gripping and twists and

turns as the game progresses. The sound track is brilliant, it is as

if they translated fear, horror and hell into music. While 'Silent Hill'

is not 'run around and shoot everything that moves' type of game it

certainly is filled with violent and disturbing images. In a sense it's

like someone videotaped your worst nightmare and now your not

only watching but also playing. Top class horror, a must play.

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Silent Hill PS1 Game
dckapaterson6 July 2006
Well what can I say-scary. Recentely acquired this ps1 game and strategy guide book. Made the mistake of playing it late at night on my own. I think what made it worse being a mum how anxious I felt when cheryl kept disappearing into the fog, and how the game gets you really involved. Can't finish it maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but I like to be able to sleep at night!! In response to shortToOtHTOMMY

Playing on a PS2.

I'm no expert but have both PS1 and PS2 consoles and I can only save PS1 games on my PS1 on 1MB memory card.

I hope this helps, I pick most of my old games and PS1 console from car boots .
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Excellent Nightmare
yann_mitsuko1 January 2007
In 1999, i owned a very small Japanese video Club in Montreal, a lot of gamers came to my place. One day, one of them told me that i should play SILENT HILL.

I bought it and when the club closed at 11:00 p.m. I put the game in the PS, and, like i did for every movie, i closed the light... I was alone.

The Intro was outstanding and amazing. Then I started to play. After a few minutes i ended-up in a alley... I Lived the most memorable sequence played in a video game so far. When Harry Mason wakes up, i press the Start Button (Pause). I opened up the light, i was frightened and disturbed: OH! I Love that Feeling! SILENT HILL is addictive I get addicted, and like every substance, you'll experience a Excellent Bad Trip and Hellish Nightmare!

I went to the bathroom (call of nature), and after a took a glass of water, then i closed the light again... to the Otherworld...

SILENT HILL is a Masterpiece and a breakthrough not only in Horror but in the gaming world. Like ICO is to beauty and Light.

The Atmosphere is astonishing and creeps you out. The Music play with your visceral emotion with virtuosity.

The Story is very good, the characters are interesting, specially Dahlia Gilepsie. The game play and Graphics may not be the best, but sometimes, the camera movements are amazing and destabilizing. The shadow and the Fog enhance the element of Fear, you know there's something around you.

There's no problem with the Ending... And one of the many reasons SILENT HILL is a Masterpiece is because For Once, You Have to Use Your Mind...

Go and Experience it... if you Dare...

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I didn't get it
jenfromsydney27 August 2006
The movie was quite enjoyable as far as a horror movie goes but I didn't "get" it.

I only realised reading the reviews here that it was based on a video game.

The ending left me with more questions than answers.

I kinda felt like the script had been written by someone on acid as I didn't think it flowed very well and there were no explanations for why the husband was seeing a different "Silent Hill" than the wife/daughter were.

A bit more background on the town would have been nice too.

And the ending? What was with that? Was that done to leave the door open for sequel or what?
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wynni120 September 2005
The only reason I finished this game the first time is that my girlfriend kept insisting that I play it to entertain her; even with company it was too freaky for me to play for more than about an hour, and alone? Don't even think about it. The creepiness factor of this game is unbelievable: the soundtrack has only moments of music; mostly it's dominated by industrial machinery or natural wind. The monsters are seriously nightmare-based, ranging from tiny knife-wielding mutant children to nurses with parasites clinging to their backs to these horrific gorilla-like things that jump and make a guttural "Unnh" sound. I mean, it's unbelievable.

There's graphic fog all over this game, but it really adds to the atmosphere, and in all fairness, for a six-year-old PSone game it has remarkable rendering and lighting effects, and some good cutscenes. Of course, the reason to play this game is the sheer psychological terror. Somewhere in Japan, somebody said, "Let's make a video game where everything might or might not be real, where the player probably doesn't have the resources to kill all of the enemies, and where the few interactions with other characters are unnerving and leave you feeling even more lonely than before." By the time you reach the "Nowhere" section at the end of the game, I swear you will be going insane.

Suffice to say that the endings are unsatisfying, but nothing could really sum up a game like this. After playing it once or twice for real, do yourself a favor and get the procedure for the "UFO Ending"; it'll help calm your nerves and keep the whole thing in perspective.

Truly a unique game.
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One of the best games of our generation
jsiris30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I played this game waaaaaay back when it was first released, in 1999. And it still scares the crap out of me when I play it (yes I still have it, its that good). In my opinion the original Silent Hill is very underrated, so I thought I take the time to give it a truly honest review. First things first this game is not for the faint of heart. It has very graphic and disturbing scenes and themes. One of the main story points is a mother burns her daughter alive and offers her up as a sacrifice.


The story of the game is exceptionally done. The developers do a fantastic job of telling you an emotionally disturbing story without really telling you anything. A lot is left to speculation and near microscopic hints and references. And may require many years of true deciphering. I'm still debating on some of the key story points. this is one of the only games I know where the story itself adds replay value, just to fully understand it all.

Its also to me the very first game with truly mature related themes (besides the original Metal Gear for the MSX). Silent Hills story is very dark and mature. Tellings of child abuse, loss of child and exploring death itself. Silent Hill helps to blur the lines between video games and movies.


Much like the story, nothing short of brilliant. In too many horror games do we play as a cop or a government agent. In Silent Hill you play as a mere writer, with no special skills, no training only the love and determination for his child to push him forward. The game play for the original Silent Hill beat Resident Evil at that time. It had way better control, your actually able to walk and shoot at the same time, which adds more comfortable and realistic feel than Resident Evils stand in one spot and shoot routine. The puzzles were waaaaaaay more challenging than Resident Evils add this to this, combine that to make what ever.

Silent Hills puzzles actually require a lot of thought, some containing cryptic poems and riddles that require you to have a pen and pad handy to help decipher the meaning. The combat is also nicely done, though kind of clunky, key word "Kind of". Again your not playing as a soldier, just a normal guy with no combat skill. Thus the fighting feels more realistic. Theirs more movement than other SH games at that time. You can run to the side to evade attacks, walk back and shoot at the same time etc.

Theirs also a nicely done user camera which sometimes helps to get a better view of the situation but can sometimes create some minor problems as well. But never the less it helps to add a cinematic feel to the game play. This is not an action game. More tension than Resident Evil. Thus their are only 4 firearms in the game, but thats all you need. All the rest are fun to use mêlée weapons, the katana is my personal favorite weapon in the game.


The graphics are impressive to say the least, even by todays standards. The game has wonderful lighting affects, and the FMV sequences in the game are unbelievable. The fog in the game does a good job of adding to the atmosphere, and giving a feeling of isolation.


The sound is also very well done. The presence of the monsters is noted by a small radio that emits static when they are near. When far away their sounds are distant and muted, and slowly get louder has they near providing an unsettling feeling. The music also adds to the creepy factor. More post industrial noise than actual music. Their are tons of screeches and screams in the music. And also in the game itself. You'll be walking down the hallway and out from nowhere you hear the sound of a baby crying, or someone or something violently banging on the wall. Its just creepy!! Bottomline.

Silent Hill is a great achievement in video game presentation. And as I said before, the game still remains vastly underrated. I recommend this game to anyone who has seen a good horror movie and is still wanting more. If you can find it buy Silent Hill, its just that good.
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Hands down: The best Horror game of all times!
luialexandredsc12 May 2019
If you are a real fan of horror... you won't find much stuff on this level.

This game is superb. Although time hasn't acted in favor of it's graphics... and there's something weird about how dialogue is paced... or "spaced"...

Consider playing this as watching an old classic movie. Not the best in technical aspects but, if you consider the time when this was released, there's SO MANY THINGS RIGHT about this game and almost the whole franchise. Totally worth playing, or even watching.

In the end, even the graphics' limitations acted in favour.

Don't miss this game! Close your room, turn of the lights, turn up the volume (maybe use headphones if you don't have a great sound system) and forget your phone and anything else... if you have someone to watch you playing, go ahead, just make sure it's someone who respects ART, cause this is what this game is.

Try to remain SILENT while playing. This is an experience!
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The Scariest Game Ever
Yuri_Cunha14 August 2004
I've played many horror games, probably most of them... But no video game is scary like this one, Silent Hill...

The story tells about a man called Harry Mason who travels to a city called Silent Hill with his daughter Cheryl. On his way to the town, a very mysterious girl tries to cross the road, so Harry crashes his car. When he wakes up, some very dense fog has taken the entire place... His daughter isn't there with him, he's alone in something like a ghost town... Could this be... Silent Hill?

Graphics in this game aren't great, even for PSOne... Soundtrack isn't great, it's much more about the noises... But the Main Titles are a masterpiece. What makes this game so scary is the story...

Everything fits, and you feel really lost, not knowing what's going on... But you feel like it's something really big, something... wordless. There are multiple endings, but the boss itself isn't very great... But, still, this is the ultimate choice if you want to get really scared with a joystick in your hands.
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chilling to the bone
lotr_sherin_movies8 May 2006
I started playing silent hill about 4 jeers ago with a friend of mine. I had never hear of silent hill before but she told me the references where good and she said it seamed a really cool game to her. So we played it. The first silent hill we played was part 3, which I still find the best one. We played part 1 first, but we never finished it, because the graphics sucked. haha, no but the disk she had was not very good and we could not find it in any store, so. Then we played part 2 which was very cool. But I don't really think that it explains a lot about the history of silent hill. Which is not a big problem because they do this in part 3 and a bit in 4. Most of the story is about Henry himself. Weird it is. And a bit sad. After 2 we did not play silent hill for a long time. we played project zero and clock tower. Still, silent hill was always the best. Our luck could not run out when part 4 came out. really groovy. The story is even sicker than the others, but the ending is a bit vague. Why I Walter there when you killed him? A different time or reality? I don't now.

But since I played silent hill; - I hate subway stations. Never go in there. - I hate hospitals. And nurses. gross. - I am scared of people with long hair (including myself, haha) - Sometimes I get goosebumps even of looking at the TV. even when it is off.

And after playing 1, 2, 3 and part 4 we conclude; the creators of Silent Hill are crazy. And we love it.
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Excellent Trip or Bad Trip!... & Hellish Nightmare!
GOYOKINandroid18 July 2012
In 1999, i played SILENT HILL.

I putted the game in the PS, and, like i did for every movie, i closed the light... I was alone.

The Intro was outstanding and amazing. Then I started to play; after a few minutes i ended-up in a alley... I lived the most memorable sequence played in a video game so far. When Harry Mason wakes up, i pressed the Start Button (Pause). I opened up the light in my living room, i was frightened and disturbed: OOOHH! I love that feeling!!! SILENT HILL is addictive! I got addicted, and like any drugs, you'll experience a Excellent Trip or Bad Trip... & Hellish Nightmare! I went to the bathroom (call of nature); drank a glass of water; then i closed the light again... to the Otherworld...

SILENT HILL is a Masterpiece and a breakthrough not only in Horror but in the gaming world. Like ICO is to beauty and Light.

The Atmosphere is astonishing and creeps you out. The Music play with your visceral emotion with virtuosity.

The Story is very good, the characters are interesting, specially Dahlia Gilepsie. The game play and Graphics may not be the best, but sometimes, the camera movements are amazing and destabilizing. The shadow and the Fog enhance the element of Fear, you know there's something around you.

There's no problem with the Ending... And one of the many reasons SILENT HILL is a masterpiece is because for once, the game play with your mind & force you to Use it...

Go and experience it... if you dare...
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From light to dark and...?
tropico_sunsplash11 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The story line of Silent Hill begins believably, which to me was a welcome change from the being thrown into zombies and various monster plots that were prevalent in horror games at the time. Harry Mason is an everyman type of character, an ordinary citizen lead into Silent Hill by the mysterious disappearance of his daughter Cheryl. Dream sequences are relied on a bit too heavily, especially near the end where Harry keeps waking up from one nightmare after another. But in the beginning the story is a tightly woven tale about Harry exploring the eerie atmosphere of thick fog with falling snow, abandoned cars, and vacant buildings that make everything just seem a little too quiet.

The first character he meets, Cybil, is a police officer who is subtle and surprisingly calm about where she is. With the exception of a possession that turns her against Harry in the latter half of the game, she is his strongest ally. Dahlia is the town looney who he comes across in the Balkan church. She speaks in riddles which for the most part sound nuts until later on when the pieces of the story fit together. The game doesn't really get spooky until the sun eclipses and Harry faces the dark side of Silent Hill. Pint sized demon children with knives are the most common enemy, and like zombies, they can only do severe damage if they gang up on you. What's more unsettling is the ghastly appearance of the halls and rooms Harry goes through. Rust, blood colored fungus, and no light except for the one he's carrying.

Dr. Mason is antagonistic towards Harry, especially when he finds him holding a red bottle of strange fluid in a garage. The last main character he meets is Lisa Garland, a terrified nurse who is trapped in the dark side of Silent Hill in a hospital. Harry offers to take her along with him, but for some strange reason she refuses, thinking that she belongs in this hospital from hell alone. When they meet later, Lisa hemorrhages into a sorrowful death. It would have been better if Harry was able to save her because there were so many interesting dynamics to their relationship that could've been explored. How would she/they have worked together to survive in Silent Hill? What would have become of them after the demon was defeated? She was way to good a character to leave sitting in a hospital just waiting to die more or less. The final battle is good and playing to see all the different endings made the game a true winner. The best weapon Harry can obtain is a laser like gun that can hit targets at long distances. And I was so curious to find out what was behind that locked door on the right side of the hall in the house where the three keys worked that it was kind of disappointing when all that was inside there was a samurai sword. I think other Silent Hill versions after this one were scarier, but this first installment was a strong effort from Konami.
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Its brown pants time!
bazwilkinson_200025 March 2001
This game is really good. The storyline is very good, right out of a Stephen King novel. Basically, you arrive in Silent Hill, a small holiday resort, with your daughter, but something goes wrong and you end up searching for her in a town gone mad. This game begins to be very scary when you arrive at the school, but i crapped myself when I arrived at the alternative school, with wire floors, black darkness, dead monks hanging just inches above your head, dead bodies everywhere, complete with blood and gore and people being sucked into huge fans in a haunted classroom. This is scarier than any film or game I have ever seen and would really advise it to people who want to live...
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Silent Hill (Short Game Review)
Cirene4041 June 2019
  • Atmosphere
  • Musical score
  • Tone and style
  • Puzzles
  • Monsters designs

  • It has aged a bit overtime
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Fear of blood generally tends to create fear of the flesh
harsawa20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Silent Hill is not a resident evil rip off. Silent Hill plays nothing like resident evil. Silent Hill is a much more raw game than Resident Evil. Resident Evil was a terrifying experience for it's time- but it was more gore and jumps that highlighted it's fear. Silent Hill takes your mind into a dark universe that is inescapable, activates every phobia and then executes every disturbing and depraved act imaginable- all in the name of fun scares. Silent Hill is the kind of game that one might play alone in the dark and even grow a real life fear. The graphics are dated by todays standards, but still have an eerie toll on you as fog and mist enshroud you. You are Harry Mason. You're on a trip with your daughter Cheryl. It opens simple enough. But then a young woman runs in front of your car. The car falls off the road and drops you right in Silent Hill. You wake up only to be alone. Fog and snow nearly blind you. Off in the distance a small form is running from you. Could it be Cheryl? This hope of finding your daughter leads you into Silent Hill. Every clue leading in a dead end- every sound alerting you to the horrors in the depths of the fog. Yet you persist. Apparently this town was once a resort. You meet up with a cop named Cybil who will help you in parts of the game, but prepare to fight her too. Silent Hill isn't a highly gory game, while it is bloody and does warrant the 16+ rating, it stays low on gratuitous gore and high on fear. Silent Hill is not for the weak of heart- while it may not have monster closets it can stress your emotions, weaken you and then bring you down very quickly. The music is amazing, you don't hear much like it now adays. The story is intriguing and always has new turns, and has many endings depending on how you fight your way to rescue your daughter. Silent Hill is a classic in the horror genre- it uses fear in a way no other does and remains an extremely fun game at the same time with a great story, great characters, bizarre and creepy monsters and an ambiance that will keep you playing till you see everything there is to see.
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Christy-1719 June 1999
Silent Hill is by far one of the scariest games on the Playstation. I have gotten all five endings and I'm still not tired of the game and it still scares the crap out of me! You play as Harry Mason, a writer who goes on vacation to the resort town of Silent Hill with his 7-year-old daughter Cheryl. On the way into town, you swerve your car in order to avoid hitting a woman in the road. You crash your car into a side railing and you lose consciousness. When you wake up you find Cheryl missing. This is when you take control of Harry. You go searching for your missing daughter. Little do you realize the dangers that await you as you search a school, church, amusement park among others, facing deadly creatures like fying demons, devil children, apes, dogs and many others. You also meet a small handful of human characters as well, some you trust, some you don't. If you want a good scare, Silent Hill is just for you! Don't miss it!
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I love this game!
mattjaco2413 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Iam a very big fan of violent video games like mortal combat resident evil but this one was the best violent video game i have ever played. Unlike resident evil silent hill scared me have to death. loved the story line simple at first but becomes a hell of a lot more right at the end. One of the things that scared me in this game was at the end were nurse Lisa turns into a monster with blood pouring right down her face. I had to play the game a few times before i understood the whole game. The only thing that i did not like about the game is some of the weapons you got once you beat the game like the chainsaw come on i think they should have put a rocket launcher in its place,but i think they made up for that with the secret alien ending to the game.
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