One Last Flight (1999) Poster

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What an adventure!
sbinc20117 January 2002
"One Last Flight" is the story of a boy and his grandpa ("Gramps") who both love flying model airplanes and a big bully named "Eddie The Sandwich"... What more do you need? It also has the worst cinematography I have ever seen in a movie, this movie's budget was probably in the vicinity of about 50 cents. The movie stars Miko Hughes who played little Gage Creed in Stephen King's Pet Sematary. I think I nearly had an aneurysm as I forced myself to watch this monstrosity, you see, I have kind of a morbid fascination with movies (if you can even call them that) of this caliber, and this is a particularly rotten tomato. This is probably one of the worst flicks I have ever seen, avoid it like the plague.
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